Part 14
Mark's eyes shot open to glare at the wall as he growled out in a deep defensive voice. "What did I just say about touching me?" Despite his aggressive tone, Sean's fingers lingered on his skin, asking him in a wispy voice. "Sorry... but is this the thing that was glowing before?" Mark uncurled an arm from his pillow to lean on his side enough to swat Sean's thigh. Sean yelped, yanking his hands off him. Only then did Mark roll back onto his stomach to get comfortable again. He didn't want to talk about it. It was just a tattoo that resulted from the curse. Nothing more. Mark closed his eyes again, trying to drift off. When Sean asked him curiously. "It doesn't come off. What kind of war paint is that?" Mark opened his eyes with a heavy sigh. He was too drunk to be answering such stupid questions. Burying his face in his pillow, he muffled out loudly with disgust. "It's not war paint! It's a tattoo! Now go to sleep!"
Sean rolled his eyes at Mark's blatant discomfort, stating out in a defiant manner. "Answer my questions and I'll fall asleep. Otherwise, they'll keep me up all night. So... This tattoo. How did you get it? Did it hurt?" Mark lifted his head from the pillow, his eyes looking red and tired as he turned to shoot him a murderous look. Mark's voice came out low and threatening as he snarled out through clenched teeth. "Little prince... If you don't go to sleep this second. I am going to knock you the fuck out! Savy?!" Sean nodded meekly. Mark was rather frightening when he was tired. Mark dropped his head back across his pillow with another heavy sigh. Sean thought about trying to ask him again, but shifted to lay down instead. He didn't want to add to the lashings that he already had. Turning over onto his stomach, he faced the door. He didn't want to sleep. He didn't feel safe here. There were so many new sounds and smells. He was in pain and had almost been raped.
It all just made him feel anxious. Gripping the amulet around his neck, Sean forced his eyes closed and thought of home. The last thing he thought about before drifting off was whether or not they missed him. A sharp high pitched whistle, rang out in Sean's ears sometime later. Sean buried his head under the pillow with a sleepy groan. He didn't care what time it was... There was no reason to disturb everyone with such a damn noisy thing! The door to the cabin swung open and hit the wall with a loud 'BANG' and Sean jumped in fright. The pillow fell to the floor as he sleepily looked up to see Mark. Mark was fully dressed, looking like he had been awake for hours. Mark walked over to the bed, swatting his arm and bellowing out too cheerfully. "Up and at them, little prince! You've got work to do! Everyone pulls their weight! That means you too!"
Sean groaned sleepily, falling back down on the bed and scooting closer to the wall to sleep on Mark's abandoned pillow. Mark leaned over the bed, grabbing his arm by the elbow and his leg by the knee to drag him off the bed, stating out loudly. "OH NO! Get your lazy bones out of bed and get to work! You're burning daylight!" Mark released him to fall roughly across the floor. Sean winced, but rolled over to wrap his arms around the pillow on the floor. Mark countered by yanking the pillow away and tossing it back onto the bed. Then Mark bent down to grab his ankle. Sean hissed at him like a feral cat in frustration! He was a prince! He was allowed to sleep in as long as he wanted! He wasn't a morning person! Mark dragged him out of the cabin by his ankle, calling out playfully to the crew on deck. "AT THE READY MEN!" Sean sleepily saw that the crew were all standing around with bright grins as Mark dragged him out to the center of the ship.
Before was awake enough to process what was happening, Mark stopped and jerked his head with a grin of his own. All the crew revealed buckets from behind their backs and splashed him with sea water. Sean sat up with a gasp, spitting sea water as the crew roared with laughter. Mark leaned down to him, bracing his hands on his knees as he smugly chuckled out. "No better way to wake up in the morning now is there, little prince?" Sean pulled a strand of seaweed from his hair, muttering out sourly. "I can think of a few things." Mark straightened up, snapping his fingers to a man off to his right. The man gave him a bucket and a mop, then rushed off with the departing crew. Mark dropped the bucket at Sean's feet, then let the mop fall across his lap, telling him with a wicked grin. "You're right. I'm sure swabbing the deck isn't one of them... but that is what you'll be doing. Now get to work. You've got a whole ship to clean."
Sean tossed the mop off his lap, snapping out. "I don't clean! That's-" Mark crossed his arms across his chest, cutting in very seriously. "You say 'peasant work' and I'll have you peeling potatoes in the kitchen too. Now I suggest you get to work... Or I'll keep adding to your list." Sean climbed stubbornly to his feet, growling out bitterly. "You can't make me!" Mark raised an eyebrow, sassily stating out. "I'm the Captain. I can make you do ANYTHING I want. Now about that abused mop." Sean's lips curled with distaste, refusing to pick it up. Mark's eyes moved off Sean to Tyler, commenting coolly. "I've changed my mind. Take the mop." Tyler picked up the mop and Sean let himself grin. He had won. At least, until Tyler handed a small brush to Mark. Mark took it, slamming in against Sean's chest as he grabbed the scruff of his neck to pull him closer. Close to his ear, Mark softly told him in a casual tone. "Now you can work on your hands and knees. Refuse me again and I'll give you a rag to clean with."
Mark released him, stepping back as he told him with a smug smile. "Anything you have to say now?" Sean gritted his teeth, shaking his head. Mark clapped a hand on his shoulder, pushing him down to his knees. Sean wanted to sling out a string of fowl curses, but took the brush more comfortably in hand to start. Mark stood over him, watching him like a hawk as he commanded out loudly with amusement. "Not that lightly. Get in between the cracks of the wood! I want all traces of dirt and gunpowder off this ship. The deck needs to be damp enough to deter fires! Come on! Faster!" Sean's arm muscles were already starting to burn from the strain, but he was starting to get the hang of it after a while. Mark watched over him as he worked from a distance. All the while still maintaining his own duties of running the ship. He found that the crew wasn't entirely mean to him.
They'd refill his bucket with more sea water when they noticed him dump it out across the deck. Otherwise, they all went about their own duties without bothering him. Men cleaned the cannons and oiled down the ropes. While others took inventory, or did minor maintance. Sean kept working tirelessly, until his fingers were red and aching. Shifting off his throbbing knees, he panted heavily and groaned with disappointment. It was almost sundown and all he had done was half of the top deck. He couldn't imagine doing the whole ship in one day. Sean's stomach growled as he looked over his pruned red hands. He had never worked so hard in his life! He could almost feel the blisters and thick callouses forming on his palms. Heavy boots thudded up to him and he whined out weakly without looking up. "I know... I know... Back to work... but I just need a few minutes. Please?"
A hand tapped his shoulder very gently, causing him to look up with pleading eyes. He was only a little surprised to see that it was Mark, but even more so that Mark was holding out a waterskin and a fresh bowl of hot soup for him. Sean took the waterskin, guzzling it down. Mark kneeled down next to him, scolding him lightly. "Hey, slow down. You'll make yourself sick." Sean forced himself to stop drinking to gasp for air. Then dropped the waterskin onto his lap as he took the bowl from Mark. He couldn't remember the last time he ate! Scooping bits of what tasted like fish and veggies, he watched Mark scan the deck. After a minute, Mark told him warmly. "Not a bad job for your first time. Not great... but not the worst I've seen." Sean chewed a little slower, staring at Mark closely. Was he actually... trying to be nice to him? Mark didn't look at him as he rose back up onto his feet.
Sean finished the bowl of soup with a refreshing sigh and Mark took it back from him. Sean even handed him the waterskin back, before shifting stiffly back onto his knees with a slight groan of pain. He was about to start up again, when Mark grabbed his arm, pulling him up onto his feet. Sean gave him a worried look, causing Mark to state out in an undertone. "You've done enough for today. Let the men finish up." Sean staggered stiffly behind Mark, noticing a few men that were smirking at him as he past. They looked at him with... respect? Mark nodded to them and the men climbed down to take up buckets and mops. Sean shook his head in realization. There were at least six men that were now cleaning the deck. Had Mark made him clean alone on purpose? Mark handed the bowl and waterskin to a young man, who rushed down below deck. While Robin told Mark in a casual tone of voice. "Now that you worked him to the bone. Will ya let him have some fun with us now?"
Mark glanced at Robin, rolling his eyes. Then he turned to look back at Sean, saying in a slightly reluctant voice. "I guess... If he thinks he has the energy for it." Sean raised an eyebrow, not sure he understood. Robin swatted Mark's shoulder with the back of his hand, sounding chipper as he said. "Of course, he does! Who doesn't enjoy drinking and playing games? Besides, he's our guest of honor! We should be celebrating!" Mark mumbled something under his breath, slipping into his cabin. Leaving Sean standing there looking uneasy. Robin wrapped an arm around his neck, dragging him to the stairs as he piped out excitedly. "Don't be so shy, Lad. I know we haven't given you the warmest welcome, but let us be the first to change all that. We are curious about you and no doubt you are... slightly curious about the likes of us. So, let's all get to know each other better! What say you?" Sean simply shrugged nervously. He wasn't sure what he was in for now. To Be Continued...
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