Part 89
Mark grinned brightly at him, purring over his lips. "Aye, I do. Are you up for it?" Sean puffed his chest up, retorting proudly. "Just try and stop me." Sean glanced toward the Captain's cabin, adding with concern. "I wanna check on Nate though." Mark looked out across the deck, asking him with worry. "What happened to Nate?" Sean turned to lead him toward the Captain's cabin, informing him casually. "The fight took a lot out of Nate. He used so much of his power to protect the ship that he just... fainted. I had Robin take him to the-" Sean stopped talking upon seeing Mark suddenly stop walking. Following his eyes, Sean tensed up a little. Triton stood staring at Mark with a stern expression. Ursula was hugging Poseidon tightly and excitedly talking to him. Triton walked over to Mark, his chin held high and a coldness in his eyes. Sean instinctively slipped in front of Mark, but Mark pushed him aside without looking away from Triton. Sean couldn't believe the sudden change in Triton's attitude. Triton looked carefree but his expression was darker.
Triton stopped short of Mark, stating out in a commanding tone. "You disobeyed my order. As a Pirate Lord, I can have you flogged for that and stripped of your ship." Mark didn't flinch as he coolly replied. "You can flog me, but you can't take my ship. That power is held only for the Pirate King. Which you are not." Triton crossed his arms, shifting his weight to one leg as his voice darkened upon saying. "Upon the death of the Pirate King and the absence of the Pirate King's lover. I am acting Pirate King because I am the Pirate King's fleet commander. You wanna spit on the Code? You are NOT a Pirate Lord and yet you try to usurp the Brethren Court by pulling this stunt? That's mutiny. A crime punishable by death." Sean tried to wedge between them, interjecting. "Triton, I can explain-!" Triton pushed Sean back with a firm hand, his eyes never leaving Mark's as he snapped out. "Silence! This doesn't concern you." Everyone on the ship fell into silence to look at them. Mark's crew looked the most afraid of what this would mean.
Triton lifted his chin, stating aloud to Mark's crew. "CREW OF THE BATTLE BALLAD! You've broken the code. You stand with him and you'll share your Captain's fate. Renounce him and you'll only be flogged for your disrespect. Savy?! What say you?!" The crew all began to look at each other with scared expressions. Sean swatted Triton's hand off his chest, snapping out. "Triton! I am first mate and I have-!" Triton finally looked at Sean to snap in before he finished. "No right to say anything to me! This matter only concerns-!" Sean shoved Mark away, standing up to his full height as he yelled out with as much authority as he could muster. "I AM A PRINCE OF ATLANTIS! YOU WILL HEAR ME!" Every Atlantean on the ship took a knee, while the crew stared wide-eyed at Sean. Ursula and Poseidon stared at him with weird looks. While Kai helped Oceanus onto the ship before they both glanced his way. Granny was the only Atlantean with a smirk as she bowed. Triton was unfazed by his outburst, simply choosing to look at him.
Sean curled his fingers to keep his hands from shaking as he stated angrily. "Surely, Mark has proven himself. This whole quest was a death sentence. But he risked his life and crew to help win this fight. I think that earns him his life and that of his crew. Don't you, Brother?" A small smirk pulled at Triton's lips before he said softly. "Well, when you put it like that... but the code-" Triton was cut off by Nate's voice announcing swiftly. "Belay the order, Captain Triton. By the Code, I outrank you." Sean's heart lifted seeing Nate walk out of the cabin with confidence. Sean snuck a look at the other Brethren Court ships to see their Captain's taking full interest in this confrontation. Nate stood where all could see him and announced to the Court directly. "As a Pirate Lord, I hold the right to pass my rights onto a successor. It was no secret that I hated that Pirate bastard. The last thing I want is to be a captive to his throne... Therefore, I pass my Lordship to Captain Mark Fischbach. The Salty Savage."
Nate turned his eyes on Triton, smugly stating. "By the Code, Mark has every right to be out now... doesn't he?" Triton chuckled to himself, shrugging as he said respectfully. "If that is what you want to do, I won't stop you." Nate nodded without any hint of doubt. Sean grinned, looking to see Mark's reaction. Mark looked completely shocked by Nate's words. Had he believed that Nate wouldn't keep his word? Mark gave a short respectfully bow of his head to Nate, mouthing silently to him. "Thank you." Nate winked at Mark. Sean felt like hugging them both. He didn't want to take the credit for restoring faith between them... but it felt good to know that he'd helped make it happen. Triton started to walk over to Mark, lifting his hand to shake his hand as he told him in a nicer voice. "Congratulations, Captain. When you settle your crew, come to my ship. The Court will convene to fill you in on the finer details of competing for the Pirate King position." Mark shook his hand, acknowledging his words with a nod.
Sean drifted over to Nate to hug him, whispering over his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" Nate chuckled, telling him honestly. "Like I need a break. Someplace with warm sands, cool water, and barrels of rum to soak in." Sean snuggled his face against Nate's neck, relaxing against him. He had been running around so much and was so worried about everything... that just standing in Nate's arms felt peaceful. Sean only let Nate go, when a loud whiny broke over the sky. Everyone looked as a young white Pegasus dashed across the sky at full speed. The closer the Pegasus got the more Sean noticed the bright flowers in its mane and the young woman riding it like there was no tomorrow. The Pegasus didn't slow down as it headed straight toward the ships. Poseidon and Oceanus moved closer together, asking each other curiously. "Who is that?" Realizing they didn't know, they started to reach for their weapons. Only to hear the woman yell out in a terrified voice. "HADES!" Everyone turned to Hades, who was sitting on the rail of the ship and petting a much smaller version of Cerberus.
Cerberus's tail began to wag as it heard the woman's voice and Hades hopped off the railing to say perplexed. "Persephone?" She must have spotted him because her horse swooped over the ship but didn't slow down. People scattered away from Hades, afraid of being hit by her horse. As the Pegasus soared over, Persephone leapt from her horse to freefall down. Hades dropped his weapon and quickly reached up to catch her before she hit the deck, causing him to fall back across the deck with her. Sean the rest of the people laughed as Hades snapped out. "What the hell are you doing, woman! Are you trying to get yourself killed!" Persephone wrapped her arms around Hades neck, giggling out. "No. I knew you'd catch me." Sean couldn't believe how beautiful the young woman was. She contrasted Hades like day and night. While Hades wore mostly black with his bright two color eyes and blue hair highlights being as bright as he got. Persephone had long flowing hair as red as a morning sunrise, her skin was tanned by the sun, and she wore a breezy white dress. All over her were brightly colored flowers. They were in her braided hair, tattooed along her shoulders and arms and even stitched to her dress.
She looked only a few years younger than Hades. Her smile was warm and inviting, making her freckles stand out. Sean feared to look into Hades eyes... but she stared into them without any concerns with whatever she saw in them. Hades kept glancing at everyone, mumbling out darkly. "Why are you embarrassing me like this?" Persephone looked at everyone, blowing a raspberry at them, before cooing to Hades in a worried voice. "My mother told me that the gods were being called to fight... I got worried about you. I tried to contact you, but they told me you hadn't returned..." She nestled her head against Hades's neck, crying softly as she hugged him tighter. Everyone looked so confused that someone as beautiful as her could even stand how Hades smelled. All Sean saw was the way Hades held her. He had seen how scary he was... but with her. He was so... different. The way he held her and pressed his lips to her exposed shoulder. For the first time, Hades looked lonely and vulnerable.
Nate wrapped his arms around Sean's shoulders, pulling him back against his chest as he said in a whisper to him. "She smells good. I can smell her from here." After a minute, Persephone released Hades to look at Cerberus and laughed so beautifully as she crawled off Hades to say in a cutesy voice. "Oh, Spot! Look at you! I've never seen you so tiny! You're adorable!" Poseidon turned into Oceanus, trying to suppress his laughter. Hades glared at Poseidon, then snapped out sternly. "HE'S NOT CUTE! HE'S A VICIOUS MURDERING THREE HEADED DOG!" Hades took a breath to say more as the crew laughed, only to deflate and ask her a bit horrified. "AND- What are you doing?" Persephone pulled honey cakes from her pocket, feeding the three heads as she told him with an innocent smile. "Nothing." Hades eyes narrowed on her like he realized something particularly important, upon saying coolly. "It was you... You're spoiling him! Persephone! How many times have I told you. Spot is not a-!" Persephone silenced Hades by kissing him. Sean took that moment to turn away. The kiss was... personal.
Sean bit his lip, blushing a little at the thought of kissing Mark like that. Mark was busy arguing discreetly with his crew though. Nate took notice and mumbled out. "Looks like the crew is fit to be tied... They'll want to get paid and take time off soon. The big question is... How are we going to pay them with money we don't have?" Sean leaned into Nate, starting to say. "Actually, about that... Mark and I were going to-" Sean stopped when Poseidon suddenly called out his name. Slowly turning around to look, he shuffled his feet uncomfortably. Poseidon beckoned to him, asking in a hopeful voice. "Sean. A word?" Sean couldn't move. He felt awkward and put on the spot. Everyone was starting to stare at him. Nate nudged him forward, coaxing him into walking over to him. He felt like he was in trouble... but he hadn't done anything wrong... yet. As he approached, Ursula moved up to him to slide a hand up his arm to hold his shoulder. Leaning closer to his ear, she whispered to him. "You're shaking. Take a deep Breath. You'll scare the others if you fear him."
Taking a deep breath, he felt her squeeze his shoulder before commenting sweetly. "You have a lovely singing voice by the way. You ever need any help... Come find me." Ursula let out a soft throaty chuckle, moving away from him before locking her eyes with Triton's. Sean exhaled, making his way over to Poseidon. Poseidon started to reach out to touch his shoulder, only to pull his hand back to gesture with it for him to follow him. Sean swallowed nervously. The tension between them was as thick as the ocean water. Poseidon led him up to the helm. It was the most deserted part of the ship right now. Walking to the railing across the back, Poseidon leaned on it and stared out at the eerily calm sea. Inching closer to the railing, Sean turned to face the ship and hopped up to sit on the railing by him. There was a moment of deafening silence between them, before Poseidon anxiously began in a low tone. "I don't know where to begin. I... I don't know anything about you. And... that upsets me."
Sean rubbed his bare feet against the wooden posts of the railing, lowering his eyes to the floor as he mumbled out. "Wasn't your fault. I don't blame you... What do you wanna know?" Poseidon chuckled, bowing his head with a bright smile. Sean couldn't help smiling with him. His laugh made him feel calmer. Poseidon licked his lips, then sadly answered. "It would take a lifetime to tell me everything that I missed out on..." Sean shrugged, risking a longer look at Poseidon as he said casually. "I'm still young... and I'll live for quite a long time... So... So, maybe we can get together sometime and talk?" Poseidon looked at him with such loving eyes as he asked. "You're not mad at me?" Sean stared deep into his eyes, answering honestly. "No. Granny showed me how hard it was on you to leave. You were trying to save everyone... Including me. Da... Devon was and still is a great father to me. I wouldn't change that." Now that he was thinking about him, Sean looked out across the deck. He hadn't seen Devon for some time now.
Poseidon put a hand on his, drawing his attention back as he told him. "I'm glad I chose him. He raised you into a fine young man. I'm proud of you." Sean curled his fingers tighter to the railing, blushing as he mumbled out. "Thank you." Taking in the cheers of the Atlanteans as their families began to swim toward the ships, causing many of the fighters on board to jump off the ship to embrace their kids. Sean curiously asked Poseidon. "What will happen now? Will you lead us again?" Poseidon shook his head, telling him openly. "No. I wanna explore a bit. Lick my wounds. Get myself together again." Sean tensed up. He suddenly felt anxious. Would Poseidon make him the King of Atlantis? Poseidon seemed to almost sense it as he told him. "I know they filled your head with the idea of being king... and rumors will circle around your Paramours on whether they'll try to usurp the throne from you. But I can't give it to you." Sean's heart sank a bit as he uttered out. "You don't think I can handle it...? But I..." Poseidon raised a hand to stop him gently.
Shifting a little to face him better, Poseidon leisurely told him. "That's not it. I saw the way you handled Triton and the way you fought out here. But... The water clans are going to be pure chaos to bring back together. It might even be centuries before they all agree to unite again." Sean took a hesitant breath as he whispered out reluctantly. "I'd never see Mark or Nate again..." Poseidon nodded, turning around to lean his back against the railing. Once he was comfortable, Poseidon told him. "Besides, you're young. You don't want to waste your youth on that throne. I know. I didn't want it when my brother gave it to me... It's a heavy burden. So... The crown will go to my eldest child." Sean smirked, saying lightly. "Triton will be thrilled." Poseidon chuckled, retorting. "No. Triton will be pissed... He's not my Eldest. The crown will go to my daughter. Ursula." Sean's eyes widened in shock, causing Poseidon chuckle as he added. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll deal with them. You just... Do what you want to do."
Poseidon pushed off the railing, sweetly telling him. "When I'm adjusted, I'll reach out to you. We'll get together and go fishing." Sean grinned, holding his chin up more as he happily said. "I'd like that. I can show this cool trick Mark showed me. I can open oysters with a dagger." They both laughed, before Poseidon chuckled out. "I can't wait. But for now..." Poseidon drifted off, turning his eyes to the stairs where Kai was slowly climbing up with a worried expression. Kai bowed his head to Poseidon, nervously starting to say. "I'm sorry to interrupt. I just wanted... I didn't want you to leave without..." Kai averted his eyes, looking a bit ashamed with himself. Poseidon patted Sean's leg, then made his way to Kai. Touching Kai's cheek with the backs of his fingers, he told him sweetly. "I'm not going anywhere without you for a while." Kai blushed a bright pink, giggling as Poseidon kissed his cheek then whispered something private to him. After moving away from Kai, Poseidon yelled across the ship to Oceanus. "Oceanus! Come with me! We've got a lot of work to do if we are going to fix Atlantis!"
The Atlanteans burst into wild cheers, following Poseidon and Kai into the water. Sean slid off the railing, turning to look out across the water. What did he want to do now? Turning back around, he straightened up as Mark and Nate approached him. Nate pressed a finger to his lips, whispering to Sean once he got close. "Come on. We only get one shot at this. Let's go get some treasure." To Be Continued...
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