(50 chapters? Holy fuck! anywhooooo-)
The sound of potion bottles gently rattled against each other and the boiling sound of an unknown, deep black potion brewed in the corner of the room.
"Welcome back students, I hope you've all had a relaxing half term and are ready to get back to work!" Slughorn said enthusiastically. There was little reply.
"-nobody touch the potion I'm brewing in the corner there. Extremely deadly, it will melt off your skin before you can even react with a scream." He said too casually for the intensity of the scare.
I started to zone out while the Professor collected his notes and positioned himself to begin lesson. My eyes wandering off to watch the dark potion focusing on it bubble and brew.
A breath sound brushed closely to my ear.
"So, are you and Sonny becoming a thing now?" I suddenly heard a deep whisper behind me.
I didn't dare to turn around as Professor Slughorn began to explain to the class what the objective of today's lesson was going to be.
I could feel Remus extremely close behind me; bending down ever so slightly to be able to get his mouth as close to my ear as possible, while still being discreet enough not to be caught.
His breath was warm and tickled the back of my head and ear.
I didn't respond. Not exactly knowing how to without making it appear obvious I wasn't paying attention to anything the Professor was saying. I also didn't have the answer to his question.
"Watching him practice for his next Quidditch game this lunch, I hear. Shame really, I was going to ask if you wanted to go check out the black lake with me. I'm sure watching Sonny speed around a pitch in the fog will be better though." He whispered into my ear. I couldn't see his face but it's almost as if I could feel him gain the tiniest bit of a smirk. Sarcasm laced in his voice.
I turned around abruptly, almost knocking myself over. Knowing he was close but not to the full extent.
I was right though, he was sucking in his cheeks in the most subtle way. Looking like he was paying intense attention, though actually just masking a cocky smile that threatened to reveal itself because of achieving what he had wanted.
A reaction from me, supposedly.
"I'm well acquainted with the lake thank you, I've been many times." I said to him. Not appreciating the snarky tone in his voice towards my plans with Sonny or the intended provocation.
"Miss. Black...Mr. Lupin? Do you have something you'd both like to share with the class?" Slughorn sounded reacting to my obvious distraction.
"No, sorry Professor." I said apologetically, mentally cursing Remus for almost getting me in trouble.
"Actually, she did Professor. Artemis was just wondering if...what did you say again, Arty?" Remus said raising one inquisitive eyebrow up at me.
I could feel my mouth become instinctively dry and a panicked sweat started to form a layer on the palms of my hands with nerves.
I wasn't paying attention to what Professor Slughorn was saying, Remus knew that; but now everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to ask a question to a potion I didn't even know the name of.
"I- uh-" I stumbled.
"Oh that's right I remember! Pepperup potion has the side effect of ear steam, right Professor? Arty was just asking me if there's any negative long term effects to experiencing this more than once? Right Arty?" Remus said studiously.
Before I could reply, Slughorn clasped his hands together loudly.
"Excellent question Miss. Black, next time speak up. Don't be shy! That leads me to my next point, fantastic transition..." He began passionately rambling on again as I drowned out his voice with a shallow exhale trying to release some of the panic I had just mustered up.
Remus did that on purpose, knowing I'd let my defences down because of the panic. How Remus could pay attention to the topic at hand and distract someone else without the Professor even blinking an eye was beyond me. I hated to admit that I was a little impressed by his quick thinking and shocked by his trouble maker attitude.
A calculated move to knock me off guard for the next thing he was going to whisper.
"You may have been to the black lake before, Arty...but if you know where you're looking, you never know what you might see. Besides...you've never been to the black lake with me, just us."
I almost turned around again, my head instinctively twitching to turn and face him. His voice tickling my ear and as I moved slightly his lips accidentally brushed against my ear before he pulled away to stand up straight. Pretending as if he hadn't tried distracting me at all.
I felt my face start burning up as I quietly coughed to clear my throat, straightening my tie.
Why would Remus be whispering in my ear, wanting to get me alone to the black lake. Especially in that tone of voice, paired with a small smirk. Where had his attitude come from?
Was he trying to tempt me to choose between him or Sonny? Like some kind of game? I didn't know what to think. Slipping away at the soonest opportunity I got, avoiding his eye contact for the rest of the lesson.
Finally, after a long hour...it was lunch. I tried to escape the potions room without getting caught up. Feeling stuffy and mildly overwhelmed. A distant, lingering feeling of Remus' tickling breath vibrating in my ear like a ghost.
Before I could leave the door, Remus stood against the frame and blocked the entrance. Leaning against one side of the frame, with one arm stretched out cooly against the other side.
"You never did answer me about what the deal between you and Sonny is?" He raised his eyebrows in a cheeky manor. Almost thriving off of making me uncomfortable. That or teasing me like a close friend...possibly.
"I have to go watch the practice." I mumbled, ducking down and slipping under his arm and quickly through the halls, heading towards the Quidditch courts. Making a conscious decision not to look back.
(Real quick chapter, I know. But there's a change in the air...can you all sense that? A change is coming and ooo doesn't it smell sweet!)
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