Chapter 10
I open my eyes slowly and see the blinding whiteness of a hospital room. I slowly get used to the fluorescent lights and try to look around. I groan from the pain in my back and arms as I try to sit up in the bed to get a better view. A hand gently pushes me back down.
"I wouldn't advise doing that Max," a voice says. A person leans over the bed and looks at me. Their name badge says Dr. Francis. They look over at me and smile before helping me drink a cup of water.
I look down at my arms and see them bandaged. My abdomen has bandages too. I grimace as I see the doctor looking over the bandages. I probably look pretty bad.
They push back their pixie cut hair and adjust their glasses. They take one more glance at the bandages before writing something on their clipboard and then setting it back down on their desk.
"I should probably introduce myself. I'm Dr. Francis. I'm your doctor," they say. They help me sit up. They put pillows behind me and help me lean against them. My brothers walk into the room.
"Max! You're awake!" Antonio says running over to me. I smile and nod slowly. Dr. Francis sits by their computer and starts typing. Mike and Dan sit down on the chairs beside my bed and Antonio walks over to Dr. Francis.
"Are you feeling okay?" Mike asks. I nod. I look back down at my bandaged arms and wince. Dan grabs a blanket and lays it over me. I smile at him gratefully. Dr. Francis walks back over with Antonio on their heels.
"I believe you must want an explanation of what happened. Mr. and Ms. Hilopre have been arrested because of what they did to you. The two girls are living with an aunt on your mother's side of the family. You four are going to live with your biological father," they say.
I look over at Dan and he nods. I haven't heard from him in years, after our mother divorced him and kicked him out. Dr. Francis smiles at me reassuringly.
"I'm imagine it will be fine. I must go attend to other patients now. You'll be out of here in a couple of days," they say and walk out. Antonio sits down on the bed carefully and sighs.
"They're really gone?" I rasp. Antonio nods slowly. I smile softly and think of the girls. Better to have them somewhere that they aren't going to get hurt. Then I realize something.
"Are we going to have to move schools?" I ask. Dan shakes his head and smiles over at me. He gets out his phone and finds something.
"He is moving out here for us. He's living in this house," he says showing me his phone. He points at one of the houses that look just like the surrounding ones.
Mike grabs my hand and smiles. I look at my brothers and chuckle. We're finally out of there. Dan helps me drink another glass of water after I start coughing from laughing too hard.
Someone knocks on the door and Antonio walks over. He opens it and Alex runs through the door. He looks around and sees me awake.
"Max!" He exclaims. He runs the rest of the way over, skidding to a stop in front of me. He pushes my hair out of my face carefully and kisses me on the head. My cheeks flame up and I turn away from him.
my brothers look at me knowingly and I stick my tongue out at them. I watch as Alex smiles at me happily. I catch sight of the others standing at the door waiting. Mike smiles knowingly and grabs Antonio and Dan. They walk out of the room and the others walk in.
I move to fix my hair and pout when I cant. Alex chuckles and takes a comb out of his pocket, skillfully brushing my hair. I stare at him confused.
"I brought a comb just in case your brothers forgot to," he explains. He finishes up with my hair and puts the comb back in his pocket. I smile at him gratefully.
"How are you doing?" Cody asks. I carefully move my hand and give him a thumbs up. Julie and Anna sit down on the chairs next to my bed. Milly stands next to Cody, holding a small teddy bear in her hands.
She walks over to the bed and places it in my reach. I carefully grab it and hold onto it's tiny black paw. It's beady lilac eyes stare up at me.
I grasp onto the paw tighter and look up at Alex. He smiles at me and carefully helps me put it on my stomach. He lays my arm there and closes my hand around it.
"It's from all of us," Anna says. I smile and glance at the black and brown bear. I hum in content as Alex runs his hands through my hair slowly.
"Thank you," I say softly. They all nod and go back to what they were originally doing. I glance over and see Anna. She not so subtly admires Julie as Julie talks to Milly.
I tap Alex's other hand and gesture towards Anna. He watched as Anna slowly moved closer to Julie. She stopped about an inch from her.
Julie grabbed her hand, not even missing a word. Anna hid her face with her free hand. I grin as I see Alex taking a picture of them. Cody walks over and sees the picture before we beheld the sight of Anna leaning into Julie.
I roll my eyes and smile at them. I lie back against the pillows and close my eyes. I'll be out of here in a couple of days. Then I can see my sisters and go back to school.
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