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At first,the wind swayed my skirt, it was peaceful, birds chirping, but it was interrupted by...my...dad.
Eugene O. Rondo
Magic: Emotion Magic
Attire:Blonde hair with a noble's clothing, and a Silver Eagles robe.
My blue eyes turned wide. Why. . . Did he come after me?
I thought we promised to never see each other again, unless I become stronger! Did he come to beat me up? What? How? Those thoughts swirl in to my head.
Hazel. Relax.
He walked towards me, and grabbed my hand.
Asta and Luck looks perplexed, puzzled.
He suddenly shakes my hand. "HAZEL! YOU GREW SO MUCH! YOU LOOK STRONGER NOW!" As his grimoire turned bright yellow.
Dad's grimoire color and spells can change by his depending on his emotions. When he's sad, it turns blue, and the spells change. For and example, "Emotion Magic:Rain of tears. . . "
So basically, that's that.
"Oh. . . . yeah sure. . so. . . hello?" I said while giving him an awkward smile.
"Now, what squad are you?" He asked me.
"Oh, Black Bulls." I replied.
"Okay. . . would you care to have a battle with me?"
I looked at Luck and Asta, who was smiling and cheering for me.
"Oh, yeah, Nozel, please don't be rude when it comes to my daughter."
He scoffed.
We went to an open field, where no people is around. And we started battling.
"Emotion Magic:Frustration Bells!"
Bells started to appear in all directions, and started making annoying sounds endlessly. Maybe this spell can make your defense low, or in order to distract you. . .
I wanna end this quickly.
"Puppet Magic:Manipulate Beings!
Controlled Dad, and boom. Battle finished.
I love my magic.
Dad fell to the green grass, confused on what happened.
" For your information, my spell, Puppet Magic:Manipulate Beings is a spell that can control someone, or something. "I elaborated. " So. . . you are in a complete disadvantage."
His face looks puzzled, confused. Scratching his head, he said something, but I didn't heard it.
But. . . then, I heard tons of echoes in my mind. Happy, sad, anger, echoes were heard. Is this. . . Dad's magic?
"Hey! Hazel! You okay?"
I went back to reality, seeing Asta's concerned face, I just gave them an apologetic smile.
"Yeah. I'm okay."
After talking to Dad, and the rude Royal, Nozel Silva, we waved goodbye and went back to the Black Bulls base.
I saw everyone do the usual stuff; Charmy eating her noms, Gauche staring at her be loved sister, Gordon mumbling, Finral, well just. . not really usual. . Magna just laying down on the couch, Vanessa being drunk. . Grey covering her face since she's embarrassed, Noelle just complaining, and Yami sitting reading a newspaper.
"Hey guys, we are back! !" Asta said with his cheery voice."We brought some stuff! "
"Yeah! And we encountered Hazel's Dad! And their fight was epic!" Luck said with his goofy smile. "Hazel's dad is amazing!"
No credits for me? Sad. . .
Yami dropped his newspaper and looked at us. "Haha, good work, now go to your room and rest, or else I'll give you more missions."
"Hai! (Means Okay in Japanese) " Me, Luck and Asta said.
I went to my room and plopped down on the bed. Feeling tired, I decided to sleep.
There was this girl who had magenta hair, with blue fading on the tip, she was also wearing a ponytail. She was also wearing a cyan sweater, and oh, she have wolf ears. I can't really see a lot of things in her appearance since it was turning blurry. But, I heard something.
". . . Magic: Shivering Spears."
I woke up from my dream, shocked. I read the clock; oh god 8 already? Shoot I haven't had dinner. Well whatever, I'm not that starving anyways.
I stretched my arms and legs, cause it's numb. But when I sat up, I couldn't believe my eyes. . .
It's her. The girl that I saw from my dream, but I saw her weapon; a scythe.
This time, I saw her face, she had dark blue eyes with a black eye patch on it.
"Ah!!! Who are you?!?!" I screamed.
"Chill!! My name is Aiko! Pleased to meet you!" As she smiled warmly.
"O-Okay. . "
It turned silent.
But the silence was interrupted by a door knock.
"Hey, Hazel, get out of there. We need to talk to you."
Oh, Magna.
"O-Okay, wait for a sec. ." I said nervously.
"Oh, and bring your " friend" with you as well."
Does he mean Aiko?
"Oh, Okay. ."
I went out of the room and sat on the couch.
I could see everyone stating at me, fixed at me and Aiko.
Yami lit up s cigarette, and put it I'm his mouth. "Okay, so. . . who is this stranger? that you have?"
"I'm not a stranger! I was here just to join a squad!"
"Without taking the exam?" Magna interrupted. "Are you crazy?! You need to take the exam first!"
"You don't understand! I was here because Ya---" As Aiko paused.
"I hired her here, dummies."
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