Drug Addict! Lau x Servant! Reader || Request
Requested by @ThatBabyQuinnDoh
-you are a servant of a popular drug dealer (one that Lau goes to)
-Lau deals with drugs
Your POV
I stare out of the carriage window as we head to another deal, staying silent. If I dare to speak when not spoken to, I could get in trouble. I've been taught by my master that I can only speak when spoken to.
I'm a servant of a highly popular drug dealer. I wouldn't have been in this position if it weren't for my master saving my life. I owe everything to him.
He was at a deal, when it went wrong. I was wandering past, then heard shouts and decided to investigate. Which was a bad idea, considering I got shot in the shoulder by a stray bullet. I fell and my master found me, picking me up and taking me with him to get healed. That's how I became his loyal servant.
He's actually nice, believe it or not. Though maybe I'm just biased. Or possibly a mix of both. Either way, I won't be leaving his side for a long time.
Let's call him James. He never revealed his true name to anyone, so we all call him James. Well, I call him Master James. Not on this deals, however. During these I just call him Master.
The carriage slows to a stop and gets out first, then helps me down. I follow closely behind him to the place. It seems rather..sketchy.
We enter after knocking, then I stand off to the side, just watching the exchange quietly.
Suddenly, the man who the deal was made with pulls out a gun on James. My eyes widen as I glare, stepping out in front of my master just as the man shoots. I get hit in the shoulder, right where I had gotten hit the first time when I had met James.
I cry out a yell from pain, clutching my shoulder. James pulls me behind him as he pulls his own gun out. The men we came with come out and back James up, same with the others guys men. His name is Noah.
What a repeat of events..
I stumble out of the room, gunshots sounding through the small quarters. I look around me, finding bandages and wrapping up my wound. The bullet went clean through. I know this because the back of my shoulder is bleeding too. (Idk just go with it.)
Wait..that means...James got hit with the bullet too!
I sigh, pushing that to he back of my mind. Hopefully it didn't hurt him too much.
The shouts grow increasingly louder and I duck for a hiding space. Bullets ricochet around the room, and I'm careful with my surroundings as I stand up in a crouch.
The sounds of the guns and voices fade, and I take that as a clear. I stand all the way and run out of the building, realizing that the carriage I came in is gone.
I scoff lightly as I shake my head. They must've forgotten me. I can't blame them, though. It's not easy to remember someone you came with in the midst of battle.
I rush to get out of the area, knowing I'm still not safe.
I make it a block or two away, and I stop in an alleyway, trying to keep myself hidden in case those men are around. I still have to stay close to the actual building, since my master will surely look for me there first.
I freeze when I hear a voice coo from behind me, "Are you lost, my lady? Because Heaven is a long way from here."
I sharply turn around and pull out my gun, aiming it at the man in front of me unconsciously.
Why didn't I bring my gun out earlier? I facepalm in my mind.
As I process what he said, my face turns a light pink.
The man raises his hands in surrender, "Woah, woah! I'm not wanting to hurt you or anything."
I can tell he has a violent personality, but seems genuine when he says that. I smirk.
"I'm not going to Heaven. I'm going to Hell, which is an even longer way from here," I state confidently, not dropping my gun.
He chuckles. "Touché, my lady. However, you seem more like an angel to me than a demon."
"Maybe a fallen angel," I compromise playfully, slowly putting my gun away as he comes closer.
He smiles and takes my hand, kissing the back of it gently. "My name is Lau. May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?"
My face warms a bit as I reply, staring into his eyes, "I'm YN."
"YN..a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Lau flirts, and I giggle a bit.
"Why, thank you, my good sir."
Before our conversation could continue, I hear my name being called out.
"YN? YN, where are you?"
It's my master! James!
I twist around, spotting him crossing the street, looking around with his men. I call out loudly, "Over here, master!"
I step out of the shadows, hearing Lau mutter a quiet, "Master?" He sounded confused.
James looks at me and then sprints my way. He stops in front of me and pulls me into a hug, which is surprising since he doesn't ever really show emotion. I wrap my arms around him, returning the hug.
We break apart and he grips my wrist gently, about to take me away when he spots Lau. "Who are you? Are you working for Noah?" James asks sternly.
Lau shakes his head, "No, not at all. Wait, you're the most popular drug dealer in London, aren't you?"
James slowly nods, easing up a bit before looking back to me and glancing at my shoulder briefly. "Let's get you home so we can fix your shoulder, YN."
I nod and look at his shoulder, spotting a bit of blood flow coming from it too. My eyes widen and I grab some spare cloth, I pull his shirt over his shoulder so I can reach it easier. James let's me do it, knowing what I'm trying to do. "YN, I'm fine."
I shake my head and wrap it up anyway. "Doesn't matter. If the blood continues to flow out of your wound, you could easily bleed out as much as I could."
Lau stares at me in wonder and fascination, maybe even admiration.
I step away from James, before facing Lau and giving him a gentle smile. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Lau."
"And you as well, my lady," Lau bows and I curtsy, then I follow James to our group.
I know Lau is watching us, but I ignore it.
Greeting my group, who are also my close friends, I have a smile lighting up my face. They all give me hugs, being careful with my shoulder.
We enter our carriage and go home, all the while I'm thinking of the man whom I just met.
A few days after returning home, there's a knock at the door. I open it and blink with surprise, smiling slightly. "Lau?"
He smiles, "Hello, Lady YN."
"How did you find me?" I inquire, letting him in, my shoulder already feeling better.
He enters and sits on the couch with me.
"I followed the carriage, but that's not the point." I giggle at his comment. "I wanted to see you again."
"Me? Why?"
"Yes, you, because you're the girl I need."
"Then I will gladly fulfill that position."
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