Nine Severed Heads
Y/n was fighting his way through hydra soldiers, taking care to ensure the peoples safety. He caught the sight of a mother trip and fall and noticed the falling debris.
Y/n blasted forward in the blink of an ay and saved the mother and her baby. "Get to safety." Y/n spoke firmly as he gently placed the the mother down.
"T-thank you." The mother spoke before quickly running away. Y/n then noticed the aproaching armada. "Hmph." Y/n sounded as he charged forward.
Soldiers opened fire, caught of gaurd by the otherwise ordinary swordsman. Y/n cut down any foot soldiers that dared stand in this way.
Three hydra juggernauts fired at him but he blasted multiple miniature magic bolts to explode them before they got near.
Y/n then sheathed sento, his eyes glowed red. "Drop dead"
Y/n dashed past them in the blink of an eye, now standing behind them, he then sheathed his sword once more and the juggernauts fell to pieces.
Y/n continued to move with a purpose, closing in on midtown, where hydra was no doubt attacking the U.N building.
U.N Building.
"Not to be that guy but your man is taking his sweet time jennifer!" Iron-man said as he fired two repulsor blasts to two drones. the avengers were getting swarmed so any fun to be had was not there.
"No kidding! You'd think a call to help the avengers would put som pep in his step!" Hawkeye spoke through their comm as he fired arrows from a roof top.
"A little patience guys! Hydra isn't just here you know!" Wasp said as she maneuvered away from a flying hydra-bot and made it crash into a another.
"And if i know my husband hes helping people along the way." Jennifer yelled as she uppercut a hydra-bot. "Besides i dont here you calling anyone hawkeye so pipe down." Jen said as she grabbed to other hydra bots and slammed their heads together.
"Shes got you there son." Captain america spoke as he used his shield to ricochet one of iron mans repulser blasts into a drone.
"Whatever, but if hes shows up after the fact hes getting a arrow to the knee!" Hawkeye spoke as he fired and arrow that split into three, nailing three drones.
"Worry Not archer, these foolish soldiers are nothing against out might!" Thor yelled cockily as he romed the air destroying flying bots with a bright smile
Ant-man was currently surveying the battleground on a flying ant, and something caught his eye moving in the air. " a large mass is approaching from the sky!" Ant-man warned.
Suddenly a large large hydra mech three times the size of the previous ones landed on the ground.
It then actived two mini guns from its arms and oppened fire.
"Take Cover!" Cap yelled as he used his shield to delfect fire as he flipped and took cover behind a destroyed mech.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y Uni-beam!" Iron man yelled as he knew the suits best attck would do the trick.
"Not enough power." F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke.
"Oh thats wonderful!" Tony yelled in irratation as he avoided shoulded mounted missles. "Ant-Man cant you stomp on this thing!?"
"The surrounding building are filled with people i can't risk it, we have to hold out!" Ant-man yelled as he analyzed the mech hoping to find a chink in the metal.
Hawkeye shout 4 explosive bolts but it simply shrugged it off.
"Have at thee!!!" Thor yelled using mjolnir to fire a bolt of lighting.
Jennifer charged in to take advantage of an opponent that was about to be stunned, to her surprise the mech took the lightning blast and absorbed it, jen threw a hay maker but the mech caught it and blasted her away with its free hand
Jen groaned as she got up, she was singed a bit but more angry than harmed. "Its absorbs electricity, well thats just great." Jen said in irritation cracking her neck ready to give it another go.
The mech then connected its hands and prepared to fire a massive blast when suddenly...
"Is that..a sword??" Wasp asked in confusion.
Jennifer eyed what just happened, a sword had suddenly stabbed through the armor disrupting the blast her eyes widened in realization, it was a sword construct and she only knew one person capable of summoning a sword like that.
"Chop em up babe!" Jennifer cheered much to the avengers confusion.
Suddenly two more swords stabbed the mechs boots, rooting it in place.
Then everyone heard the sound of metal cleaving the air and a cloaked figure was in view.
Y/n slowly sheathed his sword and the mechs head slid off its shoulders followed by its arms and torso, before finally exploding into smithereens.
"....holy shit." Iron man sounded in astonishment.
"Thats my man! " jennifer cheered.
"Thanks for the assist soldier." Captain america said with a smile.
Y/n when to respond but dodged a sniper bullet, there was still some soldiers to deal with. " to be continued." Y/n spoke as he gripped sento.
"Avengers take em down!" Cap yelled and everyone gave the final push to defeat hydra.
Soon the Assault came to an end thanks to everyone's efforts , any hydra forces that remained retreated. A resounding victory for. The avengers.
Y/n surveyed the wreckage of soldiers and robots, stabbing a droid that twitched ensuring it was destroyed. "I commend their boldness if nothing else." Y/n muttered as he sheathed his sword.
He then felt someone lightly bump him he looked to see jen smiling down at him. " not your idea of a monday morning i bet." Jennifer said playfully.
Y/n couldn't help but smile. "Not at all." Y/n then held her cheek eyeing her for any serious injuries . " are you hurt?"
Jen placed a kiss on his lips and leaned into his hand. " eh, scrapes and bruises, nothing that won't go away in a minute or two." Jen said with a smirk.
"Oh you two are so cute!" Wasp said floating near them before growing to full size, with the rest of the avengers approaching as well.
Y/n let go of jen and bowed a bit. "A pleasure to meet you avengers, jen has spoken highly of you." Y/n spoke in a simple tone.
Captain America offered a handshake which y/n accepted. " you as well, it's a good thing you came when you did, someone could have gotten seriously hurt."
"And i must ask fare warrior, where did you get such a remarkable weapon?" Thor asked eying sento with interest.
"And that knarly scar-ow!." Hawkeye sounded as he got elbowed by wasp.
"Family heirloom and i was blindsided." Y/n answered simply.
"So serious." The avengers thought as they sweat dropped.
Iron man caught the sight of the people and the press approaching the scene. " how about we put a pause on this and meet back at the tower , media is coming." Tony suggested
"He's right, move out everyone." Cap ordered as everyone split off.
Later. Avengers Tower. Living room
Everyone had soon arrived at the tower, everyone was conversing and passing the time until tony was out of his armor.
"Your tea y/n." Jarvis spoke holding out the cup of tea to y/n.
"Thank you jarvis." Y/n bowed his head in thanks accepting the cup.
"My pleasure." Jarvis responded with a smile before attending his duties elsewhere.
"Did you pick up anything new from the library?"Jen who was seated next to y/n on the couch.
Y/n nodded pulling out the book from his coat. " this book speaks of one of my ancestors who managed to survive the purge of the clan, there i can only hope theres a chance someone is out there." Y/n said as he eyed the book.
Jen smiled and hugged him. "Babe thats great, and you said it was impossible." Jen said playfully.
Y/n chuckled. " not impossible, just unlikely."
"Well..if there is someone out there, what are you going to do?" Jen asked curiously.
"Im not sure..but i think with further investigation..just knowing they may be safe will be enough." Y/n said tucking the book away.
Jen kissed his scar and gave him a warm smile " know im with you every step of the way." Jen said in support of him finding more about his family.
Y/n smiled kissed the back of her hand. " thank you love."
Soon tony stark walked in out of his armor and now with a orange dress short, black pants and shoes. "Alright people, now hydras motive for the attack is still unclear but i say we focus on the positive." Tony said as he grabbed a drink from his bar and poured it in a cup. " we kicked major ass and our new recruit proved herself a worthy edition to the team."
"Here Here!." Thor Cap and wasp said lifting their beverages to jen.
"Aw shucks, your gonna make me blush guys." Jen chuckled with a smile, happy she made a good impression.
"Now with all that being established, how long you been a superhero? ." Tony asked curiously.
"Or maybe the better question is are you a superhero? Theres not much on you than other than being linked with an attack 3 years ago and being jennifers "mystery boyfriend." Hank spoke as spoke as he surfed his tablet for info.
"I have gone out of my way to help people of new york particularly from mystical threats but giving my self a superhero name just seemed unnecessary as i am mostly active at night, the general public doesn't know me." Y/n explained simply taking a sip from his tea.
"And when did this happen?" Cap asked Referring to the pairs relationship.
"We met almost 4 years ago, bumped into each other while i was on my way to work and we just hit it off soon after." Jen said with a smiled leaning into y/n.
"But you're basically a celebrity, how does nobody know about him?" Hawkeye asked in confusion, the media didn't even have his name.
"Im not one for the spotlight." Y/n says taking another sip from his tea.
"And i keep my mouth shut about anything the media may want to know out of respect for him, not that my personal life is an open book anyway." Jen said. "Although technically it is." Jen thought glancing at the audience.
"And what about the fancy sword?" Wasp asked curiously floating over to it as it was laid at the table.
"Aye, i have seen few weapons that radiated such power." Thor spoke with interest.
"As i said, family heirloom." Y/n said as he placed his tea down and floated sento over to him, drawing it a bit to show the blade. "Sento, Forged with vibranium and enchanted with sorcery." He said as he sheathed it
"Really? How did your family get their hands on vibranium?" Tony asked with interest.
"Of that i am still uncertain." Y/n said simply.
"So your family has a mystical sword and yet you don't know all the details?" Hawkeye asked with a raised eyebrow
"It is centuries old, to say information on it is scarce is an understatement." Y/n said simply.
"Then let shield take a look at it, they could find info like that in a day or two tops." Hawkeye said offering a simple solution.
"No." Y/n said firmly. " can we shift the topic please?." Y/n asked polity.
Some of the avengers a were a bit caught of Guard by the sudden shift in his tone, it was clear it was a touchy subject and cap was more than willing to shift it.
"Lets take it down a notch, this isn't an interrogation after all, y/n, have you ever thought about being on a team?" Cap asked curious.
"I suppose it has crossed my mind, i have taken part in missions with fantastic four." Y/n answered as if he would be considered part of a team it would be that one.
"Now thats good enough for any superhero resume." Wasp said with a smile."how'd you meet them?"
"Through jen, they are close friends." Y/n answered.
"Well thats good enough for me, y/n, consider yourself an honorary avenger." Tony spoke flinging an avengers card to y/n which he caught with two fingers.
"Wait seriously? We hardly know the guy." Hawkeye questioned why they should let this mystery man.
"Hes entitled to his privacy." Hank told Hawkeye.
"And who says we can't have a samurai on the team?" Wasp said playfully.
"Aye, i look forward to a sparring match in the near future, mjolnir and i relish the challenge." Thor spoke with excitement.
Fighting the god of thunder? The warrior in him was definitely willing to take part in that. "Likewise." Y/n responded with a nod.
Hawkeye rolled his eyes. " this is ridiculous, this guy swings his sword a few times and all of a sudden hes avengers material."
"Hater." Wasp said with a smirk.
"Tell me about it." Jen said shaking her head.
"Im just saying anyone can swing a sword." Hawkeye said lifiting his cup of water up.
Suddenly the sound of several sword swings filled the air.
Hakeyes eyes widened as his cup fell apart in dozens of square pieces.
Everyone looked at the culprit and then back at hawkeye.
"Can you swing a sword like that?" Tony asked and hawkeye just groaned.
Later. Rokuhira/Walters Residence.
" official avenger, almost doesn't feel real." Jen said as she and y/n entered their home.
"It is, and you deserve it, im proud of you." Y/n said with a smile.
"Thanks babe, but cant not talk about you, honorory avenger, that means we are going to be working together!" Jen said hugging
y/n in excitement.
"You say that as if we weren't before." Y/n said with a chuckle, they were technically members of the fantastic four.
"Well yeah but now its even more official! Oh i cant wait!" Jen said relishing the thought of adventure.
"It definitely feels like evil is getting more bold as of it late, we will have to remain ready." Y/n said as he placed sento on the wall. " we should-"
Y/n was pushed against the wall and brought into a fierce make out session by jen.
"Jen.." y/n spoke in between a kiss holding jennifer close.
" still got some energy from the battle babe, what better way to burn it?" Jen spoke in a sultry tone as she kissed his neck.
Y/n chuckled as he snapped his fingers and his coat vanished and appeared on the coat hanger. "Im happy to please." Y/n said with a smirk.
Jen smirked with hunger as she pulled him into the bedroom and slamming the door behind them.
Was to lazy to write the sex scene so il just add it to the oneshot book
Let me know your thoughts!
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