Finnian x Reader || Modern AU || Follow You
This was requested by saradldar, hope you enjoy!~
-you are 26 while Finny is 27
This song is called "Follow You" by Bring Me The Horizon, btw. And this will be mainly in Finny's POV.
Finny's POV
My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost
She is my everything. It's almost as if my heart isn't here anymore ever since our last fight.
Why did we have to fight like that?! Over nothing..
I need to feel something, 'cause I'm still so far from home
Cross your heart and hope to die
Promise me you'll never leave my side
I have to get back to her. To apologize. To hold her in my arms.
Once I get to her and we make up, if we do (which I'm sure we will), then I will promise her that I won't leave or hurt her again (with words).
Your POV
I need to see Finny again. But the thing I want to?
Yes. Of course I want to.
If I see him again, I'm going to promise him that I'll never leave his side, if we make up.
I mean, we always do when we fight, which is very rare.
Finny's POV
Show me what I can't see when the spark in your eyes is gone
You've got me on my knees, I'm your one man cult
Cross my heart and hope to die
Promise you I'll never leave your side
I made it to her house, hoping she's home. I knock and wait for a few moments, hearing the familiar click of the door unlocking and creaking open to reveal my beautiful girlfriend.
Her name is YN LN. Very pretty, isn't it?
YN has tears in her eyes once she saw me, and I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't any in mine.
We haven't seen each other for about a week and a half, trying to calm down and think of a way to talk to the other, hoping the time we choose will be a good time for them. Well, at least that's how I spent it.
'Cause I'm telling you, you're all I need
I promise you, you're all I see
'Cause I'm telling you, you're all I need
I'll never leave
I am now holding YN in my arms, my face buried into her hair. Her head lies on my chest, meaning she can feel every breath I take and every time my heart beats.
We had just made up from our fight, and I never want to have another bad one like that was again.
She is the only girl for me. She's the only one I need. The only one I can see as my one true lover and absolute best friend.
"I promise that I'll never leave you or hurt you this badly ever again." I whisper to her, and she sniffles, looking up at me with her beautiful, teary EC eyes.
"I promise too." She whispers back.
We lean in and give each other a sweet, tender kiss that proved that we are truly sorry for our hateful words being thrown at the other during our fight.
So you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you, 'cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you
It's been a few months after the fight we last had, and we have had no other problems since. We are perfectly fine now, and everything is back to normal.
I'm taking YN to a place that is very near and dear to our hearts, us walking while holding each other's hand and chatting as we go there.
She doesn't know where we're going yet. I'm going to blindfold her once we get close. A couple of our friends had helped me set the place up.
It's where we had our first date. Where we had shared our first kiss with one another.
And it's where I will propose to her tonight.
I hope she says yes.
I love her more than anything in the world. YN is my everything.
My love, my pain, my joy, my sorrow; my everything. If she's sad, I'm sad. If she's happy, then I am too.
My world revolves around hers.
She comes first. Always.
Come sink into me and let me breathe you in
I'll be your gravity, you be my oxygen
So dig two graves, 'cause when you die
I swear I'll be leaving by your side
So you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you, 'cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
We make it to our special place and she is blindfolded.
"Ready..?" I whisper in her ear, sending shivers down her spine and making me chuckle.
She's so cute.
"Yeah.." YN whispers back.
Her voice gives me goosebumps every single time she speaks. And I love it.
I take the blindfold off of her and she flutters her eyes open slowly.
YN gasps at the sight before us, her smile doubling in size, making mine do the same as I watch her look around, her eyes filled with excitement, happiness, shock, and a mix of many other emotions that even I can't decipher.
We are at our secret lake that has a small waterfall and lily pads on top of the water. There are flowers growing in different places, both tall and small, giving this place a mystical feel to it.
The moonlight is streaming through the leaves of the trees surrounding us, twinkling lights hanging from branch to branch.
There is a picnic blanket and basket off to our left a tiny bit by the lake, and as I said before, twinkling lights hanging from the branches of the trees. YN likes simple things, nothing too extravagant.
YN turns to face me with a bright smile on her face before tackling me into a gigantic bear hug, which I gladly return as she giggles cutely.
I will follow you, so you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you, 'cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you
After YN had thanked me about a thousand times for this, we had a small moonlit picnic. Her HL, HC hair and EC eyes shining under the moonlight, along with her SC skin.
Now we are standing by the lake again, as we had just caught a few fireflies and released them into the atmosphere once more.
The way her eyes lit up when we were laughing and chasing those fireflies and everything just made my heart flutter with delight and love.
YN is staring at the lake as the moonlight hits it, giving the water a pretty glow.
As she stares at the water, I stare at her lovingly.
If I'm going to do this, I'm doing it now.
I take her hands in mine, gently turning her to face me.
She has a look of confusion on her face, resulting in me chuckling before dropping to one knee and using my left hand to grab the proposal box (I don't know what it's called) while my right hand holds her left.
YN uses her free hand, her right one, to cover her mouth as she gasps, eyes widening in surprise.
I open the box with my one hand before looking up at her face that resembles one of a goddess to me and start my speech.
"YN LN, ever since I met you back when we were fourteen, I knew I wanted to have you in my life. I realized my feelings for you when I was sixteen, and I was going crazy not knowing how you felt about me. If you liked me in that way or not. And, obviously, it turns out you did, and hopefully still do." I pause, hearing her giggle and sniffle at bit as she waits for me to continue with a smile behind her hand.
"Now, I realize, you are much more to me than just a person. You are my life. My everything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That's why I'm taking this risk to ask you: YN MN LN, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" I finish and she bursts into tears again, laughing and nodding at the same time, signaling that her answer is yes.
"YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES, YES!!" YN squeals, enveloping me into a hug, us nearly falling over from the impact.
We laugh and she pulls away, letting me slide the engagement ring onto her left ring finger.
Once I finish doing that, she immediately smashes her lips onto mine, and I respond straight away, melting into the kiss and dropping the box for the ring that is now on her finger.
We are on our knees, my arms snake around my lovely fiancé's waist as hers make their way around my neck.
Our kiss is slow and passionate, one of our favorite types of kisses. YN also loves it when I kiss her nose. She blushes and giggles every time, which I love to see and hear.
We break apart a few minutes later, just sitting there, her now sitting in my lap as I sit criss-crossed on the ground, my arms still wrapped around her waist.
Her legs are off to the side so her body is twisted at an angle, but since our kiss is over, it doesn't matter as she is just leaning against my body while I hold her and myself up.
I can't believe that this beautiful and amazing woman is going to be my wife.
I'm just too lucky.
I will follow you, I will follow you
So you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you, 'cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you
I will Follow You
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