04. "painting pansies."
if we're being honest, nail polish shouldn't offend you this much.
so fucking what?
that kid you were perfectly fine with the other day came into school today with a pep in his step, a smile on his face and his hands shoved tightly into his pockets. so what that in fifth period, he'd only had two periods to go and he'd successfully went through a day doing something he enjoyed, unscathed...
but then you saw it.
it was small at first, a tiny glimmer of a shinier color on his normally bitten-raw from nerves nails. a small base coat of a nearly clear blue, pale as his eyes yet still enough for your heart to stop.
but why? why is the male masculinity so fragile? so what if he enjoys feminine things? his standard masculinity is not going to pay your bills. let him wear a fucking pink shirt if he wants to, let him dye his hair multicolored, let him paint his own fucking nails.
he painted his nails, emphasis on he but not because of his gender, because he chose to paint his goddamn nails. it's his choice if he wants his nails to be pretty, let him make them pretty. it's literally none of your concern, typical dick-bearer. how the eff does the paint on his nails affect you?
there's this boy in my school, ian, he's a senior this year. he came out freshman year, started publicly dating boys his sophomore, and in his junior, he started wearing light makeup.
his wing is so much better than mine on a good day and his lips are always nude in case someone has a problem with it. going to a predominantly white school, he's more open despite the kkk members and the homophobes. (don't even get mad at me, black men are stereotypically more homophobic... i kind of agree with that but you don't have to.) ian wore heels to school on friday.
on monday, he was faking on makeup to hide the black eye that he received on his walk home.
why? why does it offend you so much that he's less afraid to do what he likes? what are you so afraid of?
it's 2016, stop being a dick. you don't have to agree just don't hurt someone over your different beliefs.
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