Sebastian Michaelis x Bella Ruth | I Love You.
Backstory: Bella Ruth is half blind, so her right eye is blind while her left works perfectly fine. So, she wears an eyepatch over that eye, like Ciel. Bella is a maid for the Phantomhive Manor, while Sebastian is the Head Butler. This is just another 'normal' day at the Phantomhive Manor. Let's go from the beginning of the day, shall we?
~Random song up top
~Bella's POV~
I wake up in the maids quarters, I look to my left to see that Mey-Rin is still asleep. I'm going to have to wake her up. As I sit up, I stretch my arms and legs.
I grab the eyepatch Ciel had given me to hide my blind eye from that little...incident...with Grell about a week ago. Nobody here will ever let Grell live that down. I can't blame them, honestly. She is just jealous because Sebastian likes me more than her, so that ended up with her shoving me. *Grell is a girl in this, I looked up her gender, yeah..sorry, I'm a noob* After Grell had shoved me, I had hit a part of the brain on a rock to where my eye would go blind. Unfortunately, this is permanent. I don't really mind, though.
Sure, I'm mad at Grell for doing this to me, but I will survive. At least she didn't kill me, right?
Since this is still pretty recent, I'm still adjusting.
Ciel had ordered Sebastian to keep a close eye on me, in case I hurt myself or something. I appreciate that he cares, and that Sebastian had also suggested that someone should stay with me for most of the day until I get used to this properly. I know that Ciel would have ordered for either Mey-Rin or one of the butlers here to watch over me anyways.
I brush my short, navy blue hair *like Ciel* down before putting the eyepatch over my right eye. I had my hair cut to make things easier. That was before my injury, though. I don't care whether I have long or short hair, but short is easier to handle. Plus, it is less heavy so that's an added bonus.
My eyes were an ocean blue, like Ciel's, but now my right eye is a bright gray color, almost the same white color of my sclera *the white part of your eye*, making it harder to see my actual iris. *The color around your pupil, aka the color around black circle in the center of your eye* So basically, my left eye is ocean blue (like Ciel's eyes), while the right is the bright gray color that is harder to see.
I slip into my maids outfit that stopped a little after your knees, like Mey-Rin's, and slide my feet into my slightly heeled boots that also matches Mey-Rin's. I had a bit of difficulty due to my blind eye, plus the eyepatch, but I managed just fine on my own. And of course I had black leggings under everything. I put on my maids headpiece and walk over to Mey-Rin's bed.
I stand on the left side of her bed, which was next to my bed, and gently shook her awake.
"Mey-Rin..Mey-Rin, wake's time for work.." I tried waking her up, but all she did was stir in her sleep.
Right..she doesn't normally wake up this early. I won't bother her anymore.
I grab her maids outfit for the day and lay them down at the foot of her bed before heading upstairs and into the kitchen. I feel like someone is watching me, but I just shrug it off since Sebastian is supposed to watch over me, so I just assume it's him.
I start cleaning the oven for Bard when he cooks later, and move on to the counters. I wonder where Sebastian is? He is usually awake by now and helps me clean everything up.
I hear footsteps behind me as I am cleaning off a butchers knife and think it's Sebastian, so I turn around, still cleaning the knife, and say, "Hey Sebas-"
I cut myself off when I look up to find the one person I never wanted to see again..
"-tian.." I mumble the last part of his name, and stare wide eyed at Grell.
"Bella." Grell states bitterly, glaring daggers at me. I glare back with my left eye.
"Grell." I reply, just as bitter.
"What are you doing here?" Grell asks me, using her annoying sassy voice.
"I work here. How 'bout you, huh?" I retort, and her face glows red with anger and embarrassment.
She stands tall and proud as she proclaims, "I'm here to see Bassy, of course!"
"Well, tough, you can't see him right now." I state, and she glares at me again.
"Why not?" She questioned, sounding more demanding.
"Because Sebastian hasn't been up here all morning. I have no idea where he is, so don't even try to ask me." I state matter-of-factly, and she huffs, crossing her arms over her flat chest.
"I bet you do know where he is and just won't tell me." Grell says as I started cleaning again.
"Uh-huh, yeah, sure, whatever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem, not mine." I reply, now cleaning off a spoon made out of silver.
"Grrr, where is Bassy?" Grell asked, not even sounding like she's asking a question, more like giving an order.
"Go find out yourself, I'm busy here." I retort, and she frowns deeper, temper rising.
Grell walks around the kitchen, knocking expensive things off of the counters as she walks. I catch every one of them and set them back down safely before rushing to catch another one. Once she's done with that, not one item has broken. Grell pouts.
"No fun, I wanted to get you into trouble." She said, leaning against the wall.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that, Grell." I teased, she stands up straight and walks right up to me, trying to size me up.
She fails miserably since I am a few inches taller than her, even more so when I'm sizing her up instead.
"Fine then." Grell states simply, motioning for me to follow her.
I do so, not wanted her to break anything. Young Master is very understanding, but would he believe me if I said Grell did it? Probably so, but whatever. I'm not risking it.
Grell knows I have a disadvantage from my right eye, so I know she's gonna use that against me.
"Let's have a duel," Grell says, "if you win, I'll leave you and Bassy alone, but if I win, you have to stay away from Bassy at all costs. Deal?"
I think for a moment.
"What if I decline?" I question, she smirks.
"If you decline, I will never leave any of you alone. Maybe even try to kill Ciel." Grell states, looking at her red nails, waiting for my response.
"What will it be?"
My eye widens, she might try to kill Ciel?! As a maid, and as a person, I can't let that happen. I do love Sebastian, but if I lose, then fine. He's a demon anyways, and I'm a human, it couldn't work. Whatever, that's not the point.
'Always protect the Young Lord and the inhabitants of the Phantomhive Manor, no matter the cost.' That's the code I've always gone by ever since I started working here three years ago. The Young Lord comes first, or servants depending on the situation, and me last.
"I accept your challenge." I state monotonously and pull out my dagger.
I'm better with hand-to-hand combat and using knives and swords instead of long ranged things like guns and bows with arrows. I am good at long distance throwing and stuff, so I can use these items.
Grell takes out her Death Scythe, aka chainsaw, and gets into position, but I stop her. She looks annoyed.
"What now?' She questioned, obviously wanting to start this fight.
"We are doing this outside. Not inside." I state and drag her outside.
She surprisingly doesn't struggle, until we make it into a clearing by the Manor. She rips her arm out of my grip and prepares herself for the fight, I do too.
I know I don't really stand much of a chance, but I'll try, even if it kills me, which it probably will.
I see a flash of red to my left so I quickly look that way, only to see a familiar figure in the distance, watching us intently. Blood red eyes, black hair, butlers's Sebastian!
I know he's got my back if I need it. I face Grell again, and she looks confused. I shake my head.
"START!!" We both yell and she charges at me.
Her chainsaw is on as she swings downward at me, I quickly duck and roll out of the way before it can kill me. She glares at me behind her red bangs, and she pushes her red glasses back up her nose.
"Are you crazy?! Do you want to kill me?!" I proclaim at her, and she laughs evilly.
"If it keeps you from my Bassy, then YES!!" She exclaims, charging at me again, holding her chainsaw above her head.
My eye widens, she's actually gonna try to kill me...over my dead body, she will.
I dodge again to the left and back flip behind her, then kicking her down to the ground. Luckily, the chainsaw was flung off to the side when she fell, so it didn't kill her. I don't want her dead, but I do want her out of my life.
She flew up, leaving her chainsaw, and kicked my stomach before I could even react, making me fall onto my back, wheezing from loss of breath. Grell snatches my knife out of my hand, and tries to stab me in the middle of my forehead, but I caught her hands before the knife even touched my skin. To be a Phantomhive Maid or Butler, you have to be skilled in fighting. Which I am.
I kick her off to the side, my left since I wouldn't be able to see her on my right, and jump back up. She still has my knife.
Grell shoots up and charges at me, swinging the knife at me. The chainsaw was off from being on while on the dirt, possibly breaking it. I block the knife with my left forearm and punch her with my right hand, hitting the left side of her face. She stumbles, but catches me off guard and cuts my forehead right above my left eyebrow, cutting Ciel's eyepatch strap, making the patch fall to the ground. I winced but continued. I can feel the blood dripping down my face, sliding down over my eyebrow and I had to close my eye so the blood wouldn't get into it.
I am blind in my right eye, but I can see her shadows. She tries to punch me, but I block it from seeing her shadow, and kick her away. I quickly wipe the blood away from my left eye and open it to see Grell on the ground from the force of my kick. She looks shocked.
"H-HOW DID YOU-?!" I cut her off, smirking.
"Your shadows. Just because I'm blind in my right eye, doesn't mean I can't see the shadows of anyone." I state, and she jumps up.
We continue fighting, and I assume Sebastian had went to tell the Young Lord from hearing the rushing footsteps coming our way, and I got hit multiple times, but Grell looks way worse. I'm winning the fight!
However, since she has my knife, I am bleeding a lot more than she is, so I'm getting weaker by the second. I stand my ground, though.
My lip is split from being punched on the left side, I can taste the fresh blood without licking my lips. As I said earlier, there is a cut above my left eyebrow. Now, there is another cut on my right cheek, one on my right side, and one more on my left thigh. My maids outfit is ruined, but that doesn't matter right now. I must have many bruises all over my body from her.
Grell, on the other hand, has so many bruises that she can barely move. I have managed to cut her a few times, with the heel of my boots help, I can thank the Young Lord for these sharp edge boots! Her glasses are broken, so she can't really see. Every time Grell takes a step, she stumbles while I am only hunched over slightly from being cut on my right side and left thigh.
Grell is about to swing the knife at me one last time, but a hand catches her arm mid-air. The arm has a butlers suit on, and I follow the arm up to the person it belongs to, only to find Sebastian protecting me! If he hadn't of blocked that, I would've been dead. I'm too weak to fight anymore, and so is Grell.
I can't see the others, but I know they're on the right side of Sebastian. Since my right eye is blind, again, I can't see them. I can only turn my head so much just to see Sebastian.
"Se-Sebast-tian..?" I stutter, and he looks down at me, frowning at the damage I had taken.
He glares back at Grell.
"I heard the entire thing this morning, Grell. With you challenging Bella and threatening her that if she didn't accept the challenge, you may kill the Young Lord. You know that as a Phantomhive Maid she has to protect him, as do all of the other servants, me included. I followed you both out here, and Bella had seen me in the distance, watching. I knew she could handle this herself, so I just watched until I had had it and sped away to tell the Young Lord about this and the other servants. I came back just in time to save her. You want me to love you?" Sebastian made his speech, shaming Grell, and giving her false hope for his love.
Her eyes sparkled as she nodded her head furiously.
"YESS, BASSY!!~~" She squealed, dropping my knife and reaching out to Sebastian, but he shoved her away, standing in front of me protectively as I pick up my knife and wipe my blood away on my maid outfit. I blush at his actions.
"Well, too bad. I will never love you. Especially after you had hurt the one I do love the most. Now, leave and never come back." Sebastian stated furiously and blushed when he confessed his love for me. Heck, I am too.
Grell starts crying uncontrollably and pleads to Sebastian over and over again while he keeps rejecting her. Ciel, Lizzy, Mey-Rin, Bard, and Finny and rush over to us and have me come back, away from Grell, and make me sit down.
"Are you okay?!"
"Don't die!!"
Everybody is so worried about me that they keep asking me questions if I'm alright and stuff, but all of it is just giving me a headache. The Young Master notices this and yells over the commotion..
"EVERYONE!" He yells, making all of the servants shut up, and even Sebastian and Grell look over to see what's happening.
"Be quiet, Bella is hurt right now. She most likely isn't enjoying getting bombarded with questions one after another. She probably even has a headache, I'm guessing?" Ciel asks me, and I nod slowly.
They all mutter their apologies to me and I just keep saying 'it's fine.'
Ciel thinks of me as his older sister, so naturally he would be caring to me. He's caring to everyone, but in this situation, he's getting protective. If Ciel's ever in these types of situations too, I get very protective as well. We're practically siblings, I wouldn't be surprised if we are. We look a lot alike feature wise, have around the same personality, same hair and eye color, and I am only a few inches taller than him. So that means Sebastian basically towers over me.
"Thanks, Young Master.." I mumble to him, and he nods.
"Where's your eyepatch gone?" Lizzy asks, and I point over by Sebastian and Grell.
"O-Over there..Grell had c-cut it when she had cut m-my forehead here.." I show them where it got cut off, and they nod.
They look angry with Grell, and I am too.
Sebastian had finally gotten rid of Grell a few minutes later, and Mey-Rin was tending to my wounds since she knows how. She had cleaned all of my wounds except for one..the slit in my bottom lip.
Sebastian rushes over to us and Ciel orders him to carry me inside so I can rest. He bows and does as he's told.
He picks me up bridal style, making my face flush and him smirk, and then he super speeds back into the Manor with the other servants, Ciel and his fiancé, Lizzy, walking back here.
Sebastian sets me down on the guest bed near Ciel's room and looks me over in case Mey-Rin had forgotten about one of my wounds-she hadn't. All but one she got..
Sebastian noticed it.
My bottom lip, slit, bleeding.
He gently placed his hand under my chin and had me look up at him, he's bending down to be at my level, and says softly, "Your lip, Bella."
I was about to wipe the blood away when he stopped me, gently pushing my hand back down. I look at him confused.
"I got it." He states, and now I'm even more confused.
He smashes his lips onto mine, and I kiss back immediately, melting into the kiss. My hands find their way to the back of his head, playing with his hair as his free hand makes its way onto my waist. He somehow ends up sitting on my left side.
Once we part, we lean our foreheads against one anothers, breathless.
We both smile.
"Got it." He says, making me giggle. He chuckles too.
He pecks my lips once more before whispering against them, "I Love You."
Extended Ending:
Turns out, Ciel and I are siblings! Ciel had received a letter saying that his lost older sibling, was in fact, me! No wonder we got along so well. At gaining this new information, Ciel and Lizzy offered me to be a noble with them instead of their maid when they wed, but I politely refused. If I'm a maid, I get to be around Sebastian more, my demon boyfriend.
Ciel had married Elizabeth (Lizzy) a few months later, and even though he acted like he hated it, he actually loved it. *In this, Lizzy isn't his cousin* They are now happily married with two beautiful children named Cameron and Emmie, they are twins. Emmie's a girl with Cameron being a boy, clearly.
A few years more of dating Sebastian, he proposes and I accept. All of the servants, my brother and his family, and Lizzy's parents attended our wedding. All is well here.
And guess what? I'm expecting to give birth to triplets in nine months! We already know their genders! One girl and two boys. Their names are Carly, named after my long lost brother, Eric, after Lizzy, and Levin, after Sebastian and I since it kinda sounds like lovin'.
Sebastian let Ciel live, no more contract, but he stayed as a Phantomhive butler because he knew I wouldn't leave my brother after I had found him again. He really is the sweetest demon you will ever meet!
Life is great!
Heyyyy guys! I hope you enjoyed this new one shot! Anyways, I'm gonna go write another one!
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