Chapter VI • Losing a Best Friend
Song: L.V.S. (Your Lady Waits) (by Shayfer James)
A/n - Can you guys let me know if you can see the songs I put In the video section right at the top of these chapters? Because for some reason I can't see them unless I am in editing mode, so I want to make sure that they are showing up. Thanks!! :]
I laid her limp body down on her back and pushed some of the loose strands of her hair out of her face as I silently wept, tears rapidly flooding out and my shoulders shaking.
However, it wasn't over yet, I didn't even have time to grieve yet, I needed to make sure that she got to Valhalla. She died a warrior's death and no doubt deserved it. Therefore, as if it were second nature I kneeled next to her and placed my hands on top of her body, easily following along with her to the land between the living and the dead.
As a Valkyrie, it is my job to make the transition and journey to the afterlife as easy and comforting as possible. Accordingly, I would not be able to show any of my own negative emotions, it was my duty to make sure that this was not a stressful or sorrowful experience, but instead one of joy and peacefulness.
I have been here many times, but I never seemed to get used to the dreary and cold atmosphere that it gave off, always giving me a chill. Everything had more of a dull tint, the long grass was dead and dried. The land was extremely flat stretching on for miles allowing you to see to the deep forest's edge far in the distance. It was eerily barren, only a few dead trees scattered periodically around. The sky was in a constant state of dull gray, always covered by a thick layer of clouds. And it was uncannily quiet, only the whispering whistle of the wind blowing past you. I hated it.
I warmly smiled at Frigga as I walked up to her and softly took her hand in mine, gently squeezing it letting her know that I was there. I then drew my dragon fang blade in the chance that we may stumble upon one of the many creatures here who are intent on stopping others from getting to the afterlife. Then, I directed her to the dirt path where we started our trek to Valhalla.
"Do you know where you are going?" She asked humorlessly but also with a hidden sense of sorrow, smiling down at me.
I quietly chucked, warmly smiling. "Yes, I know where we are going. I have walked this path several times."
"When was the first time?" She questioned.
I smiled at the memory. "I was very young, I and my father were riding our horses through the forest one day and on the side of the path, I saw a very wounded fawn. I abruptly demanded my father stop and I ran over to her, she was shot by poachers. It felt like second nature to me, but as soon as she died I instantly followed her here, I then followed my instinct and we eventually arrived at Valhalla. The guards there were very confused about why there was a small child who brought a fawn there, but after I practically begged them to, they allowed the fawn to stay." I laughed. "Meanwhile, back on Asgard, my father was absolutely terrified and very confused as to why I had seemed to completely zone out and was completely unresponsive crouched over a dead fawn. Thank gods he went to get my mother, who was overjoyed and explained to him what was happening before he tried to bring me back. The moment I came back I started sobbing, I stayed cooped up in my room for two days after that, I was absolutely devastated by that fawn. But, my mother explained to me what I did and how the fawn was happy and not in pain anymore. Therefore, for the next several weeks I would wander around the forest every day looking for any hurt animals and would escort them. The guards grew accustomed to me coming regularly along with an assortment of different animals, they even made a yard for the multitude of animals I brought. I usually visit them when I come here, I could show them to you if you would like?"
Frigga widely smiled at me. "I would love that Ellery."
After what felt like about an hour of following the path, but was really only a few moments in the land of the living, we finally made it to the gates of Valhalla. We walked up to the massive rainbow bridge that led up to the breathtaking kingdom, taking a second to take it in. It greatly contrasted the terrain around us, it was colorful, lively, and absolutely stunning. The two of us started our long walk up the arching staircase hand in hand and when we made it to the entrance we were warmly greeted.
"Your Majesty, Queen Mother Frigga, welcome to Valhalla." The guard says with a warm smile while giving a small bow. "Valkyrie Ellery, it is good to see you again, I was worried that you were to bring back more animals, I am afraid that the yard is becoming rather full." He said with a heartful chuckle.
"No Armod, I am afraid that I have not brought any animals this time." I laughed. "Although, I was going to take Her Majesty to see them. Is Juniper still doing well? Is she eating more?"
"Ah yes, we have managed to fatten her up a bit. She is very much loved by everyone here, that sly fox always manages to get an excessive amount of table scraps."
"You will love Juniper, she is a real character." I laughed slightly while addressing Frigga.
After giving Frigga a short tour of the hall I eventually took her to the animals. Needless to say, she adored them and promised to visit them every day, just like many of the others here came accustomed to doing as well.
Sadly though, It was now time for us to depart. I promised her that I would be back again to see her and then bid her farewell.
With a jump I was then violently shoved back into my physical body in the land of the living, still clutching onto Frigga's body as the weight of the situation seemed to finally crash into me. I crouched over her finally letting all the emotions that I previously had to keep locked away escape. This was my fault.
I was interrupted however by the guards finally bursting through the door, which a pilar fell in front of during the chaos, that they must have been trying to kick in for the last several minutes. I'm sure the sight of me kneeling over Queen Mother Frigga's dead body with a chitauri nearby did not look good for my favor, but it was the last thing I was worried about at the moment. In reality, the only other thing that was getting through my grief-filled brain was the rageful vengeance I had for Thanos. I would make him pay for this.
Everything was passing in a blur, both physically because of the tears that flooded out and in all other senses as well. I knew people were screaming but not a single sound passed through my ears. I didn't feel it, but suddenly I was being shoved back into my cell as guards tore me away from Frigga and blocked my view of her body which I had not taken my eyes away from.
I fell to the floor on my knees, I think that I was screaming but I couldn't be sure.
I barely saw through my tears when one guard crouched down so he was level with me from the other side of the cell. He was the only one that had not looked at me with disgust since I got here, only with worry, I think that he could tell something was off. His mouth moved but I still only heard nothing but murmurs as my brain refused to compute what was happening around me.
I closed my eyes tight and shook my head, trying to force it to function again. Finally, his voice pushed its way into my brain along with the sound of the shuffling and chaos that the other guards made.
"Ellery, tell me what happened."
"I- s-she was just about to leave, I don't know how- the Chitauri got down here, h-he...." my voice broke beyond repair. "I tried to help, I really tried to help, b-but I couldn't do anything. I- I took her to Valhalla." I barely was able to say through my sobs and trailed off into a whisper.
"Did you kill the chitauri?"
I nodded, closing my eyes not able to bare to look at the world around me anymore.
The guard sighed and nodded as well. Soon others came down and took away both bodies and I only continued to break down more.
As the feeling came back to my body I was painfully aware of Frigga's blood that coated my hands and stained my clothes. I could still smell the scent of death that still lingered in the air even after everyone had left. I realized that my hands were shaking, and just like my thoughts, they refused to still.
I sat there, not moving even an inch that whole night, just staring at the spot where Frigga last lay. I didn't even dare attempt to sleep, it was a luxury that I was not worthy of.
In fact, that is how I remained for a long time. Barely moving, the most I did was when I moved so my back was propped against the cell wall, still facing the spot on the floor that was still stained with blood.
The one guard who even dared to come down there, the same one who talked to me on that night, the 317th night after I was captured by Thanos, would bring me food every day, but I refused to touch it. It was only yet another luxury that I did not deserve. It is because of me that Frigga is dead and my mind made sure that I did not forget that for even a second.
It was 6 days after that night when I saw the light of thousands of lanterns being released through the small barred window at the top of the wall and felt the immense amount of grief and sorrow that radiated from everyone throughout the entire of Asgard as the Queen was sent off in a traditional Norse funeral.
It was 10 days after that night when I finally ate at least a little something. I knew that I didn't deserve it, but did it purely so that I wouldn't starve to death, if only for the fact that I still had vengeance to inflict.
It was 12 days after that night that I eventually moved to my cot. I wrapped myself in my mother's blanket and only moved from there once every few days to grab just enough food to keep myself alive. Although I did not feel alive.
It was 17 days after that night that I was escorted up to the throne room. I was put in shackles and chains like a rabid animal and was dragged through the halls, at this point accepting my fate that I would be executed, shunned, and scorned by the people who had once welcomed me.
The gigantic golden doors to the throne room let out a deafening screech as they were pushed open, behind those doors my eyes landed on the All-father sitting on his throne with both Prince Loki and Prince Thor standing on either side. I brought my eyes, which were still sore and red, to the floor, not able to stomach looking at the only two people left that I cared for so greatly. Especially not able to look at the person that I adored, my best friend, Loki.
Ever since we were young I have always been fascinated by the mysterious Prince, but it went beyond fascination, I was infatuated. I have always liked him, more than a friend would like another, but of course, I never said anything thinking that it would ruin the friendship that we had. Plus, he was a Prince, it would have been an insult to himself and something that could never happen. So I pushed away those feelings and I simply chose to value the friendship that we had and I was grateful for even that. So when I looked up and was met with only pure hatred and grief from my best friend I think my heart had stopped beating. I had officially lost everything that it had continued beating for.
I lost my home, I lost the people, I lost Frigga, I lost all friendships, I lost myself, and I lost Loki. I then lost all hope.
When we finally got to the front of the room I dropped to my knees kneeling in front of the throne which towered above me. I kept my head down out of customs and also out of fear of witnessing the way they were looking at me.
"Valkyrie Ellery of Asgard, you are charged with treason, attempted theft from the kingdom, murder, and murder of the Queen. What to this do you say?" Odin said, voice booming across the hall appearing to be void of all emotion. He could pretend to be a heartless, relentless ruler all he liked, but I could still hear the hurt that hid behind his commanding voice. I still hated him, for many reasons, for how he led my mother and all her sisters to their death, for how he ruled by fear, and especially for how he treated Loki. Many didn't see or care enough to realize, but I saw how he acted towards Loki, how he treated his own son like a monster who could never please him no matter how desperately he constantly tried to, and it made me sick. And he definitely did not like me either. However, no matter how much hate I held for him, I could still hear the pain he held onto, he cared for Frigga so deeply, and he was heartbroken.
"I did not murder her Majesty the Queen, Allfather." my voice shook as I continued to stare at the cracks in the floor. I heard the sound of the two Princes shuffling slightly but still refused to bring my eyes up.
I knew that I should not speak out of turn, especially now, but I needed them to know. I needed them to know that I would have never hurt Frigga, that I did everything that I could to save her.
"A chitauri who escaped killed her majesty, I broke through the cell and I- I did everything that I could to save her, b-but I could not, and for that, I am at fault. She died a warrior's death, she now rests in Valhalla."
There was a silence where I assumed Odin must have looked to Loki for confirmation, I felt his presence enter my mind so I dropped my barriers allowing him to see what happened and a second later he spoke, his voice wavering and sounding so unsure and hurt, something that I had never heard in his voice before.
"They speak the truth, father."
I could feel all their eyes burning into me. I fought to keep my emotions at bay when a single tear fell onto the cold marble floor; I tried to hold in all my emotions afraid that they would be able to see even just by looking at me but I was struggling.
"What do you say for your other crimes?" Odin continued.
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