Part 92
The day was bright with a gentle breeze that was breathtaking. Mark had never felt more relaxed. As they circled the little island, Mark casually climbed to his feet to help Nate raise the sail and get the anchor ready. Sean listened to them tell him the safest way to pull up to the island and then became distracted. Within seconds of Sean seeing a Sea Turtle, he jumped ship. Nate chuckled as he tied the sail down, telling Mark coolly. "At least he's excited to be here." Mark huffed, tossing the anchor into the water and gathering the mooring lines as he replied. "How is he supposed to man a ship if he jumps ship?" Nate leaned on the folded sail rail, casually telling him. "Come on, Mark. Don't you remember seeing your first island? How excited were you to get off the ship?" Mark smirked, hoping down from the ship to land on the shore. Digging the mooring line into the sand to ground the ship, Nate tossed a few bags to the shore. When they had finished with the ship, they started setting up on the beach to stay awhile.
When Mark started to sweat from setting up the bonfire, he stripped his shirt off and began working on the tent. Nate became less and less helpful as he watched Sean splash around in the water with the turtles and sea lions. It wasn't long before Mark was the only one still working. Shaking his head, he mumbled to himself as he set up the tent with a smile. "Well... It's been a while since I've had to do this anyway." Taking the red sash off his waist, he wiped the sweat dripping off his body. Standing up, he admired his work until Sean's laugh drew his attention to the water. Sean was splashing Nate with his tail, squealing whenever Nate lunged for him. Mark walked to the shore to collect their clothes before the water took them. Hanging them on a branch to dry out. Mark then climbed up some palm trees to cut a few coconuts down. Sitting down on the beach, Mark stabbed one and brought it to his lips to drink the sweet water inside. He hadn't tasted that in a long time, and he missed it.
Cutting out the coconuts, Mark started mixing his rum with the coconut, pineapples, and limes on the island. Taking a sip, he coughed at how strong he had made it but liked it. Making another, he carried it to the water and called out loud enough for them to hear. "NATE! HERE!" Nate abandoned chasing Sean to rush for the shore. Nate reached out for it without leaving the water and Mark chuckled out to him. "Don't give it to your sea friends, got it?" Nate brought the coconut drink to his lips, stating out playfully. "And waste good rum? Not a chance." Mark took a sip of his own drink, when Sean swam up asking curiously. "What are you drinking?" Nate took a long sig of his drink, before chuckling out. "Nothing." Sean narrowed his eyes on Nate, grumbling out. "Very funny. I can smell the rum from here... Where's mine?" Nate looked to Mark, asking curiously. "Have you ever given him rum?" Mark took a long embarrassed sig, before grumbling out. "Ya... He can't handle it. Trust me."
Sean folded his arms, pouting out. "Yes, I can!" Mark raised an eyebrow, sarcastically shooting back. "And the ghost shark made of rum that terrorized my crew?" Sean waved a dismissive hand, mumbling out. "That doesn't count... I was dared." Nate glanced between them and Mark threw in. "He came to my cabin so drunk off his ass... You know what the crew told him to say to me?" Nate shook his head and Mark took another drink. He didn't get to answer, before Sean blurted out innocently. "I think I remember that now... Wasn't I trying to tickle a pickle?" Nate spit rum all over Sean's face. Mark had to turn away from them to swallow before lost his drink too. Looking back, Nate burst into hysterical laughter. Sean blinked, wiping the rum off his face as he said innocently. "I still don't get it..." Nate grinned gesturing Sean closer. Mark shook his head, telling Nate lightly. "No, Nate! Don't tell him!" Nate didn't listen, touching Sean's cheek, he leaned in a whispered in his ear. Mark took another long swig of his drink.
Sean's face went from confusion to wide eyed shock before he looked at Mark and blurted out. "Those feckers! They set me up!" Mark laughed loudly, dropping to his knees in the sand. Nate laughed, watching Sean snatch his drink to sip some like he was trying to wash his mouth out. Just as Sean was going in for a second longer swig, Nate took the coconut from him as he told him seriously. "Whoa, slow down. That stuff is not as light as it tastes." Sean hiccupped, then pointed to the shore as he excitedly squeaked out. "Sea turtles!" Nate jumped, whirling around as Sean raced for the shore a bit farther down. Farther down the beach, baby sea turtles were inching across the sand toward the ocean. Mark winced as he saw the seagulls circling over the beach now. Nate lowered his drink when he saw it too. Sean didn't notice and crawled across the sand to pick up a baby turtle from the sand. They heard his scream though. Both Nate and Mark rushed across the beach. A seagull a snatched the baby turtle from Sean's hand and in quick response, Sean swatted it into the water with his tail. As more seagulls started to come down, Sean did his best to scare them off.
Mark removed his pistol and shot a round across the beach into a seagull, causing the others to take flight with distressed cries. Nate rushed over as Sean started collecting turtles in his arms and telling him. "The feckers are eating them! Help me save them!" Mark carefully moved across the beach to get the dead seagull. Nate helped collect them up into a group to protect them better but told Sean seriously. "Sean, don't. They have to cross the beach. It strengthens their fins for swimming. You can't just put them in the ocean. Just get them together and well help guide them in." Sean cuddled a baby sea turtle to his chest, pouting out. "But the sand is too hot for them... and it's so far..." Nate kneeled, reassuring Sean. "You can't protect them from everything. They have to learn to do things on their own. Now put him down." Sean cupped the sea turtle more, asking softly. "Can't I keep one?" Nate looked to Mark, saying hopefully. "Mark, tell him he can't have a sea turtle as a pet." Mark shook the sand from the dead seagull, mumbling out. "I don't see why not... We have the saltwater pool back in the manor that was built for you... Just put the sea turtle in that."
Nate glared at Mark, snapping out. "No! Mark, he's not going to take care of it! And I'm not going to spend my time looking after a damn turtle! You know how long these damn things live for!" Mark rolled his eyes, leaning down to kiss Nate's cheek to calm him before telling Sean lightly. "Sean, listen to Nate. Put the Sea Turtle back. He'll be happier in a bigger place to swim." Sean reluctantly put the turtle back on the sand with the others. Nate smiled at Mark, whispering with relief. "Thank you." Mark patted Nate's bare shoulder, then squeezed it as he added to Sean warmly. "I'll get you a kitten. It will love you because you smell like fish." Sean blinked a little confused, while Nate growled over his shoulder. "Mark!" Mark bowed out, replying rationally. "What? He'll need it to keep the rats off his ship anyway." Nate groaned, but left it at that. Mark chuckled, moving back to the campsite to pluck the seagull. He wasn't found of eating seagulls, but meat was meat. While he cleaned the bird, he looked over to see Sean using his tail to shade the turtles from the sun. Nate moved around to chase and kick sand at the pesky seagulls that were hellbent to eat them. He even tossed a crab into the ocean that tried to snatch one. The life of a baby Sea Turtle was brutal.
Once all the baby turtles had made it into the water, Sean and Nate followed them in to watch them in the water. Wrapping the meat of the seagull, he put it in the fish basket to cook a bit later. Laying out a blanket, Mark stripped himself down and laid across his stomach. He liked feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin and felt like tanning a bit. Sipping his freshly made drink, he began to clean his flintlock pistol. He wanted to go to the hot spring, but he also didn't want to go without them. So, he decided to relax and do something he had been meaning to do for a while. He'd been so focused on what he was doing, that when something bit his ass, he yelped. Sean giggled, removing his teeth from his lightly tanned ass. Mark set the barrel of his gun down, asking him in a low voice. "What are you doing?" Sean body changed from scales to skin, making his skin sparkle in the sunlight. Crawling over him, Sean bit his shoulder playfully and snuggled into him. Mark shivered as the cold water ran off Sean's body and over his warm skin.
After a minute of playful nibbling, Sean purred close to his ear. "Mark, come play with us. Please?" Mark kissed Sean over his shoulder, then told him nicely. "I'm good right here." Sean narrowed his eyes on him, teasing out. "How can you be a merman and still be scared of the ocean?" Mark shook his head, picking up his pistol to tell him honestly. "Probably because I wasn't raised in it. Go on. Have fun. I'll join you in the hot spring." Mark started to clean his gun again, watching Sean out of the corner of his eye. Sean took his drink, taking a sip. Mark bit his lip, telling him softly. "Easy. I want you remember today." Sean lowered the drink, laying on his as he purred out across his back. "Why? You have something special planned for the full moon tonight?" Mark smirked, answering without looking at him. "Do Merfolk celebrate anniversaries?" Sean turned onto his back, staying draped across Mark as he played with his tail fin, answering truthfully. "Sort of... We have holidays and days we mate... Why?" Mark put his gun aside and rolled over to wrap his arms around Sean.
Adjusting Sean so that he laid back against his chest, he carefully moved his hands down Sean's sides. Sean nestled his head against Mark's neck, whispering to him softly. "Mark... I've been meaning to tell you something about tonight..." Mark's fingers traced the line of Sean's scar on his hip, saying in a deep voice. "I think I already know..." Sean's hand slid over his to trace the scar with him, whispering to him in a wispy voice. "I barely remember my life before you... Has it been that long already?" Mark kissed Sean's damp temple, tasting the saltwater on his lips. Sean blushed, rolling over to look at him better. Looking down into his eyes, Sean's ear fins fell back a little with worry as he told him. "Mark... will you sing me to shore tonight? I know it's silly... but it's a tradition and I... just wanna make it official." Mark cupped Sean's cheek, brushing his thumb over the tiny sparkling scales across his cheekbone. Smiling, he told him in a warm voice. "It's not silly. You became a pirate for me. I can be a merman for you."
Sean's fin ears perked up to their full height, letting the sunlight gleam through them as he grinned so beautifully. Mark touched Sean's pearl jewelry and shells, asking him sweetly. "Is that why you got all dressed up?" Sean blushed a soft pink, mumbling out. "I was hoping you would... But I know you've been busy..." Mark pulled Sean's head down to put their foreheads together, before telling him seriously. "I'm never too busy for you. I'm a pirate after all... Just give me a reason to avoid work and spend it with you." Sean's tail swayed over the sand as he leaned in to kiss him passionately. From the water, Nate yelled out curiously. "WELL? WHAT DID HE SAY?!" Sean broke the kiss to giggle, sitting up on Mark's lap to tell him. "He said yes!" Nate cheered and Mark laughed. Sean chuckled, laying back over Mark to kiss him again. Mark stroked his hands down Sean's sides, prying his lips off Sean's to sweetly ask him. "What do I have to do?" Sean filled him in on the details, then retreated back into the water to play and help Nate get ready. All while Mark got ready for things on land.
As the sun set, streaking the sky with oranges and blues. Mark lit the bonfire, listening to the cracking of the wood in the cool air. Walking across the still warm sand, Mark stabbed his sword into the sand before the water. Sean expected him to dress like the Pirate King. Decorated in jewels and fancy silks... but that wasn't who he was. He hadn't always been wealthy, and he didn't want that to be what they saw in him now. Dressed in simply black cloth pants with a white shirt and a red sash around his waist. He wore no boots and the only jewelry was a compass pendant around his neck. Something Nate had given him years ago. He had only worn it once because he hadn't understood the meaning on the back of it until now. On the back around the rounded edge it read; 'Not all treasure is silver and gold. Nor can it be found on any map.' Running a hand through his loose dark bangs, he took a drink of his flask and tried to think of something to sing. He never sang but taking a deep breath... he started to sing the first shanty song that he could think of.
The shanty of William Taylor. Nate's old crew used to sing that all the time and he had always found the song pleasant. Imagining the song playing, he began to sing and paced around the bonfire to the beat in his head. While singing, he glanced at the dark water to see glowing lights of purple and green beneath the surface. Continuing to sing, he made a turn around the bonfire and heard them starting to sing with him. From the dark water, Nate walked out with black fishnet draped across one of his shoulder and decorated in shimmering purple and blue fish scales. Around his black fishnet pants, Nate's katana sword hung from a seaweed belt. Nate was dark beauty and it made him smile to see him look more like the merman he was. Nate had never dressed like that and it really made him look so different. As the moonlight hit Nate's skin, Nate's skin appeared to glow purple like the soft light of a jellyfish. As Nate sang and moved up the beach, he removed his sword and speared it into the ground with Mark's.
Nate moved away, clearing the way for Mark to see Sean as he made his way out of the water. Sean was still wearing his pearls and shells. Even his armlet. However, Sean was wearing a shredded black pirate flag that hung off his waist and was decorated in golden fish scales with small silvery shells. It drew a lot of attention to Sean's long legs and slender hips. While hanging from his neck was a mix of colorful sea glass that was shaped like beads around white coral bits. Mark couldn't breathe and stopped singing. Sean sang with Nate, stabbing his metal trident into the sand with their swords. Mark couldn't take his eyes off Sean's body, the moonlight glinted off everything he was wearing and even off the scales still showing on his wet skin. Sean moved up to him, jarring him enough to dance with them around the bonfire. When the song finished, Mark pulled Sean close to wrap his arms around his waist. Looking him over, Mark chuckled out. "I don't remember seeing that on you."
Sean averted his eyes, admitting truthfully. "Well... I'd been working on it for a month... just in case you want to do this." Mark turned his head with a hand and kissed him tenderly. Pulling his lips off him, he looked up and beckoned Nate closer. Nate reluctantly inched closer. Mark grabbed Nate's jaw, pulling him into a passionate kiss. After the kiss, Mark stepped back to watch Nate kiss Sean. Nate put a lot passion into his kiss with Sean, his hand holding Sean's waist only long to steady Sean. Once Sean was locked into the kiss, Nate cupped Sean's jaw and deepened the kiss until Sean moan a little. Breaking the kiss, Nate winked at Mark issuing the challenge that Mark just couldn't refuse. Nate took both their hands, chuckling as he led them into the small dirt path in the wood line. Leading toward the center of the small island where the hot springs were. Finding the one that Mark had lit up with torches and drinks, Nate and Sean gasped at how the warm light reflected off the water and the rich green trees around it.
Nate turned to face Mark, sweetly telling him. "It's better than I remember." Mark shrugged, going still when Nate suddenly reached out to touch his necklace. Nate's eyes became lost in memory a minute as he said. "You still have this? I thought you sold it." Mark stepped closer, unwrapping Nate's fishnet top as he cooed out. "Now why would I do that? You were trying to tell me something back then... I'm sorry, I didn't get it." Nate smirked, removing the fishnet sash and his belt, but he left the fishnet that ha had made into pants on. Mark slid his hands down the tattoos down Nate's arms, stepping in to kiss him. Nate didn't kiss him for long, before he backed up and beckoned a shy Sean over. Wrapping his arms around Sean's shoulders, Nate teased him sweetly. "You're forgiven. Now, get this stuff off him and join me in the hot spring." Mark chuckled as Nate nudged Sean into Mark, before slowly stepping into the hot spring. Mark smirked at Sean, taking a knee to start at his legs.
Sliding his hands up Sean's smooth legs to his hips, Mark leaned in to kiss the more exposed side of his hips. Sean giggled, trying to flinch away but Mark's hands held the backs of his thighs still. Untying the flag, Mark let it fall off Sean to the grass. Sean sucked in his gut with a deep inhale, his hands resting on Mark's shoulders. Mark kissed Sean's stomach lovingly. Sean was so ticklish that the spikiness of his light beard always made Sean restless. Kissing up his stomach, Mark pushed the necklaces up off Sean to kiss his neck. Dropping the necklaces to the grass, Mark ran his hands through Sean's hair to remove the pearls. Sean's hands timidly went to Mark's pants unlacing them as he told him softly. "Mark... Can I?" Mark raised his hands to let Sean remove his shirt. Tossing the shirt aside, Sean grabbed Mark's waist and began kissing his neck with a needy want. Mark tilted his head back, releasing a deep throaty moan. Sean opened Mark's pants, pushing them down his thighs.
Sean then began backing up toward the water, beckoning him with a smug smile. Stepping from his pants, Mark followed him. Sean kept backing into the water, sinking down to his chest. The warm water felt good on Mark's feet and legs as he stepped down into the pool. Sinking down to his chest, he watched Nate rise from behind Sean. Flashing him an evil smile, Nate swam around to Mark's side. Mark raised an eyebrow at him, then gasped as Nate's hand moved between his legs. Mark grabbed Nate's shoulder, panting as Nate's fingers lightly tickled his balls with harmlessly shocks. Nate chuckled wickedly, biting Mark's ear playfully. Sean ducked underwater, coming back up and shaking off his human features for his fin ears and tail. Sean swam up to him, placing his hands on Mark's chest to hold the sides of his neck. Mark expected a kiss, but Sean merely nipped at his lip to tease him. Mark reached out to touch Sean's face, only to have Sean grab his wrist to stop him before sinking in the water.
The second Mark felt Sean lick up his shaft, Mark arched his back with a deep inhale of breath. Clenching his jaw, he moaned deeply. Nate's hand moved to let Sean fondle and tease him. Turning stern eyes on Nate, Mark strained out between breaths. "Nate... What have you... been teaching him?!" Nate smirked, coolly retorting smugly. "I have taught him anything. Whatever he's doing... He learned from you." Mark focused on controlling his breathing, enjoying the way Sean worked him over with his tongue and tender kisses to his cock. Eventually, Sean breeched the surface rubbing his lips as he told Nate with a blush. "My lips feel raw. How do you both do it for so long?" Nate chuckled out honestly. "Practice." Sean licked his lips, starting to go back down until Mark grabbed his shoulders, stating out quickly. "Oh, no you don't!" Claiming his raw lips for his own, Mark poured his passion into the kiss. Sean's muffled giggles turned into a squeal as Mark's fingers found the slit in his tail.
Slipping his fingers in Mark rubbed Sean's soft cock until it grew out. Breaking the kiss, Sean wrapped his arms around Mark's neck. The way Sean looked at him made Mark's heart skip. He knew what he wanted... but the idea of doing it like this had always made him nervous. He didn't want to hurt Sean. He felt so fragile. Sean pressed his forehead to his, pleading with him hopefully. "Please, Mark? I want it like this. I want you as... me." Mark cleared his throat but nodded. Sean adjusted his tail between Mark's legs, panting a little with slight worry. Nate took Mark's hand, guiding his fingers to a place under the slit in the tail as he told him over his shoulder. "Right there. Go slow. Don't panic if his tail curls up on ya. It's normal for Merfolk to get close." Mark held Sean's waist, cautiously lining himself to push in. Stopping himself, he asked Nate. "Don't I need to worry about... him being wet?" Nate shook his head, commenting lightly. "No. It's hard to explain..." Mark swallowed, letting Sean coax him into a long kiss.
During the long kiss, Sean inched himself onto him with light moans. His arms tightening around Mark to hold him closer. Sean's tail twisted and swayed in the water unable to stay still. Nate moved behind Sean to pull him off a bit. Allowing Mark to get a feel for how different it felt. It felt amazing. Sean's insides were soft and molded to him perfectly. The more he pushed in, the better it felt. Sean clung to Nate, starting to belt out moans. Even as Sean's nails clawed across Nate's arms, he didn't release him. Nate kissed Sean, taking the blunt of his aggressive need from Mark's slow pace. It wasn't until Mark picked up his pace that Sean really started to relax and became more gentle. Nate slowly released Sean after Mark got into a set rhythm, allowing Sean to hug Mark close. Mark took his time with Sean. He wanted this to last a while. However, Sean had clearly been wanting this a while and came before Mark. Mark didn't blame him though. He just kissed him and coaxed him into leaning against the shore.
No matter how many times Sean apologized, Mark just kissed his temple and told him it was fine. He just happy that Sean had worn himself out and was happy. With Sean resting, Mark turned to face Nate. Nate stepped from the hot spring to grab a drink. Following him out, Nate whispered over his shoulder to him. "Well, it's official. He's mated to you for life. You can't run from that now." Mark wrapped his arms around Nate's shoulders, whispering back to him in a deep loving voice. "I don't plan to run anymore... unless you both come with me." Nate shook his head, but Mark purred into his ear. "The nights not over, Nate. If you... If you still want me. I can be yours too. You're good with Sean... and I still need you. We both love you. Want to make it official too?" Nate took a sip of his drink, then turned to tell him honestly. "Oh, hell... Someone's got to be the best of both worlds, right?" Mark smirked, adding softly. "We'd miss you too much." Nate grinned, setting his drink down to tell him devilishly. "Alright. But we'll have to do it like this... unless you want to get zapped?" Mark chuckled nervously, shaking his head.
Nate laughed, taking Mark's hands and guiding him down over him in thegrass. Tearing the fishnet off him, Markdropped over him. Intertwining theirfingers as they kissed and began to make love. He didn't have to be as gentle with Nate, but their kisses were a gentleand as loving as they had ever been. Afterfinishing, they stiffly made their way back into the hot spring to relax anddrink. Snuggling up against Mark's side,Nate rested his head on Mark's shoulder. Sean swam over with a smile, snuggling up on Mark's other side andreaching out to hold Nate's hand over Mark's lap. Mark wrapped his arms around both of themwith the warmest smile as he looked up at the starry sky. Stroking their shoulders, he felt like he'dfinally found what he had been searching for... and no treasure could compare tohow accepted and loved they made him feel. The End.
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