Poor boy. Poor foolish boy. It was not my choice to kill him like this. I would have made it a painless death, yet I can hear his pain from atop my ledge. I didn't want to kill him. However... I am bound to this forest. I have always been bound to this Hell hole. The forest takes what it wants. I obey the trees commands through the songs of their leaves and roots. I let out a breath.
This forest is old, twisted and corrupted. I was once human. I was once like him, but the forest promised me something better. Something where I can escape this spiteful world, this evil Kingdom. Alas, the forest claimed me as I have thrown others into the pit. The forest is alive. It feeds on flesh and bone. I hear their calls. I hear the tree's grunts.
"What? All of them?" I ask turning.
They grunt to nod. I let out a breath.
"Okay, I will kill them as well, but it will be difficult." I say.
They grunt and muse. It doesn't matter to them. How am I going to lead the others to the pit?
"Wei Ying?! Wei Ying?!" I hear him cry.
"Xian?! Xian?!" The sister cries.
It is pointless to look for him, but I guess they do not know. They won't know until they fall down to the pit. Until they join him, it will be bloody. It will be a massacre. His body will become the forest. His soul will turn into one of these trees, I'm sure. I let out a breath. I have killed many here. So... why am I unsettled? Why does it bother me that I have taken another life? I suppose it's because it felt wrong. I felt a sickness in my stomach when I had thrown him off the ledge. It is the feeling of regret. Now, I will have to kill those who were closest to him. It is a sickening thought.
"I'm sorry about this Wei Wuxian." Tears slip from my eyes.
~The End~
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