Chapter VII
Namjoon at the conservatory while drinking his cup of tea, the main butler came in holding a large tray.
"Your coffee is ready my lord". the butler announced as he puts down the tray on the table and placing the newspaper of the day.
"Thanks... can you let lady Darcy that I will be waiting for her at the gazebo near the lake". Namjoon reminded the butler.
"Yes my lord I will get lady Darcy right away". the butler replied as he bowed and walked away.
The butler reached to Darcy's bedroom and knocked on the door, a sickly sweet voice was heard, and the butler opens the door greets the girl was sitting on a chair gracefully.
"Good morning my ladyship young master Namjoon has asked me to tell you that he would like to see you at the gazebo that is located near the lake". the butler announced.
She smiled at the butler and watched him leave the bedroom. The bedroom became dark and sinister with the presence of Blackwood appearing in the room.
"Now there, my dear daughter you know what to do". said Blackwood.
"Yes father I promise that I won't let you down". Lilith Jezebel replied in a malicious tone.
"Remember that you have to pretend to be the sweet innocent cursed little princess Darcy". Blackwood reminded.
"Yes father". Lilith Jezebel nodded her head.
Lilith Jezebel clears the throat as she looks in the mirror where it reflects her true form.
"Father, how can I convince people that I am that girl when my reflection is not her but my real form". Lilith Jezebel complained.
"Tell your staff that you are allergic to mirrors that you don't want to see any mirrors in your headquarters". said Blackwood.
"How do I look?" Lilith Jezebel asked.
"You look ravishing my dear". Blackwood complimented her.
Blackwood left, and the atmosphere went back to normal and Lilith in Darcy's form she then called for the staff and demanded for all mirrors to be banned in her headquarters and if possible to ban all mirrors in the whole castle. Lilith walked towards the conservatory with the main butler holding her hand delicately, he opens the door and announces her presence.
"Miss Blackthorn future wife and duchess". the butler announced.
"You may leave". Namjoon replied, and the butler bowed and left the conservatory.
"My lord did you called?" Lilith asked in her convincing tone.
"Yes... I was wondering if you are ready to go to my brother's engagement party?" Namjoon asked.
"Oh... oh yes I'm sure am ready...look, don't you think I look pretty?" Lilith asked trying to look innocent.
Namjoon looks at the imposter carefully and Lilith realised the situation and awkwardly laughs at the situation.
"Yes you look beautiful today". Namjoon smiled showcasing his dimples.
Lilith's evil smile at her victory that her plans is gaining in her favour making sure that Darcy stays as the black swan forever. Meanwhile, back in the enchanted lake Darcy was pacing back and forth in her swan form.
"Fret not child nothing bad will happen to Jungkook's future wife because she is with child and Blackwood cannot send his other ugly daughter to take her place". said Celestina Marie.
Darcy sighed in relief.
"I heard that tonight that their engagement party is tonight". Maria Catarina voiced out.
"It is, how are we going to attend as birds?" Darcy asked.
"Oh didn't you know? We turn back into our turn forms". said Bianca Swan.
"What do you mean we turn back?" Darcy asked confused.
"We turn back to our human forms, but it only happens at night". Elizabeth Diana explained.
"Also we can now fly freely over there right now while it is still daytime". Giovanna Charlene smiled.
"Won't that warlock find out?" Darcy asked worriedly.
"On this side of the lake he has no power". Elizabeth Diana reassured Darcy.
"That's all sound great and all but I don't even know how to fly". Darcy opens her beautiful black wings.
"That's not a problem we can teach you". Celestina Marie hugs Darcy.
The swans all started to teach Darcy on how to fly like a natural bird, after three hours of teaching Darcy; Darcy managed to being able to fly, and they all flew towards the main town where the engagement party will be held.
"If we turn back to humans what will happen to the imposters?" Darcy asked.
"After we turn back they turn back to their back to their hideous true forms, I doubt any of those imposters will attend to the banquet". Bianca Swan explained further.
"Ah our hideout is over there". Maria Catarina pointed to a beautiful villa.
They landed to the villa where there's no one is around and entered through the window that was opened.
"Welcome to our hideout, that not even the evil force can not force us out". said Giovanna Charlene cheerfully.
"This where we keep our clothes so whenever an event party is happening we are there". said Elizabeth Diana while giving Darcy a tour inside the bedroom.
"Once we turn humans again which is about in two hours we will have to measure you". said Celestina Marie.
After two hours they all turned back into their true forms and measured Darcy's body proportions to get the perfect dress at the boutique shop down the road from the villa, they saw a section of the masks.
"Why are we looking at masks?" Darcy asked.
"Oh the banquet is actually a masquerade ball". said Elizabeth Diana.
"Well I think it was the perfect movement because that way it will be less suspicious". Giovanna Charlene joined after taking out a beautiful dress that was perfect for Darcy.
They bought the dress and hired an beauty artist that does hair and make-up, the artist made sure that Darcy looked beautiful just like her dress to match.
Elizabeth Diana's carriage stood beautifully in front of the villa with their private chauffeur who works for Elizabeth Diana's family and is the only one knows about her being cursed by the evil warlock. The carriage was spacious enough to fit in a group of beautiful girls who are all attending a masquerade ball. Meanwhile, back the Namjoon was waiting for Lilith to appear but to no avail and the butler arrived to the lounge room where Namjoon was sitting stood up abruptly.
"Young master, her ladyship is not feeling well so she asked me to give you this note". said the butler as he handed him the note written by Lilith.
The butler left the lounge leaving Namjoon reading the note where it says that she cannot attend the banquet because she has a running high fever and doesn't want to risk her health. Namjoon took his coat and mask and went towards the carriage that was ready to take him to the party, he was puzzled by his bride-to-be's odd behaviour but brushed it off.
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