Sebastian x Reader || Break Up, Back Together || Request
Requested by @CherylMander
-modern au (hope you don't mind! If you don't want it in this au, then just imagine that it's still in the BB universe)
-you're the same age as Sebastian
-you and Sebastian have a rocky relationship
Your POV
I glare at my boyfriend as he yells at me, accusing me for something I didn't do. Yet again.
I march right up to him, angry tears in my eyes as I slap him as hard as I can. He stares at me, upset and surprised. I've never hit him before.
I take a step back and raise my voice louder and louder as I continue talking, "I never did anything. You always accuse me for things I didn't do! And guess what? I'm sick of it! I'm drawing the line right here, right now. I gave you many, many chances! And now I'm done. For good. I'm breaking up with you, Sebastian. Goodbye!"
I then run out, holding my tears back until I'm in the streets where I can camouflage among the other civilians. I sob quietly as I weave my way through the crowd, hearing Sebastian's calls for me.
I know he means well. He really does, he's just overprotective. Like, all the time. I once found that cute, but now it's annoying and the accusations are awful. He knows I'm loyal to him and him alone, and yet his mind tells him to say these horrid things to me.
I can't say that I haven't said some things I regret as well, but I never would've if he hadn't of said it first.
Maybe we just aren't compatible like I thought we were.
Maybe we're just too different.
I get sympathetic stares as I hurry past people, as if they know my pain well. Some of them probably do, but I don't know that.
Sebastian will probably try to look for me at my home, so I'll just go to my best friends home instead. Her name is Olivia (change it if you need to).
I knock frantically on her door, hoping she's home. She opens the door and immediately lets me inside. Olivia makes me tell her everything when I've calmed down enough to speak. She nods at my every word, and when I'm finished, she helps cheer me up with my favorite snacks and movies.
I stay the night at her place.
It's now morning, and we're just drinking tea and chatting. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.
Suddenly, there's a knock at her door and she offers to get it in case it's Sebastian. Olivia opens it and I hear a few unfamiliar voices. All males, well, except one.
She lets them inside and introduces me to them.
Four males and one female. The girl is named Courtney, and she's dating the male named Lucas. The other three males are named Caleb, Mike, and Noah. Caleb is Olivia's boyfriend, leaving Noah and Mike single.
We all decide to go out and have fun for a bit. We decide to walk around town first, then maybe go to a bar. Nobody's going to get too wasted, just a drink or two, so it's cool.
I'm not over Sebastian yet, but I need to get over him at some point. Getting my mind off of him is the first step.
But don't get drunk because of heartbreak. I'm not that type of person.
As we all are walking, I notice Mike getting closer and closer to me. I don't mind it too much, as long as he doesn't try anything out of my comfort zone. Especially since my mind is still on Sebastian.
He stays at a respectful distance, but enough closeness for me to know that something's up. I feel my face heat up when he casually wraps his arm around my shoulders. I tense up, but play it off as a friend thing, though it clearly isn't to him.
Olivia smirks at me and I playfully glare, rolling my eyes as she snickers. Caleb holds her hand, while Courtney and Lucas do the same. Noah just chills out, seemingly fine with being single. Good for him!
We then head to the bar a while later and my breath catches in my throat when I see my ex there.
His friend, Claude, is with him. Claude's girlfriend, Hannah, is there too. A couple others are too, and I know who they are, but I'm too lazy to identify them all right now.
I hurriedly look away and Olivia notices, glaring Sebastian's way before leading our group off into the crowd. I can feel Sebastian's gaze following myself and Mike until he can't see us anymore.
Courtney and Lucas go off to dance on the dance floor, Noah goes to mingle, while Caleb and Olivia stay nearby, but also on their own. That leaves Mike and I to ourselves.
I'm glad Olivia hasn't completely abandoned me with Sebastian wandering around here.
"So, was that your ex back there?" Mike asks me, nearly shouting above the loud music.
I nod, "Yeah, that's him."
"Sure doesn't like me from the looks of it," he chuckles.
I snort, "He doesn't like anyone who gets close to me like you are. He's the overprotective type."
"Ah, makes sense," Mike comments, and we just laugh and have fun while we're here.
I'm well aware of Sebastian watching us, but I couldn't care less at the moment.
I feel someone bump into me from behind, causing me to fall into Mike's arms. I straighten up and apologize frantically to him, but when I look up our faces are close. I can feel his breath on my face, and the tips of our noses are grazing one another.
I stare into his eyes as he stares into mine. It's as if all time has stopped, but I'm not getting the same feeling I get when I'm in situations like this with Sebastian. With Mike, I don't feel as much love as I do with Sebastian.
I make a mental note of that as Mike slowly leans down, kissing my lips gently. I want to pull away, but my body fights against me.
Sebastian doesn't trust you. You're not his anymore, you can do what you want.
You're a free woman.
Though as I kiss Mike back, it doesn't feel right. This is wrong.
I feel Mike getting ripped from me and my eyes snap open, spotting Sebastian shoving Mike away. They're starting a fight.
Before this can escalate any further, I grab Sebastian's wrist and drag him out of the bar. He struggles at first, but then realizes it's me and follows like an obedient dog.
When we're outside, I glare at him. "What was that all about, huh?"
"I can't let him kiss you like that. He doesn't deserve you."
"Oh, and you supposedly do? After everything you accused me of? When I was nothing but loyal to you? Yeah, you totally are the one who deserves my love," I say sarcastically, crossing my arms in anger.
He sighs, "YN, I know I messed up. Many times. And I cannot express to you how sorry I am for that. I'm just asking you to give me another chance."
I meet his gaze and my expression softens a smidgen. He seems to take notice and tries to test my boundaries right now, taking his chances and getting close to me. I want to move away, but my feet stay rooted to the ground. As if this isn't my decision to make.
My body knows what I want, and it's only doing that for me.
Sebastian leans closer to my face, bringing our lips closer with every second. I can't take it any longer and just uncross my arms and grab his collar, pulling him down to kiss him. The kiss is slow, but needy.
In a good way.
When we pull apart for air, I lift my hand and slap him as hard as I can.
He chuckles as he rubs his cheek, wincing, "I deserved that.."
I giggle, "Yeah, you did. I'm sorry too."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. It was me that made the mistake."
"I made mistakes too."
He laughs quietly, holding me close to him.
"I love you, YN."
"I love you too, Sebastian."
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