Letters and Diagon Alley
(July 24th, 1991) Nova's POV
"I'm so bored" I whine. As I lounge in the living room with two of my cousins and my brothers. "Where are our letters?" I ask Spencer. My second oldest cousin and is about to start his final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"They'll arrive any day now Nova" he assures me.
"You could play gob-stones with us" Badar offers. One of my brothers. He is on the floor by the unlit fire place with our brother Aries. Playing gob-stones.
"And get covered in stink? I just had a bath this morning, B" I remind him. He rolls his eyes and looks back at the game. Only to be squirted in the face and I giggle. As Aries laughs.
"So, excited for your first year?" Mac asks me. My youngest cousin, though he is still older then my brothers and I. In fact he is about to start his sixth year at Hogwarts.
"Yes, but nervous excited" I tell him. Just then my only female cousin Nymphadora, who prefers to be called Tonks. Appears looking super excited. She had just completed her final year at Hogwarts last month. She had been applying for auror training ever since and had an interview this morning.
"I got in!" she cheers.
"Hurrah!" Aries and B cheer. As Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted appear from the other room. They smile proudly at Tonks.
"Congrats, sister" Mac and Spencer say as their mother aunt Andromeda hugs her.
"I'm sure you'll be a fine auror" Uncle Ted states.
"Just be careful" Aunt Andromeda tells her.
"Do you know if Charlie got into dragon taming?" Mac asks Tonks. Charlie Weasley is a friend of Tonks. They were in the same year at Hogwarts, but different houses. He to graduated and has been looking for work in dragon taming.
"Not yet, he has a trial/interview this weekend" she states. "Any idea what you'll do after school?" she asks Spencer.
"Possibly something in the Department of International Magical Co-operation. What's the point of knowing so many languages if you don't use them?" he asks her. "Possibly the international law department and I will be taking the Black spot on the Wizengamot" he states. "I better not ever see you two there" he tells Aries and B.
"What did we do?" they ask him while pouting.
"You two are always causing mischief and pranking" Mac reminds them.
"So does Nova" Aries states pointing at me.
"It's rude to point" Aunt Andromeda tells him.
"Yes, but she knows when to stop" Spencer states.
"What job will you get when you graduate?" I ask Mac.
"No idea yet, I have all year before I have to decide" he states.
"Owls" Aunt Andromeda says. Three barn owls appear. One drops a letter to Spencer, another to Mac and the final one dropped several on the table. Before they left. "It's your Hogwarts letters" she states as she picks up the ones on the table. Spencer and Mac open theirs. "Aries, Badar and Nova" she says handing them out.
I'd gotten in and so had my two brothers. "I got Quidditch Captain!" Mac announces.
"Wow!" Aries and Badar say in awe.
"You ok Spencer?" Tonks asks as Spencer looks at something in his hand shocked.
"What's that?" I ask him curious.
"Head boy? Whoa, I did not see that coming!" Mac exclaims taking the badge from Spencer.
"Oh this calls for a celebration" Uncle Ted states. "We'll make a day of it in Diagon Alley and have dinner out" he tells us. We all cheer.
"Aunt Andromeda, can we have an owl?" Aries asks.
"Of course you can, in fact you can all get a pet each" she states.
"I was never allowed a pet" Tonks says with a pout.
"That's because you're clumsy" Mac tells her and they get into a mock fight.
"Ok, enough you two" Uncle Ted tells them.
"Dad, do you think I can get a dog?" Spencer asks.
"It may not be allowed at Hogwarts" Aunt Andromeda tells him gently.
"I know, but I've always wanted one" he admits.
"Same" I say.
"I'll write to the headmaster" Uncle Ted tells us. "Now go get ready" he tells us. We left for our rooms and got ready. Badar and Aries share one. While the rest of us have our own rooms. We then all meet in the living room and went to Diagon Alley by floo. Our first stop was the bank. Aries, Badar and I were able to access our mother's vault. Though we won't have full access to it or the Black family vault until after we turn seventeen. It was a lot of fun riding the cart down and up from the vault.
We then went to get measured for our school robes. Spencer got new ones and Mac got new quidditch robes. He even got a new broomstick. A Nimbus 2000. Lucky bastard. We then got our required books. Spencer got one of Bulgarian, the next language he wants to learn. He already knows Spanish, French, Latin, German and of course English. After books, Uncle Ted sent our packages home. So that we'd only have to carry our wands and new pets.
Next stop was Ollivanders. To get mine, Aries and B's first either wands. We decided to go in alphabetical order. So Aries, went first. It took several tries, but he eventually found his wand. Aspen, 11 inches and phoenix feather core. Badar's was Beech with unicorn hair core, 10 and half inches long. In case you're curious, Spencer has an Apple-wood wand with unicorn hair core and Mac had a Laurel wand with dragon heart-string core.
Anyway, it's my turn to find my first wand. But after seven wands, still no luck. "Hm, a tricky customer. But I have not failed before" Mr Ollivander states. He becomes thoughtful. "Wait here a moment" he tells us and goes out back.
"What if a wand doesn't choose me?" I ask my aunt and uncle scared.
"Oh sweetie that won't happen" Aunt Andromeda assures me.
"Ollivander has never failed before, I heard once it took someone nearly twenty tries to find their first wand. And another time, Mr Ollivander had to make a wand from scratch for someone" Uncle Ted states. I smile feeling relieved and Mr Ollivander returns with a wand box in hand.
"I only have a small stock of these as they are hard wands to match" he explains opening the box. "Try it" Ollivander says offering it to me. I take the wand our of it and feel a warmth flood through me. And a light feels the room from the tip of the wand. "Oh lovely, it's been many years since I've last paired an Acacia wand with someone" he tells us. "In fact, the last one was over a decade ago" he adds.
"Why are they so hard to place?" Spencer asks curious.
"What's the core?" I ask.
"Phoenix tail feather and acacia wands often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted" Ollivander explains. "I think we can expect great things from you Miss Black" he tells me with a smile. We pay for our new wands and then go to the Magical Menagerie.
"Hello and welcome, how may I help you today?" the owner asks us.
"Well Aries and Mac want an owl each. What pet do you want Badar?" aunt Andromeda asks.
"A cat" he says and heads over to look at them. While Aries and Mac went to exam the owls.
"What about these two?" the owner asks.
"We were hoping you had any dogs" Uncle Ted tells her.
"We really want a dog each" Spencer states.
"Well it just so happens 12 weeks ago my dog had a litter of pups. In fact I was about to advertise them" the owner tells us.
"I'll stay and help the other three" Uncle Ted tells Aunt Andromeda. She nods and the owner has us follow her out back. Where there were six Scottish terrier pups. A mix of black and white.
"They're mother is enjoying a break from them at home" the owner tells us.
"How big will they get?" Aunt Andromeda asks as Spencer and I sit down. Letting the pups surround us.
"Only between 8 and 10 kilos" the owner states.
"The white ones are cute" I state.
"Wheaten dear, their colour is wheaten not white" the owner corrects me.
"How much?" Spencer asks.
"I was going to charge ten galleons each. But as you are the first to buy them and are getting two. I'll charge you one half price, so it'll be 15 galleons" she states.
"Have you chosen dears?" Aunt Andromeda asks.
"I want this handsome boy, I'll call him Blackie" Spencer states holding a black male.
"This one is mine and she is Angel" I state smiling. Holding a wheaten female. We return to the main room of the shop. To see the others had picked out their pets. Mac got a screech owl called Smokey and Aries a tawny called Nymph. Lastly, Badar managed to find a part kneazle and adopted her. Her name is Lynx. We paid for them all and go have dinner at the Leaky Cauldron. Before going home.
Uncle Ted wrote to Professor Dumbledore. Who gave Spencer and I permission to bring Blackie & Angel to Hogwarts. I'm so excited. All the animals got along well and settled into their new home quickly. Hopefully they all enjoy Hogwarts as much as we will. I dreamed of Hogwarts that night as Angel sleeps beside me on my bed, I can't wait to go. I wonder what house my brothers and I will be in? I hope we're in the same house.
Pictures above of my original characters wands (I do not own the images).
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