Christmas Holidays 1991
Aries' POV
So plans changed. Our aunt and uncle went on a vacation together. And Tonks is working over Christmas, so she can become a qualified auror quicker. My siblings and I discussed it with our cousins. We thought the best Christmas present we could give my aunt and uncle. Was time away alone, because for the last 18, nearly 19 years their whole lives had been around raising all us kids. I hope they enjoy their time away.
Anyway, today all those going home for the holidays are leaving on the train. As my family and I passed Draco, we each gave him a small gift each. "What are these?" he asked us.
"Presents cousin" Mac told him.
"We may not agree with your values" B said.
"But we are still family" Spence added.
"So we each got you a little something, nothing fancy though" I stated.
"Happy Christmas" Nova said before we entered the great hall. (Back to present text). "Hermione, I'll miss you" Nova says as she hugs Hermione.
"I'll miss you to Nova, try to stay out of trouble?" Hermione asks.
"Me, cause trouble? Never" Nova tells her.
"Don't worry Hermione, I'll keep an eye on her and the others" Spencer assures her.
"We hope you have a wonderful Christmas" B tells her.
"Same to you all" she says with a smile. She and Nova hug one more time before Hermione left.
"Isn't that Penelope Clearwater?" Spence asks Mac in a teasing tone.
"What?" Mac asks looking around. Spence laughs clapping him on the back.
"You got it bad" he laughs.
"Has what?" B asks.
"Mac has a crush" Spence teases.
"I do not!" Mac exclaims blushing.
"Looks like you do, dear cousin" I tease.
"Leave him alone guys" Nova tells us. "Besides, I think it's sweet if he does" she adds.
"Well I don't, but thanks for having my back Nova" Mac says. "Now you three run along" he tells us. He and Spence go hung out with their friends. While we go join Harry and Ron. Who are playing wizards chess.
"I got winner" I tell them.
"Be ready, this game is almost over" Ron tells me. As Harry argues with his pieces. Nova giggles.
"Nova!" someone calls and I see another gryffindor girl in our year.
"See you guys later" she says and leaves us.
"B, Aries come over here!" the Weasley twins calls. As Ron wins the match.
"I'll go see what they want" B tells me and leaves. Ron and I set up the board for our match.
"I thought you all were going home for Christmas" Harry says confused.
"Plans changed" I tell him with a shrug. "Tonks is working, my aunt and uncle went on a much deserved vacation" I state. "Pawn to E5" I say beginning he match.
It was a close match, but Ron won. I then headed over to B and the twins. Who had been joined by Nova. Apparently they want to discuss prank ideas for the new year. So that's what we do.
(Christmas day) Nova's POV
It felt weird to waking up without a full dorm. But Sally-Anne and Sophie are here. I wish them a Merry Christmas and we all open our gifts. I was surprised to see something from Draco. I wonder if the others got something from him? It wasn't anything fancy, just a book on the sacred twenty eight. Typical.
After getting dressed for the day and putting on my Weasley jumper. Which is red with a gold N on it. I head downstairs to meet up with my brothers. I find out they to got a gift each from Draco. Aries got a book on potons and B got one magical creatures. How did Draco know their interests? Anyway, we exchanged gifts.
Then went down to the great hall to meet our cousins. Where we exchanged gifts with them and found out they also got books from Draco. Mac got one on British quidditch teams and Spence one on wizarding laws. We also got letters and gifts from Tonks & their parents. It was a nice Christmas. Though I did miss seeing the rest of my family and wished my parents were still around.
(Time skip)
I'd fallen asleep in the common room with Angel. I wake to someone coming downstairs and sit up stretching. I yawn covering my mouth as I see Harry. "Oh hey Harry" I say.
"Nova, I didn't think anyone would be awake" he states hiding something behind his back.
"I fell asleep here" I tell him.
"You sneaking out?" I ask him.
"No" he lies.
"Oh, then why do you have an invisibility cloak behind your back?" I ask him curious.
"Ok, I was sneaking out" he admits. "Please don't tell anyone" he pleads.
"On one condition" I tell him. "I come with you" I state.
"But you could get caught" he tells me. "Then your brothers and cousins will have my head" he states.
"Come on, it'll be fun" I tell him. "Where are we going anyway?" I ask him as I get up holding Angel.
"Restricted section of the library" he answers.
"Cool, I can check out the book of pranks or maybe the restricted version of the book of spells. Lets go" I tell him. He relents and lets me come. We made it to the restricted section unnoticed thanks to the cloak. I unlocked it with the unlocking charm and he grabbed a lantern so we could see where we're going.
I found the book of pranks and was reading it. While Harry was muttering the name Nicholas Flamel under his breath. I wonder why he is saying the alchemists name. I'll ask him later. He grabs a book off the shelf and opens it. It shrieks and he closes it. Suddenly we here someone approaching. "Lets go" Harry says grabbing his cloak. We get under and run off with Angel in my arms.
We reach a hall way and see Snape with Quirrell. We hold our breaths. "You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell" Snape tells him.
"I don't know w-what you m-mean" Quirrell stammers.
"You know perfectly well what I mean" Snape sneers. He seems to sense us and looks around. Harry and I back away slowly and silently. Snape turns back to Quirrell. "We'll have another chat soon. When you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie" he tells him. Just then Filch appears with Mrs Norris.
"Oh, Professors. I found this in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed" Filch tells them. Snape and Quirrell run off. Harry and I slip into another room. I relax putting Angel down as Harry removed the cloak.
"That was close" I tell him.
"Too close" he says. "Is that a mirror?" he asks and we see a large ornate mirror in the center of the room. I approach it.
"I wonder why it's here" I muse. Harry shrugs. I look at it and gasp. Instead of just seeing my reflection. I see my family, all my family. My aunt, uncle, cousins, brothers, mum and dad. All of mum's family. I look away from is Angel whines. I pic her up and hold her.
"You ok Nova?" Harry asks me as he joins me in front of the mirror.
"Yeah, just saw something in the mirror" I tell him. He frowns and heads over to it. He gasps as his reflection. "What do you see?" I ask him curious.
"My family, I think" he says. "Mum? Dad" he says in awe. I smile and look at the inscription. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. That makes no sense. I'll ask Spence about it, he is good with languages. "We need to show Ron" Harry tells me.
"You do that, I am gonna go to bed" I tell him. He nods and we head back to the common room. We got there safely and I go up to my dorm room. I write down the inscription from the mirror and then got changed into my pjs. I grab my family photo album and flick through it as Angel lays beside me. I stop on a photo of mum and dad with my brother's & I. The day we were born. "I wish you both were here" I say as tears fill my eyes. "Good night mum and dad" I say and call it a night.
Picture above of the gryffindor common room at Christmas.
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