Chapter 7
Mixed emotions hit me all at once the minute I stepped foot back in Derry. Excited, nervous, sad and also fear. As I grew up, bits of my past left me suddenly. Almost as if my brain had locked them away and threw away the key. Clearly memories I should never re-live.
I stepped out of the taxi and inhaled deeply as I looked up at the restaurant. Mike had given me the details of where to meet him over the Phone. I grabbed a hold of my purse and slowly made my way inside.
My ears filled with the sounds of knives and forks hitting plates, cups clanking together and the murmur of families chatting away. And then, laughter. I rounded the corner and there they were. The losers club.
"You guys really were gonna start without me?" I said loudly. They turned to look at me and I recognised everyone almost instantly. They all had grown up into handsome men and woman. Eddie was still cute as a button.
"Reina Jacobs!" A wide grin appeared on Bill's face as he wrapped his arms around me.
"It's been so long" I could've cried tears of happiness there and then. These people made my childhood great. I pulled away from the hug and went to greet the others.
"Reina you're still so small, the only thing that's grown on you is know" He awkwardly began to use hand gestures to show us what he meany. I raised my eyebrow at Ritchie's words and actions.
"You're still so disgusting why would you say that?" Eddie yelled, slapping Ritchies arm, causing them to playfully bicker.
"Guys enough, I'm starving" Beverly whined.
"Let's eat" Mike lead us towards a table.
"Wheres Stan?" I asked aloud, after I noticed I couldn't see him anywhere.
"He should be here soon" Ben replied.
We ate, laughed and reminisced. We spoke about everything we could remeber. I really did miss these guys and the night was great.
"Now see I have to thank Reina, she once saved me from Henry Bowers" Ben spoke up, highfiving me over the table.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that" I giggled.
"Yeah but she could because she was screwing Patrick Hockstetter" Richie added. I slowly shook my head and smiled.
"They weren't screwing they were dating, idiot" Eddie told him, rolling his eyes and shoving food into his mouth.
"I heard it went further than that" Mike smirked. My heart suddenly dropped.
"What?" Beverly asked. Her voice had become so high it almost deafened me.
"That's right, I married him" I sighed. All of them became so loud, I heard comments such as congratulations, when did it happen, that's shocking and all sorts.
"How's it going though Reina are you happy?" Ben asked.
"We're divorced so that should say it all" I grabbed my wine and downed it.
"I'm so sorry Reina" Bill shock me sympathetic look and placed his hand over mine.
"Hey! No stutter" I said.
"Let's talk about why we are really here" Mike spoke. He sounded so serious, this must be important.
As we listened to Mike explain I began to feel sick. All of us had slowly began to remeber what had happened in Derry one year, the one summer I wasn't around. I looked around at the others and the same expression was showing. Fear. The clown. I chose to stay quiet at they began to argue with Mike and poor Mike having to fight his case.
"My fortune cookie just says could" Eddie said once it had calmed down. Causing the rest of us to open ours.
"They don't know how to do fortune cookies here mine just says guess" Ritchie held his up to show us.
"Give it here" Bill said standing up and looking concerned.
We all handed ours over to Bill and noticed they were all one worded. We had guess, cut, not, couldn't, it and aha. We began to quickly try and sit them next to each other so that it would make sense. We tried different combinations and nothing seemed to go. We had begun to talk over each other and panic.
"Beverly?" I said looking in her direction once I had noticed she hadn't moved or given up hers. The boys soon stopped talking and look over at her. She couldn't speak, she looked like she was going to pass out. She sniffed and slowly slid hers over to me. Stanley.
'Guess Stanley Could Not Cut It'
The seven of us ran. Ritchie was so freaked out he ended up screaming at a poor child who was a fan of his. I should've never came back here.
"Hey losers you didn't eat all the food did you?" We looked up to see Henry, Vic, Blech and Patrick walk through the door.
"Took you long enough!" Mike blurted out.
"They're here?" Ben said sounding surprised.
"They made the promise too"
"What's the matter with all of you. You look like you've seen a ghost" Belch laughed.
I glanced over at Patrick who was staring back at me. I wanted to run and hug him so bad but I knew I couldn't. We left on terrible terms.
"It's a long story, let's go" Beverly said grabbing my hand and pushing past everyone. The boys followed us outside.
"What did we miss?" Henry asked in confusion.
"Alot" I pulled out my phone and called Stanley's wife, placing her on loud speaker. Me and Beverly could hear the loser explaining to the the others what was going on, them voicing their concerns in return.
"Hi Mrs Uris it's me Reina, I was just wondering if I could speak to Stan?" There was silence on the other end of the phone.
"Guys" I heard Ben whisper to everyone else. They all came closer to me.
"Oh" she sounded like she was crying. "He passed"
"Wait what?" I asked in shock. I felt a lump begin to form in my throat. I felt someone grab my hand "When?"
"Yesterday. It was so horrible, the way he passed. His wrist-" I couldn't believe what I was hearing
"In the bathtub. I'm sorry I had to go" and with that she hung up the phone.
Without thinking I dropped my phone onto the ground and let out a scream. I was pulled into someone's chest, their arms wrapped tightly around me. I grabbed a hold of the persons shirt and let the tears come.
"Shh it'll be ok: I heard Patrick say.
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