Rude Interruption
Universe 616, 2 years later, 2010.
New York City, diverse, rowdy, dangerous, but above it all...Home.
There was never a dull moment, whether you are human or meta human, y/n sometimes wonders if any other city had to deal with these kinds of shenanigans.
Y/Ns eyes opened eyes narrowed his eyes a bit as the sun hit his face, he looked over to the side of the bed and was saddened to see that his beloved fiancé wasn't there but then remembered. " right...she has that meeting today." Y/n said as he sat up and stretched, he got up from bed, he took a shower, threw on some simple black sweatpants and threw on a black shirt as walked out of the bedroom.
With him and Jen combining their income, , they decided to purchase are larger home for themselves, the idea came from Jen sometime after their engagement as y/n had spent much of his time at her place so he figured why not? He put his old place up for rent which gave him an extra outlet for money.
Y/n then enters the cabinet uses telekinesis to pull his mug from a nearby cabinet and pours warm coffee that Jen had made as usually with the coffee maker, he then glanced at the fridge and took notice of a note that was stuck to it, there was even a distinct kiss on it with
"Stay safe baby"
Y/n grew a small smile, it was gestures like these that always served to remind him why he loved her, he went over to a nearby window and opened it with one hand, taking in the busy streets just outside of his apartment.
"Things truly have changed..." y/n thought to himself. " life has truly blesses me these past years living here." Y/n eyed his coffee mug. " I wonder what my parents would think now?... are they happy with how direction I've taken in life....well I can only hope." Y/n finished soon finished his coffee mug and went back inside.
Y/n cleaned his mug and took a deep breath, and went back to his bedroom, putting on a long sleeve black shirt, plant pants and and black shoes, it was summer time so this would be a suicide choice of wardrobe for the average but thankfully he wasn't average.
he went back to the living room and looked sento, perched on the wall, outstretching his hand and making sento fly towards him, he caught it then pocketed his phone, he then walked over to the fish tank that housed his familiar's
"Time to go to work guys." Y/n said as he flicked his sword up.
His familiars glowed floated around his sword before merging with it.
Authors Note (Sora- patterned fish, Yume-black fish, Riku-Red fish)
Y/n then put sento inside a sack with a shoulder strap, and kept his wakizashi and tanto at his waist, he made a simple hand motion a casted a concealment just in case, precautions he took so no one was alarmed, and with everything he needed, he headed out.
Y/n calmly walked through street, taking in the air, as people walked and drove to where they needed to be.
Y/n wasn't a hero, not in the the traditional way like spiderman or jen were, he typically dealt with magical occurrences that he was able to catch wind of late at night, or helped the fantastic four alongside his wife for anything they needed a helping hand with.
He was recognized as the hero that helped save New York a few years back and being labeled "The mysterious lover of Jennifer Walters" on tabloids, and it didn't need to be any more than that, y/n wasn't a fan of being the center of attention, the less people know him the better.
Working low-key was his speed, and right now he was just doing one thing, investigating the history of his family.
Y/n cut through an ally way, and found an entrance to a location he had been going to frequently.
"Knock...Knock, knock..knock"
Y/n performed a coded knock and waited a moment, a moment later an old man emerged.
"Were you followed?" Old man Jonathan spoke quickly.
"No." Y/n said simply.
"Come, Come" Johnathan motioned him inside, closing the door behind them both, placing a magical glyph on the door so it wouldn't be opened unless he said so. " I don't know how much longer i can remain in this location, every day i fear im closer to loosing my work." Johnathan spoke in worry as he and y/n walked down a narrow hallway.
"I told you it wouldn't come to that." Y/n spoke simply.
"Heh, the confidence of youth." Johnathan chuckled weakly, they then entered a large room and Johnathan made a a hand motion, his library was lit up.
"As i always tell you, treat them gently." Johnathan said firmly, these books were old so they must be handled with care.
Y/n nodded. " of course." He said as he began walking ahead and Johnathan went over to his desk and began writing notes.
Y/n looked over the last shelf of books that was left to read. " hm.....there." Y/n said as he found a found a little black book.
Gently opened it, he then began looking through the material, it was material on he had read already in other books until he finally found a section he had hadn't seen before, he backed up until he found the right paragraph to start and began reading.
Sasori Yamada was one of the warriors who helped ensure the clan lived on, he admitted it was naive to believe he could restore the clan to what it once was once was, but if just one could survive these turbulent times than that was enough.
He worked tirelessly to ensure his family's survival, becoming a hired sword under a false identity, fighting in battles that were not his own, inflicting pain on those who didn't deserve it, but he believed the ends justified the means.
"Don't know if i agree..." y/n thought in his mind, they weren't going into specifics but a hired fighters only concern was there target, and he could only think about the innocent blood on his family's hands.
Before y/n could continue reading, his ear twitched as he heard movement.
"Is something wrong?" Johnathan asked as he noticed a shift in y/ns body language.
"We are not alone." Y/n said as he closed the book and placed it inside his coat.
"Ugh... i knew it." Johnathan groaned into his hands in stress.
"Hide, il deal with things here." Y/n ordered firmly.
Johnathan picked up his large book and scrambled to a wall "Please keep the damage to a minimum" Johnathan said as he summed opened a passage to another room and closed it behind him.
Y/n walked about the center of the room.
" it has been quite sometime since a yamada has shown themselves."
Y/n watched as monsters began emerging from different areas of the library, ghouls wielding various weapons.
Soon a large one manifested on the floor above, this was their leader.
" you are smaller than your ancestors." The alpha ghoul chuckled along side his minions.
"And you have always been ugly." Y/n said simply bringing silence and anger to the ghouls. " how is that you entered this place?" Y/n asked simply.
The alpha ghoul showed a blue crystal that was attacked to the waist of his armor. "Blessed crystal, a fine tool to get past mystical defenses." The Alpha ghoul spoke with arrogance. " I will enjoy hearing you scream in agony." The alpha ghoul spoke drawing his dual axes.
Y/n regarded the monsters with an unimpressed look "I wont be the one screaming." As he flicked the hilt of his sword.
One ghoul charged in with a spear, in the blink of an eye y/n drew his sword, the ghoul had had slowed past y/n, dropping his spear and falling to the ground as its head slid off its neck.
The ghouls stood in shock, the alpha ghoul is no different.
"S.Sento.." The Alpha ghoul spoke in shock as he eyed the sword, the power radiating off of it was familiar like an old itch.
" even demons feel fear." Y/n spoke simply as blood dripped from his sword.
The alpha ghoul was insulted, red energy emitted from his body. "TEAR HIM APART!!!!" The alpha ghoul ordered his subordinates.
Y/n let the foul spawn come to him, kicking a ghoul away he stabbed another that tried to attack from above.
One had charged a electric blast and fired it from the top of a book shelf, y/n blocked it splitting the bolt in two and unintentionally causing damage to two different books shelves.
" sorry Johnathan." Y/n thought cringing a bit as the old man wouldn't be happy about this.
Y/n then hurdled sento like a razor bladed boomerang, chopping the heads of archers who tried to light the place on fire.
Two ghouls with spears tried to take advantage of now believed to be unarmed opponent.
Y/n how ever blocked each strike before kicking one a away and throwing the other into him.
Y/n then drew his wakizashi out and traces two fingers across the blade, making it glow blue, he then charged forward as the two ghouls started to stand and cleaved through both of them like butter.
Y/n sheathed his wakizashi and sento flew back to his hand.
The Alpha ghoul stood there in shock in anger as his soldiers were decimated. " I will not stand for it...I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!!" The alpha shouted in rage.
Y/n regarded the monster with no concern. " its time to end this little game." Y/n spoke as his blade began to glow, the alpha was confused as he began to see strange creatures manifest.
The alpha ghoul outstretched his blades and charged in burst of red aura. "YOUR HEAD WILL BE MY TROPHY!!!!" The alpha shouted inten on cutting y/n to pieces.
Y/ns familiars had enteres his sword again and his blade was coated black. "Scatter." He spoke as he sped faster then the alpha ghoul could track.
"I....will the..last...." The alpha ghoul groaned out, remaining still
"No, but they will all die as you have."
y/n spoke, calmly sheathing sento.
The Alpha god fell to the ground in dozens of pieces, fading away in black dust.
"Old Man, The Battle is over." Y/n spoke calmly as he wiped ghoul blade off his face.
Y/n watches as another hidden passage was opened and a few dead ghouls we thrown out , charred. " disgusting beings." Johnathan spoke in irritation with his hands behind his back, he then took a look around, taking in the minor damages.
"Well, i did say keep it to a minimum so i wont complain, i see you had your fun." Johnathan spoke impressed with the boys handy work, he wasn't even harmed.
"A good warm up if nothing else." Y/n said simply, he was hoping they would be a better challenge.
"Well i must begin relocating." Johnatha said as he opened a suit case and snapped his fingers, all the books began floating towards the case, getting swallowed like a blackhole. " you best split before more show up boy."
Y/n nodded, he then pulled the book he was reading earlier out. " may i borrow this? I wasn't able to finish." Y/n asked politely.
Johnathan couldn't help but chuckle. " sure thing, now get going, il let you know when ive set up shop again." Johnathan spoke as he kept packing.
Y/n bowed in thanks. " thank you." Y/n spoke in gratitude as he went on his way.
Y/n soon reached the exit and closed the door behind him, and watching the door shrink and dissolve.
"Now i wanted my day to start but at least it wasn't all bad." Y/n spoke as he eyed the black book before tucking it back in his coat.
"I should get something to eat, i forgot to have breakfast." Y/n spoke as he strapped his sword back around his shoulder, he was about to start walking back out of when he suddenly heard an explosion go off, and he couldn't help but groan.
"Sigh...its one of those days." Y/n spoke in irritatation.
"Iphone ringtone."
Y/n unpockets his phone and checks who might be calling him , a small smile grows on his face,
He knows it may not be a good phone call but its always nice to hear her voice, he hits answer.
"Hey jen." Y/n greets softly.
"Hey Babe." Jen greets tho he can sense the slight distress in her voice. " i wish i was calling about literally anything else but this is the life we deal with, me and the avengers are heading midtown, we could use all the help we can get."
" say no more, il be there as soon as i can" y/n answered.
"Just what i wanted to hear." Jen spoke in gratitude. " be safe y/n, i love you." She speaks softly.
"I love you too jen, sit tight." Y/n said as he ended the call. "Guess breakfast will have to wait." Y/n said as he threw on the hood of his coat and with a hand motion had a black mask put on his face. He then wall jumped all the way up to the roof tops and headed downtown.
It has begun.
Let me know your thoughts!
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