Part 4
Sean broke through the surface of the water. Sinking deep for a minute, he let his body fully change. His ears grew out into long pointed fins, his hands grew a thin webbing between his fingers and the biggest change was his long red tail. Merfolk were distinguished by their tail colors. The darker colored tails belonged to the Gam. While bright colored tails belonged to the Pod. Correcting his course in the water, he raced toward the ship as fast as he could move. Sean twisted in the water to swim passed the sinking bodies of dead Gam. He prayed that he wouldn't see his dad or mom among them. At the side of the ship, two members of the Gam were trying to pull the large fishnet with Signe down to the depths. Harpoons wheezed into the water as the pirates tried to get a lucky shot off on the Gam. Signe thrashed in the net and even tried to chew through the thick ropes. A harpoon sliced one of the Gam's arms and his grip on the net loosened. The net rose higher out of the water and Signe let out a deafening scream.
A member of the Pod swam up to grab the net and took a harpoon between the shoulder blades. Sean dashed through the water to snatch a sinking harpoon and twisted in the water to race for the surface. Like a whale, he launched from the water, twisting his body to gain the most thrust into his throw. Throwing the harpoon into the chest of the closet pirate to the fishnet. The pirate fell to the deck, causing the pirates to loose some of their grip on the vicious game of tug of war they were playing with the fishnet. As he splashed back into the water, he quickly swam under the boat to avoid the onslaught of bullets and harpoons that followed. Signe's net fell back into the water and two more Pod members rushed in to help the Gam members try to keep it down. Sean swam quickly to snatch another harpoon, just as an older Gam member swam in to stick his trident into the ship while pinning the fishnet at the same time. The Pod members removed their seashell comb hair pins and began to saw at the ropes with everything they had.
Sean was going to try and see if the harpoons sharp tip could help, when the ship surged forward. The Pod and Gam members were yanked away from the ship with the wake and fired upon as they drifted uncontrollably to the surface. Sean stayed just beneath the ship, grabbing the fishnet. Signe touched his hand in surprise, then grabbed ahold of his wrist in her effort to help him. Slipping the harpoon to her, she quickly began to saw her way threw the fish netting. Cutting just the few strands that she needed to escape, she slipped through and he caught her arm to keep her from drifting into the surface wake of the ship. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly as he wrapped his arms around her waist, letting the ship soar over them. When she called out his name in sudden panic. Sean turned his head just in time to see a large black fishnet tailing the back of the ship! The fishnet scooped them both up before he could try to swim out with her, yanking them both from the water and into the air.
A member or two from the Gam tried to launch out to grab the hanging fishnet, but were deterred quickly by the launching of a fire barrel off the stern. The crew cheered loudly as they reeled in the fishnet. Signe clung to his chest starting to hyperventilate as she asked him in a frantic panic. "What are they going to do with us?!" Sean didn't want to answer. He had heard rumors that pirates would eat merpeople... However, the most common thing was cutting off their tails. As the net hovered over the poop deck, Sean told Signe very softly. "The second you get the chance. Make a break for the water and don't look back." Signe nodded, huddling against him. The pirates dropped the net heavily onto the deck and a man spoke out loudly to the rest. "Well, look what we've got here boys! Looks like we caught ourselves a set. Male and female!" Some of the crew laughed, but one of the men crossed his arms and snapped out. "Toss the male back and keep the mermaid. Captain's orders."
Signe gasped as the men closed in to unwrap the fishnet. Sean assessed the nearest pirate, noticing a holster on his leg. A dagger. The second the fishnet was clear, Sean yanked the dagger out of the holster and slit the pirates throat. The other pirates jumped back in shock as Sean slashed out in their direction and yelled out. "NOW SIGNE!" Signe knocked a pirate back with the force of her tail and crawled to the back of the ship. Two of the pirates tried to chase her, but Sean thrashed his own tail to trip them up. Signe pulled herself up and used her tail to launch herself off the back. Freefalling back into the water with a loud 'splash'. Sean stabbed a tripped up pirate between the shoulder blades and knocked another flat with the flick of his tail before doing the same method to escape. They didn't seem as interested in his escape as they were with Signe's. Already, he could hear the man from before barking out orders to people below the deck. "She's at the stern! Load Stern cannons and haul her back in, or the devil take ya!"
Sean flipped off the back of the ship, swimming out toward Signe. She was swimming back to him! He shook his head, yelling at her. "SIGNE! SWIM AWAY!" She wasn't listening. She swam up to him, taking his hand and he pulled her under the water. As he rapidly descended with her, he started to hear loud splashing all around them. Large harpoons were being shot into the water all around them. One burst through the water and sliced Signe's arm, causing her to flail in pain. He tried to coax her to keep going down, but jerked in pain as a harpoon pierced into his hip. Sean grabbed the harpoon in his hip and winced. It had gone straight through. Signe's eyes widened in horror and she forgot her own pain to try and help him. There was no way to pull it back out. The end was hooked. Signe was going to push it through, when her hand lifted a rope in confusion. Sean didn't have time to let it sink in, before the rope was yanked tight and he screamed in blinding agony.
Signe grabbed his hands, hoping to hold him back from being hauled in. She glanced over her shoulder, calling for help from the Gam or the Pod, but they had drifted too far from the Lagoon. The merpeople were no doubt taking stock in the damage dealt and not caring that the ship had fled. As much as it pained him to have her pulling him in the opposite direction of the hook... He wasn't thinking about himself. The pirates were hauling him in pretty fast now. If Signe didn't let him go, they'd take her. Loosening his grip on her wrists, he told her seriously. "Let me go!" Signe shook her head, her eyes red from crying as she screamed out. "NO! I won't! Don't let go! I can save you!" Sean shook his head, telling her as rationally as he could through the pain. "You have too! They want you, not me!" Signe still refused and began to cry loudly in desperation as he was dragged closer to the stern. He hated to do this, but he couldn't risk her getting hauled up with him.
Scolding himself internally, he told her briefly. "I'm sorry." Then jerked his hand out to squeeze the cut on her arm. She squealed in pain and released him as they yanked him out of the water. He hated himself for hurting her, but she never would have let him go otherwise. The pirates pulled him out across the back of the poop deck, dropping him roughly. Sean held his wounded hip, his eyes scanning the pirates faces with worry. They all glanced at each other with grim silent stares. Somewhere on the lower deck, a man called out. "Captain! The hold is taking on water!" A man in a long black coat and a blood red shirt vest, turned to yell back in a commanding tone. "Patch the holes as best ya can!" The Captain moved up the steps, smacking his hand on the railing in front of the helmsmen, telling him in a bit of a rush. "Bob, find us a place to careen her for repairs and quickly." Bob gave the Captain a firm nod, acknowledging loudly. "Aye aye, Captain! WADE! Keep your eyes on the horizon! Find me somewhere to make berth!"
Wade removed his spyglass and began to scan the area. While the Captain approached the clustered men, asking one in particular. "Well? Were you successful, Tyler?" Tyler couldn't meet the Captain's eyes and he stepped out of the Captain's way, mumbling out reluctantly. "Not quite, Captain." The Captain's eyes locked with his looking more black than brown. The Captain let out a disappointed sigh, crossing his arms over his chest and slipping into his deep thoughts. Tyler moved closer to the Captain, trying to reassure him by saying confidently. "This was my fault. We had her and I lost her. Give me time to fix this. While the ship is being repaired, I'll take a small crew out and we'll-" Mark raised a hand to stop him, reluctantly replying back in a drained voice. "Don't bother. Let's just make do with what we have. First, we take care of the ship. Then we'll assess if we have to go back." Tyler nodded and the Captain moved closer to Sean. The Captain kneeled down as another pirate told the Captain. "Sir, what should we do with him?"
The Captain's eyes drifted to the harpoon, upon answering simply. "You men hold him down and I'll rip it out." Sean clenched his teeth, rolling onto his back to reveal his arm and the dagger he had stolen. He tried to lash out for the Captain's throat, but the Captain caught his wrist in an iron grip. The crew gasped for a moment. The Captain on the other hand, appeared unfazed by the action. Sean tried to put all his strength into pushing the dagger into the Captain's chest, but the Captain was stronger than he looked. The Captain held Sean's arm at bay, then reached over with his other hand to pry the dagger from Sean's grip. Sean didn't want to release it. It was only the fact that his hands were wet that made him loose it to him. The Captain locked cold eyes with him, flipping the dagger around in his hand to touch the sharp cold blade under Sean's chin, telling him in a dark deep voice. "It would be in your best interest NOT to do that again. I can forgive it once. After that it becomes personal. Savvy?"
Sean's eyes narrowed on the Captain. How many people have tried to kill this man? The Captain lowered the dagger slowly down Sean's neck to the gold chain necklace he was wearing. Sean stayed very still as the men around him began to mutter among themselves. The Captain flashed him a strange grin, then stashed the dagger in his leather boot, gesturing for the crew to move in with the jerk of his head. One pirate took his wrists and pinned them down across the deck, causing Sean to hiss aggressively at him and start to thrash. His tail knocked one pirate to the deck and another into the stern's railing, before one jumped on it to hold it down. Sean screamed as his hip flared with pain from being held down in this awful position. The Captain pointed to the rope tied to the harpoon, snapping out over Sean's wailing screams. "Cut the rope so I can pull it through." The pirate did, allowing the Captain to yank the harpoon out without a hint of mercy. Sean wanted to pass out to avoid feeling the pain. When The Captain removed his pistol from his belt. Sean's eyes widened and his voice came out in a mix between a crack and strain. "What are you doing?" The Captain popped something open on his gun, tilting it to let a black sand pour into his open wound. As the Captain clicked the gun back into place, he removed a small box of matches from his coat pocket. Dragging one across the deck in a sharp flick, Sean watched the end of the match ignite in flame.
Sean began to hyperventilate as the man called, Tyler, leaned over him to force a twisted cloth into his mouth. Sean sank his teeth into the firm cloth with a loud whine. Then belted out a scream of bloody murder as the match ignited the black sand in his wound. His wound burned long and blazing hot, searing his flesh and causing his eyes to tear up. It felt more like they were trying to kill him... Or torture him, than trying to heal him. When the burning lessened, the Captain said the one thing Sean didn't want to hear. "Now let's do the other side." By the time they finished, Sean couldn't move. His whole body was in too much pain to move. The Captain wiped his hands on a rag, telling Tyler heartlessly. "That should hold him for a while. Take him down to the brig and shackle him. Make sure you keep him gaged. I don't want the men taking the cotton from their ears only to wind up under his spell." Sean wanted to fight, but his body was refusing too. He wanted to be left alone to rest and regain his strength.
Yet again, he wasn't so fortunate. One of the pirates noticed the gold necklace and the gold bracelets on his wrists, lunging for him while the Captain and Tyler were distracted. The man grabbed Sean's arm, while another man jumped in to try and get a piece off him too. The commotion caused Tyler to turn in their direction and snap out. "HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" The men reluctantly released Sean's arms empty-handed, grumbling out. "What of the gold on him?" Tyler glanced at the Captain, who tossed the rag at one of the men, stating deathly serious. "The gold on him is mine. You touch it again and you'll loose your fucking hands. Savvy?" The pirate puffed up his chest in disgruntled defeat. When the Captain suddenly smirked, adding in. "Tell ya what... The man who scraps the barnacles off my ship and bathes her in fresh tar when we reach a berth... He'll earn himself a bracelet. 'If' he does a good enough job to my liking." The small cluster of crew around them shuffled with excitement. Sean didn't care as long as they didn't touch him anyone. He only allowed one of the pirates to heft him over his shoulder in the hopes of being taken somewhere isolated. When his amulet slipped out of his arm band and toppled across the poop deck.
Thrashing a little, he tried to slip off the pirate's shoulder to get it! He couldn't loose that! It was special! It was rare! Tyler smacked Sean across the face, snapping out. "Calm down and cut that out!" Sean let out a low muffled growl through the gag, than stopped as his eyes drifted over Tyler's shoulder to the Captain. The Captain had noticed that he had dropped it and bent down to pick it up. The Captain looked over the stone and the carved marking on it, before looking over at him. Sean extended his hands out for it with pleading eyes, causing Tyler to turn and look behind him. The Captain showed him his amulet, then flashed a wicked smirk before pocketing it and walking away. Sean's heart sank and he lowered his arms as Tyler chuckled out. "Whatever that was. It doesn't belong to you anymore." To Be Continued...
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