Untitled Part 20
Rood makes sure to lock the door firm behind him before setting Dio down a table. He closes the window blind to the storage room and switches on the light. He then takes a seat across from Dio on the floor.
"Dio. Why did you shrink like that?" Was the first thing he asks before bombarding with more questions. "Well, it is better than getting big. Did that black thing do this to you? Why did it come here in the first place? What is your connectio-" Rood stops himself. "N-never mind. We'd better get you back to human form. It'll look suspicious for us to be absent for too long."
"...I can't." Dio utters.
"What?" Rood brings his face to meet with Dio's. "You can talk in this form?"
"I don't know why I'm small." Dio says as Rood starts poking him. "I can't return to human either. The magic that guy uses is special. So when he damages you, it takes a while to recover..."
"If you say 'that guy', you must know him." Rood nuzzles Dio's head with his hand.
"Yeah...agh...Stop it, that tickles!"
"Sorry. It's just too amusing." Rood then hears chatters from the hallway outside his room and frowns. "Anyway. I should head to class first. How long will you take to recover?"
"I don't know exactly. It could take a day...Or even weeks."
"I'll go with a day."
"That's not really for you to decide..."
"In the meantime, I'll do something about this." Rood ruffles Dio's hair and stands. "You just wait here out of sight." He then exits.
There was no one in sight in the hallway. All students were held in their respective classrooms until further notices. Rood walks down the deserted hallway. He was full of thoughts. He then sees an Idun waving at him, but he wasn't too sure. He turns and looks back to see if there was someone else behind him, but there was none. The idun then approaches Rood and gives him a hug and Rood starts to wonder if he had a screw loose because they'd never even seen each other before.
Back in the classroom, Lidusis begins to get worried. Not only ws Rood 'missing', but so was Dio. The classroom was in an uproar and everyone strived to know what happened, but there as no answer. The professors stood in front of the doorway going through the list of names for the class and ticking in anyone who wasn't present. There was none of course.
"-Next... Rood Chrishi." A professors calls to the crowd of iduns.
"Um...Rood's in the bathroom." An Idun answers.
"What? When did he leave-"
"I'm here!" Rood says from the door behind the professors. Dio stood beside him in his human form, his eyes darting around. "...I had a stomachache, so, uh... did I miss something?"
"We are taking security safety measures." A professor answers. "To see if anyone was hurt or got caught in the accident. And the student behind you?"
"Ah...He was in the bathroom too."
"Your name is?"
"My name is..." Dio says. "Dio. Dio Varus." And he smiles.
Class returned to normal and their exchanged professor, professor Milly, carried on with the lesson. He ranted on about paikaltus theory the reasons behind his actions.
"Dio Varus." The professor calls. "For the first time ever in this class, you've paid attention to the class and aren't sleeping...Are you sick?"
The whole class bring their attention to Dio.
"If you aren't sick," The professor continues. "shall we see if you've actually been paying attention? Stand up and tell me any one of paikaltus' theorems."
Some Iduns begin to laugh.
Dio does as he was told and stands, earning some more laughters. He glances down at Rood who shook his head at him to sit down, but he just smiles at him.
"You can't answer?" Says the professor. "As expected, it was too hard for you then-"
"Paikaltus' theorem presents improved management of magic based on his creation theory. It follows the Katan method of casting spells, which opposes the harma method. Depending on the magic's element ability and affinity..."
Rood glares at Dio as he went on ranting. He brings his face over his desk to shield it.
"-So, until all questions about the demon world are resolved, his theories will remain controversial. That's all." Dio finishes and the whole class goes silent.
The professor at the front of the classroom drops his textbook and stares at Dio in the back. As the rest, he was shocked.
"What?...That wasn't it?..." Dio asks.
"Karina!" A Hereis calls. "What happened?"
"Was it really a magical accident? It wasn't, right? What was it?" Another asks.
"Yeah!" Commences another. "Such a little thing could never cause this much chaos."
"O-of course!" Karina says. She hugs her magic orb to herself. After haven boasted about getting close up to the scene and capturing every moment, she couldn't bring herself to tell them she couldn't even get close enough to record it properly. "You guys will be surprised when you hear this."
"Well, did you record it? Gimme. I wanna check it out!"
"B-but if I share it around with everybody, I might get penalized. It's that serious..." She stutters. "I have recorded everything that happened right in here."
"Yeah?" Shicmon says as he lands on the balcony fence in front of Karina. "That was pretty resourceful of you."
"What?! Where do you think you are?!" A Hereis asks.
Shicmon squats down and stretched out his hand at Karina. "Give it."
" A-are you crazy?!" The same Hereis says. "Even if it was a small request, you didn't even try!" He then turns to Karina whose face was red. "Karina! You can't give it to a guy like that-"
"Here." She gently sets the orb on Shicmon's hand.
"Why-Why did you give it to him?! He's so rude. He's treating us like rubble on the street!"
"Rood...Uh..." Dio says as they walk down the hallway in silence.
"Don't do or say anything. Just follow me."
They walk for a few minutes before reaching the storage room and Rood does the same and locks the door firm.
"Do you even use your brain?" Rood asks once he's done.
"No...I didn't know i would get such a silent reaction..."
"We'll talk about that later." Rood says as he looks inside a box of carton. "First, Dio..." He stops as he finds nothing inside the box. "Dio! Dio Varus?" He looks around some more but doesn't see him.
"What's up?" 'Dio' asks from behind Rood. "Rood?"
"He...He's not here. We have to go look."
Dio grabs Rood's hand before he could leave. "There's no need.
"Don't get any more involved than you already are." Dio says as silver swirls surround him and he turns to Kiel. "If I'd known it would become so complicated, I never would have sent you here. It was my mistake."
Rood remains quiet.
"Wash you hands off this Helios business and return now." Kiel continues. "I have a teleportation scroll for you. I'll take care of the rest."
"What nonsense are you talking about? You obviously don't know the current situation, master, But if I leave now-"
"Rood. Listen to me. This is an order from your master."
Rood doesn't respond, but slowly brings his head down. "...Understood. Then...As my master, my head's telling me to cut your throat right now." He folds his fists.
"Huh? wait..."
"Why do you think I'm here in the first place! You came all the way here to tell me that nonsense?!"
"No, I-"
"I don't want to leave! Even if I did, I'm already embroiled in this situation. We don't have time for this. Dio needs to be..." Rood stops as he hears a crumbling sound.
The door to the equipment room crumbles down to pieces, chipping some parts of the wall with it.
"Why is..." Shicmon says from outside the would be door. "Opion's master here?"
Kiel brings his hands over his face. "There's no master here." And Rood's face goes pail.
"Of course." Shicmon grins. "I was not wrong."
"W-w-wait!" Kiel says. "There's a misunderstandi-"
Shicmuon dashes at Rood and they clash into boxes and cartons. Rood grits his teeth as Shicmon grabs his uniform collar.
"Your name is Shicmon." Shicmon chants as red swirls surround him and his dark red hair begins changing into bright red. "Awaken!"
Kiel shuffles out a teleportation scroll and chants as fast as he can. He makes it just in time before Shicmon could use any more magic.
Just to clarify. When Rood was walking down the hallway, the Idun he saw was his master disguised as a random student. The Dio in the classroom after that was also his master disguised as Dio.
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