Chapter Four: Babe in Arms
Hermione gritted her teeth as she stood in the master bedroom suite of Granger Cottage, and stared down at the expansive grounds, due to the cottage being in a private area. The gardens and orchards were frosted over, due to the season, but the bitter cold did not creep into the warmth of her bedroom. The fire roared in the fireplace behind her, where she had just crouched moments ago, informing Poppy of her water breaking. Poppy, however, was dealing with a series of accidents that had occurred in Madam Hooch's flying class earlier that afternoon, and was unable to come through as promptly as Hermione hoped. Now, she was waiting for Molly and Ginny to come, but Ginny was visiting Viktor's family in Bulgaria, and Molly was at an appointment with Ron at Gringotts to get into the Prewett family vault for Ron to find a suitable ring for Lavender.
Hermione stared through the frost and snow, wishing that Cassiopeia's father could have been with her. However, due to the last several weeks, that likely couldn't, and wouldn't, happen, not to mention the fact that Sirius Black still had no idea he was going to be a father. As the final days of November had passed by, after little Jamie's birth, Hermione, Ron, and Neville had signed the forms necessary to proclaim themselves as his godparents, while Sirius had looked on, alongside Molly and Arthur. Then came December and Christmas and all that that entailed, and things still had not improved between Hermione and Sirius.
"Merlin's teeth!" Hermione shouted, arching her back and attempting to place pressure on it, and gripped the window sill beside her, feeling Crookshanks's accusatory expression upon her, perched upon the bed. Hermione feebly turned to look at him, and glared at the half-Kneazle. "I honestly don't care that Casseopeia can hear me, Crooks! You try doing something of this caliber without hissing or otherwise making unhappy noises!"
Crookshanks meowed softly then, sounding miffed, but did not jump off the bed, content to wait with his mistress for the new arrival.
Hermione scoffed. "Some help you are," she grunted, and continued her breathing; between watching Jamie for the last few weeks and helping out with Teddy since the final battle, Hermione felt she was ready to bring a child into the world. "Let's hope you don't look too terribly much like your father," she whispered through her tears, and shut her eyes as another wave of pain tore through her.
Ten Weeks Ago
"All right, I got this from Severus just last evening," Hermione said, and handed over the letter to Augusta, while Molly peered over her shoulder to look at it. "Given that everything he's got on his plate right now—preparing to oversee midterm examinations as headmaster, planning his own wedding, planning his retirement, and becoming a new father—it was a miracle that he had the time to do this at all."
Augusta smiled indulgently at the mention of Jamie. "That is a beautiful boy they have," she said fondly, breaking the seal of the letter as she spoken. "Neville's brought him over to Longbottom Lodge whenever Harry or Severus need some time alone together."
Ginny, who had been pouring them all cups of tea in the kitchen of the Burrow, settled back into her chair beside Hermione, and peered at her. "Are you all right, Hermione? Is your back bothering you again?"
Hermione leaned forward slightly then. "Yes, a bit," she admitted.
Ginny nodded in understanding, and temporarily vanished the back of the chair Hermione was currently sitting in. "I've learned quite a bit from Viktor and how to tend to his Quidditch injuries," she explained as she massaged Hermione's sore muscles. "Since getting my NEWTs last summer, I've been considering apprenticing with Madam Pomfrey..."
Molly looked up and across the table at her daughter. "Darling, I think that's wonderful!" she said, positively beaming at the news. "Have you told Penelope yet?"
Ginny smiled and shook her head; initially, after the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy had stayed away from the family after quitting the Ministry of Magic. However, in the weeks that followed, he informed them that he had taken over as temporary charms professor, and had run into Penelope Clearwater there, who was apprenticing underneath their mediwitch. The pair had gotten back together in the interim, and were considering returning to England together before the start of the next Hogwarts term.
"No, but she has her hands full at the moment, don't you think?" Ginny asked. "She wrote to me about all the examinations she has to do..."
"You scored very well on your OWLs and NEWTs, darling," Molly put in. "Only one EE in the subjects you took, and that was Arithmancy, not something you'd need for healing."
"I suppose so," Ginny replied with a shrug, and Molly nodded before turning back to the letter Augusta was still reading.
"Well, it's happened," Augusta announced, lowering the letter, and Molly smiled in satisfaction, while Augusta appeared more reserved, but pleased. "Severus has made good on his word and has spoken to the Board of Governors. They are currently drafting a proposal to send out to magical families who have already established having their children's names written down in the Hogwarts Admittance Book, and will ask them for their interest."
Ginny leaned forward at that, bright-eyed. "Did Severus mention when the proposal would be completed?" she asked.
"The Board of Governors said that they've made time to have it completed by Christmas, and do the final stages of editing, and then they will send it out for the new year, in the first week of January," Molly answered, looking utterly gleeful. "This means we'll have plenty of time to sort through acceptable students, should they fill out the application paperwork, before our goal date of the first of September. How is that going, Hermione?"
Hermione snapped her fingers and her beaded bag popped open, and nonverbally summoned her draft for the application for the school. "This is what I've come up with," she said, and had it fly into the middle of the table, before settling down. "After Jamie's birth, I got so excited that I couldn't put my quill down. Kimsey had to remind me to sleep, and Ganrey to eat. Seeing house-elves displeased at you for things like that..."
"It's because of the baby," Ginny helpfully reminded her, as Augusta and Molly slid the paper towards them and began to read it. "House-elves are engrained with loyalty towards their master or mistress, and that applies to their children automatically."
Hermione blinked. "But... But Kreacher wasn't loyal to Sirius," she said softly. "I mean, initially speaking, before they came to an understanding, and the locket certainly helped..."
"Ah, but Kreacher was brainwashed by Walburga," Ginny said, massaging into Hermione's lower back then, and Hermione sighed in contentment. "Remember how loyal Winky was to the Crouch family?"
Hermione nodded, and was more than pleased that Harry and Severus had employed Winky to be their personal house-elf after Jamie's birth—paid, of course. The little elf absolutely adored baby Jamie, and waited on the three of them hand and foot. "I do remember. Of course, the Dark Mark appearing over the Quidditch World Cup certainly didn't help matters for her either. Poor thing was sacked that day..."
Augusta lowered the paper back down onto the table, and both Hermione and Ginny looked across its surface at her. "Wonderful news indeed," she said, smiling with approval, and Molly nodded her head. "Have you given any thought to who you may want to teach at Aethonan Academy, Hermione?"
"Harry has expressed interest in teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I immediately offered him the position," she replied, and Augusta, Molly, and Ginny all voiced their approval at the suggestion. "While we were discussing it, Severus mentioned that Draco would be interested in the potions position. Given his suit for his half-sister, Celeste's, custody, I'm sure the Wizengamot would likely look upon it more with approval if he had gainful employment lined up."
Augusta nodded. "Neville did mention that, when you were all in Severus's class, that when the young Malfoy wasn't throwing things into Harry's cauldron, he actually did quite well in all those classes," she mused. "Have you spoken to Neville?"
Hermione smiled. "About the Herbology position, you mean?"
Augusta smiled. "Of course."
"I have," Hermione confirmed. "I had tea with him and with Luna last week after baby Jamie's birth to catch up. It was after Neville, Ron, and I signed the documents confirming godparent duties," she explained. "They both expressed an interest, so Neville will join the staff as Herbology professor, and Luna will handle Care of Magical Creatures."
Molly appeared as if she wanted to say something, and Hermione turned to face her, raising her eyebrows in a clear invitation to speak. "Arthur and I went over to Bill and Fleur's for Sunday lunch yesterday," she explained. "Now that they're starting a family, Bill and Fleur have expressed an interest in leaving Gringotts. Bill gained his NEWT in Astronomy, you know, and Fleur got her NYMPHs in the same."
Ginny peered forward, around Hermione's shoulders, at that. "NYMPHs?" she asked.
Hermione turned her head towards Ginny and smiled. "Noxious Yearly Midterms Prerequisite for Honors," she explained.
Ginny shook her head. "Merlin. They've got those, too?"
"The SHRAKEs, or Sickeningly Horrible Research And Killjoy Exams, are said to be far worse, considering that they have to do practical's, essays, and something that even Fleur wouldn't bring up," Hermione explained.
"Be that as it may," Molly continued, "Fleur also expressed an interest."
Hermione nodded. "In which subject?"
"Magical Theory, dear," Molly replied. "She and Bill are already writing their essays. They just want to be considered..."
"I think it's a wonderful idea," Hermione replied. "I'd be glad to read them and consider them for the positions, Mum."
Molly smiled. "Thank you, dear."
Ginny squeezed Hermione's shoulder, getting her attention. "Viktor told some of the retired Quidditch players he knows about the school, and they're interested," she said, and Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Who better to teach flying than a former Quidditch player?"
Hermione nodded. "Very true, Ginny. Thank him for me, will you?"
Ginny beamed. "Naturally," she replied.
Hermione turned to address the group then. "I won't be having anyone interviewed for Ancient Runes," she said softly. "I adore the subject so much that I honestly can't think of anyone better to teach it. So, I will be its professor..."
"Your marks were impressive, Hermione," Augusta replied. "I see no reason why you shouldn't be a member of the staff, especially in your best subject."
"Thank you, Augusta," Hermione said.
Molly summoned the class list towards her, and wrote the names of confirmed people that had just to sign contracts, and potentials for the ones discussed. "Well, at this rate, we will be needing professors for Arithmancy, Charms, Flying, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, and Transfiguration," she said thoughtfully. "When the Board of Governors get the word out to the other magical families, I'm hoping that other wixen will come forward to put their names into the pointed hat."
Hermione nodded, her hand settling onto her swollen belly as her daughter kicked from within; it always seemed to happen whenever they spoke about magic in general. "We can only hope, Mum," she responded, settling back into her chair as Ginny made the back reappear, done with her massage for now. "We can only hope."
Nine Weeks Ago
Hermione was busily answering correspondence from Viktor, who, true to his word had reached out to Quidditch players who were retired or considering retirement, and had sent her a list of candidates who were interested in interviewing with her, Augusta, and Molly. Hermione signed the letter off with a flourish, pleased that Viktor had helped. What was surprising, however, was Viktor's request to be interviewed for the Transfiguration position, and Hermione couldn't help but remember the shark who had rescued her in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament when she was fifteen-years-old.
Castanea flew in to her study, presumably let in by Dordey, and fluttered onto the perch that had been put up upon Hermione's desk. Hermione greeted the owl warmly, while Crookshanks chirped from his cushion upon the window seat across the room. Hermione took the letter that Castanea offered to her via her clawed foot, before she flew to her large cage, stationed above Crookshank's cushion. Hermione smiled as Castanea hooted at Crookshanks, who meowed in reply, and the pair of them had quite a lively conversation.
Hermione turned over the letter, and was pleased to see that it was from Harry. She sliced open the envelope and spread out the piece of parchment, surprised to see that a card was in there as well, or, rather, an invitation.
You are cordially invited to the wedding of
Headmaster Severus Snape and Mr. Harry James Potter
To be held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Upon Friday, the twenty-fifth of December, nineteen-ninety-eight
In the Great Hall at Hogwarts, at eight o'clock p.m.
Dinner beforehand will be served at six o'clock that evening
Reception will begin at approximately eight-fifteen
Hermione smiled at the invitation, with scarlet for Gryffindor and emerald for Slytherin intertwined beautifully for Christmas colors. Shaking her head, and knowing entirely well that Harry had something to do with it, she could imagine Severus's expression. Placing the card aside, she turned to the letter.
Dear Hermione,
Severus and I are hard at work planning for our wedding, as well as my debut as a professor at the academy next September. Severus and I have spoken about it, and we are in agreement that we will find a home together outside of Hogwarts by this summer. Following that, I will work at the academy once term begins, and Severus will remain at home with Jamie, and do potions research and making, as he has always wanted to do.
Severus and I would very much appreciate it if you would escort Jamie down the aisle on the day in question, as well as stand up with me. I would like to formally ask you to be my Maid of Honor upon the day of the wedding. I have asked Ron and Sirius to be my Best Men; Ginny, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, and Lavender will be my bridesmaids, and Remus, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Viktor, Bill, and George will be my groomsmen. You will pair with Sirius, Ron with Lavender, Ginny with Viktor, Luna with Neville, Remus with Tonks, Fleur with Bill, and Dean with Seamus.
Did you know that the two of them finally got together? I didn't either!
We will have the rehearsal for the wedding the Saturday before Christmas, with a formal dinner to follow afterwards at Remus and Tonk's cottage in Godric's Hollow. Teddy is going to be the ring bearer, with Tonks levitating him. Won't that be adorable? Draco has agreed to attend and will bring Celeste, whom Severus requested as Flower Girl.
As for a bachelor party, all I want is a quiet dinner at the Burrow the night before. I have asked Mum Weasley, and she is in full agreement. Severus, meanwhile, will be spending the evening with Draco, who Severus requested as his Best Man. Dad Weasley will also be standing up with Severus, along with Professor Slughorn.
Mum Weasley would like to meet with you as soon as possible to go over any last-minute details you can possibly think of for the wedding. Minerva will be officiating the ceremony—won't that be wonderful?
Can't wait to hear back from you!
Severus sends his best, and Jamie sends his love. Well, as much as someone who is barely a fortnight old can!
Love you, Hermione!
Your best mate,
Hermione felt the letter slip from her fingers as she stared, unblinking, at the parchment in front of her. She shook her head before stumbling to her feet and rushing towards the closest Floo, which was located in the master bedroom suite. She needed Ginny, and she needed her now! She called out for Viktor's London flat, where Ginny had unexpectedly announced she was moving to after their meeting the week before, after surprising them all with the knowledge that Viktor had moved to London just after Jamie's birth.
Hermione fell into the sitting room of the flat and looked around the place; she had been there briefly the week before, after smoothing things over with Molly on Ginny's behalf. Hermione knew that Molly had no objections with Ginny moving in Viktor on paper, as both Molly and Arthur liked him very much. It was merely that the pair of them had only been a couple for a little over a year, and there was no hint of an engagement soon. Shaking her head, Hermione stepped out of the sitting room and ventured towards the kitchen, where she saw Viktor chopping up vegetables, presumably for a salad.
"Viktor?" Hermione asked, her tone tentative.
Viktor turned around and smiled broadly at Hermione. "Her-mi-oh-ninny!" he cried with delight as he lowered his wand, which he'd been used for chopping. He crossed the kitchen towards her and embraced her in that bear-like manner of his, holding her close for a moment before setting her gently back down on her feet. "How is everything?"
Hermione hesitated for a moment, twisting a curled lock of her hair around her finger. "I was just wondering if you'd received your owl post yet today?"
Viktor gestured for Hermione to sit at the little table on the other side of the kitchen. "Tea?" he asked her, his wand hovering over the kettle upon the hob.
Hermione nodded at him. "Yes. Please."
Viktor gave Hermione a small smile before he set the kettle to boil, and moved to sit across from her at the table, which dwarfed once he did so. "I got the invitation for Harry and Professor Snape's wedding," the Bulgarian former Quidditch player confirmed, nodding his head. "Good timing, too. I only just got back from visiting some friends."
Hermione nodded. "Ginny mentioned that you were recruiting some people you knew from your Quidditch days to teach flying at the academy," she replied, beaming at him despite her earlier misgivings about the invitation. "It was wonderful of you to do that."
Viktor smiled at Hermione. "I appreciate that," he replied. "It is of no trouble, I assure you. You will always mean something to me, Hermione, and you are Ginny's sister. Ginny understands that you were my first love, and I shall always be there for you, if you need me."
Hermione smiled at Viktor. "I cared about you very deeply, too, Viktor," she told him, and the man across the table smiled at her; although she didn't think she had ever been in love with Viktor, or Ron, she certainly had special places in her heart for the both of them.
Viktor got to his feet as the kettle whistled and poured them both cups of tea; green for him and black for Hermione, and Hermione found she was touched that Viktor had remembered, although it could have easily been Ginny reminding him. Viktor then summoned a tin of chocolate digestives, and put together a tray for the tea, and brought it over to the table. "Milk, two sugars, right?" he asked her.
Hermione nodded. "Yes, thank you."
"In a follow-up answer to your earlier question, Her-mi-oh-ninny, in regards to the mention of the wedding invitation," Viktor said, doctoring their teas, "I find myself wondering... Are you saddened for some reason? Have you not been invited?"
"No, I've been invited," Hermione assured him, taking her cup of tea and two biscuits with a small nod. "Harry has asked me to be his Maid of Honor."
Viktor smiled at that. "I am sure you will look lovely," he said quietly. "But, may I ask what has upset you? Are you worrying about how you will look upon the day itself?"
Hermione choked on her tea. "What?" she asked.
Viktor looked concerned. "It is merely that, so I'm told, some people who find themselves pregnant worry about how they will appear towards others, especially during a formal event. My sister, Anna, owns a maternity robes shop in Sofia," he went on to explain. "She thought that the shop you have here, Whopperwear, was a bit offensive, and so catered her store accordingly so that no wixen individual would feel less than in her designs."
Hermione blinked. "Maternity robes shop?"
"And for pregnant wixen," Viktor explained further. "She calls it Wixen Baby & Plus, and it is very popular. She is considering expansion in the coming years."
Hermione shook her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," she said quietly.
Viktor smiled at Hermione. "It is not as if we discussed my family in greater detail during our brief courtship, Her-mi-oh-ninny," he told her gently. "I would be glad to send her an owl and escort you there before the wedding, if you'd like."
Hermione nodded her head. "That would be lovely. Thank you."
Viktor appeared uneasy then and leaned forward, his large hands wrapped around his mug of tea as he whispered, "I have another motive, I'm afraid."
Hermione leaned forward as well, which was quite a feat, due to her expanding belly. "Oh? And what is that, Viktor?"
"I want to propose to Ginny," he said softly, and Hermione raised her eyebrows. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind accompanying me to our bank in Bulgaria, so that I can peruse the Krum vault and find a suitable ring for her."
Hermione smiled, touched. "Of course I will, Viktor. But why me?"
"You are Ginny's best friend, and her sister," Viktor told her. "I trust you would know exactly what sort of ring Ginny deserves."
Hermione nodded her head at him. "I would be delighted to assist. Which day would you like to venture out?" she asked.
"Perhaps next Sunday?" Viktor wanted to know. "Ginny is going to brunch with Fleur that day. I think that Fleur wants to ask Ginny to be one of the baby's godmothers," he explained, and Hermione nodded her head.
"Sunday would be fine," she assured him, turning her head as she heard footsteps, and Ginny herself stepped out from the bedroom area.
"We should pop by the shops soon, love. We need more shampoo and— Hermione!" Ginny squealed, dashing across the room, while Viktor indulgently looked on, as Ginny threw her arms around Hermione. "Are you all right? Is the baby all right?"
Hermione breathed in the scent of tulips, which always seemed to cling to Ginny whenever she look a bath or a shower, which led her to believe that that was what Ginny had been doing upon her own arrival to the flat. "Viktor and I were just discussing the wedding invitation," Hermione said quietly, and Ginny promptly took the hint.
Casting a Tempus Charm, Ginny gasped at it showed that it was close to noon. "You're meeting George in Diagon for lunch, Viktor!" she cried out.
Viktor swore in Bulgarian and summoned his cloak, before he grabbed Ginny by the waist and snogged her for all it was worth. "I'll stop by the apothecary and pick up your soaps, shall I, moeto sŭrtse?" he asked breathlessly.
Ginny, flushed from the affection, nodded her head. "Yes, thank you," she managed to get out, before Viktor hurried through to the sitting room, and vanished through the Floo.
Hermione grinned at her best friend. "My Bulgarian is a bit rusty," she confessed. "What was it he called you just now?"
"He called me 'my heart'," Ginny responded, sinking down into the chair Viktor had just vacated, and proceeded to sip his mug of tea. Shaking her mane of red hair as her flush subsided, she squared her shoulders before looking up at Hermione. "Mum didn't send you, did she?" she asked, her features becoming worried.
Hermione raised her eyebrows. "No, we haven't spoken for a few days. She likes to check in with me and the baby... Why would she send me over? Is everything all right?"
Ginny pursed her lips as she lowered the mug of tea. "You know as well as I do that she wasn't exactly thrilled about me moving in with Viktor without a ring on my finger. I've had to fend off Floo calls from Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, and Ron all week. Fleur, Penelope, and Lavender have somehow managed to calm Bill, Percy, and Ron down, but Charlie and George have been a bit relentless. That's why Viktor is going to lunch with George today, to try to smooth things over and get him on our side."
Hermione leaned back in the seat, smoothing her hands down her swollen belly. "I know that you know that, other than me, Harry and Severus are on our side. That certainly helps. You know how much Mum adores Harry..."
Ginny smirked. "Once she was over the fact that he and I would never be together," she admitted with a small shrug. "But remember how she reacted after they made their relationship public? It was horrible! She went to Hogwarts herself and tried to drag Harry out of the Headmaster's Tower, positive that Severus had hexed him or something..."
"And yet you were with Viktor already," Hermione mused.
Ginny clicked her tongue. "Well, yes. He did shield me from the Death Eaters once they came to the Burrow, after Bill and Fleur's wedding. He gave me shelter in Bulgaria, you know, before the term began."
Hermione shook her head. "No, I didn't know that."
"I was there for nearly a month. His family is lovely; his parents and older sister, Anna. Anna is married to a wonderful man named Ivan, and they've the most adorable three children—Odessa, and twins Sofia, and Stefan."
Hermione nodded. "It's wonderful that you were able to escape and find love, Ginny."
Ginny flushed. "Well, what with Mum and Dad at Shell Cottage with Bill and Fleur, and George going to stay with Charlie in Romania... Well, even though we were fractured, we were still a family, and we all were safe." Shaking her head for a moment to clear it, she looked up at Hermione again, and tilted her head to one side. "But, now that we've established that you aren't here because of Mum, what brings you to the flat?"
Hermione sighed. "Viktor mentioned you'd received the wedding invitation."
Ginny nodded, her expression immediately turning into all-knowing. "Of course you would be upset about it," she sympathized. "Although you know as well as I do that, if you refuse to walk with Sirius, then there will be questions..."
Hermione nodded her head, rubbing her belly to sooth the child within. "Harry never stops until he gets to the bottom of things," she mused. "I just don't know what to do..."
"Leave it with me," Ginny told her gently, reaching across the small table and grasping Hermione by the hand. "What you need is an amazing date to the festivities."
Hermione felt herself blanch white at that. "Oh, Ginny, I don't know..."
"Trust me," Ginny said, smiling as she squeezed Hermione's hand. "I know just what to do when it comes to matters of the heart, Hermione. You'll see."
Eight Weeks Ago
Hermione arrived at Viktor and Ginny's flat at the appointed hour the day that Ginny was due for brunch at Shell Cottage. It was ten-thirty upon her arrival, which meant that it was nearly one o'clock in Bulgaria, where Anna Dimitrova's shop was located, as Anna had taken her husband's name upon the occasion of their marriage. Viktor was waiting for Hermione in the sitting room, and was holding a piece of nosiya with white, green, and red stripes, which Hermione assumed was their Portkey directly to Anna's shop.
"How are you, Her-mi-oh-ninny?" Viktor asked, embracing her soon after she stepped through the Floo and into the flat.
"Fine, I think," Hermione assured him. "Are we ready?"
Viktor nodded, and handed Hermione the bolt of fabric, which she gripped onto, and Viktor placed his arm around her shoulders, and they were yanked away from the flat.
The pair of them spiraled into existence again in a beautiful shop, with colorful patterns upon many mannequins, which were in various stages of pregnancy, or plus size. Hermione felt a gasp escaping her throat then, when she saw a replica of her Yule Ball dress hanging in the window, which was for a pregnant wixen individual. She heard a thick Bulgarian accent behind her and, upon turning around, spotted Viktor grabbing a witch into his arms, who squealed in delight, and who appeared to be around five-feet-six.
"Anna, this is Her-mi-oh-ninny!" Viktor proclaimed, setting the witch, who could only be his sister, back down, and turned them, so as they faced her.
"Hermione!" Anna cried, rushing forward; she had dark-brown hair, like Viktor, and her eyes were sharp and pale blue, and Hermione was surprised that Anna said her name correctly. "It's so wonderful to meet you!" she gushed, hesitating for a moment before embracing Hermione herself, which Hermione accepted.
"You... Your English is fantastic, and your shop is lovely," Hermione said, stumbling slightly over her words as Anna let her go.
"Anna's minor in university was languages," Viktor explained, coming up behind his older sister with a grin. "Fashion merchandising was her major, of course."
"I had to learn various languages to get dealers to take me seriously," Anna explained. "So, in addition to Bulgarian, I speak English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese."
Hermione blinked, very impressed. "That's amazing. I only speak English, French, and Italian, although I know a bit of Bulgarian, though I am rusty."
Anna smiled, looking Hermione over, and her smile broadened at the sight of Hermione's swollen belly. "You look wonderful! How far along are you?"
"Seven months," Hermione replied, flushing a little at the scrutiny. "I'm due in the first part of February, according to my healer."
"Do you know what you're having?" Anna wanted to know.
"It's a girl," Hermione told her. "I've named her Cassiopeia already."
"A beautiful name for a girl who will be as beautiful as Her-mi-oh-ninny," Viktor proclaimed, and he was positively beaming.
"Viktor tells me that you are practically Ginny's sister, which makes you family," Anna told her, her eyes shining. "Viktor informed me about the purpose of your visit. Harry Potter and the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Severus Snape, are to be married."
"Yes," Hermione confirmed. "Harry's asked me to be his Maid of Honor, and to walk down the aisle at the wedding with my godson, Jamie, who's his son and Severus's."
Anna smiled at that. "That is simply lovely," she proclaimed. "We'll have to get you into a beautiful gown, then. Since there is no bride, you're the most important woman on that day, Hermione, make no mistake."
"I don't want to take any attention away from Harry or Severus," Hermione said quickly. "The two of them... They did more work than everyone in the war, and that day is their special day. I wouldn't want to overshadow them..."
"From what my brother tells me, you did plenty of work in the war, Hermione," Anna told her, and squeezed her shoulder. "Come on, now. What's your favorite color?"
Hermione rolled her shoulders as she considered it, relieved that Viktor had crossed the room to greet Anna's Crup called Skŭpa. "Scarlet," she admitted at long last. "I want a scarlet gown that screams Christmas."
"Ah, a Christmas wedding, then?" Anna wanted to know.
Hermione nodded. "Yes, it's actually being held on that day."
Anna looked pleased by this and took Hermione by the arm. "Well, come on then, my dear. We will find you something gorgeous, don't you worry." Anna led Hermione to the section which was filled with gowns in variations of the color red, speaking to Hermione as they meandered over there, with Anna gliding and Hermione waddling ever so slightly.
"What made you decide to go into the dress and fashion business?" Hermione asked as Anna looked through her inventory.
"I'm sure Viktor told you how much I dislike the term 'Whopperwear'," she said, and Hermione nodded at her. "Did you know that there is a Muggle restaurant chain based in America that has a patty with that name as its signature menu item?"
Hermione nodded; being Muggle, her parents had taken her to plenty of patty restaurants over the years as she'd grown up. "Yes, of course," she replied. "But, forgive me... The Krum family is Pureblood. Even though Ginny's father enjoys Muggle things, is the Krum family very much the same way?"
Anna peered over her shoulder at Hermione, flashing a grin as she meticulously rifled through the racks in front of her. "Viktor and I have an uncle who married a Muggleborn woman," she explained. "My mother's brother, Petar. His wife, Elena, is a lovely woman and her father owns a chippy chain over in London, so much so that there was a debate if she would attend Hogwarts or Durmstrang."
"Where did she end up going, then?" Hermione wanted to know.
"Elena's mother won out the argument in the end," Anna replied.
"I like your display in the front window," Hermione said casually as Anna continued to look through the gowns.
"Viktor was quite detailed in his description of you when he wrote home to me during the Triwizard Tournament," she replied. "Said you were very intelligent and were always reading in the library, something he greatly admired."
Hermione blinked. "I always thought it was because I didn't chase after him like all the other girls around there," she said quietly.
Anna smiled. "That, too, of course. You will always be special to Viktor. Plus, if it weren't for you, he'd have never met Ginny." Anna peered over her shoulder at Hermione again. "I suppose he told you he'll be looking for a ring for her in the Krum vault?"
Hermione nodded her head. "Yes. He asked me to go with him because I'm practically Ginny's sister and know her tastes."
Anna nodded in approval. "Wonderful. He'll also want to show you the books the Krum family has accumulated over the years. I know I speak for our parents as well, who know you'll be in there and are fine with it, that you're welcome to anything you see."
Hermione felt lightheaded at the thought of a Pureblood wizarding book collection, and knew that, had the Krum family been an English one, they certainly would have made the cut for the Sacred Twenty-Eight. "But, what if another member of your family wants access to the book at some point?" she asked.
Anna shook her head. "That won't happen," she assured her. "While we appreciate literature of all kinds, none of us are as academic as you are, and could truly appreciate the value and knowledge that any ancient tome provides."
Hermione smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you," she said quietly.
Hermione ultimately decided on a gown of scarlet with an off-shoulder neckline and flowing skirt, which both Anna and Viktor said looked amazing on her. It was fitted with Sizing Charms so as no alterations would be needed, and Anna explained that it could also double as a Christmas dress once she was no longer pregnant. Hermione thanked Anna profusely, but balked at the notion of not paying for it, and finally accepted the holiday and family discount for the piece, which Anna placed in a garment bag, equipped with Anti-Wrinkle and Non-Smelling Charms, and Hermione called for Kimsey, who took it back to the cottage.
Viktor then took Hermione by the arm and led her out onto the main street of the Bulgarian wizarding community, which had buildings that reminded Hermione very much of German architecture. They made their way to the bank, which was built from earth-toned sandstone as opposed to bright white marble, and mounted the steps into the building. Stepping inside, Hermione gasped at the beauty all around her, and Viktor smiled.
"Veela operate the banks here," he explained quietly as they walked along. "Not that we don't trust goblins, but we like to give Bulgarian beings the opportunity." Viktor stepped forward towards a lovely woman with long, white-blonde hair and captivating silvery eyes. Viktor smiled at her, and the woman smiled right back at him, showing rows of teeth which resembled the finest pearls Hermione had ever seen. "Bozhidara, it has been too long," he said warmly in greeting, and Hermione snapped to attention all over again.
The Veela called Bozhidara bowed to Viktor, and Viktor did the very same. "We have you down for an appointment today, Viktor, and it is always a pleasure to see you," she said, her voice lyrical, and turned her attention onto Hermione, her friendliness never wavering. "Is this your intended?"
"No, Bozhidara," Viktor said, shaking his head quickly, not wanting to give the Veela the wrong idea about Hermione. "This is Miss Hermione Granger, who—"
"Oh, Miss Granger, a pleasure indeed," Bozhidara said, and bowed respectfully to Hermione, who did the same, as best she could, due to her pregnancy. "My family and the Delacour's are quite old friends, and the former Miss Fleur Delacour has spoken most highly of you, Miss Granger. Not to mention the fact that you did so well in the war against that wicked man. It is an honor to meet you."
Hermione smiled at the woman. "Thank you, ma'am," she replied, hoping that she was addressing Bozhidara properly, and didn't want to make assumptions and merely address her by her first name without permission. "When Viktor mentioned that he would be going to the bank here in Bulgaria to find a suitable ring for Miss Ginevra Weasley, his intended, he requested for me to accompany him, as Ginny and I are almost sisters."
Bozhidara nodded with understanding. "Yes, of course," she said. "My family and I have been looking over the Krum accounts and vaults for over three-hundred years. Viktor has spoken so highly of you, Miss Granger, in addition to his sister and his mother and father. We would only be too glad to have you go into the vault with Viktor, Miss Granger, and take any of the books you like. I have a note here from Gospodi and Leĭdi Krum, expressing their permission on both accounts."
Hermione's mind registered the Bulgarian words for Lord and Lady, although she was still quite rusty when it came to the language. "Thank you very much..."
"It is Madam Dzhambazka in formal terms, but you may address me as Bozhidara, of course, Miss Granger," the Veela informed Hermione pleasantly. "Anyone whom Viktor regards in high esteem is, naturally, a friend of mine."
"I had no idea that Ivaylo had finally gotten with the commitment program," Viktor said, and Hermione was pleased that he was utterly beaming at Bozhidara, who flushed radiantly at the compliment. "His work with the ministry doesn't keep him too busy, then?"
"Not so much that he isn't home at a proper hour," Bozhidara told Viktor, before turning to look at Hermione once again, her eyes soft and warm. "It was around a year ago that I looked as radiant as you did," she said, and nodded to Hermione's swollen belly. "Twins, I had—Krasimir and Kristina; my mother watches them during the day... We'll make sure that the pair of you use the vault carriage, as the ride is much smoother than that of the carts. Do you know what you're having, then, my dear?" she asked, inquisitively, but not invasively.
"Yes, a daughter," Hermione responded. "Cassiopeia."
"A lovely name for what is sure to be a formidable and beautiful witch," Bozhidara said, and clasped her hands together.
Hermione and Viktor were led to the vault carriage, which was being pulled by pure white Abraxans, which Viktor explained were from the same crop that came from Madam Maxime's from Beauxbatons. Hermione was impressed, and was assured by Viktor that the beautiful creatures were treated quite well, and not used very often, only in the occasions of pregnant or ill wixen individuals. There were luxurious stables around back, where the winged horses could have all the single malt whiskey they wanted, and were treated with care, respect, and plenty of affection by their personal grooms.
The carriage ride was gentle, with the winged horses gently lifting them up into the air and taking them down beneath the earth, and gliding directly to the Krum vaults. Krum assisted Hermione out of the carriage, and led her to the door, the sterling-silver key gripped tightly in his other hand. He unlocked the door himself, after pricking the end of the key with his finger to show off his magical signature, and his blood permitted them entrance. Stepping inside, Hermione was quickly overwhelmed by the sights around her—numerous bookshelves lined each wall; there were also ornate pieces of furniture scattered about, rugs beneath them, so it appeared as if an entire estate lurked within the walls of the vault.
"Anna and I used to run around here as children, hiding behind the wardrobes and such," Viktor explained, still retaining his gentle hold on Hermione's arm, as he guided her through the vault and pointed things out. "As you can see, there is a records book just there," he said, and gestured to a large tome upon the ornately-carved lectern, "which divides the books up by section, and then by author. If you wouldn't mind assisting me with the ring first, you will then have all the time you need to look through the books."
Hermione nodded her head; it was only fair that Viktor would be anxious about selecting a ring that would be deemed appropriate for Ginny, and she was his guest in his ancestral vault, after all. "Of course," Hermione assured him. "Please, lead the way."
Viktor guided them towards where the riches were kept; Zlatos, the Bulgarian equivalent of Galleons, were piled high up against the wall, starting in one corner and stretching outwards into the next, and sticking outwards onto the rest of the floor. There were vanity tables in no particular order, each boasting beautiful jewelry boxes of varying sizes along the way as well. It was at one which seemed to be life-size, not placed upon a vanity, that Viktor stopped at, and removed a small golden key from his pocket, the wards and bits carved into a heart.
"This is where the rings are kept," Viktor explained, and turned the key in the lock; the mechanisms clicked in various fashions from within the lock, and it slowly opened by itself, as if by magic. On a bed of red velvet were several rings, and Hermione's eyes widened at the stones and settings; like snowflakes, no two were exactly alike.
Hermione's attention was quickly caught by a rose gold band, with an art deco shape, diamonds, and an oval-shaped emerald in the center. Hermione knew that Ginny looked brilliant in green, and although she herself itched to touch it and hand it over to Viktor, she knew it would be seen as inappropriate for her to do so. Instead, she placed her hand upon his arm, drawing his attention, and said, "That one there would be lovely for Ginny."
Viktor's gaze followed Hermione's pointing finger and he raised his eyebrows, before lifting the ring out from the box and inspecting it in the light. "You're right," he said, nodding. "This is truly Ginny's engagement ring, then."
Hermione smiled, watching as Viktor summoned a smaller, individual box for the ring, and tucked it inside the velvet lining. "Glad I could be of help," she replied.
Seven Weeks Ago
Hermione wasn't at all surprised when Harry and Severus sent her something from the Potter vault for Christmas. Apparently, Viktor had let it slip what her dress looked like, and Hermione found herself the proud owner of a ruby necklace and earrings for the wedding. They were etched in gold and dripping with diamonds, and Hermione was, once again, pleased that there would be no bride to outshine. It was around three hours before the wedding that a letter spat out from her Floo, and Hermione was surprised to see that Ginny had been the sender.
Everything is set for this evening.
Your companion will arrive at half-past-five to collect you to bring you to Hogwarts for the pre-wedding supper. He is most anxious to escort you.
Don't worry—you know him, and I would trust him with my life.
Hermione bit her lip, but focused her attention on readying herself for the evening ahead. She washed and dressed herself, and, at a quarter-past five, she stood in her parlor, awaiting for her date for the evening to arrive. Her scarlet gown was in place, her red slippers were on her feet, her new necklace and earrings had been put on accordingly, her make-up spell had been cast, the Sleekeazy's Hair Potion was used appropriately, and her new furred winter cloak was curled around her shoulders. She felt Crookshanks' gaze upon her as she stood there, and she turned to regard her familiar slowly.
"Yes, I know he will be there tonight," she said quietly.
Crookshanks yowled softly in response.
"No, I most certainly do not give you permission to go and see him for New Year's," Hermione informed him primly.
Crookshanks huffed at that.
"We each made our bed," Hermione whispered. "We just have to lie in it now..."
From behind her, the Floo flared, and Hermione turned, her eyebrows raising and her jaw dropping as George himself stepped out of the flames. "Good evening, Hermione," George said with a smile, giving her a flourishing bow and offering his arm. "I am to be your companion this evening. According to my sister, she trusts me with her life. I hope you can say the same."
Hermione blinked, shaking her head to clear it. "Thank you, George," she replied, relieved that she did indeed know her companion, and took his offered arm. "I would be glad for you to escort me to supper at Hogwarts, and to the Potter-Snape wedding."
George grinned at her. "Little Cassiopeia, and yourself, will be in excellent hands," he assured her, before the pair of them stepped towards the Floo together, calling out for the Great Hall at Hogwarts, and they were pulled away. George stepped out of the Floo first upon their arrival, and led Hermione out of there.
Hermione looked around; Professor Flitwick had clearly outdone himself on the decorations, and she was slightly reminded of the Yule Ball back in fourth-year. However, this time, the ice sculptures were done up of Harry dressed as Godric Gryffindor, and Severus as Salazar Slytherin, thus paving the way for more acceptable inter-house relations. Looking around the beauty of the space, Minerva was bustling about with Molly, letting everyone know where they were to sit and whatnot, while the grooms were nowhere to be seen, and were likely having some quiet time with Jamie before the supper and ceremony.
"It's just a quiet supper before the show," George said from beside her.
Hermione nodded. "You would think so, but not with Minerva or Mum in charge..."
George grinned at her. "You're right on that front, I daresay."
Hermione permitted George to take her around the room, where they proceeded to mingle with the guests who had decided to brave the Great Hall. Among them were Remus and Tonks, Teddy and Andromeda, Bill and Fleur, Ron and Lavender, Ginny and Viktor, Seamus and Dean, Hagrid and Madam Maxime, Professors Flitwick and Sprout, Draco and Astoria, Daphne and Blaise, and Theo and Pansy. Everyone was on their best behavior, and even the members of Slytherin House who were present were quite polite to both Hermione and George.
"Charlie's Portkey doesn't leave until just before six o'clock," George explained. "It's two hours ahead there, you know."
"Percy and Penelope coming tonight?" Hermione wanted to know.
George nodded. "Yes. They were spending the night at the Clearwater residence for Christmas Eve, in East Anglia," he told her. "They should be Floo-ing over shortly."
Hermione turned around as the Floo flared again, and Luna and Neville stepped out together; Luna appeared as ethereal as a fairy, in a lovely pale blue gown, while Neville breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Ron, who looked as uncomfortable as he did in their respective dress robes for the occasion. Hermione smiled as Luna approached them both and hugged her closely, and Hermione returned the embrace.
"Little Cassiopeia is enjoying herself," Luna said quietly to Hermione. "Has she been even-tempered today, Hermione?"
"Yes, I think so. No untoward kicking, thank goodness."
"Not much longer to wait now," Luna mused, smiling. "Not with someone close to her so close that it's itching to be known."
Hermione shook her head. "Luna, what do you...?"
"They're coming!" boomed a familiar voice from the edge of the Great Hall and, turning, Hermione felt herself growing ill as Sirius stepped in, Hestia Jones on his arm, looking radiant in a deep plum-colored gown, which fit in well with Hermione's scarlet, Luna's celeste, Ginny's cadmium, Lavender's orchid, Fleur's silver, Tonk's carnation, Andromeda's forest green, Madam Maxime's blush, Professor Sprout's pecan, Astoria's bark, Daphne's lapis, and Pansy's aubergine. "Severus, Harry, and Jamie are officially on there way," Sirius said, and went to stand beside Remus and Tonks.
Hermione turned away from Sirius deliberately, feeling utterly weak at the notion of Sirius with another woman on his arm, never mind that it was the same woman she'd seen him with on the day after their coupling. Pushing the thought from her mind, Hermione turned around again as Harry, Severus, and Jamie stepped into the Great Hall, to the delight of everyone present. Arthur came in behind them, and he was beaming at the happy couple and their son. Hermione then took George's offered arm once again and ventured towards the table, sitting down beside him and smiling in delight as traditional Christmas fare came onto its surface, via house-elf magic.
Supper was happy and pleasant, with Charlie, Percy, and Penelope showing up just before they were about to eat. Conversation flowed, as did the elf wine, although Hermione stuck to Gillywater, while Teddy and Jamie drank milk. Hermione spoken when questioned directly, but otherwise didn't contribute much to the conversation. More than once, she felt Sirius's eyes upon her during the meal, but did her best to ignore the sensation of them, as well as the remembrance of him trailing his fingers up and down her skin.
Supper finished with a flourish and, after everyone rose up from the table, it disappeared into nothingness, and the room transformed again, into one more suitable for a wedding ceremony. It was a daunting experience when she was handed Jamie at long last, and made to join arms with Sirius to walk down the aisle. Deliberately not looking at him, Hermione felt her heart pounding a mile a minute at his hands on her for the first time since she could remember. Shaking her head, she stood at her place behind where Harry was to stand, and retained her hold on Jamie, who was settled comfortably in her arms.
Harry made his grand entrance on Arthur's arm, and was formally presented to Severus as his intended for all to see. Harry beamed as Severus took his arm, and Arthur went to go and sit with Molly on Harry's side. Minerva stood up between the two of them, getting misty-eyed, as she began to recite the wedding vows.
"Harry, do you take Severus to be your lawfully bound magical partner? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, or for poorer, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
Harry, whose own eyes were filled with tears, nodded up at his former Head of House. "I do... I will," he sobbed, clutching onto Severus's hands.
Minerva smiled and then turned to Severus. "And do you, Severus, take Harry to be your lawfully bound magical partner? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, or for poorer, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I will," Severus replied.
"Then, by the power vested unto me by the Ministry of Magic, by Merlin, by Circe, and by the Founders, I now pronounce you magically bound. You may now kiss," Minerva proclaimed, her tears spilling from her eyes as Severus turned Harry to him, and Harry threw his arms around Severus's neck, and the pair kissed for all to see.
Hermione gritted her teeth; it wasn't because she was unhappy for Harry and Severus, but it was because of the wizard standing next to her, his eyes glued to her frame. Finally, she got to break away from him and dashed the short distance to Harry and Severus, congratulating them and handing back Jamie. It was not a hardship to return her godson into his parents' care, and she was more than happy with any practice they, and Remus and Tonks with Teddy, were willing to give her in preparation for Cassiopeia's birth.
Turning, Hermione watched as the Great Hall was transformed for a third time, this time into a dance floor. Christmas songs by Celestina Warbeck—likely Molly's contribution—played over a massive wizarding wireless, and Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Ron, and Ginny did their best not to overtly groan at its sound. Finally, after a moment, Molly sighed and switched it onto some instrumental Christmas-y music, which everyone seemed to approve of, before everyone and their companions made their way out onto the dancefloor after Harry and Severus, who were dancing with baby Jamie.
Taking Hermione's arm, George led Hermione out, and Hermione was relieved to be separated from Sirius. Swallowing, she looked up at George; he was six-foot-three, but he would never overtake Ron, who was an inch or so taller, and quite a bit taller than Hermione, who only stood around five-feet-six. She spun when the music dictated she do so, and the rest of the couples around them seemed to move in unison, the music punctuated by Harry's delightful laughter from time to time, Severus's chuckling, and Jamie's babbling.
"I know you're not unhappy for them."
Hermione's gaze snapped back to George's. "What?" she asked.
"For Harry and Severus," George explained. "I know you're not unhappy for them."
Hermione shook her head. "Of course not. Harry is my best friend, and I've grown close to Severus these last several months. Not to mention that Jamie is my godson..."
"You're unhappy for what they have."
Hermione bit her lip, lowering her eyes. "Well, if only the world wasn't so complicated..." She sighed. "I'd say you're correct, George. I am unhappy for what they have."
"I know you already admitted it to Ginny," George continued, and Hermione's gaze snapped back to George's. "When are you going to admit it to the rest of us?"
Hermione's mouth went dry. "Admitted what to Ginny? What are you talking about?" she demanded, her voice a whispered hiss.
George looked around, before inclining his head closer to Hermione. "I left an Extendable Ear in Ginny's bedroom, and didn't know about it until the day you came over to the Burrow, and went into her room," he said softly, and Hermione's jaw dropped. "I was doing inventory when I came across the extension..."
Hermione stammered, attempting to figure it out. "How did the extendable part even...?"
"It's a newer version, so the extension is invisible," George explained, and Hermione trembled in his arms. "It's all right, I'm not going to tell anyone."
Hermione found herself focusing on an area just above George's left shoulder. "Tell anyone what?" she managed to get out.
"Who Cassiopeia's father is," George replied.
Hermione eyes snapped to George's. "What are you...?"
George tipped his head so as he was whispering into Hermione's ear. "It's Sirius, isn't it? He's Cassiopeia's father?"
Hermione lowered her eyes. "Yes," she confessed, the word falling from her lips, knowing that there was no use denying it.
"Well, he won't be hearing it from me," George said, before pulling back from Hermione and flashing her a smile. "Happy Christmas, Hermione."
Hermione opened her mouth to reply as George turned her in the dance, her eyebrows raising when she saw Sirius shattering a glass of wine, on purpose, and staring daggers at the pair of them. "Happy, Christmas, George," she managed to reply at last.
The Present
Hermione gritted her teeth at the contraction, finally permitting Kimsey to send for Poppy, as the situation had changed from merely urgent to dire. Kimsey would also be fetching Molly, as Hermione couldn't fathom giving birth without her. Since Ginny was to have a ring on her finger in five days, she wouldn't let a silly little thing like giving birth to her first child put an end to their trip to Bulgaria. Hermione leaned up against the wall of her bedroom, cradling her belly underneath Crookshanks' watchful eye, and wondered, fleetingly, if half-Kneazles could be trained as healers.
"Hermione? Merlin, dear, are you all right?"
Hermione's eyes snapped open at the voice of the mediwitch. "Trying," she said through her teeth as she found she couldn't move. "Lot of pain going on here currently..."
Poppy nodded in understanding at the younger witch as she moved closer, drawing out her kit from her healers robes and enlarging it. "Who have you selected to be with you during the birth, then, dear?" she asked.
"Mum... Molly is coming," Hermione gasped.
Poppy nodded. "I know very well that they consider you as one of their own, dear."
Hermione smiled gratefully. "Yes. They are all the family I have now. Well, them, Harry, Severus, Jamie, Remus, Tonks, Teddy, and Andromeda, of course."
Poppy stepped forward completely and gently took Hermione by the arm. "Would you like to be in your bed, dear?"
Hermione nodded and permitted herself to be led over to it, Crookshanks moving to the bench at its foot to give them plenty of room. "Not that I don't love Mum, but I'm a little relieved you got here first... I just don't want anything to go wrong."
Poppy nodded in understanding as a crack resounded in the living room, whereupon Molly came bustling into the master bedroom suite. "Good afternoon, Molly," Poppy said, smiling as Molly made her way around the bed and sat beside Hermione, taking her hand.
"Good afternoon, Poppy," Molly replied, looking down at Hermione. "I'm so relieved to have made it here in time, love. Oh, my first grandchild," she said, and was already practically weeping at the thought of it. "Are you all right? Do you need anything, love?"
Hermione shook her head. "No, not now that you're here."
Molly patted her hand and turned to look at Poppy. "Are things progressing well and normally, then, Poppy?" she asked.
Poppy dragged her wand up and down Hermione's body. "Yes, they appear to be so. Now, Hermione, how long has labor been going on?"
Hermione worried her lower lip, considering. "I think since around six this morning," she said, after having considered it for a moment.
Poppy nodded her head, casting a quick Tempus Charm. "Well, it's after one now," she said, nodding to herself. "And the contractions?"
"Ten to fifteen minutes apart now," Hermione responded.
Poppy smiled at that. "I'm going to check and see how dilated you are now, Hermione. I know you understand what that means. Are you comfortable with that?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes, of course."
Poppy bent over and lifted the skirt of Hermione's nightgown, peering in between her legs and nodding her head. "You're at about six and half centimeters dilated now, Hermione," the mediwitch informed her, popping back out from beneath. "That means that it could be quick or slow-going. We really don't know."
Hermione gave the mediwitch a grimace, understanding exactly what she meant. In The Daily Prophet's bestseller, What To Expect When You're Expecting a Wixen Child, it mentioned that it all relied on genes when it came to quick or slow progression of labor. "My mum... Arabella, well, she took around seven hours with me. Is that likely the case here?"
"It's a good baseline," Poppy replied, turning to Molly.
"Bill was a good days' labor," Molly said, patting Hermione's hand. "Charlie was eighteen hours, Percy fifteen, the twins were twelve, Ron was six, and Ginny was three. I've heard that, with some mothers, the time decreases as they gon on. However, I'm sure it's not the case for every mother out there."
Hermione groaned, throwing her head back against the multiple pillows positioned behind her with an almighty grimace. "Merlin, help me," she murmured.
It didn't take that long and, forty-five minutes later, Hermione was ten-centimeters dilated and ready to push. Hermione held on tightly to Molly's hand, having ingested the baby-safe Pain Potion from Severus, and followed all of Poppy's instructions to the letter. Finally, she was told to stop pushing, and she felt immediate relief when something came out of her, screaming and crying at the change of environment and fear of the unknown. Hermione didn't permit herself to fall backwards and sleep, but instead watched as Poppy cleaned her baby girl in the baby bath the house-elves had provided, and wrapped her in a nappy, a pink onesie, a pink blanket and cap, the latter two made by Molly.
Hermione inched herself upwards, wincing slightly at the pain that shot through her as Poppy came closer, and handed over her daughter for the first time. "Is she all right?" Hermione whispered, seeing the shock of black hair creeping out from beneath the cap.
"Three point three kilograms and nineteen inches long," Poppy reported, while Molly swooned over the baby from beside Hermione. "She's very healthy, Hermione, very healthy."
Hermione was vaguely aware of Poppy recording her daughter's birth at 14:11, but Hermione was lost in the sight that was her daughter. Hermione managed to hold onto Cassiopeia as she nursed her for the first time, which gave a wonderful distraction as Poppy managed to deliver the placenta, which didn't hurt nearly as much as Cassiopeia had. Still staring down at her beloved daughter, whom she didn't realize she would ever love as much as this, Hermione almost didn't hear Poppy saying goodbye.
"I'll come and check in on you tomorrow," Poppy said.
"Thank you," Hermione said, looking up at last, as Crookshanks came onto the bed to inspect the new arrival into the household, giving a bit of distance, but smelling the air around the baby.
"You're welcome," Poppy replied, and, with a smile, vanished through the Floo and was gone back to Hogwarts.
"Welcome to the world, Cassiopeia," she whispered, and pressed a kiss to her forehead, her voice shaking as she took in her daughter's beauty, and already felt the power emanating from her small, newborn magical core. "My little Cassiopeia Arabella Lucia Granger," she went on, realizing just how much that name suited her.
"Interesting," Molly mused from beside her. "Families don't typically name their children after constellations. In fact, only one directly comes to mind..."
"The Black family," Hermione said quietly.
"Yes, love, that's right..." Molly cut herself off then, as Hermione turned to look at her, tears in her eyes, as Crookshanks moved to his mistress' side, and fell asleep. "Love, are you trying to tell me what I think you are?"
Hermione lowered her eyes as she trembled, holding Cassiopeia close so as she wouldn't drop her. "Yes," she whispered. "Please... Please don't be angry with me, Mum..."
Molly immediately shook her head. "Why in Merlin's name would I be angry with you?" she asked, doing her best not to spook Cassiopeia. "What happened?"
Hermione sighed, shoulders utterly deflating. "Long story short, I caught him with Hestia Jones in what appeared to be an...intimate moment...the morning after..."
"Oh, love," Molly said, wrapping an arm around Hermione's shoulders. "I'm so sorry. That can't have been easy for you."
Hermione shook her head. "No, it most certainly wasn't."
Molly considered that for a moment. "You said 'long story short'..."
Hermione nodded. "I did."
"Meaning that there's more to the story?"
Hermione bit her lip. "Yes."
"And who knew this information before me?"
Hermione swallowed. "Ginny knows the whole of it, and I suppose George does as well, but only because of an Extendable Ear. I told Ginny willingly."
Molly clicked her tongue. "I shall have words with that son of mine," she said, and Hermione didn't even attempt to argue with her. "Well, if you're up to it, why don't you tell me the entire story, Hermione? We've got all the time in the world, you know."
Hermione locked eyes with her newborn daughter, struck again by just how much she loved this tiny little being that she had helped create. A formidable and gorgeous witch indeed, she thought to herself, pleased. "I suppose we do have all the time in the world now, don't we?" Hermione mused to herself, as she leaned back and began the tale.
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