How it all started: Finale
Phil had been a man of his word and helped me get my American passport as well, cutting down a 4-6 week process down to two.
And soon i had my passport and i had made it to the big apple
New York City.
I was soon situated in my new apartment in the manhattan borough , nothing too extravagant which I appreciated, i didn't need the life style of the Yakuza to be comfortable
If i could critique anything about it its that i could not maintain my training as effectively as id like with the lack of preferred space and sparring partners but i would make it work.
Coulson had offered me a job at Shield, as he had a few times in the past, but i respectfully denied it, I hated being monitored at all times by the black dragons so being under the microscope of the United States government more than i already am is not appealing to me.
I had cashed in some jewels and gold from my travels so I could have lived with the worry of rent and bills for at least 7 months but I knew it would only be a matter of time before it ran out so I made it a priority to find a job that could provide a steady flow of income.
It was difficult to find any job with the pay needed to keep a roof over my head, especially with my highest academic achievement being a highschool diploma out of japan.
But thankfully a generous neighbor offered me one.
"Boy why is it that i always see you at home?" The old woman spoke as she watched y/n lift and rearrange heavy furniture around her apartment.
"Is being a homebody strange in New York?" Y/n asked curiously.
"No you stupid boy, but everyone in new york is busy with something, whether that be with friends or working." The old woman clarified
"Hm, well unfortunately im still on the search for a job, but it has proven difficult." Y/n said as he placed down a desk.
"Is that it? Well then let me ask you this, can you cook, clean?" The old woman asked curiously.
"I can." Y/n nodded, no ounce of arrogance in his tone merely honesty
"Well then why don't you work at my restaurant then? I can always use an efficient worker." The old woman's suggested with a. Smile
"Oh, i was unaware you were a restaurant owner, forgive the question but what would the pay be?" Y/n asked interested in the job.
Hua Bo or madam bo was my dear neighbor, she had been quite kind to me when i had moved in, and had become the grand mother i never had, she certainly scolded me like one
"Stupid boy! Why is your apartment so barren?! You will never get a girlfriend at this rate!" Bo yelled.
She was always looking out for me and i was very grateful for her help.
Proving my worth at her restaurant, the jade palace, was a simple matter, cooking was a necessity on my travels and had been a peaceful hobby for me, i was no master but asian cuisine was easy to follow having grown up on it
I had my apartment and now a good job, and life in new york was simple
Well....perhaps that isn't the proper word for isn't
Over the course of a 5 year period, it was safe to say New York wasn't.....Normal, and it wasn't just about the abnormally large rats, the individuals who are addicted to crack or even the support of a basket ball team that always loses, it was because of two words.
Heroes and Villains.
I wasn't unfamiliar with meta humans, Japans very own Sunfire was my first introduction to one.
But New York seemed to be a hub for many of them.
From The Friendly Neighborhood spider-man that tended to see swinging around frequently.
To the public figures the fantastic four who was located at the baxter building
And one cannot forget about avengers who had just had a new member in the legendary soldier, Captain America .
And there were more, the thought of becoming a hero had crossed my mind but i believed the city was already good hands and honestly i had my hands full with more...mystical matters.
Y/n walked through a new york street with his small bag of groceries in one hand and holding the strap to his concealed sword
Y/n looked towards the direction of the scream, he quickly booked it, a firm on his item.
When he reached the dark ally way, he found a woman guarding herself from the dark creature.
Y/n wasted no time and dashing to the creature and unsheathing his sword.
In the blink of an eye he had decapitated the monster and split him in half.
When the woman opened her eyes she saw the monster fading away, she looked around to who might have saved her.
Y/n looked below from the roof and went on his way.
There were several more instances like that one, from attacks to just drawing the creatures to me by investigating magical books in shady parts of town.
It was all just routine, and the unfortunate situation was, that despite being quite comfortable and content and new york, i was still dealing with my own demons,
It was tiring, i didn't understand why the pain had remained, i could only blame myself of course, I hadn't made the proper moves to heal properly,mental health was a foreign concept to me then.
Soon i would meet someone who would help me mend the hole in my heart.
Y/n wanted to find a place to sit and eat his lunch, he tried to focus the on area he was in and see if there was lets see, " someone peed on that one...." y/n thought in disgust.
"oof!" Y/n grunted
"Hey!!!" a deep feminine voice cried out
Y/n was so focused on finding a place to sit he failed to notice the figure barreling towards him, y/n was surprised by what appeared to be a large figure, he fell to the ground, and the person who who knocked him over tripped over what sounded like heels.
"My papers!!!"She cried out in distress
Y/n looked up to several papers in floating through the air, y/n subtly used his magic pulled every paper backdown towards him, in a way that looked like the wind just suddenly stopped pushing them away, he picked up a folder of the ground , gently wiggling it to remove and dust it might have gotten as the papers reached him he placed them back gently in the folder.
""I'm sorry, i should have been paying more attention..." y/n apologized while bowing, mentally scolding himself for not being more careful.
He now got a good look at the woman, he now knew why she was able to knock him off balance, by the length of her arms and legs, he could see she was very tall, and he wasn't short by any means, standing at a good 6 ft 1 himself.
She was wearing a black dress shirt with a black skirt, and her hair was in a bun, a business woman of some kind , she had glasses on and she
he couldn't help but think...beautiful
The woman then spoke again and gave him a grateful smile.
Y/n got back on his feet and offered the woman a hand up, she gave him a smile and accepted the help, she gently gripped it and got up.
As he thought, very tall, he only came up to about her chest.
"your a life saver! And don't worry i wasn't exactly aware of my surroundings either" She said gratefully as she accepted the papers and picked up her brief case " if i lose these i basically lose my entire case before it even starts"
Y/n gave her bowed his head a but: "Im happy it didn't come to that, and you say case, am i correct in assuming you a are a lawyer?"
The Green Woman seemed confused by his serious demeanor but smiles with pride regardless.
"You would be right!" She put down her brief case by her leg and offered him a handshake. "Jennifer Walters, Attorney at Law, if you have any super human trouble, im your gal". She said with confidence.
That was the day i met her, my other half,
Jennifer Walters
I didn't know what to make of her when i first met her, i just knew there was something about her, she carried this, vibrant aura about her.
Our meeting was brief then, but it seemed that wouldn't be the end, because i would soon meet her at my work place.
We struck a conversation, more so because of Madam Bos encouragement, she really wanted me to find a woman to " get that gloom of my face" as she put it.
It was...pleasant, pleasant in a way I was unfamiliar with, to the point that I was strangely disappointed when i had to cut the conversation short and get back to work.
But it seemed the universe wasn't so keen on letting us end it there.
Y/n walked calmly in the pouring rain, his umbrella held firmly in one as Sento was concealed and strapped across him,he truly hated getting his socks wet, he would have tossed see if there was such a spell to remedy this.
Y/n looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a black Volkswagen driving up next to the sidewalk he was on, y/n got ready for anything but as he was a bout to reach for his sword, the window slid down and he was greeted by Jennifer.
"Need a ride?" Jennifer offered with a smile.
Y/n was surprised by the offer, she really didn't need to trouble herself with him. " you needn't waste gas on me Jennifer, I won't let the rain stop me"
Jennifer raised her eye brow at him ." Are you saying you'd rather walk then ride with me?"
Y/n looked to her and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, slowly down and begging to walk around her car, he hopped in the passenger seat, put away his umbrella and locked the door, putting both his sword and umbrella between his legs.
"Thank you Jennifer." Y/n said bowing his head a bit in thanks.
"It's no problem and please just call me Jen." Jennifer said with a smile. " hold still, some water landed on your face." She said as she grabbed a napkin from the glove compartment.
Jennifer to his surprise began gently wiping the drops of water off his face, y/n was unfamiliar with this sort of contact, especially from a woman, at one point she gently rubbed the napkin near his scar.
"Better." Jen said with a smile. " ready to go?"
"Y-yes" y/n nodded, composing himself.
Y/n had given her his address and they had begun speaking along the way, he had come to come to learn she was a super-hero, she had only been active for a few years but she had managed to make a name for herself and secure a reserve position with the fantastic four.
Yet another brief conversation, and it was just as pleasant as the one they had at the restaurant, y/n had even called her beautiful, He had never openly complimented a woman like that before
It had gotten to the point that as he was being he was being dropped of he decided to do something out of the ordinary for him.
" is something wrong?" Jen asked curiously as she wondered why he appeared to be thinking.
"I am fine, i....i wish to maintain contact...continue speaking if that is okay.." y/n then looked jen in the eye. "May i have your phone number?"
Jen just stared at him, and y/n took it as a sign he overstepped. "F-forgive me, it was a foolish question." Y/n spoke mentally scolding himself for asking the question as he went to open the car door.
"Wait!" Jen exclaimed, catching him off guard , and a green blush spread over her face. " j-just , let me find something..." Jen spoke quickly as she reached into her purse and pulled out a thin black marker. " can i borrow your arm?" Jen asked politely with a embarrassed smile.
Y/n was surprised but slid the sleeve of his long sleeve shirt down and outstretched his left forearm.
Jen held his wrist and wrote down her digits, despite the gentle hold y/n could feel her holding back strength, she could crush his arm then and there if she wanted to.
"There, better memorize it, I won't give it to you a second time." Jen teased with a smile.
Y/n gave a small smile and slid his sleve back down. " i will ." Y/n said as he grabbed his things. " have a pleasant evening jen." Y/n said bowing his head.
"You too handsome." Jen responded. "And hey, dont lose that smile, it looks really good on you." She said winking at him.
Y/n chuckled and couldn't stop the small smile growing on his face . " i will try."
From then on , our friendship only began to grow,
We would text frequently, and she had made it a point to come to the restaurant a bit more frequently since it was the only time we could meet in person.
Soon interest began growing into something more.
After a couple weeks i finally mustered up the courage to ask her out, we had went to a coffee shop, leblanc, hm, I don't remember the last time i smiled so much, the coffee spot would be a frequent location for us in the future.
Soon more dates came, and out relation just continued to get better.
Y/n Stared at the small plate of flan in front of him.
"Just try it, i promise you'll love it." Jen said with a smile.
Jen had found out he wasn't very familiar with many famous food items and pastries, despite his traveling, he only ate out of necessity, eating anything that was fast to make and easily accessible, so jen made it a point to fix that.
Y/n picked up his spoon and decided to just go for it, he took a bite, and was suprised to see that it actually tasted really good."
"Soft texture, quite good." He said in an impressed tone.
"I told you, and i got something to remember this moment." Jen said looking at her phone with a mirthful smile.
"Taking photos without my permission now?" Y/n said , playfulness laced in his tone.
"Don't worry, these are only for my eyes." Jen spoke matching his tone, she then leaned over and placed a gentle kiss over his scar, a show of affection she started giving him after a few date.
Before i knew it i had realized i was in love with her, nothing made my day brighter.
But i was afraid, i had told her of my past, and i feared losing her, I contemplated keeping it all buried and that wasn't fair, not after she had been so open with me, one day i tried to take her on a date contemplating if this would be the right time to bring it up
But unfortunately things didn't work in my favor, the day i picked her up for a date and prepared to tell her, we were attacked, by a mam who had been tipped of about where i was and my tied to ties yakuza
We had repelled Tombstone and his posse but the damage was done, my past was out in the open.
I told jennifer everything, not one detail wasted, as i feared she was conflicted , she didn't hold my upbringing against me but she was hurt i not only thought she would think less of me but contemplated keeping it buried , she had know there was as something aching within him but she wanted to be the one he could feel open with, to not be afraid to show that side of him, and she questioned the future of their relationship
She wished to be left alone to think, and i was left to my own devices.
She had not spoken to me in two weeks, and i didn't realize how much it would affect me, i felt hallow, to the point Madam Bo thought it would be better to take some time off, my mood was beginning to affect my worth ethic so i agreed.
I had thoughts of just texting her, if not to save what we might have to simply rip of the bandaid, so i didn't have to feel this way, unfortunately a big problem had soon surfaced.
Several men in suits and wielding weapons had suddenly burst through y/ns window, ready for combat.
" uragirimono, Ima sugu kōfuku shite kudasai! Soshite anata no shi wa sumiyaka ni okorudarou. (Traitor, surrender now! And your death will be swift!)." The leading ninja and red ordered.
Y/n glared not feeling threatened in the least, drew sento, and beckoned them forward.
The Black Dragons, what remained of them, had come to hunt me.
It seems those who still remained loyal to the clan had held a grudge for quite a long time, and now wished for revenge
I knew what this meant, these men wouldn't have had the ability to find me without the proper leadership, and i knew who it was.
Genichi had come to settle the score.
I had gotten in contact with phil after me and jen were attacked so he was ready to help , i knew this would be a battle that would endanger lives so despite my reservations before, i had texted jen, informing of the situation.
A bounty was on my head , and the black dragons would do anything to get it, i needed all the help available
I went out taking out as many as i could, i even met up with the likes of spiderman, and soon jen and her best friend patricia walker aka hellcat.
Things were tense between us, awkward naturally , i tried to focus on the mission, but when we all split up jen had wished to talk, i braced myself for rejection, but i was glad i received the opposite.
" y/n.... When you told me everything, I felt for you.... I was scared for you... but I was a fool to to think that you were at fault that day for not telling me..." she said angry at her self.
Y/n was confused. " Jen what are you saying? You deserved to know , I mean we were two months along I owed you that jen." He said not wishing her to believe he was not at fault for this.
" but it wasn't my place to judge you whether or not you would tell me" Jen said firmly as she looked at
y/n. "I mean for god sakes y/n what kind person willingly subjects someone to that kind of life." Jen said remorsefully as she remembers what his surrogate father put him through.
" you opened your heart out to me and I was about to walk away....." Jen's voice began to crack as she looked away, tears beginning to form. " walk away from someone who helped me believe I could love again......I... im sorry." She said turning away from him, holding her self as she tried to hold back her tears.
Y/n watched as Jen held back tears, his heart aching for seeing the normally confident woman in such a state.
Y/n walked up to her " jen ... you do not owe me an apology." He said gently looking up at her , gently turning her face towards him.
Jen looked at him, lone tears leaking from his eyes, " yes I do.. you didn't deserve that.."
Y/n shook his head" No, you can't hold blame for being uncertain about me.." y/n gently placed her forehead against his. " I missed you.... " y/ns said relieved to be this close to her again .
Jen leaned into him" so did I." She said lovingly, gently rubbing her forhead againt his Y/n gently held her hands.
Y/n decided it was time to finally leave it all on the table "......I hold strong feelings for you Jennifer......I didn't believe I would ever feel this way, for anyone....or that I even deserved it."
Jen held his face now. " does it feel?" she asked gently, Y/n couldn't help but smile. " wonderful."He responded, the two chuckled and opened their eyes , loving gazing at each other.
" when we were heading to Central Park.. i aimed to make our relationship official .... would you like that?"y/n asked gently.
Jen gave him that beautiful smile he grew to love. " don't plan on moving back to Japan anytime soon?" Jen joked playfully..Y/n just chuckled and leaned into her. " long as you don't plan on breaking my heart..." he said in a low and gentle tone.
Jen leaned her head against his again , their faces close, she gently lowered his mask and her lips were now hovering over his.
"Never...I'm here Y/n"
The two closed the distance, connecting lips and holding each other close as though they were afraid the other would disappear if they let go.
My Relation with Jen was official, but there was still the matter of genichi.
He had rudely interrupted our moment, sending out a lightning attack, i urged jen to help the people despite her protest, there was enough problems on the ground and genichi was part of my mess and my past would not stop haunting me until i finally laid it to rest, once and for all.
Our Battle Was a fierce one, Genichi had reminded me why we shared the same rank back then.
But that was then, and i soon established the gap that was between us.
I stripped him of his ability to move, and left him to SHIELD, I knew to a man like genichi this fate would be worse than death .
With the threat removed and New York was once again Safe, well, as safe as it can be.
Afterwards i celebrated with jen, and had new friendships with her friend patricia, Spiderman as well as the fantastic four.
I had even found out that the persona of She-hulk was not a natural born state for her, it was the result of a near death experience and a blood transfusion with the incredible hulk.
With Everything Now in the open the tension between us was gone, i was in a with Jennifer walters and soon that weight in my heart was gone, i wasn't alone any more...i was happy
I had found a new home, a new purpose and someone who i would come to consider my other half.
Jennifers Status as a public superhero and lawyer made her a bit of a celebrity but it was of no real hindrance, we also managed to have time to ourselves and i was reserved , when any media saw i was not someone who wished to he in the public eye and jen just wouldn't budge on any details i was so referred as "She-Hulks boyfriend." Sometimes boy-toy when they wanted to spice up the title.
Spending Time with jen always warmed me, and thanks to her i had gained a bigger circle of friends.
" you never told me you had fish" jen said looking at the well taken care of fish tank house three goldfish.
"It never came up, these are my companions, Sora Yume And Riku, ive had them since i were very young." Y/n introduced.
Sora swam a bit in circles as if introducing himself. Yume swam slowly as if watching them and riku appeared to be a bit shy.
"They've been alive this long?" Jen asked with wide eyes, she didn't think a goldfishes life span was so span so many years.
"They are special gold fish." Y/n said with a smile.
"Well its good to know they kept you company all this time." Jen smiled, as she placed a kiss on the side of his head. "They must've seen you brood alot."
"I dont brood." Y/n said smiling and placing a kiss on her lips.
Suddenly water was flicked at jennifer. "What the?!" Jen thought as her shirt and hair was now wet.
"Yume..." y/n scolded as she appeared to swim in irritation. " i should also note that they have differing personalities, yume here is a bit territorial."
Jen eyed the fish. "Well so am i."
Electricity seemed to clash between the two, and y/n couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
" i still don't think this is a good idea." Spiderman said in concern as johnny storm, the human torch held sento.
"Cmon man lighten up, i just want to see how good this thing can cut." Johnny with a smirk said as a giant sub sandwich layed on the table in front of him. " besided the table is made out of titanium, whats the worst that could happen?"
"And you just jinxed it." Spidey said with a deadpan stare.
"Whatever, alright here we go..." johnny said as he lifted the sword above his head.
Y/n soon walked in the kitchen. "Johnny, spiderman, have I ether you seen..." y/n trailed as his eyes widen at what johnny is about to do. " Don't Sento is extremely!-
Johnny brings the seord done and to his and spideys shock cleaves through the sandwich and the table like butter.
Y/n sighed. "Sharp..."
".....awesome..." Johnny muttered as he gazes at sento.
"Hey whats with all the-" Ben Grimm Aka The Thing walks in then glares at johnny. " Dammit johnny!"
While this isn't crucial , jen had also shown me the act of making love, showing me just how far love between two people could go.
She had invited me to her place, and...wonderful things happened.
There was a moment of silence between them, nothing but them and the light sound of their breathing and their accelerated heartbeats.
Then jen grabbed y/n by his black shirt and pulled him in.
No words were left to be said, they just wished to truly express their love, y/n wrapped his arms around jens waist pulling her in close, feeling her ample breasts press against him, jen had an arm around his back and a hand on his hair not wishing for him to be away from her lips.
They were were all over the couch, and the pizza and wine was all but forgotten, time just seemed to pass as the make out session got more heated, jen had already left a couple hickeys on him.
Soon They finally detached, y/n laying shirtless on top of y/n and jen sported a deep blush and her hair layed messy on the couch.
Jen traced a hand up his arm, tracing the tattoo sleeve he had until her hand stopped at his cheek.
Y/n smiled and kissed her hand, back during his yakuza days it was common for members to have tattoos, to symbolize rank, but he was never the biggest fan of them, he merely got his right arm tatted to appease mifune who had been insisting about it.
He had considered removing them but Jen said she liked , so he kept it.
" y/n, your really doing it for me right you want to ..go to the bedroom?" Jen said with a hopeful look in her eyes, she wanted to go all the way with him.
Y/n eyes widened, catching what she was putting down. " i....i should warn you im not....particularly experienced in the act. " y/n said looking away , feeling embarrassed.
Jen looked at him in suprise: "really? The way you look and kiss doesn't give me that idea" Jen said playfully as she turned his head back to her, y/n was sexy, he had this edge to him that was just attractive, and enough women took looks at him to prove that.
" ive never gotten this far with anyone, didn't let myself, you are the first woman i would ever go this far with." Y/n said as she rubbed his cheek..
Jen smiled and at up, kissing his lips then leaning her forehead on his. "il be with you every step of the way, I want you y/n." Jen said warmly.
Y/n smiled and kissed her once more, jen then stood up and grabbed both his hand, gently pulling him to her room, Jen winked at the audience and soon the were out of sight, and a night of passion would soon follow.
The outside world had ceased too exist in y/ns mind, that night all that mattered was her.
Y/n laid on the bed looking up at jennifer as shes stood over him and held his member in her hand.
"Ahh~" jen moaned as she took a seat and felt him pierce her core. " y/ or slow..." jen moaned out as she started bouncing.
Y/n let out a pleasured breath as he then grabbed her full rear in his hands. " whatever you want....please Jen." Y/n all but begged.
Jen smiled warmly and locked lips with him, as she bounced her rear onto his member with control and strength.
I was grateful more nights like that would come in the future, life truly felt worth leaving
And after a year and a half dating, i decided make what might have been the biggest decision of My life.
Me and jen had some free time and we planned a little trip to japan.
Y/n and jennifer walked together as the witnessed the beautiful sakura leaves fall around them like softs whisps.
"Y/n this is beautiful..." jen spoke in awe at the wonderful sight as she held her hand out catching a petal.
Y/n smiled as he looked at the trees. "They are.... The tree cherry blossoms hold different means to people, some see it as great beauty that wont last forever....others prefer to see it as the end of winter and the beginning of spring."
Jen walks a bit, looking out at the sea of pink. " what do you believe?" Wishing to pick at his brain.
"...rebirth...the end of one period and the start for something else...something beautiful ...." Y/n explained honestly.
"A new beginning." Jen said with a smile as the wind blew in her hair.
Y/n smiled to himself, not taking his eyes off the jade woman, the woman that from her beauty down to her her voice hypnotized him and filled his thoughts everyday.
"Yes i believe starts with you..." y/n said.
Jen turns to him in confusion.
"What are you-" her words lock in her throat as she sees y/n knelt down blades on the ground and his hands held out, displaying a small box with a diamond ring
"Y/n..." jens voice cracks. " if this is a joke, i swear to god..." jen speaks emotions evident in her tone.
"No joke jen i swear..." y/n says warmly before he speaks from his heart. " when i moved to New York, i didn't know what awaited someone like me, i would have accepted just going with the motions and keeping to myself....then you bumped into me that day."
Jen is struggling to control her tears as she hears him speak.
"I never counted on falling in love...i never counted on being happy..and now..i want to walk this life with you...Jennifer walters will you marry me?" Y/n finally asks with a warm smile.
Jennifer crumbled to her knees, tears streaming down her face. " yes..." jen spoke through her tears of joy.
Y/ns heart swells as he slips the ring onto her finger, before bringing her in for a kiss, jennifer held home close as though he might disappear.
They broke the kiss and jen looked at him with puffy eyes. " this is real..." she says softly.
Y/n matched her smile and laid her forhead against his " it is."
"I love you y/n yamada" jen spoke warmly. "
"I love you jennifer walters." Yn responded equally.
They remained in each other's embrace for sometime, watching as the petals flowed around them.
"You're stuck with me now.." jen whispered in his ear before kissing his scar.
And with that i had made it official.
Jennifer Walters is now my fiance.
Its been about another year since that day, planning a wedding is alot more tedious then i anticipated.
With all this covered you have the full story,
Now there is more stuff that happened after and details in between i left out, but if i had intended to cover everything we might have been here all day.
Everything has been laid out for you...
And Now The Story Can Begin...
Hope you guys enjoyed the recap, it was nice retreading old ground and tweaking things, and experimenting with this writing style
Let me know your thoughts!
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