Chapter IV • Heebie-Jeebies
Song: I Put a Spell on You (By Screamin' Jay Hawkins)
A/N - So I was picking a song for this chapter and chose this one mainly just because I thought it kinda fit in a funny and very literal way, but now I can not stop imagining Thanos enthusiastically singing it. Like imagine they just all break out into a dramatic musical number with a whole ensemble of Chitauri and Thanos in some fancy tux and top hat- I'm literally crying I don't understand why my brain is like this HELPJFSfd
I'm just imagining that it's like the whole dance number scene from Agent Carter after Peggy gets knocked out but instead, it's just Thanos and a bunch of Chitauri T-T
(If you don't know what I am talking about, here is the scene ^^^ But I just also strongly recommend that you watch Agent Carter, it is amazing!)
Somewhere very deep, hidden in the back of my mind I was screaming to be let out, but the rest of my mind that was still burning with such intensity easily overpowered the small part of me that was left, drowning it under the clouded surface of the pool where it was out of sight.
It was an odd sensation, I was myself, and I knew who I was, but also at the same time, I knew nothing about what actually truly made me myself. Either I had no recollection of it or it no longer held any value to me.
Although I also knew from somewhere deep in my unconscious that something was terribly wrong. However, no matter how desperately that distant part of me screamed at myself to try and dig it out of the ashes, I could not find any will in me to fix it. As soon as the fire encased me it showed me so many things, it showed the entire universe and all its glorious possibilities, all the opportunities, all in perfect balance. It was stunning, I was in awe.
My thoughts were all over the place, not being able to focus on any singular thing, however, I was sure of one fact, I needed to get the Tesseract. The Tesseract was the first step in achieving that perfect, breathtaking universe I saw in the reflection of the flames.
I slowly pried myself off of the floor brushing off my clothes as I stood shifting in my spot. Lifting my glazed-over eyes to those standing in front of me, all glaring at me with expecting looks, I saw a for once genuine grin spread across Thanos' face.
He then turned to address the 3 other Chitauri who must have just recently entered. "Now that that is sorted, we can finally sort out the details. The stone is held in Odin's vault, we will need to go to Asgard to retrieve it. We need to put together a decently large force in order to get past the Bifrost and into the palace where I am sure that-"
"If I may interject, I know of a better way to get into Asgard if you are seeking the Tesseract."
At first, anger flashed across Thanos' face at my interruption, but it eventually dissipated and was replaced with a look of curiosity. Tilting his head up slightly, he continued; "And how might that be little Valkyrie? If not through the Bifrost?"
"There are several portals spread throughout the 9 realms all of which lead directly into Asgard. Prince Loki showed them to me after he managed to accidentally stumble upon one. Apparently, they were created during the creation of Asgard in an attempt to tie together and unite the 9 realms, however, after the war and alliances were broken they were closed off and forgotten by most. They would allow us into Asgard completely undetected, even to Heimdall. They are unknown to many, in fact to my knowledge, Prince Loki and I are the only ones that know about them at this time, not even the Allfather is aware of their existence."
How did I know that?
"Will you be able to lead us to one of these portals?"
"I believe so, yes, I think I remember the general location of the one on Jotunheim."
I felt proud of myself. I was helping get the Tesseract, helping achieve that stunning universe. Yet, I still felt that nagging feeling of frustration and dread, it was annoying, so I pushed it to the side doing my best to ignore it.
After several hours of forming a set of more concrete and thought-out plans, we decided it would be useless to waste any more time so we set out on our mission that night.
Along with a force of about 30 chitauri and me, we headed off to Jotunheim where we were surprisingly undetected as we made our way to the portal. After a slight amount of searching, I finally recognized the area and found the cave that held the portal that I and Prince Loki stumbled on so many years ago when we were trying to hide from a furious Prince Thor and his goon friends. A very slight, almost unnoticeable, feeling of fondness and joy spread through me at the distant memory I still couldn't seem to fully place together. It disappeared once again as quickly as it came but it left me confused- Who were those people? Where did that even come from? It left me feeling frazzled, it also left me feeling light and... happy? It was a feeling I didn't recognize like it was something I could not place or grasp the idea of.
Shaking my head to rid my thoughts and wiping away my slight smile that unconsciously formed, I continued on. I needed to stay focused, I needed to focus on getting the Tesseract, that was the only thing that was important.
We all stood in front of the portal for a little bit clearly unsure of what might be waiting for us on the other side. They told me to go through it first. I guess they didn't really trust me that I wasn't leading them into some trap after all. I didn't know why they would think that, we were all after the same thing, we needed to get Thanos the Tesseract, it was the first step to achieving a perfectly balanced universe.
Eventually, we all made it out onto the other side and began our long trek scaling down the mountain and making our way through the forest to the palace, doing our best to stay out of sight.
It was late into the night by the time we got to the outskirts of the palace. Most of the Chitauri stayed stationed just on the outskirts of town hidden away in the woods in order to allow us to not draw as much attention. They would only be here if something went wrong and we needed them.
With that, I quietly led a group of 5 headed to a secret entrance leading directly into one of the many extensive halls of the palace, which once again I somehow knew me and the mystery person, Loki, would often use in order to get out of trouble. I didn't understand why this Loki person was ever so present in my head at times (and why it seemed that we were always in some sort of trouble). I would need to figure that out later, it was a distraction that I could not afford and I needed to get rid of it, but this was not the time so I once again pushed it from my thoughts.
We wandered through the palace only stumbling upon the occasional guard, but when we did I would make quick work of them and confidently continue on to my destination, Odin's Vault.
Finally, we approached the Vault. I could sense the power radiating off of the Tesseract. I always knew that it was a powerful artifact, but now I could truly feel the magic's presence, and it was stronger than anything I have ever encountered before. I felt drawn to it, I felt connected.
"Ellery?!" (Pronounced el - er - ee (like 'celery' but without the 'c' :D))
I snapped out of my daze, finding myself standing in the middle of the hallway when one of the two guards standing outside the Vault called out to me. Well so much for a sneak attack.
I narrowed my eyes giving the guard a pointed look, a look which he quickly shrunk under.
How does he know my name?
He looked absolutely shocked, but also extremely relieved. He stared at me as if he had seen a ghost, all while the second guard only looked between the first man and me with a questioning look.
"I- we all thought you were dead," he said with a gobsmacked expression.
"Wait, Ellery, as in the Valkyrie?" the second guard finally spoke up.
"I'm sorry, who are you? How do you know my name? And why would I be dead?!" I said getting annoyed at this point.
"El- Ellery, it's me? Eilif? We basically grew up together, I taught you how to use your first bow! Where have you been all this time?! The last time anyone saw you was when you saved Prince Thor on the rainbow bridge! We- we thought you- I went to look for you, but you were gone..."
"Look, Eilif, was it? I do not know you, clearly, you are mistaken, and I do not have time for this. I need to get in there" I said pointing behind him to the vault, " so let us just get this over with already." I dropped into a more ready stance.
"What? Why do you need to get into the Vault? Ellery, are you ok? What is going on?"
I audibly grumbled giving an exaggerated head roll, this was getting frustrating and fast. I didn't have time for this, I needed to get the Tesseract and get out of here and back to Thanos.
I unsheathed my blade and walked right up to the oblivious guard, smoothly driving the sword directly into his gut without even as much as giving a second glance.
When the second guard finally came to his senses and drew his sword it was already too late. Within seconds he was also on the ground and I was already cleaning his blood off of my sword.
I suddenly felt a strong pang of guilt. Why am I feeling guilty?! They were in the way of my mission, I did what I needed to! The thing in the back of my mind clawed at me even stronger than before, desperately fighting to escape, at this point screaming at the top of its lungs. All of this was getting very frustrating and confusing, I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
At that moment the small group of chitauri finally came around the corner. "Where were you? I had a little situation here." I stated gesturing to the two bodies on the floor.
"A few other guards showed up, one got away. We need to hurry, they are going to be bringing back reinforcements soon." one of them grumbled.
"Amateurs" I mumbled under my breath. "Well this is the Vault here, you stand guard and I will go collect the Tesseract, and then we can get out of here." They nodded in response.
I sauntered through the room, casually passing the Orb of Agamotto, The Tablet of Life and Time, The Casket of Ancient Winters, The Warlocks Eye, and the Eternal flame. They were all very intriguing artifacts, but they were not what I was after. Then finally, I saw it. It was perched on the stand near the end of the hall, the Tesseract; It truly was beautiful. I approached it and as I reached for it I could feel the slight warmth of the magic spilling off of it. However, just as I grabbed it, I was started by a noise behind me. I quickly turned around, still grasping the cube, and was met with a beautiful woman with long wavy blond hair elegantly brought into a half-up-do, dressed in an extravagant but also practical gown. She gave off a powerful and demanding but also gentle presence and she stared at me with an even more kind look.
"Ellery, dear, is it truly you?" She warmly asked.
I dramatically sighed, "What is it with everyone knowing my name? It is really starting to get bothersome. Anyways, I am going to take my leave now." I nodded towards the exit, truly feeling tired of all this talking that people seemed to want to do.
A look of hurt reflected on her face, but she quickly recovered. "Ellery, wh-"
"Stop saying my name! You do not know me, I do not know you, and you are in my way!"
If I thought that she looked hurt before, then now she looked absolutely crushed. "Ok... What are you doing with the Tesseract?" Her face changed to an emotionless glare that I was unable to read.
"Well we need it, so I am taking it," I said as if it were the most obvious thing.
"Well, I am afraid that I can not let you do that."
"That is unfortunate because I am taking it either way, it just will not end as well for you this way."
"El- dear, you are not in your right mind, what happened? What is going on? Why do you need the Tesseract?"
"I do not have the time to talk this over! The Tesseract does not belong to you, It belongs to him. This is for the better of the whole universe. We are doing you a favor. Now, for the last time, get out of my way or I will make you." She flinched back at my tone and stared at me with only what I could explain as a mix of shock and extreme worry.
I then turned my head towards the doors slightly as I heard a ruckus which was quickly followed by the distinct sound of several bodies dropping to the floor. I greatly hoped that the bodies were not the chitauri, even though they were extremely inexperienced and most definitely were not the best of warriors, without them my job would most certainly be harder. However, my hope was shattered when instead the doors burst open as two Asgardians stomped through with a path of dead chitauri behind them.
They both looked extremely pissed. I swore that I saw smoke coming out of the raven-haired one's ears, and the blond brute nearly caused the floor to crack with how much he was stomping. But, they both instantly stopped in their tracks when their rage-filled eyes landed on me.
"ELLERY?!??" They both shouted at the same time.
"For the Norn's sake! Why does everyone in this forsaken place seem to know my name?! It's starting to give me the heebie-jeebies!" (I love the word heebie-jeebies it's so fun to say :D)
"So anyways... as I was saying, I am going to be leaving now, and you are welcomed to try to stop me but I would greatly advise against it." I said as I started making my way toward the door walking right past the shell-shocked men, tossing the Tesseract around in my hand as I did.
I was just several feet away from the door when suddenly the lady appeared directly in front of me. Oh, so she was seiðr, this would make it more interesting.
"I can not let you do that." She stared at me with a glare so strong that I thought I may unravel under it. She seemed to be caught in a state of concentration as if staring directly through me but it quickly broke and she flinched back as if it physically burned her.
I took advantage of her moment of shock and drew my sword while placing the Tesseract into my satchel and dropping into a ready stance. "That is unfortunate, you seemed nice, I really did not want to have to kill you."
The two other people silently standing in shock seemed to finally snap out of the frozen state that they were in and quickly started to approach us until the Lady held out a hand to them signaling them to stay where they were. "Ellery, please, do not make me do this." She pleaded.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You underestimate me."
"Oh no dear, actually quite the opposite. You are stronger than even you know."
"Alright, enough chit-chat." I spat as I rushed toward her with my sword.
My brain once again became jumbled, something was screaming at me to stop, begging, pleading with me to see reason. It took a little more effort to do this time, but I once again quickly snuffed it out, smothering it with the flames.
The Lady sidestepped, dodging my first attack so I quickly readjusted. I adjusted my stance evening out my weight between my legs more and using the momentum from my previous swing to continue the circle and swing the sword down from over my head.
Just as I was about to land the strike, she gently laid a hand on my forearm as if she was afraid that I would shatter, quickly muttering something in Asgardian under her breath.
My weapon instantly fell out of my hand causing it to loudly crash to the floor and after a second of wobbling, I fell forward, and the lady instantly caught me in her arms. The last thing I heard was the sound of shouting, I was unable to make anything out that was being said, they sounded fuzzy and far away; and within seconds I was out cold, my mind swirling with peaceful dreams blissfully unaware of the chaos that was taking place around me.
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