Dear Arty,
Narcissa was a bit reluctant to take the letter but I convinced her. Honestly I think if I had approached her when she was without Lucius, she wouldn't have minded at all. But when is she ever without him?
For some reason I feel more nervous writing these letters because they actually might get to you! Which is really exciting but I think I just started to write to you to write. The fact I might actually get a reply from you is making me feel on high alert. Mail day is gonna feel intense but I'm excited! I feel you might reply. Narcissa doesn't seem like the type not to complete a task. She's a bit scary isn't she? I'm sure she's great though, once you know her.
I wish she looked like you. After reading that, maybe that's a bit weird but I just mean it would be nice to see a face like yours around when I miss seeing it. It's getting harder to imagine your face in my mind because it's been so long, which is why it would be nice if she looked like you. Everyone says how gorgeous Narcissa is but I don't know, she's nothing compared to you. I've never given her a second glance but for you I couldn't pull my eyes away. I never told you I thought you were beautiful and it's something I really regret. I bet you're getting prettier with each month that passes. You truly are the most interesting person in your family, both inside and out.
She does remind me of you though, she's as quiet and probably as intelligent. You have a similar energy. Though she's shadowed by her boyfriend. Do you have a boyfriend? As long as he treats you right, I won't be upset. It would actually be nice to know that you have someone caring for you and obviously I was never your boyfriend so it shouldn't matter...just some guy who's got a hopeless long term crush on an old friend.
I've been thinking of a billion questions I want to ask you. It's only been a year but I feel I've changed so much so you must have too. I don't want you to be a stranger if we ever happen to bump into each other one day. I can't imagine having a real conversation with you again, I'm so excited for a reply! I've thought about it and Sirius was right, you probably just weren't allowed to have those letters I sent but now we'll be able to talk again!
Kind of actually glad you won't be able to read through some of the letters I sent. Some were less stable than others, I'm attempting to keep my cool this time. Not be too intense, I might be failing miserably though. Let me know. I can tone it down even more, especially if you were uncomfortable with the beautiful comment maybe. Doesn't stop you from being pretty but I can be purely platonic if that's what you want!
I'm still your friend if you want me to be. I still think of you as mine, just a friend that left for a while. No one talks about what happened by the way. It's old news. You can ask me anything about the group if you're curious! We all miss you. We all need a big catch up! Maybe if you're up to it we can try and visit you? Are you allowed to leave without your Mum and Dad? It's Christmas break soon, you could join us to go to the Christmas market in Hogsmeade? Up to you! Let me know.
Maybe I'm getting too excited but I'm feeling hopeful. No pressure still though. Like I said in my last letter, you can write back to say you don't want to talk to me. Tell me to piss off or something. Wouldn't be anything new to me. James tells me to about five times a day.
I was reminded of the first time I spoke to you, yesterday. It was the first time in a while that I could clearly picture you in my head again. First lesson, herbology. Do you remember? I volunteered to be your partner so you didn't have to be with the teacher.
I had detention and had to help change some of the mandrake pots. Some first year fainted and cracked some. It shouldn't have been fun, it was detention, but I couldn't help but smile because it reminded me of you. Not awful mandrakes but just the routine of changing their soil and pots.
You were so sweet in that lesson. Gentle, afraid of doing it wrong. But they're tough little creatures. That moment confirmed that I just knew you were kind. Most people were flinching at the noise and you were making sure to pay close attention to not mess up and you weren't afraid to get your hands dirty with the soil. I thought that was cool. I've always thought you were cool.
It made sense why you took an interest in Sonny Wildwood. He's a lot cooler than me. We've spoken a few times and he seems really nice. I wouldn't have spoken to him if it wasn't for you. I spoke to him recently, and found out you haven't replied to his letters either. Though he said he stopped a while ago, I pretended I had too. It just extra confirmed to me that you weren't ignoring me! Which made me feel better. I'm sure he'd appreciate a letter from you too, I wonder if you could ask Narcissa to give one to him or I wouldn't mind handing it over. Or any letter you wanted to give anyone, I'd happily be your personal postman!
This letter didn't have a purpose honestly, I'm just so excited that I'm going to actually hear from you! I had hoped Narcissa would take the first but I didn't know for sure if she would and now that I know she's okay with it...I just wanted to say I'm so looking forward to hearing from you again. It's like I've drunk liquid luck or something!
Your friend,
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