No One's POV
At first, she thought the other was just a young child with great intelligence like their cousin. A young teen with foreign looks and blood. Who was admittedly, a little cute and charismatic when not meaning to be, while also having the lazy and active habits of a cat.
So how is it then, that such child is some entity that could very well be a disaster waiting to happen?
Kuroba was truly a fool of the highest caliber.
Akako, watched as Kaito, laughed and chatted with the blue eyed brunette and and braided haired raven. She saw as every now and then, how his eyes would divert, and shed see him glare at her with a clear message portrayed within his eyes.
Stay away or else.
It would have been kind of funny having the magician try and threaten an all powerful Witch.
But this was different. This was Kuroba.
As far as Akako has known the Magician, he wasn't one to easily anger. Heck, the frustrating boys alter-ego even has a No-One-Gets-Hurt rule. And even if he did get angry, his anger was always kept under a well controlled poker face that would constantly amuse and annoy her.
Until today, Akako never would have thought the boy would actually yell at her and lose his composure. His gaze now was heated and cold all at once, and while it wasn't obvious, his stance looked to be positioned in a manner in which, if she were to make any move towards them, he'd jump and block her path or grab the two tomboys and make a run for it.
There was no way for Akako to get to him, or to Kaitlyn at this rate.
'Dammit Kuroba Kaito!' She mentally seethed
If only the boy would have listen to her... had taken her warnings to heart. Instead, he protects the child that even Lucifer was wary of.
A pencil snapped and it took Akako a second to realise it was her pencil. Disregarding the useless thing and leaving its fate to her followers ~ who instantly fought over the piece of trash.
'No matter how I look at the child, they seem nothing out of the ordinary.' Which is a slight stretch, considering no other student could sleep as much as the other can without some medical health conditions. 'I can't even sense any magic coming from her?... How could she possible be so powerful?... Is it possible she can hide her magic so well?... It can't be!?... She is only a child!?... no way she can be so advance that young!?'
(If only she knew...)
The entire school day, Akako spent watching the two until finally the day ended without fuss. The Witch returned back to her mansion, where she continued to find whatever she could on the raven. Not knowing that the next day, the very person of her stress will make their move.
The next morning Akako walked gracefully to the school gates, where she was greeted by her love sick followers, who consistently professed their undying love and affection for her.
On most days, she would have indulged them with her attention and flirtatious looks, but today was not like most days.
Last night, she couldn't find anything on the fake little Kuroba. (Which I should mention, Kaitlyn isn't that small, shes actually the same height as Aoko).
And STILL nothing. It's almost as if the child erased any evidence of her past, or existence. Her magic mirror and crystal ball wouldn't even help her. They all insisted that she, a great descendant of Red Witches, should stop in her pursuit of knowledge, unless she was ready to face what was to come.
Relentlessly, she stopped and didn't bother for the meantime.
Now, back at school, she ignored her fans and headed to her classroom where she will once again seek information from Kuroba. A plan which even she thought might be a lost cause. If its some kind of spell the ravenet put on the Magician Thief, then Akako was frustrated to say, the other was truly skilled.
Before she could open the door, it slid open, and the last person she wanted to face yet, stood right there, brown gaze intent on her and her red eyes. The instinctive flinch that her body wanted to do was hard to hold back, but if anything, she was a proud Sorceress, she shall not flinch in the presence of a child.
It's still hard for her to believe. The little ravenet that has been with them for months, could be such a threat... such a danger.
"Good Morning Akako-san~!" Kaitlyn greeted
"Y-yes, Good Morning to you too, Kaitlyn."
She won't say it out loud, but inside she was panicking.
'Did Kuroba tell her what happened yesterday? How much did he tell?!'
"He told me enough." Kaitlyn spoke out, as if knowing what the witch was thinking.
Akako's first instinct was too use her magic and get the hell out of there. But a single look at the younger teens face made her stop. The tomboys face wasn't dazzling bright like before... no giant grins or brilliant shinning eyes. Their face was soften, smile relaxed and eyes were awfully gentle.
"You have questions and this isn't the best place to talk, there is 15 minutes until Kaito gets here with Aoko, so if you don't mind a bit of the cold morning air and join me on the roof?"
The Sorceress didn't even reply back, before the raven started walking in the direction of the stairs. (Stairs... one of the horrors of life😰). Having no other choice then to follow, Akako used the time getting there to mentally prepare herself.
In no time, the two reached the rooftop, with the entrance door miraculously unlocked. The air from up was more intense then it was from below, but the morning suns rays were warm enough to compensate. Akako watched Kaitlyn as the other faced away and looked to the morning sun. Birds waking and flying in the blue sky, their chirps and flapping wings slightly audible for the Witch to hear.
It was like looking at a alternate image of Kaitou KID. Instead of a figure in white, its someone in black, and instead of moonlit nights, its sunbathed days. Instead of a grown man, its a young girl...
"Now then" The door behind Akako slammed shut, making her jump. "We have a lot to discuss... Red Sorceress~"
...But unlike the moonlit thief, the starlit swordsmen is not bound to just the night... because people forget, that even the sun, is a star.
(Howdy readers~!😁
Another chapter, this one was a little shorter and I'm not that proud of it, but it should do for now.
Can you guess what's gonna happen? Do you think Kaito told Kaitlyn everything? What does Kaitlyn want to talk about?
Well, the answer for these questions will have to wait until the chapter after this~
Yup, the next chappy will not be what happens next with Akako and Kaitlyn. Instead its gonna be Kaito and Kaitlyn returning home and having a little chat.
I thank all of you who read my books and put up with my hectic updates. You guys are true fans~!
Anyway, I gotta go and finish off some more works before I forget.
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