Chapter 5
My bedroom had me in awe, and I was even more delighted when I spotted a small, thin woman folding fabric upon entering. Finally, someone else with feminine gentleness!
"Oh, you must be my personal guard!" I gasped, rushing towards her. She certainly didn't dress like the others and I couldn't see her sword, but I paid no mind to the minor issues. I was so thrilled to see another woman who wasn't the queen that I moved to hug her, unthinking and only craving warmth.
She cowered away instantly. "Oh, my apologizes miss. I had to idea you were coming up so soon," she murmured, bowing her head and taking another small step away from me. "I am your personal maid, my lady."
"Maid?" I repeated.
"Yes, I clean the room and dress you, my lady."
"Nonsense, I can do all that myself," I assured.
"But, it's my job, miss," she pressed, something strange glinting in her eyes. Was it fear? How could she possibly be afraid of me giving her less work to do?
That being said, the queen and king seemed quite fearful of my monthly bleeding. What a strange place this was. I decided to let it rest - if all she wanted was to help me, then so be it- and moved to examine the room.
My first thought was that this room was such a waste. Why on earth were there swatches of cloth strung around the bed like that? Surely those pieces could provide dresses for at least four girls. And why was the bed so big? All of my sisters could have fit on one single bed. the thought made my already tender heart ache, but I only moved on to the next piece, a piece I appreciated. A warm rug was underfoot and it could not have been more heavenly. My slippers offered almost no protection from the wood. It hadn't matter on the island, our castle built on dirt, but here, the rug was a blessing. And the walls were not made of grey faced stones, but instead were hidden behind gorgeous artwork and some kind of facade. It was strange, but oddly cheerful, much less gloomy than rock.
A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts, jerking me right back into reality.
My personal maid went to answer it, which I found strange. I couldn't imagine my sisters asking permission to come into my space. And I certainly didn't like someone else dictating who came into my space. This place was growing stranger with each passing moment.
My internal complaints died when my maid wheeled in a cart towered with food. I had never seen or smelt anything like it, but my mouth instantly watered. Oh yes, my sisters had every right to be jealous. Very jealous indeed.
"Oh wow, what is this?" I asked, pointing to some kind of roasted meat.
"A chicken, my lady."
"And this?"
"Those are oranges from the grove."
"What about this?"
"Fresh baked bread, miss." My maid glanced at me, then flicked her eyes away, twitching a little. "Does this displease you? Should I request something else from the kitchen? They weren't sure of your preference."
"Oh, this is lovely. Absolutely lovely," I sighed. Not a potato or fish in sight. Was this bliss, because it certainly felt that way?
"Would you like me to undress you now so you can eat in bed or..."
"Oh, I can undress myself," I blurted. As much as I had wished for female companionship in a world that seemed conquered by men, her nervous behavior was unsettling me all over again. "I would like to settle in alone tonight, if that's alright with you. I have had a very long journey."
"I understand, miss. I will see you in the morning for breakfast," the maid promised, then bowed out, seeming grateful for the release.
If I was as pragmatic as I liked to think, I would have scouted my area. I would have not been enticed by food into forgetting about the troubles that had just fell into my lap. Or, perhaps, there was too much to worry about and I just wanted to enjoy what little I could cling to. And God, I was hungry.
I ate like I had never eaten before. I didn't have to think about my hungry sisters and how many fish we caught as I shoved a chunk of bread into my mouth. It was so warm and buttery, it melt immediately onto my tongue. I grabbed another chunk to revel in the sensation again. Then I had an orange and when it burst in my mouth, the sourness was so extreme I had a hard time swallowing it down. I ate something green, loving the watery flavor and mild crunch, and then to the meat, so unlike fish, but so filling.
I ate until my belly ached and I felt drowsy beyond words. Afterwards, I flounced around the room again to blow out candles and appreciate details I hadn't noticed before, like the stunning desk covered with products and accessories I didn't understand.
Once most of the candles were blown out, a haunting feeling crept over me, clawing its way back into my heart. I didn't know these walls. And I didn't know the other people within them either. I had been so wary but a few hours ago, standing on a boat. Now, I was miles away from the water and even farther from my sisters and somehow, I had let myself fall into a false sense of security. What if someone came into my room in the middle of the night? What if this was a ploy and they had actually brought me here to punish me without the other sirens retaliating?
I was a sitting duck, soon to be a fat sitting duck.
I had to find a way out of here, just in case. Or, at least a place to hide.
I grabbed one of the remaining candles and began searching. I decided that I could curl up in a surprisingly empty wooden storage box. It had one single rod across the top, but held nothing. My body would be contorted, but I could stay in there for hours given a valid reason to do so.
To my surprise, I found a hidden door, which led to a small room. It held some kind of tub and a weird object in the corner that I didn't understand. Regardless of it's strangeness, anyone who knew of this place would surely find me, but I could maybe barricade myself in. That would only help me until I starved to death or the offender came back with more help.
I began hunting for an escape route instead, returning to the main room. I started with the windows. One of them had an old set of hinges on it. My nimble fingers found a latch and the window swung open without even the slightest complaint. I immediately determined that the window opening was impressive, but that there was no ledge for me to climb down upon. My room was up on the second floor, meaning the fall wouldn't kill me, but might wound me. Damn it, it seemed that nothing was working in my favor.
However, when I took a deep breath to steady myself, I could smell the salt in the air.
I stood there for a moment, staring out into the dark, wishing I could see the ocean, but it would have made me weep. How I wanted to be at home with my dear sisters. I had already seen so much, tasted such wonderful things. Many of the foods I had eaten had seeds in them. Surely, if I found a way to stow the produce, I could return with them as gifts and my sisters would welcome me back despite my failure.
"I can't believe you actually passed as a guard," a male voice laughed from below.
The sound startled me so badly I almost dropped to my knees and ducked for cover in fright.
"How could I not? We watch them practice all the time and I've spent so much of my life on a boat," another man replied.
"Tell me, Jacob, how is my future wife? Is she blond haired and blue eyed like all of the others my mother has tried to make me fall in love with?"
Was that the prince? The prince was down there and he was talking to someone who had met me? My upper body unconsciously leaned out of the window, trying to catch a glimpse of either of them, but they were completely covered in darkness, only their voices carrying.
"No, actually. She doesn't look like a woman I have ever seen."
"Oh please, they all say that about them. Untold beauty from far away lands and all that. Beyond any man's wildest dream," the prince huffed.
"Fine, believe what you want, but there may be some truth to the legends."
"Was she upset when there was no carriage? Did she throw a fit? I bet she cried and refused to move, didn't she? No wonder, most of them come covered in so many jewels they can hardly move."
"Actually, she took it very well, Leo. I don't think she even noticed and she certainly didn't ask. And no, no jewelry. She was quiet most of the way, just looking around."
"Maybe she will be a quiet little submissive wife like my father wants me to have. You know what he told me yesterday? He said that, as long as I get her pregnant first, I can have as many mistresses as I like. And once my first son is born, I can dispose of her."
My hand flew to cover my mouth.
I knew it. I knew that this was not some wholesome alliance. I knew that this was not only to benefit my sisters. I was only here to provide a child and to do so without causing a stir.
For giving this kingdom their next heir, I would return to my sisters with nothing.
I carefully closed the bedroom window, not wanting to draw attention to myself and not wanting to hear anymore. I collapsed onto my bed, wishing for sleep to ease my mind into numbness.
I stared at that wasted fabric all night.
~~~Question of the Day~~~
Paperback or E-book?
I'm a hardcore paperback fan until I'm traveling then my kindle comes everywhere. With all the weight and space restrictions I am not taking six hardcovers with me, thank you.
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