Chapter VI
The next day Darcy woke up, but something didn't felt right; proceeded to get out of bed, oh alas she couldn't feel her feet on the floor; she was indeed horrified in what she saw. She struggled to stand up like a normal person causing her to fall off her bed, she then remembered the large mirror that is stuck onto the wardrobe, she then waddled across the room and as soon as she saw herself in the mirror she was horrified at what she saw. A tall figure with a almost demonic aura was behind her and then there was darkness not bing able to react on time.
Darcy woke up in a unknown forest that looked beautiful but haunting all at the same time.
"Oh my sweet child you are finally awake". a deep haunting voice spoke.
The tall man was wearing a black hooded robe almost like a priest, when he took off his hood it turns out to be Father Blackwood the priest who met with Namjoon and Darcy the other day when they went on the date.
"So you are the cursed child of the Davis-Williams household". Father Blackwood sneered.
A hideous girl appeared and stood next to Father Blackwood.
"Ah I almost forgot to introduce to you my biological daughter Lilith Jezebel she will be taking your place". Father Blackwood laughed evilly.
Darcy was shocked to learn that Father Blackwood has a daughter and since priests usually don't get married or let alone have children out of wedlock.
"Oh you honestly didn't believe that I was a man of God, did you? Oh, you poor little thing I am such a good actor, right?" Father Blackwood maliciously asked while faking a caring facade.
Father Blackwood opened up a large and started to chant a strange language where Darcy witnessed Lilith Jezebel's transformation and looks exactly like Darcy which caused her to wail uncontrollably.
"Father how do I look?" Lilith Jezebel asked with a smirk.
"You look magnificent". Father Blackwood complimented his daughter.
Darcy then started to attack them causing Father Blackwood to grab her.
"You foolish girl! Don't you get it?! You are a black swan now! What man want to marry an ugly black bird?!" Father Blackwood berated Darcy.
He picked up a broom to attack her to get her towards a river where she was able to see her reflection and indeed she was in fact turned into a black swan instead of a white swan. It was on that tragic day was when Darcy saw the true colours of who Father Blackwood truly an evil warlock that practices witchcraft and black magic who pretends to be a good and merciful priest. Darcy jumped into the lake and swam away from them while Father Blackwood laughed maniacally.
Darcy saw a group of beautiful white swans swimming peacefully they stopped swimming when their long elegant necks turned towards Darcy who was crying as she swam towards them.
"Oh dear another innocent girl got turned into a swan by Warlock Blackwood". said the first swan.
"Maybe we can take her to our swan queen, maybe she can help?" the second swan spoke up.
"I wonder what she did to get turned into a swan?" said the third swan.
"I don't know but once she calms down we can ask her what happened". said the fourth swan.
"You poor child. Don't worry we are here for you". the first swan spoke up.
"What is your name dear?" the second swan asked.
"Darcy". Darcy replied between sniffles.
"So I take it that you are a human girl?" the third swan asked.
"Yes". Darcy replied as she started crying again.
"Oh you poor thing, fret not child you are not the only one who was turned into swans". the fourth swan consoled Darcy.
"Are you all humans?" Darcy asked.
"Yes we all are sadly". the first swan replied.
"How rude we haven't even introduced ourselves... I'm Celestina Marie daughter of Sir Dante Enzo of Essex and lady Isabel Francesca of Essex". the second swan replied.
"Oh I'm Maria Catarina, daughter of Earl James Buckingham and Countess Luisa Katarina Buckingham". the third swan while shaking her wings.
"My name is Lady Bianca Swan daughter of Duke Francis of Edinburgh and Lady Samira of Edinburgh". the fourth swan introduced herself.
"My name is Giovanna Charlene Smirnov daughter of Sir Yuri Basilio Smirnov of Bangor and Lady Emilia Annushka Smirnov of Bangor". said the first swan.
"I think we should take her to the swan queen". suggested Maria Catarina.
"Good idea only she knows what to do". said Bianca while nodding her head.
"Come child let us take you to the swan queen". said Celestina Marie.
The swans led Darcy towards their swan queen who was swimming gracefully the other side of the river.
"Elizabeth Diana I thought we might find you here". Bianca beamed cheerfully.
"Oh hi ladies. Is there something the matter?" Elizabeth Diana greeted and asked.
"Your majesty we have a new girl that was turned into a swan by that bastard again". Celestina Marie responded.
"Oh you poor child, she's obviously frightened with the sudden change from being a human girl to a black swan". said Elizabeth Diana.
"And we have another problem she is to wed the most eligible bachelor man in the country and that warlock used his magic powers to turn his own daughter into this girl's human form". Bianca spoke up.
"Good heavens, this is the prophecies that was told to me when I was a wee child, what is your name child?" Elizabeth Diana exclaimed.
"Darcy Pandora Blackthorn daughter of duke Joseph Elijah Arthur Davies-Williams and duchess Sophia Abigail Victoria Davies-Williams". Darcy replied to Elizabeth Diana.
"Oh I know you. You are the cursed middle child that is the bride-to-be to Namjoon son of Duke Chung-Ae Kim and duchess Eun-Hae Kim, am I correct?". Elizabeth Diana asked.
Darcy nodded her head.
"We finally found the true Swan Queen". Elizabeth Diana announced.
"I thought you was the Swan Queen?" Darcy asked all confused.
"I was just an acting Swan Queen until the true Swan Queen appeared". Elizabeth Diana explained.
"And what makes you think that I am the Swan Queen?" Darcy asked.
Elizabeth Diana cleared her voice and started to tell her story, after Elizabeth explained her side of the story of the prophecy that a human girl would be turned into a black swan that was destined to marry a future king was in fact the true Swan Queen, she also explained that their swan forms is temporary because they all turn back into their human forms after hours of the night.
Meanwhile, back in the Kims palace, Namjoom was going through room to room looking for Darcy.
"Where did she go?" Namjoon asked himself.
"Did you find Darcy?" the duchess asked.
"No, have you seen her?" Namjoon replied and asked.
"No dear, but she might be in the garden fields taking a stroll". the duchess replied.
Namjoon nodded his head and went towards the garden and saw Darcy.
"There you are, I was looking for everywhere". Namjoon sighed in relief.
The girl looked absolutely mesmerising in her light blue dress that goes well with the fields she was standing on, she turned around and smiled at Namjoon. Namjoon reached out his hand and Darcy's small delicate hand takes his hand. The young couple entered the palace and in a corner of an old oak tree Warlock Blackwood was standing there with a wicked smile, he ticked off the names of the girls he had kidnapped but realised that there are two names that are left, and those two girls are betrothed to Jungkook and Suga.
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