FAN MEET-UP?! || Request
Requested by @fluffystar89
Hope this is what you wanted! :)
-you are a fan of everybody on this list and you went to a meet-up just to, well, meet them
•at the meet-up, you walk up to the Black Butler crew stand and hop in line, nervously (and excitedly) waiting for a chance to hug Bard
•once it was your turn, you asked for autographs for all of them, and then asked Bard for a hug
•Bard looks surprised for a moment before a huge grin makes his way onto his face as he agrees
•he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you in a way that tells you he's happy and doesn't want to let you go
•let's just say you left about five minutes later with a smile present on your face and Bard's number in the palm of your hand
•it's finally your turn to have a chance to speak with the cast of Black Butler, and you couldn't be more excited
•you basically just got their autographs and that was it, or so you thought
•later on as you were wandering around, a security guard came up to you and handed you a slip
•it read that you got a chance to spend a few minutes alone with Finnian from Black Butler
•the guard said, "He'd like to see you now, miss."
•nodding, you run off and eventually find yourself in a small room with Finny, who was blushing as you entered
•towards the end of your few minutes with him, you ask for a hug
•his face flushes a bright red as he smiles shyly, nodding at you
•his arms go around your waist gingerly, as if he's trying not to get you
•before you left, he slipped a small piece of paper in your hand that you later found out was his number
•as you're walking through the convention, and soon enough, you find yourself at the stand for the Kuroshitsuji characters, aka Black Butler
•now, you're a huge fan of them, but only one character compares
•his name is Ronald Knox
•you're favorite character
•after what seems like hours, you get to the front of the line and immediately go to Ronald, asking for a hug
•he gives you a charming smile and says with a cheeky wink, "Yes, of course."
•blushing, you smile back and step towards him
•he comes closer, placing his hands on your waist as you reach up and wraps your arms around his neck, you both never breaking eye contact
•the Black Butler crew awes at you, and so do other fans as they squeal and take pictures of you two
•only making your blush worse, Ronald had to comment boldly, "You're beautiful, YN."
•fans cheer louder at his compliment to you, while some other girls glare at you, but you know, haters gonna hate
•you left wondering how he knew your name, and yet, ecstatic to see him again
•you're currently at a meet-up that consists of not only your favorite anime, Kuroshitsuji, but also some others such as OHSHC and Tokyo Ghoul
•your feet immediately bring you to the Black Butler stand, and your mind only on one female character
•and there she is, Mey-Rin
•you'll admit, you think she's pretty cute with those glasses of hers and her clumsy personality because of them
•once it's your turn, after greeting the others, you go up to Mey-Rin and bravely ask for a hug, despite how nervous you actually felt
•she stares at you as her face turns a brighter red than when she's around Sebastian
•she nods enthusiastically and smiles at you, eager and excited
•smiling, you wrap your arms around her waist, taking the lead
•you feel her arms go around your neck, since you're only a few inches taller than her
•having prepared for this earlier, you sneakily plant a small slip of paper into Mey-Rin's skirt pocket (idk) for her to find later
•on it reads your phone number, and beneath that, it says, 'Call me ;)'
•that's probably the bravest you've ever felt, leaving with a confident smirk on your face as she just watches you leave, a blush still present on her face
•normally Elizabeth would fangirl over Ciel, right?
•well, not today
•today she's fangirling to Ciel about you
•yes, you
•Lizzy saw you in the crowd just minutes before and made direct eye contact with you
•you, deciding to be bold, smile and wink at her before turning and walking off, or so Lizzy thought
•you're actually waiting in line, wanting to meet her
•you are actually a big fan of hers, but you won't let anybody know that just yet
•it's now your turn and Lizzy is distracted as she blabbers on to Ciel about how cute you are and such, when he spots you behind her and smirks
•the others smirk as well and Lizzy suddenly stops talking, slowly turning around and noticed you watching them
•your face is red from embarrassment since you heard her compliments about you, but hers was definitely worse
•you stroll up and the other cast members back away, giving you and Elizabeth space
•smiling cooly, you ask in a level tone, "May I hug you?"
•squealing, but quickly cutting herself off, she replies in a high pitched tone, "Yes!"
•wrapping your arms around her waist, you tug her closer
•she rests her head on your shoulder, sighing in content, as if hugging you is completely natural to her
•you smile softly and whisper in her ear, "Meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon if you want to see me again."
•you then break the hug, wink, then walk off, leaving her as a blushing mess
•your words repeat in her mind and she remembers to write it down before she forgets
•Lizzy will definitely be seeing you again tomorrow night
•he first spotted you in the midst of the crowd, and fell for you instantly
•he just knew, somehow, that you were the one for him
•Edward just stares at you as you laugh and joke with your friends, excitedly wandering around the area to different stands
•Edward can't help but to hope that you come to the Black Butler stand, as well
•he would go after you, but he isn't allowed to leave the stand until after the convention is over
•you look around, momentarily staying silent, and your eyes find Edwards
•you feel your face heat up, and you turn away, grabbing your friends arm
•she stops, and so do your other friends, and you ask them, "Can we go to the Black Butler stand?"
•they know you're a fan of Black Butler, and that you have a thing for Edward, so of course they said yes when you asked (and because they saw Edward still looking at you)
•you smile and thank them, and then you all get into the Black Butler line, making Edward feel thrilled
•it's so your turn and your friends distract the other members as you make your way to Edward
•he steps towards you, ready to have his first ever conversation with his soul mate
•after you both talk for a bit, you shyly inquired, "Can I hug you?"
•he smiles and nods, pulling you in by the waist
•you wrap your arms around his torso, when you suddenly feel his lips on your forehead
•it was brief, but the feeling was enough to send butterflies and sparks throughout your body
•once you part, he leans down and whispers to you, putting something in your hand, "See you later, m'lady."
•as you leave, you glance down at the paper, only to find his address written there in bold ink
•you saw him and he saw you, as simple as that
•he smiled and waved at you, silently inviting you to come to him
•well, hoping you would
•you smile and wave back, making a decision to go meet him
•you're really nervous, and it makes it worse that you are a really big fan of Agni's
•'Whatever,' you tell yourself, 'I am going to meet him no matter what.'
•you reach him in about twenty minutes, and have a nice chat with him
•you told him your name, and he tells you his, despite you already knowing it
•before your time is up, you ask him for a hug
•Agni smiles lightly at you, a sparkle in his eyes as he says yes
•your arms go around his middle and his go around your shoulders and arms, landing on your upper back
•he gently squeezes you, and you do the same to him
•after the hug, his hand trails down your left arm to your hand, and he grabs it, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your knuckles
•you both blush and he manages to say, "Care to join me for dinner tomorrow night?"
•you reply with an, "Of course," before exchanging numbers and you leave
•you go up to the stand and mere minutes later, you're finally able to meet the cast of Black Butler
•you make your way to Soma, giving him your name and asking for a hug
•his eyes light up and he excitedly smiles, agreeing
•his arms go around your waist as he lifts you up in the air and spins you around
•laughing and squealing, your hands find his shoulders seconds before he puts you down, lightly kissing your cheek
•chuckling, he says to you, "I hope to see you again, cutie."
•you left with a blush flaring on your cheeks
Charles Grey:
•he saw you in the crowd, then grinned excitedly
•he doesn't know you, but he wants to
•you feel someone staring at you so you glance to the source and make eye contact with Charles Grey, your favorite Black Butler character
•you hurriedly look away, face heating up from the encounter, fangirling internally
•you take another peek at the attractive male, and make up your mind
•you're going to ask him for a hug
•so you get into line, only exciting Grey even more, and once you're in the front of the line, you go up to Grey
•you introduce yourself and then straight up (yet shyly) ask for a hug
•he grins from ear to ear and nods enthusiastically
•Grey pulls you into a hug and strokes your hair softly as you rest your head on his shoulder
•you feel him press something into your hand as you break the hug, and hold onto it
•he waves at you energetically as you leave, to which you wave back with a small smile
•as you walk away, you open your hand and find a piece of paper
•stopping in your tracks, you open it, revealing Grey's phone number with a message that read, 'Call me.~'
•and you did
Charles Phipps:
•he felt little to no emotion
•well, that was until he saw you for the very first time
•Charles Grey had told Phipps about you, as Grey is your friend, but Phipps didn't care all too much about the conversation
•but he listened anyway, hanging onto every word Grey used to describe you
•sweet, outgoing, kind
•beautiful, even
•and Phipps would be lying if he said that you weren't exactly that
•you have a big smile on your face as you walk through the convention, greeting people you knew, or just random strangers, who all smiled back all the same
•you just have this aura that makes him drawn to you; compelling
•now, as Phipps is rather reserved, he would have a hard time talking to you just like that
•luckily for him, he didn't have to
•you spot Grey and smile at him as he waves you over
•you nod and get into line, suddenly making direct eye contact with Phipps
•you wave at him with enthusiasm, and he barely has enough time to wave back before you look away, your cheeks tinted pink
•minutes pass and it's finally your turn
•you head towards Grey and Phipps, and Grey introduces you and Grey to one another
•you manage to get a few words out of Phipps, heck, you even have a small conversation with him!
•that's normally not an easy task, but for you, it was like a walk in the park
•Phipps just seems to open up to you more than others
•while in the line you had written something on a piece of paper you were planning on giving to Phipps
•you ask Phipps if you can give him a hug, and he reluctantly agrees
•when you smile brightly, his heart warms a little
•you wrap your arms around his torso, and he carefully wraps his own around your shorter form
•again, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy this
•Phipps, not exactly knowing what to do in the hug, gently rubs the middle of your back with his hand, and feels you relax a bit from his touch, not realizing you were so tense
•it must've been the nerves
•as you both break the hug, you hand him the paper you'd written on and said your goodbyes before you left
•he unraveled the paper and saw your number and a note from you on it
•it said, 'Hey, I like you. Call me?'
•he smiles a bit, surprising himself, and he wonders how you managed to write the letter and hand it to him without him noticing (he didn't realize until later that you must've written it while you were in line)
•let's just say he did call you later
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