How We Got Here part 1.
When I was conceived , life played its card on me, not allowing me to grow with my mother and father.
Mifune wiped the blade off his sword looking down upon the corpse he had just cut down, the cries of the infant annoying him to know end.
"Mifune-Sama, are you sure this infant will be of use to you?" his subordinate asked.
" yes, I offered these fools mercy and they payed the price, now the cursed child to lead me to the sword and he will do my bidding." mifune spoke firmly , the start of his plan for power beginning, he motioned for a subordinate to pick up the ifant and began walking away.
"Burn it all" mifune ordered.
From then on the trajectory of my life would be controlled by Mifune Fujiwara
One of Japans Notorious Crimelords.
I wish I could he had some good aspects about it but the only ones were the fact I was kept fed and had a roof under my head, it was hard to experience camaraderie when you are treated like an outcast.
But I wasn't completely alone.
8 Years Old.
Y/n walked along a river near headquarters, watching the water flow by he then noticed something odd, an odd glow in a patch of rocks.
Y/n walked over to it and found 3 baby gold fish in a plastic bag, desperately trying to survive in what little water the bag had.
Y/n quickly grabbed the bag and jogged over to a nearby fountain. Gently filling it with clean water.
Y/n then tied the bet when he filled it, he was not fish expert but the fish seemed happy, if them going as close to his his hand as possible was any indication
Y/n grew a small smile.
Sora, Yume and riku.
(Sora- patterned fish, Yume-black fish, Riku-Red fish)
Three special goldfish, and not in an affectionate sense, they truly were, exhibiting personality traits that only mammal companions could have, and the fact they they remain alive to this day and show no signs of deterioration tells me all I need to know.
Mifune found it foolish to keep such pets but let me be, believing I would either grow out of them or they would eventually die....they did not.
I had grown up in the black dragons, one of the most powerful mafias in japan and so I was molded into a weapon, one of the best one to use as Mifune pleased, he would point, and I would cut it down.
I suppose hes the closest thing i had to a father but he was far from a good one.
A father should not strike his child when they want to play with other children their age
A father did not subject their child to a life of crime, this regarding all other interests
a father did not make their child take the life of an innocent man......
12 years old.
Y/n stood before the man who had clearly been tortured for what must have been hours.
Y/n stood before him, holding a wakizashi in his hand shakily, at his young age he had seen many gruesome sights, but he didn't think he would be the cause of one.
" look him in the eye.....and take his life." Mifune spoke firmly, his word was law.
Y/n gripped his sword, his heart felt like it was stuck jn his stomach, he shakily lifted his sword, wishing for something to happen, he didn't want to do this.
P...please.." the man weakly begged.
Y/n held the sword in the air, tears beginning to stream down his eyes, why him...why must he be the one to do it.
"Do it!" Mifune ordered slamming the but of his sword to the ground.
Y/n finally swung....
Memories of that day flashed through my mind a very long time.... I wish i was stronger then...
I was given intense training, dedicating myself to the sword like it was all that mattered, to say I was talented would be making it to simple.....
15 Years old.
The Man glared at y/n , who hadn't even broken a sweat amidst all of the fighting , he had had enough, he would not be bested by a child.
"RAHHHHHHHH!!!" The man shouted in a bloody raged as he charged.
Y/n sheathed his blade , waiting for the right moment, and in the blink of an aye , sped passed the man.
The man froze unsure what had just happened.
Y/n slowly sheathed his katana ("Click!")
The man suddenly lost feeling in his body, blood spurting in all directions
First fell his arms
The went his torso separated from his legs
Then fell the top of his head.
It was in my very blood
Fighting was as natural to me as breathing, I understood combat in a way few did
I was strong, fast, I couldn't tell you then but I knew I wasn't ....normal
And it would all click for me very soon.
"Hey y/n were you going!? the bar is this way!" Genichi Sono shouted with smeared blood on his face and smiling ear to ear, watching a 15 year old y/n walking away from his allies.
"I'm going for a walk, il meet you back at headquarters." Y/n spoke looking back for a moment before continue in this stroll.
" whatever you weirdo! More babes and booze for us!" The Subordinate shouted with a laugh as he caught up with the rest.
Y/n simply adjusted his suit and walked, he wasn't much for celebration after a mission, This was one of the few occasions he had some generous time for himself and he wouldn't waste it, not like sake didn't anything for him anyway.
Y/n bought a skewer of meat as he made his way over to the other side of a street, eying the water flow just on the other side of the fence.
And that's when he heard it...
Y/ns eyes widened and whirled around grip firmly on his sword,
it was as though someone was right behind him but he was very much alone
Could he have been hearing things.
He wasn't, y/n realized he wasn't just hearing someone speak but it was as though a thought was echoing to his head.
Suddenly he feel this pull, his eyes were suddenly seeing blue...directing him like a like a the arrows on a compass.
Y/n felt it was foolish to head such an unsettling voice but he feared what may happen if he didn't heed the voices words.
He began jogging lightly, it felt like he was going all over the place, taking shortcuts around buildings and cutting through ally's
Several turns later and he was infront of an abandoned shop, burned down
Left partially standing as a warning, this was the black dragons doing, his gangs doing.
Y/n entered the small building, why would the disembodied voice lead him hear?
As if answering his question he saw the faint blue trail again as if telling him to follow it, he walked deeper into the structure
Reaching his destination, he lifted up some rubble and found a small and odd shape on the ground, y/n placed his hand upon it.
Suddenly it glowed, and the structure beneath him began to shift, and emerging from the ground was a crate .
Y/n slowly approached it, he unclipped the locks and slowly opens it ...
A katana in its sheath.
Y/n had come this far so why stop now, he slowly laid his hand upon the handle.
Suddenly his eyes glowed and images flashed through his mind, warriors, riding into battle, a lineage, and what seemed to lead up to know....
It was a mere moment but y/n saw a child being picked off the arms of his dead mother....
Y/n let go of the sword breathing heavily....he looked upon the off a faint blue...he knows its name...
I had heard mifune speak of it when he thought i wasn't listening, i was aware of his need for it, and while he never made it clear i knew i was involved in him finding it
I had kept it hidden, i was unsure what to make of the visions at the time but the images he felt where to scattered to make meaning of them.
So i just fell back into my work, following orders, cutting down mifunes enemies , it was all i knew, all i knew how to do, I made the time to check on sento wheneve ri and the time, just to make sure no one had stolen it somehow.
17 years old.
"Im impressed with your work y/n, every time you go out our name continues to spread like fire." Mifune spoke as y/n followed.
"I just do my duty sir, nothing more." Y/n spoke simply.
"And you have done well my dream will soon be realized...but before we continue... i must be certain..."mifune spoke coming to a stop infront of a sliding door.
"Of what?" Y/n asked as the door opened.
"Where your loyalties lie" Mifune answered walk into his office, taking a seat on his metaphorical throne.
"I know of your foolish desires to leave the black dragons and travel." Mifune spoke firmly glaring at y/n.
Y/n was unbothered by it, merely regarding him with a stare. " then you know this is not the life I wish to lead forever."
"Hmph is this why you've spared women and children ?" Mifune asked with a raised eyebrow.
" we all have to draw our line in the sand, that is mine." Y/n spoke.
Y/Ns right hand tightened into a fist, it was getting increasingly different to keep his anger in check.
" all I have given you.... And this is how I am re-payed?..." Mifune growled in anger
Y/n was getting tired of this. " what is my next assignments?"
Mifune didn't look ready to drop the subject but did so . " I should have you whipped but it can wait..... it is time to establish the black dragons as the sole collective of tokyo." Mifune spoke clasping his hands together. " bring me the heads of our enemies.... They are weak, and they must not be allowed to lick their wounds..."
Y/n bowed and headed off.
Perhaps it was confidence...maybe arragonce but y/n knew he could pull this off.
Y/n could have been defiant and refused , but he honestly believed these men were better off dead.
So he went out, And his sword was fed their blood...
It had taken hours, but he had soon made it back, blood covered his clothes, and when he stopped in front of Mifune, he dropped the heads of their enemies, Mifune smirked.
I had completed my assignment, perhaps the most important one in my time at the yakuza
But I was naive to think that would be the end of it
Mifune wanted more from me...
Y/n dropped flakes into the fish bowl and watched as the three goldfish ate, they were very lucky he found the, when he did, he wondered what colored they would be.
"Hmph, such a waste of time taking care of such creatures." Mifune walked in with hands behind his back.
Y/n ignored the comment and placed the shaker down and bowed. " can I help you sir?"
" I've been told you still want to still wish to travel....i aim willing allow you to do so." Mifune spoke walking a bit.
Y/n raised his eyebrow. " why the change of heart?"
" well I have a solution to you not being in my service, of course that all depends on you." Mifune said coming to a stop and looking at y/n. " you just have to answer me something."
" and what's that?" Y/n questioned.
"Where is sento?"Mifune asked firmly.
You could hear a pin drop in the room, now this was something y/n hadn't anticipated.
" pardon?" Y/n questioned feigning confusion.
" do not try to play me for a fool...." Mifune growled. " I've had Genichi follow you, you've been visiting that that burned down home, and I would like to know what is it that you find so interesting there."
Y/n leaned back on the table behind him, Mifune wasn't a fool, he supposes it was only a matter of time before he figured something out. " ...tell me what happened to my birth parents and I will.." y/n said simply.
"That is not how this works" Mifune spoke in anger.
"It is if you want the sword." Y/n spoke glaring at the man leaving no room for debate.
Mifune ....had began laughing. " hahahaha! Oh you foolish child , very well I will tell you..... you are a descendant to a once great family of warriors... one that indulged in witchcraft for strength...such power was lost centuries ago..but that blade, sento... it is said to be a sword of remarkable power much greater than genichis or mine ." Mifune explained.
"It fit only for the best of swordsmen....l tracked your family and questioned them...they claimed to not know anything... so I cut them down...if they couldn't have the decency to place the blade in the hands of someone willing to use it they did not deserve to live." Mifune finished.
Y/n closed his eyes, it all made sense now, the images of the man and woman....those were his parents.
"There...are you satisfied? Truly I did you a favor, I have given you everything they couldn't and now you are in a position most can only dream off." Mifune held his hand out. " and you are in my vision y/n, so please enough of this nonsense, let us begin making the world together."
Y/n honestly could have, he could have put this all to bed and just fall in line like everybody else, he had tried to be different, to spare as many from their grip if he could, but he was still an accessory all this.
But if he were to disregard all of that , he was certain of one thing,
He killed his parents, he can't say for certain what life would have been like with them, perhaps he would be face hardship, maybe they weren't any better than Mifune , but he may never know...and it's all because of the man infront of him.
He would not regret what happened next.
Mifune crumbled to his knees, holding his now bleeding face as y/n had cut out his eye.
"Not in a million years old man...." Y/n growled looking down on Mifune, blood dripping from his sword.
The look on mifunes face reflected pure rage. " KILL HIIIIIM!!!!!"
Surrounding subordinates burst fourth, swords drawn and charging at y/n, y/n cut down 5 of them with ease, he then kicked up his gold fish bowl and launched it out the water and into the river. Suddenly y/n jumped back as lightning charged blade aimed for his head.
As y/n landed on his feet and skidded back, the searing pain on the side of his face let him now the blow landed, and he merely managed to avoid lethal damage, he eyed Genichi who's blade crackled with electricity
"Ive been itchin to make you bleed ya damn bastard!" Genichi shouted with a crazed smile.
Y/n was sure in a proper dual he could best Genichi, unfortunately he did not have the means to match Genichis enchanted sword.
So he opted for the best possible outcome, a tactical retreat.
Y/n cut down the beams of the room, dropping the roof on top of everyone , and busted out of the wall behind him, sprinting away and looking for a place to hide.
Genichi blasted apart the rubble with another lighting blast . " heh fucking coward!"
Mifune stood up still holding his injured face. " I want all hands on deck, bring him to me now!!!"
Fighting against the entire clan would have been unwise, I am superhuman, and I had sento on my side but even I am not so capable
I was going to need some help, something to spread their numbers thin.
Soon I would get my wish, as it appeared the sleeping dragons operations were not so secret.
Y/n had avoided the sleeping dragons for a bout a week now, moving across the city never remaining in one place for too long.
Y/n stood in moderate hotel, the clan expected him to either be in the slums or in an an expensive location, so he opted to stay in one of the last places they would look.
Y/n eyed his gold fish as he held onto sento.
" everything you have showed me, it was to prepare me for this...there is clearly more to you than meets the eye , and I thank you." Y/n spoke to sento, the sword merely glowing in response, he looked to his fish. " there is still so much I don't know, and who knows if I am to live long enough to find out more."
Y/n remained seared in his thoughts, trying to think of possible solutions to his problem, when suddenly , someone knocked on his door.
" leave me be." Y/n responded assuming it was room service.
"You'll have to excuse me kid my Japanese isn't that good." A voice spoke.
Y/n was confused, the man had spoken English, and it was no one he had recognized, with a firm grip on sento he approached the door and eyed the peephole, it was a Caucasian man in a suit.
In the blink of an eye y/n opened the door and held the blade to the man's throat. " Who are you?"
"Easy kid, Easy, I'm not your enemy in fact i may be able to help, can I reach for my ID?" The man asked carefully not afraid but cautious.
Y/n narrowed his eyes but nodded. " no sudden moves."
The man reached into his pocket and presented his ID, the man was a part of S.H.I.E.L.D, the government agency that works for the United Nations.
" I'm Agent Phil Coulson, I think we can help each other." Coulson spoke with a light smile.
" You don't even know who I am" y/n spoke.
" we know enough, you've been linked with the black dragons, an organization that I've been tasked with taking down before they grow in power and set their eyes on other countries, got some agents on the inside who have told me about you." Coulson spoke simply. " several instances of crime linked to you but you always spared people, even going so far as to paying them back for any damage you inflicted onto them."
" still doesn't explain why your hear by yourself." Y/n questioned
" an agents never truly alone kid." Coulson chuckled. " but let's say I'm taking a chance on you, I find it a little odd the black dragons right hand has gone out of his way to help people and now has a bounty placed on his head, I'm hoping we can talk and come to a mutual agreement."
Y/n considers the man's words, he knows this could all be good to be true, and he knows he may be arrested by the end, but he honestly didn't have any better ideas, y/n removed the sword from Coulson neck and sheathed it. " very well agent Coulson, let's talks." Y/n spoke allowing the man inside.
" good to hear." Coulson smiled as he entered.
Giving a more detailed look at y/Ns story leading up to his official stay in New York and the story
Y/n is Japanese and can be imagined as the reader wishes but his canon look for those who want a mental image is depicted as the guy on the book cover.
Also trying a new writing style for flashbacks.
Let me know your thoughts!
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