Baldroy x Reader || We Met In Town By The Bakery One Day
Author-Sama's POV
Baldroy went out of the Phantomhive manor to get some groceries in the town.
Along the way, a certain HL HC haired female caught his eye. He glanced at her, only to see that she wasn't there.
He shrugged, thinking it's nothing. Maybe his imagination?
On the opposing end, however, you had only stepped inside of a bakery.
Ah, yes, you; YN LN.
You live with your parents and went out to do some errands for them. It's the least you could do, you figured.
You're twenty-three years old now; Baldroy being twenty-five.
Bard continues shopping, and same with you.
He's actually looking for the bakery you stepped into.
Baldroy doesn't go out often, you can tell. Joking, joking, where the bakery is just slipped his mind at the moment.
He ends up walking past the bakery door just as you exit, resulting in a mini collision.
He stumbled while you fell down, both of you lightly gasping in surprise when you bumped into each other.
Baldroy blinked and saw you on the ground, so he panicked slightly and helped you up, apologizing.
You just smiled and waved it off, saying it's okay as he helps you collect your fallen items.
You guys stand and he hands you the stuff he picked up for you, and you took it, placing them back inside of your little picnic-looking basket, thanking him.
"Again, I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going." Bard sheepishly says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and blushes as soon as he realizes how cute you are.
You lightly blush too, "N-No! It's fine, really. It's also my fault, too. I wasn't paying any attention. Sorry."
"Nah, yer' fine." Bard waves it off, and then asks, "Hey, uh, what's yer' name?"
"Ah! Right, silly me. Heheh, my name's YN LN. What's yours?"
"Oh, how rude of me! I'm Baldroy, but call me Bard for short, if you'd like."
You nod, "Okay! Well, it's nice to meet you, Bard!"
"It's nice to meet you too, YN! Hope to see ya 'round!" Bard says kindly and starts walking off, and you do too.
That is, until he turns around and calls out to you again. You pause and face him again with a small smile, "Yes?"
"Um, d'ya know where the bakery is, by chance?"
You giggle and point to the door you just left, "Right there."
He flushed in embarrassment, "Th-Thanks."
"No problem. See you around, Bard!" You wave and leave, and can't seem to get him out of your head the rest of the day.
Little do you know that it's the same on Bard's end.
He waved back and entered the bakery, which happened to be his second to last stop along the way.
Bard goes back to the manor a while later, and you go home.
Baldroy doesn't know where you live or anything, so he can't just visit you that way. He decided to just take walks in the town near where you guys met until he finds you again.
You decide to do the same, but you already take walks anyways, so it's not that big of a change. This time 'round you're just looking for someone.
A few weeks later, you both cross paths again.
"Oh, hey Bard!" You greet with a smile, he smiles back.
"'Ello YN! How've ya been?"
"I've been good! How about you?"
"I'm a'ight."
You both continue your conversation and just walk side by side for a few hours. When it gets late, he walks you home, with you leading the way, of course.
Both of you had learned many things about one another and enjoyed your time together.
As time passes, you and Bard grow closer.
Your family love him, and the Phantomhive estate love you.
"Ayy, YN!~ Baldroy is amazing!" Your Mom cheered.
"He's a real keeper!" Your Dad adds.
"I'm glad you both like him!" You reply happily.
"Like him? We love him!" Your parents exclaimed in unison.
"Bard!~ YN's such a sweet girl, she is!" Mey-Rin smiles.
"I agree! She even offered to help me with the garden!" Finny pitches in.
"She seems to be a very kind woman." Sebastian nods.
"As long as she doesn't cause problems around here, which she doesn't seem to be, then YN is welcome here any time." Ciel says approvingly.
"Glad ya'll like her." Bard smiles at them.
"Like her?! We love her!" All except for Ciel and Sebastian cheer. They just nod in agreement.
Even Elizabeth approves of you!
You've been visiting the manor a lot, and Baldroy has been visiting your house a lot.
People are starting to think you're a couple, and you guys might as well be! Seriously, you act just like one.
He wraps his arm around your waist a lot, you guys hold hands sometimes, say sweet things to one get the gist.
And don't even get me started on the looks in your eyes when you look at each other!
Today, Bard plans to tell you his feelings for you.
And where does he choose to tell you?
At the secluded part of the local park, which is your guys' favorite place to go when you want alone time. As friends.
It's by a small pond, and you love grazing the top of the water with your finger tips. Bard loves to admire you when you do this. He finds it adorable, just like you.
What Baldroy is planning there, is he wants to confess to you at that pond, become your boyfriend at that pond, have a few dates there, maybe even propose there to you one day. If you end up saying yes to the proposal, then he wants to know if you'd want to get married there.
The pond is a special place to you two, so he finds that one pond the perfect place for these things.
He had asked you to meet him there at seven pm, since it will be getting darker by then and you guys can stargaze later if you want.
Bard arrives early and sets up a small picnic type thing with a small candle and a lighter to ignite it.
He's going for a simple vibe. You both would rather have something simple like this, than have a whole fancy thing.
You arrive on the dot, and see the little set up there, so you walk towards it.
You can't see Bard around, but you know he did this.
As you stand about two feet away from the set up, you hear a voice behind you. The voice you have loved since day one.
"Do ya like it?"
You turn and smile, giving Bard a hug and muttering into his shirt, "I love it, thank you."
He chuckles, "It's no problem. Anything for you."
That makes you blush, and you both just stand in that hug for a while longer before you break apart and sit down on the cute checkered blanket.
"Sooo, what's all this for?" You ask him.
"You'll see in a while."
You giggle, "Ooo, a mystery. I like it."
This makes you both laugh.
Bard lights the candle and then you both eat. The food you ate was (food|s| of choice).
After chatting for a bit, you guys sat by the water and you grazed your fingertips over the top of the water, like you usually do.
Baldroy admires you, per usual whenever you do this.
This time, however, he was caught in the act. By you.
You glance at him and blush with a small smile, "What?"
He blinks and flushed red before deciding to just go for it.
He takes your hands in his softly and you guys face each other.
Your hands are tingling from his touch, in a good way. So are his.
Bard takes a deep breath, looking into your eyes, "YN, ever since the first day I met you, I couldn't get you out of my head. And now, my feelings for you have grown and grown stronger and stronger with each passing day. I know it's only been, what, a month maybe, but I think I love you. And I understand if you don't feel the same, but this is the reason why I asked you to be here tonight. To tell you how I feel about you."
You hang onto every word he says, smiling wider as each word flows from out of his mouth with ease. Never missing a beat on his words.
"I love you too, Bard. Everything you just said is exactly the same for me."
He smiles, "Really?"
"If I didn't feel the same, I wouldn't be saying I loved you, right?" You reply sassily, and he chuckles. You join in.
After you guys calm down, he cups one of your cheeks with his hand and leans in, kissing you tenderly, giving you the chance to back out, but you never did, so he just went through with it.
You are both not really experienced kissers, but you learn along the way. And no matter how cringey the kiss is now, it's definitely one you'll never forget.
Extended Ending
Let's just say that he did end up proposing to you in the future. You had how ever many kids you want, and you and Bard always tell them one thing when they ask how you met:
"We Met In Town By The Bakery One Day.."
And then you tell the rest of the story.
I think you can picture the rest for yourself. ;)
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