Chapter 2
I scanned through the crowds of people in the airport and finally spotted him. Standing tall, a good head of hair, long coat and a briefcase..Stan hadn't changed. I ran over to him and pulled him into a tight hug which he returned.
"How are you" He asked once we had pulled apart.
"I'm okay yourself?"
"Never better! Listen you moved to a terrible place, just look at this weather I dont have a-" I pulled out an umbrella and raised my eyebrows at him. He sighed and gave me a small smile before taking the umbrella out of my hands.
"You're welcome" I smirked. "I like the glasses they really suit you, give you a sexy geek type look" I complimented, the only thing that changed about Stan was his eyesight. Bless him.
"You think so" we hooked arms and began to walk out of the airport towards my car.
"Of course, I wouldn't lie to you Stanley"
"My wife does seem to be more attracted to me" He joked."oh she sends her love by the way"
"She's so sweet, I'll call her a little later"
"Your scars healed nicely, you can barely see it" he said moving a piece of hair out of my face. I started up the car and drove towards my house.
After I left Derry, I lost contact with mostly everyone, apart from Stan. 27 years later he was still my best friend. We stayed in touch through letters and phone calls, once technology had progressed it turn to video chats. We spoke almost every day. I had made promises to go and visit but I never got round to it. Stan was clearly the better friend because well....he's here.
"Tell me why you moved here again?" He questioned stating out of the window.
"Because this is my home town" I stated proudly "and I just had to get away from everything"
"Aaaa I see, how is everything with-"
"Shh no, not talking about it" I cut him off but he just laughed.
"Oh yes we are, can't hide your feelings forever" I turned the volume up on the radio hoping Stan would get the message.
"Stan, it's so good to see you!" My mother excitedly got up and rushed over to him.
"You too Miss J, are you getting better?" She gave a grunt in response and shook her head.
"I'm managing thank you, how was your flight?"
"Long and boring Miss J" He placed his coat behind one of my chairs before taking a seat near my kitchen counter. He reached for the menu that was still sat on the counter top.
"So who's buying?" He asked with a huge grin on his face.
I had set the food up nicely, everything had to be organized for me. Stan had made me grab a huge order, he hadn't eaten since he boarded his flight. Our order consisted of chicken balls, rice, beef curry, chow mein, mixed vegetable foo young and more. Stan could eat. I reached for my chicken fried rice, drowning it in curry sauce before sitting back and digging in.
"This is great! Thank you Reina!" Stan said with a mouthful of food.
"You act like I cooked the damn thing"
"Please you couldn't cook something as good as his"
"RUDE!" I threw one of my cushion in his direction.
"Hey hey watch the food, this isnt being wasted"
"Then don't try and diss me"
"You ready to talk now?" I looked over to see him staring directly at me. No I was not, but with Stan I dont think I had a choice.
"Do I have to?" I whined. "I just want to move on from it"
"Reina you cant just move on from a miscarriage, the more you bottle it up and ignore it the more it'll torment you in the future"
"But I dont want to accept it Stan"
"You have to, and obviously the divorce after that didn't help so I know you're also struggling with that"
I began to tear up, just the words divorce and miscarriage triggered me. My life had been great up until a certain point. Me and Patrick where so happy, that happy we ended up marrying, agreeing to spend the rest of our lives together. The ceremony was beautiful, who knew Patrick could be so thoughtful and romantic. Patrick was my rock and I was his. A few years after our marriage I had fallen pregnant, with his baby of course. But when I was 5 months pregnant, we had gotten into a disagreement which caused me to storm out of the house we has shared together and driving somewhere. Which was a mistake, my car was hit by a drunk driver, the wreck was terrible. I survived but sadly our baby didn't. A few months after that, Patrick handed me the divorce papers. I then moved my ass to London and haven't spoken to him since.
"Reina don't cry" Stan rushed over to me, pulling me into him and letting me cry on his shoulder.
"I lost my happiness because I was stupid Stan. It was all my fault"
"Don't you dare! Your miscarriage was not your fault! Don't ever blame yourself for someone else's wrong doing"
"But the divorce was"
"To be honest Reina the divorce is yours and Patrick's fault" He pulled away and stared directly at me.
"I didn't want a divorce" I admitted.
"Then why did you sign the papers"
"It was what Patrick wanted" I sighed, wiping my tears. "He asked for the divorce and it would've made him happy so I signed"
"Bullshit Reina!" I looked at him in confusion. "Patrick was just as heartbroken as you so when he asked you for a divorce he wasn't in he right mind set. You both fucked up by not communicating with each other when that happened. You should've sat and spoke about it before it was too late but you didn't" I thought about what he said and Stan was right..I hated that.
"You're right. But why would he divorce me when I needed him the most?" I grew angry. "He put me through more pain by doing that"
"I don't know Reina, I don't have all the answers for you. I'm sorry"
"My mum said I should speak to him."
"I couldn't agree more with her" he took a big bite out of his food. "It may do you some good but do it when you're ready"
Should I really speak to Patrick? Where would I even start. I glanced down at my food before continuing to eat.
"Let's watch this, it looks good" Stan gave me a sweet smile and rubbed my knee.
"Ok" I replied softly.
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