Joker x Reader
I may or may not have forgotten about an xreader that I promised December 27th 2015. Lunarr_Goddess you've waited a long time for this. And now it's been long enough.
Joker's P.O.V
I stared as both of my dearest animal tamers trained with the beautiful creatures. Beast was with Betty, her favourite tiger, and lovely (Y/N) sat beside young Snake and his slithery friends, seemingly attempting to understand and somehow find a way to communicate with them. "Isn't she just amazing?" I heard Dagger ask from beside me and I knew straight away who he was talking about, a spark of jealously shooting down my spine. "Only the best in our family," I noted somewhat sadly, clearly reminding both him and myself of our horrid nighttime duties for our father.
Your P.O.V
You had, out of frustration, given up on poor Snake and his snakes, kicking at a small stone on the ground as you thought of a different way to somehow gain Joker's attention. Both you and Beast liked him and while she always wanted to compete over him, you simply just wanted him to notice your true capabilities as an animal tamer. Your specialties so far had been elephants, tigers, horses and a cute dolphin you managed to obtain for a show once, but you knew you could do more. When Joker rescued Snake, he was fascinated with the boy's amazing skill with snakes and interpretive dance, leaving you behind in the shadows and more determined than ever. And didn't that go swimmingly, you thought to yourself sarcastically, seeing Joker stride off to the other side of the tent to see Beast with Betty. Dagger, with that silly grin on his face, swaggered over to you, joking playfully at how the sour look on your face made you look just so adorable - this earned him a smack on the back of the head.
Joker's P.O.V
"I don't see how you find her so amazing. She can barely keep Betty in line, let alone snakes." I frowned, this wasn't like Beast at all to express anger towards anyone other than Dagger, who constantly tried to flirt with her. "Beast, you know that isn't true. Now, stop being so grumpy and take a leaf out of Black and Smile's book!" I nodded in the direction of Smile and his extremely tall friend, Black, the one who was nutty enough to try and touch Betty during Beast's performance. The two of them were practicing together with big smiles on their faces and they made a real dynamic duo with their knife throwing and fantastic trust stunts. Beast watched in amazement as Black threw Smile in the air as easily as could walk and miraculously caught him without stumbling or showing any evidence of being winded or hit. "Whatever, he's still a pervert," she muttered angrily, clearly indicating to when Black found an interest in Beast's prosthetic leg. It's not his fault, he probably didn't understand that he overstepped the boundary, I retorted in my head, tempted to say it to her face as I simply gave an unsure grin. I looked back over at (Y/N) and saw her standing unusually close to young Dagger, playfully punching his shoulder and laughing with him. I could feel anger pulsing through my veins and as much as I tried to hide my jealousy, I couldn't, and Beast could clearly see this. "Joker. Look at them. She doesn't like you. For her, it's him, but for me, it's you," she said softly, stepping closer and placing a hand on my shoulder. I almost leaned into her touch, but it just didn't feel right at all. This is wrong. She's your sister! The voice in my head protested loudly and I back away from her, glaring at her for even attempting such an act on me.
Your P.O.V
Joker had been glaring at you for the whole day and it confused you greatly. What had you done wrong? You planned to confront him about it after dinner, but as you started taking your hair out of its hold, the tent flap pushed open and a familiar skeletal hand poked through. "Joker," you said in surprise, not expecting to have alone time with him until later. "I saw you with Dagger today. Something you wanna tell me?" Is he jealous? You asked yourself, taking in his angry state and clenching fists. No. Not possible. "Dagger and I are friends, Joker. I don't see the problem," you replied honestly, feeling a little angry yourself that he just barged into your tent. "Beast doesn't see it that way and, frankly, neither do I." By now you were absolutely furious. Why should it matter to him if you were with Dagger, and what should Beast's opinion have to do with anything? Everyone already knew that she'd do anything to get her hands on Joker, he was the only one that couldn't see it. "It shouldn't matter to you! What I do with my life and my friends has nothing to do with what you or Beast think!" You screamed at him, taking a step forward and almost slapping his face. He seemed shocked for a moment, but he drew back to anger and yelled back. "I know it shouldn't matter to me, but it does! Everything you do means everything to me because I just want to know that you're safe and not in danger! Dagger will pick you up and throw you high but he won't catch you! He would've moved on to the next girl by the time you hit the ground." He finished softly, his voice almost breaking. "I really like you, (Y/N). And I jus can't stand to see you with a player like him," he whispered. You stared at him in awe and shock, finally knowing that his feelings for you were mutual all along. "I like you too, Joker," you said kindly, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheeks.
And that was the start of a cheesy relationship.
Lmao this made me cringe. So bad. Hope y'all liked it because this was the last one.
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