Part 38
Sean blushed a bright red, pushing Nate off his shoulder. Nate smirked at him, coolly telling him. "What? Did you change your mind?" Sean shook his head, but his voice was gone. He wanted to do this. Being with Mark and Nate had awakened something in him. He just wasn't sure he could do it. He didn't know how to be like them. He lacked their confidence in this matter. Mark rose up onto his elbows, comfortingly saying. "If you don't want to do this... Stop. Don't let him force you." Nate scoffed loudly with insult, bitterly snapping back. "I didn't force him to do this! He asked me to help him!" Mark shot Nate a cold glare, growling out. "I know what you're trying to do. I won't let you hurt him!" Nate let out a heavy sigh, sliding off the bed as he started muttering to himself. "Such a mother fucking pirate!" Mark tried to sit up more to respond, until Sean forced himself to intervene. Putting a hand to Mark's mouth, he told him in a fragile voice. "Mark... I asked him. I want you... but I don't know what I'm doing..."
Mark reached up to pull his hand away, then cupped Sean's face, whispering to him in a deep loving voice. "Let me show you. You don't need him here. This should be between us." Nate snatched up another jewel encrusted goblet, refilling it at one of the barrels as he shot over his shoulder. "You don't know what he can do, Mark. He's young and he's never mated before. That could be lethal for you if his instinct takes over." Mark glanced in Nate's direction, growling out through clenched teeth. "I've slept with him before. He's harmless! Unlike YOU!" Nate snorted, taking a swig from his goblet before retorting back dryly. "Don't give me that shit. He was drunk off his ass. It's not the same when he's conscious. Trust me. One uncontrolled spark of lust and he could burst the windows of the ship and sink it. You'd never know. One moan in the heat of the moment could be a distress call to something else... You want the ship to get attacked and you get caught with your pants down?" Mark rolled his eyes, causing Sean to say softly. "I conjured a shark below deck with rum... Mark... Please? I don't want to hurt anyone."
Mark let out a reluctant sigh, before laying back down to say casually. "Fine. But HE is just watching." From across the room, Nate leaned lavishly against a mound of treasure, sneering out. "Mark, I wouldn't touch you for all the gold in this room." Mark reached for his black leather belt, unbuckling it as he shot out smugly. "Just stay away." Nate raised his goblet to point at Sean, stating back sternly. "I do what HE wants. Not you." Sean shifted back off Mark, getting uneasy to see how fast Mark was stripping himself down. Sean turned his eyes toward Nate to avoid staring at Mark's privates. It didn't make sense to him why he was starting to shake. Mark had touched him before... but somehow him being naked made this feel different. More personal. Mark grabbed the chain to pull him closer and Sean whimpered. Shutting his eyes, his fingers clawed the sheets. Would Mark be gentle? Or would he assume that he was already broken in from before? Sean's heart and mind were racing until he couldn't think or move. Had he made a mistake?
Across the room, treasure trickled as Nate rose to his feet. Mark released the chain, placing a hand on Sean's shoulder as he asked him a bit worried. "Sean? You ok?" Nate's voice was as dark as thunder when he growled to Mark. "You're scaring him." Mark didn't look in Nate's direction as he shot back. "I noticed. Just stay back Nate." Sean opened his eyes, taking a deep breath. He was just starting to calm down, when Mark laid back across the bed. Staring at the ceiling, Mark growled out to Nate. "He's not ready. You should have talked him out of this." Nate moved closer, sneering out. "You're too eager. You're letting your jealousy cloud your judgement. You can't be that way with him." Mark rolled to his side, sternly stating back. "Don't pretend you know him better than me! And I'm certainly not jealous of you." Mark's eyes drifted around the room, when his attitude changed. A wicked grin spread across his face and he reached out to grab the silver chain to Nate's collar. Pulling Nate closer by force, Nate braced his hands on the edge of the bed to keep some distance between them.
Mark jerked his head toward a table on the other side of the room, smugly purring out to him. "Hey, Nate. Make yourself useful. Service me." Nate's eyes drifted to the table loaded down with food. After a few long seconds, Nate tugged the chain from Mark's hand and moved toward the table. Sean watched Nate closely, noticing that he looked restless. Sitting back on his legs, Sean told Mark seriously. "You shouldn't treat him like that. Or are you doing it because he reminds you of someone now?" Mark huffed, his eyes looking over Nate as he dryly answered. "What are you talking about? Who is he supposed to remind me of?" Sean took a shaky breath, answering a bit coldly. "You." Mark's body stiffened like Sean had struck him across the back. Mark barely looked over his shoulder at him, uttering out darkly. "What?" Sean lifted his chin, tenderly replying. "He reminds you of the way YOU were when he found you. You can see it. Nate is afraid of you. Of pirates. I didn't notice it until earlier. You hate him... because he's like you. You turned him into you."
Mark rolled onto his stomach, burying his head into the mattress as he ran his hands through his hair. Nate knocked over a glass as he grabbed the table for support. Nate rocked anxiously in front of the table, looking tense. Sean knew he heard him, but he was tired of them avoiding the real issue between them. Sean reached out to trace his fingers along Mark's scarred back. Scars from being whipped. Glancing up, he noticed Nate's back for the first time. He had similar whipped scars across his back... but they looked like they were still trying to heal over. Nate took a long swig from his goblet, then dropped it onto the treasure covered floor. Mark's breathing was sporadic, but he refused to move or look up. Sean traced his fingers down Mark's spine to his lower back, telling him warmly. "His curse made you feel it all over again... Didn't it? Kept it fresh in your mind? Nate couldn't feel it... but you could." Mark's fingers clawed at the back of his neck, his body shaking a little. Nate came back over with a bowl of food, dropping onto the bench at the foot of the bed.
Sean shook his head at them both. Then after a moment of silence, he told them seriously. "You've got to stop this. You both are making yourselves miserable." Nate brushed a thumb across his lower lip, telling Mark openly. "I never understood a lot of the things you did back in the day... Now I know. I haven't slept in a bed in months. Every time I try... I feel him. There are days when I think I smell him in the room. I just can't get that shit out of my head." Mark lifted his head with another heavily sigh, grimly muttering out. "If I didn't give you to him to settle my debt... He would have killed me. I panicked. I could feel what he was doing to you and I... did nothing. I'm sorry." Nate slumped down on the bench, grumbling out. "It was probably for the best. After everything you did... I needed the time away to learn to hate someone more than you." Mark bowed his head back down, mumbling into the mattress. "It wasn't supposed to turn out like this." Nate set the bowl on the bench, leaning forward on his knees as he bluntly stated out. "Well, it did... and Poseidon has a wicked sense of humor bringing me back to you..."
Mark lifted his head to look over his shoulder at Sean with worried eyes. Sean smiled at him, sweetly telling them. "How do you know he didn't plan it that way?" Nate glanced over his shoulder now, raising an eyebrow. Sean grinned, pointing at them in turn as he playfully said aloud. "The Captain. The Atlantean. And me." Mark smirked to himself, gesturing to Nate as he mumbled out. "I learned how to be a Captain from him..." Sean shrugged innocently, replying shyly. "The is what makes him the Atlantean. He's teaching us all new things..." Nate chuckled, laying his arm across the mattress to drum his fingers on. While Mark looked more prominently over his shoulder with a wicked grin to say boldly. "Speaking of learning new things..." Sean's blush returned and he stammered out. "Well... I was... But... Honestly, I think I'll pass. I mean... We tried right?" Nate adjusted on the bench until he was kneeling on it, playfully scolding him. "Oh no, you don't! You are not putting me through this emotion shit for nothing!" Mark started to rise onto all fours, when Nate shoved him down by the back of his neck.
Holding Mark down on the bed, Nate told him calmly. "You stay down like this. You're less intimidating from the back." Mark swatted Nate's hand off, but to Sean's surprise... Mark stayed down. Nate climbed onto the bed with a groan, beckoning Sean closer as he told him. "Come here. I'll show you something that used to get Mark's blood running." Mark buried his head in his arms but didn't comment. Sean raised an eyebrow curiously, watching Nate point to different spots over Mark's back. Sean crawled over Mark on all fours slowly, letting Nate lean in to whisper close to his ear. "Kiss him where I showed you. Treat him like a king and he'll let you do anything." Nate then leaned away, giving Sean room. Sean took a deep breath to gather his courage. With Mark laying on his stomach, he did feel more in control. He didn't have to worry about Mark taking over. Leaning in, Sean pressed his lips to the back of Mark's shoulder. A deep relaxed moan left Mark, making Sean feel good about what he was doing to him. Mark liked it and that was a relief.
Sean kissed another spot along his spine, watching Mark shift a little beneath him. Sean let his kisses turn sloppier just to let his lips linger on Mark's warm skin. Nate rubbed his back, whispering to him as his kissed Mark's back. "Don't be afraid to bite him. Lightly. Like this." Sean lifted his head, thinking Nate would bite Mark. Instead, Nate grazed his teeth lightly over Sean's shoulder until goosebumps shot down his arms and made him shiver. When Nate sat back, he asked him. "Got it?" Sean nodded, lowering his head over Mark's shoulder to bite him like Nate had showed him. Mark's body shivered, the muscles tensing under his teeth. Sean lightly ran his teeth from Mark's shoulder to his neck, giving the side of his neck a soft bite. Mark jerked, stretching his arms out as he arched up into him a bit. Sean lifted his head with a grin, letting Mark settle down as Nate gave him a thumbs up. Nate leaned over the bed to snatch something out of the bowl on the bench.
Nate peeled the orange with his fingers, taking a piece to squeeze over Mark's back. Drizzling the liquid from the orange slice down Mark's spine. Nate then ate the remains of it, gesturing for Sean to deal with the liquid. Sean lowered his head, his tongue tentatively flicking out to lick up the liquid. He had seen oranges on his island but had never seen them used like this. Licking up the liquid in short drags. Nate snorted, leaning in to trace a finger smoothly up the side of Mark's spine. Sean swallowed, getting the hint. Placing his tongue to Mark's back, he slid his tongue up his spine without stopping until he reached the end of the trail of juice. Mark exhaled heavily in response. Had he been holding his breath? Nate licked his fingers, then tapped Sean's arm until he backed down Mark's legs. Taking another piece, Nate squeezed the new slice to drizzle more liquid down the curves of Mark's plump ass to his thighs. Sean licked his dry lips, taking a shaky breath. Nate grinned, tapping his own teeth before gesturing to Mark's ass.
Sean huffed nervously but lowered himself to try it. Dragging his tongue down Mark's ass cheek, Sean hesitated when Nate touched his arm to slow him down. When his tongue was centered on Mark's ass cheek, Nate gently squeezed his forearm and Sean lowered his teeth to graze him. Beneath him, Mark moaned and tensed his legs. Nate stroked Sean's arm happily, encouraging him that he was doing it right. Sean grazed more of his ass, then went back to his tongue to lick teasingly up his thigh. As Sean moved back to do the same with the other side, Nate moved too. Nate scooted closer to Mark, swinging his leg over him to sit on his back. Sean looked up surprised, but Nate gestured for him to keep going. Sean did. However, his eyes were watching Nate now. Was Nate holding Mark down for what he was going to do next? If Mark knew what was coming, he was surprisingly calm. When Sean finished, he sat back staring at Nate curiously. Nate held up a hand to get him to pay attention, then leaned over Mark's ass.
Mark's legs tensed defensively, causing Sean to pet his thighs in the hopes to calm him. Nate spread Mark's cheeks, taking a deep breath and exhaled what looked like heated steam over Mark's tight pale pink rim. Mark moaned loudly with enough pleasure to make Sean's heart skip. Nate lifted his head, telling Sean seriously. "Inhale air into your water lungs. Feel it turn to vapor and exhale it out slowly. You do it too fast and you'll scold him." Mark jerked beneath him, yelping out. "WHAT?!" Nate leaned forward to pin Mark's legs down, ignoring Mark's outburst to add. "Test it on me first." Sean closed his eyes, slowing inhaling deeply. The second he felt his water lungs turn it to humid vapor, he leaned forward to blow it across Nate's bare shoulder. The heated steam hit Nate's skin, drenching it in warm water that trickled down his skin. Nate winced toward the end, telling him casually. "Not bad... but careful. When you run out of a comfortable breath, just stop. Don't try to keep going."
Nate tilted his head toward Mark's ass and Sean ducked under Nate to try it. Carefully spreading Mark's ass as best as he could. Nate made it look easy... but Mark was more than a handful to hold back. Sean inhaled, listening to Mark whine out into the mattress. "Oh god... How did you two talk me into this..." Nate chuckled, mumbling out. "We didn't. You just knew what I was going to show him and let me." Sean brought his lips close, parting his lips enough to exhale slowly. Mark jerked, causing Sean to dig his fingers into Mark's soft ass to pin his hips to the mattress. Shifting his weight forward, his back brushed against Nate's chest. It took everything Sean had to stay focused. Mark soon settled down, letting a deep moan rumble from his chest. Nate kissed Sean's back, telling him a little breathlessly. "Good job. You ready for what comes next?" Sean backed out from under Nate, chuckling out. "Sure." Nate rolled off Mark, walking over to a dresser to remove a long red cloth. Sean watched Nate walk back to stand before Mark, twisting the cloth around his wrists playfully.
Mark licked his lips with a defeated look, then rose onto his arms as he opened his mouth. Nate slipped the cloth into Mark's mouth, tying it around Mark's head with a smirk. Sean raised an eyebrow curiously. Nate noticed his expression, chuckling out to him. "Mark is a screamer. To this day, the crew still thinks it was me they heard." Sean tried to suppress a smile by curling his lips over his teeth. Nate casually climbed back onto the bed, grinning devilishly as he told him. "I told you. I'm exotic. I make mermen look good." Sean covered his mouth with a hand to hide his blushing grin. Nate swung his leg back over Mark, settling back into position. Mark lowered his forehead onto his crossed arms with a muffled moan, his legs spreading without being told. Nate gestured Sean closer, touching the underside of his chin. Nate gave him a short innocent kiss, then playfully whispered over his lips. "Now let me show you how to make him your bitch." To Be Continued...
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