Chapter 9: Out-Smarting a Ghost
No One's POV
"Tucker!" Sam called as she spotted her dark skin friend and ran to him "Where's Danny?"
"He's already off fighting the ghost. He asked if we could get the thermos for him."
The two nodded as they thought up of a way to slip out and get the ghost capturing device. The students and teachers payed them no mind, making it ever the more easier for them in their mission.
"Ok, were almost there."
Only one corridor ahead and there, they'll find Danny's locker.
An explosion which resonated from the classroom nearby caught the duos attention. Then the body of Danny Phantom fazed through the wall and crashed into the lockers, they were quick to change objectives and ran to their friend.
The ghost boy groaned but easily sat back up with the help of his friends.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"
"We were about to get the thermos like you asked, but then you came crashing. Are you alright?" The goth searched for any large injuries on his person while giving him an answer.
"What happened to you dude? Which ghost are we dealing with?"
"Ghost child~"
The name and familiar voice, answered Tucker's question as the three looked up at the cyborg ghost as he flouted near.
"Skulker, didn't we kick your butt a few days ago? This is a fast comeback, even for you." Sam stood forward, in a defensive position as if shielding Danny, while Tucker did the same.
"I'm not here for just the Ghost Boy."
"He..." they turned to Danny "...he wants Kaitlyn."
The teens grew quiet as they comprehended the ghost boys answer.
'I knew I forgetting something!' Sam mentally yelled at herself 'I can't believe I forgot! I don't even know where she is!... Wait, that could be a good thing'
"Well then... tough luck Skulker! Kaitlyn left town and we don't know where they are!" Brave and bold was the goth, while standing her ground against the ghost.
But while her answer did probably protect their missing friend, it couldn't be said for them. Skulker growled and raised one of his many weapons, threateningly at the three.
"Then I'll just have to make do with the ghost child and his friends."
"You stay away from them!!" Danny, who was back on his feet and stood in front of his friends protectively. His toxic green eyes glowing threateningly.
Skulker smirked and blasted a ball of energy that quickly approached Danny and friends. Raising a shield in time to block the attack, Danny turned to his friends.
"Quickly, Get somewhere safe!"
"But we still haven't gotten the Thermos yet!?"
"There's no time Tuck, just take Sam and get somewhere safe for now, while I distract tall, mechanic and grumpy here."
And so the two did as he said and ran to a safe place, in which they were a good distance away from the fight, but could still watch the action.
Dropping his shield and blasting the cyborg ghost in the chest, Danny took flight and charged. Two good blows and a energy blast was all the halfa got before taking a blow himself.
The threatening ghost smirked as his extra pair of ghost gloves did it's damage.
"Oww... how many of those things to you have!?" Danny dodged and income blow "All this just for my pellet! Seriously man, you need another hobby, like tea cup collecting."
He got a burst of ectoplasmic energy for his troubles. But instead of a hard impact to the ground floor, he found himself caught in arms.
'Wait— Arms!?'
"Yo~ funny seeing you dropping in Danny."
The white haired phantom, ripped his eyes open to see that...
It's Kaitlyn talking...
And yes...
She caught him...
In her arms...
In a bride style.
The poor boys eyes were wide as he blushed green in embarrassment, which Kaitlyn took as him being woozy from the fall.
"You alright?" At his quick conformation that he was indeed fine, did she gently let him down. "There was something I wanted to ask you, something weird happened and this mist—"
"We meet again, Sword Wielder." Skulker cut her off "I shall make you pay in full for my suit, which you destroyed!"
As the hunter ghost started to rant about his revenge and how much that suit was, with its new upgrades and finding new replacements, Kaitlyn turned to Danny.
"Um... so what's going on?" She whispered to him.
The green eyed teen sighed and whispered back to explain "Skulker is back and wants revenge. Came to the school to find me and you and probably plans to put both our pellets on display."
"Wow, ya know, he needs to find a new hobby, like... tea cup collecting or something."
"Ha! That's what I said!"
Skulker exclaimed, causing the two teens to glance back at him, One with a deadpan and the other, a sheepish expression.
"We heard you... something about, being mad about your suit breaking." calmly, Kaitlyn tried to talk like she had listened to the ghosts rant and not ignore him just a second ago.
"Not it breaking... it being destroyed by you!"
Now that caused some embarrassment on Kaitlyn's side, but what could she do? Her kick had quite the impact when she gets excited and forgets to hold back a smudge.
"If it's any consideration~" chipper then a bird, the long haired teen continue with a smile "Your armour or suit, is a bit too bulky. I understand that your a hunter and hunters need their tools and weapons, but your suit ~ even for a ghost ~ it's too big and easy for a target. Hunters need strategy and speed, plus stealth if you want to be great. And it doesn't help that your prey is constantly cautious and aware of you..."
Her opinion on his suit turned to a full on lecture, criticism and then curiosity on what kind of tech his suit was made of.
"...wondering what kind of tech do you use to store so many weapons in there and is you suit powered by you ghost energy? And if it is, that just means that, despite your true form being small, you obtain a large amount of energy to power your suit and give it the ability of a powerful ghost and... uhh... crap, I got carried away didn't I?"
Both ghost where now standing on the ground looking at her, shocked and thoughtful. Who wouldn't be!?
"Who are you kid?" Skulker for once didn't sound menacing, but instead, genuinely inquisitive about the other.
Latching on to the topic Kaitlyn introduced herself, in her Kaitou way.
Grinning she let burst a cloud of ~ now blue ~ smoke, with confetti falling in the air. "The names Kaitlyn Greig~! Ever the entertaining artist and awesome person I am. It's a pleasure to meet you~!"
Danny sighed, the spell he was under finally broken at the display of Kaitlyn's magic tricks and impressive introduction.
"Now then, Mohawk, you should really think about what I've said and improve for next time."
Danny's eyes widened 'WHAT!!' he stared at the raven as she continued to grin, then winked at him. 'What is she...?'
"Oh, and why is that?" The proud hunter raised a mechanic brow (does he have one??) holding only a bit of resentment for the others nickname for him.
"Because next time, you should fight me, and I want it to be at your very best. And when you come back... don't let me talk."
"What?" He was confused "Why?"
"Didn't you know?" Her grin turned downright scary with mischief dancing in her eyes "Because I was the distraction~!"
"Because I was the distraction~!"
Sam saw this as the signal and opened the thermos from behind the hunter ghost. Shocking him with the element of surprise.
The energy of the thermos sucked him in as he screamed and tried to escape the ray.
"DAMN YOU! YOU TRICKED ME!" Skulker yelled at the raven.
Danny who was standing by Kaitlyn, watched in shock as Skulker was sucked into the thermos, with Tucker and Sam behind the active device. But before Skulker was fully pulled in, Kaitlyn stepped forward.
"While I did trick you, I never lied." Danny couldn't see her expression, but her voice seemed almost... kind and challenging. "Let's meet again and have a real challenge of Hunter and Prey, I'll wait until then."
Now the expression Skulker made, almost seemed impossible for the ghost boy to believe.
The Hunter ghost actually smiled, a real genuine smile!! Then laughed.
"Until then Strange Kid!" And with that, he was finally in the thermos where Sam closed its lid, keeping the ghost inside.
"What... just happened?"
Kaitlyn turned to Danny patted him of the shoulder as if knowing that he was having slight meltdown and was unable to make sense of the events that just happened. Sam and Tucker soon joined them.
"Danny, Kaitlyn, are you guys okay?"
"I have no idea what just happened... guys?" Danny looked to them for help and saw how they looked at each other then said...
"It was all Kaitlyn's idea" Tucker then pulled out his PDA and showed Danny a message.
"Relax Danny, I'll explain." They looked to her as she started
"Ok, so during my little ranting spree, I texted Tucker through my phone, which I had hidden behind my back, and told him and Sam to grab that thermos and then get behind Skulker as I distract him. All they had to do was wait until my signal and then bam we got ourselves a ghost."
A manic grin
"The best tool of the trade is ones mouth and skill to talk their way out~!"
After this, they went back and told one of the teachers that Danny Phantom had taken down the ghost and it was safe to return back to the building. They all knew that it was best not to tell them what really transpired.
"Today was fun~!" Kaitlyn exclaimed at dinner with the Fenton's when asked how school was.
"Oh really, that's wonderful Kaitlyn~ any new friends?" Maddie asked the little tomboy, who made an excellent dinner that the two younger Fenton's were giving their attention to, almost inhaling it with tearfully happy eyes.
Kaitlyn gave her a thoughtful expression before answering "If all goes well, I think I might gain myself a friendly rival."
The blue jumpsuited woman gave her a thoughtful looked, but dismissed it as soon as it came when a memory of the past emerged.
"Alex!" A red haired teen called, running to the walking back of her friend.
Turning around, Purple eyes stared back "Maddie, what took you so long?" The ravenets voice wasn't accusing, not with the friendly fondness that blending into her words.
Dismissing the others question, teen Maddie stopped her friend to talk about what she heard "Is it true?... Did you smack talk the schools biggest and riches, bully!?"
"I wouldn't call it smack talk, I simply told her that—"
"Are you Insane!? Why would you do something like that!?"
"Because~ If all goes to plan, I'm might get myself a friendly rival~!"
Maddie sighed at the memory, partly exasperated and partly fond. Those days were so long ago, and she had almost forgotten her dear friend from then. Looking at the child before her, being a splitting image and similar in personality to the other, brings a sad but exceptionally happy expression.
'Alex, can you see this? Are you happy from where you're watching her?'
She may be a scientist and a ghost hunter, but she hoped that the spirit of her friend might be around, laughing and smiling as the child grew.
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