Prince Soma x Hurt! OC || Request
Requested by Undertaker221
Name- Junilay
Personality- shy
Looks- blue and black hair, milky white skin, wears black all the time, one black eye and one blue eye
Race- demon
Likes- cats (just as much as Sebastian)
Junilay's POV
Ever since the uhh, "incident" a few days ago, I've been staying at an ally's manor. His name is Ciel Phantomhive.
Oh, are you wondering what the incident was? Well then, let me tell you..or rather, show you.
It's a Monday night and I'm just wandering through the streets.
I can sense another entity of sorts following me, so I flee to the forest. I'm not scared, but I want to see if they follow me.
They do, and I hide.
I can see them clearly now, and their scent is more prominent.
It's a Grim Reaper.
They have red hair, greenish eyes, pointed teeth, red glasses, and a full red outfit.
I've seen this Reaper before. We get into feuds with one another rather frequently. Their name is Grell Sutcliff. The only "people" who can really stop or battles is Sebastian Michaelis and William.
Neither of them are present at the moment, and I can tell Grell has gotten stronger..and angrier.
I'm strong, and I've beaten Grell before, so I'm not really worried.
Of course though, she always has a chance of defeating me, but she hasn't so far.
I should try and avoid confrontation.
I use my super speed to dart away, and Grell follows.
Grunting, I make twists and turns to lose her, and I manage to do so briefly. That is until I stop running in a clearing and she flashes right in front of me.
We start to fight, and I get hurt quite badly. Although, she's the one who quit first because of her incapability to try and attack me and defend herself well.
Grell has worse wounds than me, but her death scythe had cut me multiple times and her punches and kicks are quite powerful.
She still hasn't managed to beat me in a one on one fight.
I use the last of my strength to speed over to the Phantomhive Manor to receive treatment, as they are the closest and a close ally to me.
So yeah, that's what happened.
I have stitches on my side, bruises everywhere, and tiny scratches and scrapes scattered on my body.
I blow a piece of my blueish-black hair out of my face, my eyes getting caught on a cut on one of my arms.
The cut is red, contradicting my milky white skin. I stop staring and look up from my lap and up to the door when there is a knock.
I'm sitting in the couch, and I was ordered not to move around too much in case of popping a stitch.
I straighten out my black dress as Sebastian gets the door, already knowing who's there.
It's Friday, three days after the incident, and Ciel has informed me about the arrival of two men named Prince Soma and Agni. For whatever reason they might have of being here, I don't particularly care.
As long as they don't touch me, I'll be fine. I can't risk popping a stitch or making one of my cuts bleed. Plus I'd rather not be touched, period.
Unless I allow them to.
I flicker both my blue and black eyes to the visitors, my gaze glue to one of them specifically.
The man has dark skin, shoulder length purple hair, and golden eyes. He has an extravagant outfit as well. He must be Prince Soma then.
He greets Sebastian loudly and excitedly. The other man, I'm assuming Agni, looks my way and makes eye contact with me.
We stare at one another intensely, but it's not hatred. Just curiosity. He inspects my wounds and appearance with his eyes, and I look him over as well.
Agni is more calm than Soma, more mature.
I eventually look away, being too shy to look any longer. How did I even manage to do that anyway? I'll never know.
Agni casually mentions me in their conversation, and Soma's eyes flash over to me, studying my appearance. I don't have to look at him to know he's looking at my appearance and such.
"That's Junilay. She recently got into a fight with a Grim Reaper names Grell Sutcliff, so that's why she looks so beaten up. Her side is stitched up, so please refrain yourselves from touching her. And she's shy, so don't force her into a conversation if she clearly doesn't want to be apart of it," Sebastian explains, and I silently thank him in my mind for giving them guidelines about me.
Better he does it than me.
They nod and get shown to their rooms.
Suddenly, as Mey-Rin walks out of the kitchen, she stumbles and drops a plate.
My demon sense kicks in as I use to super speed. Time moves in slow motion, but I move at normal speed. At least to me. I stand and rush over, catching the plate and Mey-Rin's arm as time goes back to normal.
The plate rests in my hand and I caught Mey-Rin from falling flat on her face. Sebastian and the guests all turn around to see what the ruckus is all about, when they see our position.
Sebastian immediately takes Mey-Rin from my hands so I won't pop a stitch and he helps me stand up straight.
Mey-Rin hurriedly looks me over, checking for blood on my side where my stitches are and asks me if I'm alright.
I nod and chuckle, handing the plate back to her and saying calmly, "I should be asking you that, not the other way around."
She giggles and apologizes before going back to work.
I face the guys and they stare at me. Well, mainly Soma and Agni in shock.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Junilay is a demon as well," Sebastian states cooly, and I give a shy smile.
"That was awesome!" Soma proclaims, and I flinch a little from how booming his voice is, but I smile.
Agni nods, "That was very impressive."
"Thank you both," I reply softly before limping back to the couch.
TIMESKIP-A few weeks later...
Every time Soma is free, he's been coming to talk with me. We've been getting to know one another quite well.
And I've healed up already. Well, I've been healed since two days after Soma and Agni had arrived. During my time here while I was hurt, Soma would always rush to my aid whenever I needed it.
By the way, Ciel has allowed me to stay here for as long as I'd like, and doesn't care if I just flat out live here. Of course though, I do work as a maid for him.
I can't just live here without doing work! I'd feel bad, even if he insisted on me not doing anything.
Oh, and small note: Ciel has been avoiding me a bit recently after he found out about me loving cats as much as Sebastian does. He means no harm in it, as he's only joking around. I find a lot of humor in it.
Anyway, Soma had asked me to meet him in the garden later.
He requested to meet me there at around eight at night. I agreed.
I start walking to the garden, as it's 7:58. I make it there at exactly eight o'clock.
I look around for Soma when my eyes are suddenly covered, and I can sense who it is.
"Soma?" I ask, and he chuckles.
"Yes, it's me. I'm going to have to ask you to keep your eyes closed for me."
"Why's that?"
"I have a surprise for you."
He removes his hand and I keep my eyes closed. Soma leads me to a certain area when he tells me to open my eyes.
I do and gasp in surprise.
"It's beautiful, Soma!"
There is a picnic blanket laying on the ground with a basket in the middle, candles to light it up, and fireflies are hovering around us. This gives a magical feeling, and my heart warms at how much Soma did for me.
It may not seem like a lot, but it means so much to me that he would do this for me.
I think back to those moments when Soma would worry over me doing things myself while I was hurt...
"Junilay! Don't strain yourself! Let me get it for you!"
"I was just reaching for my book..?"
"Let me get it!"
I chuckle as I remember that moment, sitting down across from Soma. The book was only on my nightstand while I was laying on my bed.
As Soma and I chat and eat throughout our time together, I notice him staring at me when I'm watching the fireflies or fiddling with my hands. I notice that he listens attentively to whatever I say to him, and speaks without ever missing a beat in response to my questions or statements.
I realize now that...I'm in love with him.
A demon in love with a mortal.
As I take a bite of a cupcake, I chew and swallow it. I look up to see Soma staring at me with his face beet red.
I look at him in confusion and I start wiping my cheeks after I nervously chuckle and say, "What? Is there something on my face?"
He laughs quietly and I stop, and he mutters in a tone that sends shivers running up and down my spine, "Let me get it for you."
Soma leans in and connects his lips with mine. I sit frozen, when I snap out of it and kiss back.
Hey, who would've thought that had I never gotten hurt, I probably would have never encountered and met the love of my life?
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