Chapter 5: Meet the Fentons
Kaitlyn's POV
We ran over to a table, grabbed the snacks and pretended that were talking.
As soon as we were seated a woman in a blue and black jump suit came from the stairs. For no apparent reason I hid myself behind Sam who was sitting next to me.
"Danny, here you are, Oh hello Sam, Tucker. What are you three doing down here you know not to play around in the lab." She said then she saw me hiding behind Sam "Oh who's this, a new friend?"
"Oh um? Yeah, this is um... Sams cousin." Danny said, obviously a terrible lie on his part, and I just had to intervene. I moved slightly and looked at Danny's Mom
"Um Hello, the truth is I'm not Sam's cousin. My name is Kaitlyn, I'm new around here and these three are showing me around town." I said sheepishly rubbing the back of my head.
After I introduced myself to Danny's Mom, she started staring at me for a minute until Danny snapped her out of it.
"Mom? Mom! Your staring!" He said loudly to her
She blinked and shook her head, "Oh my! You resemble my old friend from high school!" she said and the three looked towards each other than at me, I looked to Danny's Mom 'Could she be referring to who I think it is?' I thought
"Um, what was your friends name?" I asked her
"Her name was Alex Gates" was her response "Is she your mother? Oh my, so she did have children" she smiled
"You could say that" I responded back to her
"Where is she? I haven't seen her since high school, we used to be besties back then" she said, I just looked down
"I'm sorry but you won't be able to, she died along time ago." I said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear me.
What I said was the truth, she did die but then reincarnated as me, I don't have her memories or anything, like they say in the books and the internet.
I looked back up at Danny's Mom who took off her jump suit mask and goggles. She had ginger hair, and light purple eyes which had little tears in them.
She came running to me and hugged me tight, I struggled to break free from her without hurting her... nothing worked
"Danny Help me! I hate HUG'S!" I yelled weakly in her tight hold
"Oh, you really are just like her." Danny's Mom said, then finally let me go of me, and I ran to the other side of the table to hide from her. I looked at the others and they were trying to hold back their laughter, I glared at them. "You know, she didn't like hugs either" I faced Danny's Mom again
'So Alex didn't like hugs either' I thought.
"Hey Mom, when was the last time you saw her?" Danny asked
"I haven't see her since I was 16, so 25 years. She moved away, and I never saw her again" She said, then looked to me "Kaitlyn I'm so sorry."
She had a sad expression on her face, I was about to say something to lighten the mood but...
"Oh, I should go get Jack! and introduce you two and talk about the old days." She said cheerfully and ran off
It was just the four of us once again, we were silent until someone spoke
"I thought you said you were from another world? So how is your Mom and Danny's Mom high school friends?" Tucker asked, then they looked to me with this face saying, 'were lying to us?'
"Guys what I said before was the truth"
"Then how do you know this Alex person?" Sam said with an interrogating stare
"*Sigh* I guess I'll explain it from the beginning." I took a deep breath, then spoke
"A long time ago back in my home town, which was in another world/dimension from this one. I got into an earth quake accident at my school. I thought that I would surely die, but then... I opened my eyes and found myself in another world. From then on, I learned that there are other worlds and to travel to each one, I needed to search for a crystal to go to the next. On my journey I learned to do a lot of things and became a lot of things."
"You still haven't explained Alex, she is you Mom, right?" Danny asked
"No, she isn't my Mom" I replied
"Then who is she and how do you know her?" He asked again
"I know her because she was my previous incarnation. You see... I am the reincarnation of Alex Gates." They looked towards each other in wonder then Sam spoke
"Reincarnation, I've read about it, it's when someone die's and then is reborn with a new life." Sam explained
"But that's just some fairy tale mumbo jumbo, no way is that true. If you're telling us the truth, show us some proof" Tucker said crossing his arms
I thought for a moment then had an idea
"Ok then"
I stood up and walked over to a clear area, the other three followed. I went to grab my sword which is still with me.
I held it and said "Gate open! Luffy and the gang!" at the end of the hilt of my sword was a crystal diamond that glowed, and a blue portal appeared
I turned to the trio "You believe me now, or do you want more proof and go meet my friends on the other side?"
They shook their heads 'no' and I smiled "Good! Because you might freak out over there"
I closed the portal and it disappeared into thin air, then placed my sword back were it was before. "Now that's settled, what now?" I asked
"Well... we go back up stairs where you'll meet my Dad, Jack Fenton. Prepare yourself for his hour speech on ghosts" He said, we all left the basement/lab and walked back upstairs.
Once there we walked over to the living room, Danny's Mom was here and a big guy wearing an orange and black jumpsuit, he had black hair and white hair on the sides, and blue eyes.
"Why hello there! Nice to meet you son!" he said then grabbed my hand and shook it up and down.
"Jack! she's a girl!" Danny's Mom Whispered loudly to him
He came close to my face, staring with a hand on his chin and making a 'hm?' sound. "Are you sure, Maddie? Looks like a boy to me." He said, then got pull by the ear
"Jack! Your being rude." She nagged at him
"It's okay Mrs. Fenton, I get that impression a lot." I said, and she let the big guy go
"Well then" he said after rubbing his sore ear "What's your name?" he asked with a smile
"My name is Kaitlyn" I introduced myself
"Well, Kaitlyn! Do you believe in Ghost!" He said ~ more like shouted
"Um... Yeah, I saw some, just today when I arrived here." I told him
"GHOSTS!!! You saw GHOSTS!" he said loudly holding me by the shoulders
"Y...Yeah?" I said nervously
"WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE ARE THE GHOST!!!" he said shaking me 'oh man, I'm getting dizzy' I thought to myself, and Danny's Mom must have taken notice because she made the big guy stop.
"Sorry for his behaviour Kaitlyn, but..." she placed her hand on my shoulder "... if you see another ghost be sure to call us and we'll get that ectoplasmic scum in the bag!" she said with fire in her eyes
'I feel pity for those ghosts who might get captured by these people? Man... Danny you got some... Strange parents' I sweat dropped at my own thought
"Sure thing, Mrs Fenton" I gave her a smile
"Good! Now what are you doing here in town? Is your father here with you?" She asked
'Aw crap! What am I going to tell her!?'
"Um? Well... I'm in town trying to find something" I said, and she nodded still looking at me
"and your father?" she asked
"Um..." I looked away from her, avoiding eye contact "He's at a home?" I said more like a question then an answer. She didn't buy my story at all and raised a brow at me. 'Hey, that is technically accurate.... probably?'
"Is that the truth Kaitlyn?"
"Yeeess..." I dragged, still not looking at her in the eyes 'I'm better at lying than this! What the hell is wrong with ME! Danny, Sam, Tucker! Where are you guys!! I need some help here!'
"Your lying" she said, and I just froze "Avoiding eye contact, dragging words, you lie just like Alex" She explained then crossed her arms
'Well Sh*t, I didn't know Alex lied just like me.'
"Tell me the truth right now young lady"
"I um well...? My Dads gone too." I said to her and when I looked at her, she had a sad face expression plastered on her face.
"I'm so sorry." She said as if she were about to cry
"Please don't be, Mrs Fenton" I said to her with a smile
"Wait! Where are you staying then!" she said suddenly and serious now
"Um? At a hotel?" I lied again 'I have money to stay at one anyway'
"That settles it! Jack!" she called for her husband
"Yes Maddie, what is it? Is it a Ghost" he said to her ready to pounce and catch a Ghost.
"Jack, Kaitlyn is going to stay here with us" she announced
"wait... WHAT!!!" Me and Danny yelled out 'oh... now you show up. Where were you like a minute ago!'
I tried to explain to her that I was fine and there was no need for them to concern themselves, but my complaints fell to deaf ears because her and Mr Fenton ran off to clear out a spare room.
Then the next minute I was introduced to Jazz who arrived shortly after.
And from then on I started living with the Fenton family, life for me in this town just got weirder.
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