Alois x Reader || Misunderstood || Request
Requested by @butlergwen
I actually see this one shot working better with Ciel (@butlergwen said I could choose a character or characters, as they didn't specify), but since Alois hasn't been done in a while here he is! :)
You can imagine him as whoever you want, though.
-you're in high school
-modern au
-you and Alois are dating (I couldn't tell whether it was Alois dating the other girl or the reader, so I'm going with this for the first part)
It's lunch time, and Alois has just went to the cafeteria to grab us some food. Our friends are outside waiting for us to join them.
I smile in the direction that my boyfriend went in, still ecstatic that he's mine. He chose me above all others. He loves me for me, and I'm thankful for that.
My grin falls when I notice my rival, Whitney, coming my way with an evil smirk. What is she planning..?
(AN: If your name is Whitney, then change this characters name!)
When she reaches me, I cross my arms and stop leaning against the wall. As she's about to speak, I notice the security camera on the wall blinking. Is somebody watching us?
Well, if something happens, at least they know it's not me who started this. It was Whitney.
She glares at me, "You don't deserve him. You're ugly as hell, and that's exactly where you belong. Break up with him YN, because he's mine." And to top it all off, she slaps my cheek loudly.
I immediately glare back at her, uncrossing my arms and clenching my fists as I fire back at her, "You really think you can control me? Your words don't hurt. And if anything, you're the one with an ugly personality here. Too bad your 'beauty' can't fix it! Seriously, how much makeup do you even put on? You look like a clown!"
My cheek pulsates from the slap, but I ignore it. My anger is distracting me from that. I'm just so done with her bullshit!
She feigns a hurt expression as soon as she spots something behind me. She lets out a fake cry, "Why are you so mean to me?"
I'm taken aback, "Me? Mean to you? Please, don't make me laugh."
I freeze, realizing who she saw behind me. Whitney set me up!
I slowly turn around, eyes widening at the sight of my boyfriend. He's staring at me in shock. I gasp out, "A-Alois? It's not what it—"
He holds a hand up and gives me a piercing look of hurt and hatred, "Save it. I'm breaking up with you, YN. I thought you were better than this."
Before I can tell him the truth, he stomps off. I stare after him before tears well up in my eyes. I glare at Whitney, who's smiling evilly. I grab her collar and pin her against the wall, causing her smirk to drop and be replaced with fear. Good.
"You're such a child, you know that? You can't have everything you want in life. You're a spoiled little bi—brat," I release her and walk off in the opposite direction as my ex went, leaving my rival in shock and nearly in tears. "You ruined everything. I hope you're satisfied.."
I then exit the school, passing by the person at the front desk even as they call out to me. I ignore them and leave, running home. I don't care anymore. Alois is gone, and he wouldn't even listen to me! He wouldn't let me explain..
I don't really blame him. What he saw...I was framed to look like the bad guy.
I reach home and slam open the door. My mom sees me and tries to talk to me, but I push past her and lock myself in my room. There's no need to talk to her about this right now. She'll find out soon enough, anyway.
I cry myself to sleep that night, heartbroken.
The next day, I pull on an outfit and head to school without breakfast. I still haven't spoken to my mom about anything.
I really don't want to go to school today, but I have to.
Over the announcements, something caught my attention.
"Excuse me, if Whitney Brown, YN LN, and Alois Trancy could come to the principals office please? That was Whitney Brown, YN LN, and Alois Trancy to the principals office, thank you."
My heart drops as I heard that, and everyone began to stare at me as I left the classroom in a hurry. I made it to the office before Alois, but after Whitney.
She glares at me, and I return the look. She looks frightened by how much more dangerous my look is before looking away. I nod to myself in satisfaction, now devoid of emotion. The principal didn't notice
Finally, Alois entered the office and stood beside me. He tried to glance at me, obviously still mad, but all I do is avoid his eyes. I know he's upset, but I didn't do anything except for defend myself.
How can he believe that I would be so hurtful?
I'm no bully.
The principal clears his throat and looks at us in seriousness, "I wanted to show you three the footage from yesterday. Watch closely."
I swallow my saliva as he plays the clip of when Whitney walked up to me as I was leaning against the wall, watching her in suspicion.
"You don't deserve him. You're ugly as hell, and that's exactly where you belong. Break up with him YN, because he's mine." Then she slapped me.
I glared back at her and I fired at her, "You really think you can control me? Your words don't hurt. And if anything, you're the one with an ugly personality here. Too bad your 'beauty' can't fix it! Seriously, how much makeup do you even put on? You look like a clown!"
That's when Alois showed up.
She feigns a hurt expression as soon as she spots him behind me. She lets out a fake cry, "Why are you so mean to me?"
"Me? Mean to you? Please, don't make me laugh."
I turn around, eyes widening at the sight of my boyfriend. He was staring at me in shock. I gasped out, "A-Alois? It's not what it—"
He held a hand up and gave me a piercing look of hurt and hatred, "Save it. I'm breaking up with you, YN. I thought you were better than this."
He stomped off. I stared after him before tears welled up in my eyes. I glared at Whitney, who was now smiling evilly. I grabbed her collar and pinned her against the wall, causing her smirk to drop and be replaced with fear. Good.
"You're such a child, you know that? You can't have everything you want in life. You're a spoiled little bi—brat," I released her and walked off in the opposite direction as my now ex went, leaving my rival in shock and nearly in tears. "You ruined everything. I hope you're satisfied.."
The clip then changed to when I exited the school building.
The tv shuts off, and Alois is in shock at finding out the truth. He looks at me, but I continue to stare at the black screen blankly.
I blink and look at the principal when he speaks, "Whitney, I see that you were the one who started this argument?"
"You will be suspended from school for two weeks. As for you, YN," he looks to me and I grow nervous. "You will only have one detention for pinning her against the wall. I understand that you were only defending yourself, but violence is not permitted in this school. You also aren't allowed to just leave the premises whenever you want."
I nod, relieved. That's not too bad. "Thank you, sir."
Alois is still staring at me. Whitney's angrily crying as she runs out of the room. Nobody tries to stop her.
"I'll have the staff call her mother to take her home," he dismisses, then faces Alois. "And Alois."
He looks at the principal, finally ripping his gaze off of me.
The principal says with a small smile, "I think you have someone you need to make up with."
Alois smiles back and nods, looking at me in regret, "Yeah, I do."
He nods, "You're both dismissed."
We leave and go into the hallway, Whitney sobbing as she sits in a chair waiting to be picked up. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
Alois and I walk in silence before he grabs my hand, stopping our steps. I don't meet his eyes as he desperately tries to meet mine.
"YN, I'm so sorry. I should've listened to your explanation. I knew you wouldn't do anything like that, but I was in so much shock that I just..didn't want to hear anything you had to say. I'm sorry. I was irrational. Could you ever forgive me?"
He sounds so sincere..
I still love him, and I'm miserable without him.
"Of course," I reply quietly, now staring into his eyes as he stares deeply into mine.
He smiles happily and cups my jaw with one hand, immediately pressing his lips onto mine. Before I close my eyes to kiss him back, I notice a security camera blinking. The principal must be watching.
Thank you, sir.
My eyes now shut, I smile into the kiss. I can feel Alois doing the same. His other hand on my waist, my hands on his chest.
When we pull away, he leans his forehead against mine. I grin and he does too.
"Don't make me regret forgiving you, love."
He chuckles, "I won't. As long as you'll be mine again."
Alois takes my hand and walks me to my classroom.
The security camera light blinks off.
PART TWO; Alois is dating Whitney, but is in love with YN now
It's the weekend, and my friends and I are hanging out at the park! So fun!
Unfortunately, we had to bring Alois' girlfriend, who's also my rival, Whitney, along. It doesn't even look like he loves her. She certainly doesn't love him. She just wants his money, and to destroy me.
I lean against a tree as Alois goes to get Whitney and himself some ice cream, as I had declined. Our friends are further into the park, waiting for us. Though Lizzy went to the bathroom nearby.
Whitney comes up to me as I lean against a tree, and I squint my eyes at her mischievous expression. I swallow my saliva, preparing myself for the worst.
She glares at me, "Stay away from my boyfriend, you slut. He's mine. You don't deserve him. Besides, you're no match for me. He'll always choose me over you because I'm his girlfriend, and you aren't."
I give her a darker look than hers, growling, "Call me whatever the hell you want. I don't give a shit about you. You don't love him. You love the idea of him and his wealth. You love the idea of destroying me. Just admit it."
Whitney scoffs and punches me. My head jerks off to the right, and I can feel my nose bleeding. Shaking my head, I step towards her after pushing myself off of the tree. I tower over her, intimidating her small form.
I clench my fist and raise it, about to punch her back when I stop myself. This is what she wants. She wants me to drop down as low as her. She wants attention.
Well, I'm not going to give her the satisfaction.
I drop my fist and cross my arms. She visibly relaxes, knowing I can really pack a punch.
I continue to glare at her as the blood runs down to my lips from my nose. I wipe it away and growl at her, "You really are a bitch. I didn't want to believe it, but here we are. You can't get everything you want. You'll have to realize that soon, you spoiled princess."
I freeze mid-wiping the blood onto my shirt, and look over to see Alois staring at us in surprise. Whitney fake cries, rushing over to him and clutching onto his shirt, pointing at me. "She—She p-punched me!"
"What? No, I—" I begin to protest, but then Alois gives me a sharp and disappointed look before handing the ice cream to Whitney.
"Stop. I've heard enough," Alois states coldly, then grabs his girlfriends hand reluctantly. "C'mon, babe."
She sniffles and lets him lead her away, then looks back to smirk evilly at me.
Tears flood my eyes and I fall back against the tree, covering my face as I sob quietly. I slide down the tree trunk all the way to the ground, my knees now up to my chest and my head on my knee caps.
I hear leaves crunching and look up just as Elizabeth falls beside me to give me a hug. I lean against her shoulder and continue to cry.
"It's okay, YN. It's okay..I caught it all on camera. I'll show Alois the truth."
I breathe out as I begin to calm myself down, smiling weakly at her, "Th-Thank you, Lizzy..I-I should get going. S-See you later."
"Alright..bye," Lizzy says after me as I stand and walk away, sounding upset that I'm sad and that Alois didn't let me explain.
I get home and luckily, nobody's there. I grab a tub of my favorite kind of ice cream, changing my mind on wanting some, then put on a movie to watch to keep my mind off of the matter. It doesn't help much, as my thoughts keep going back to the previous events.
My tears dry up on my cheeks, and I use a tissue to stop the bleeding in my nose. I sigh heavily and just continue watching the movie.
Elizabeth's POV- During fight..
I exited the bathroom and started heading back outside to my group, when I spot my friend, YN, waiting for Whitney to approach her. Getting suspicious, I pull my phone out and start to record them.
Something isn't right here. From the look on Whitney's face, it's obvious she's up to something.
I glare at Whitney as she insults my best friend. Then, I gasp and cover my mouth as Whitney punches YN. Keeping the camera on my phone steady, I zoom in. Then Alois appears a few moments later, just as YN puts her fist down and says something back at the brat.
Alois doesn't let YN explain and I record them walking away, then catch Whitney smirking back at YN. YN then slides down the tree behind her and sobs. That's when I stop recording and rush to her aid.
I promise her that I'll help her fix this. She thanks me before leaving. Poor girl. I'll fix this for you, I swear.
Anything for my bestie. You don't deserve this treatment.
You deserve to be heard.
Alois doesn't even love Whitney anymore. He loves you. Why did he act that way?
I run back to the group and immediately stomp straight up to Alois and Whitney when he explains that YN punched her. They look shocked at my anger towards them, and our friends look surprised as well. Not just from me, but from the fake news that YN hit Whitney.
I slam my phone into Alois' hand and tell everyone to gather around. "Watch this video. Tell me then if it's really YN who hit Whitney, or the other way around."
Whitney looks like she wants to take the phone from Alois as everybody watches, but that would make her look suspicious. She's going down either way.
Whitney walks up to YN as she leans against a tree, and she squints her eyes at Whitney's mischievous expression.
She glares at YN, "Stay away from my boyfriend, you slut. He's mine. You don't deserve him. Besides, you're no match for me. He'll always choose me over you because I'm his girlfriend, and you aren't."
"Call me whatever the hell you want. I don't give a shit about you. You don't love him. You love the idea of him and his wealth. You love the idea of destroying me. Just admit it."
Whitney frowns and punches YN. Her head jerks off to the right, and her nose is bleeding. Shaking her head, she steps towards Whitney after pushing herself off of the tree.
YN clenches her fist and raises it, about to punch her back when she stops. Instead, she drops her fist and crosses her arms. Whitney visibly relaxes.
YN continues to glare at her as the blood runs down to her lips from her nose. She wipes it away and growls at her, "You really are a bitch. I didn't want to believe it, but here we are. You can't get everything you want. You'll have to realize that soon, you spoiled princess."
She freezes and looks over to see Alois staring at them in surprise. Whitney fake cries, rushing over to him and clutching onto his shirt, pointing at YN. "She—She p-punched me!"
"What? No, I—" YN protests, but then Alois gives her a look before handing ice cream to Whitney.
"Stop. I've heard enough," Alois states coldly, then grabs his girlfriends hand reluctantly. "C'mon, babe."
She sniffles and lets him lead her away, then looks back to smirk evilly at YN.
Tears flood YN's eyes and she falls back against the tree, covering her face as she sobs quietly. She slides down the tree trunk all the way to the ground, her knees now up to her chest and her head on her knee caps.
That's when the clip ends.
Everyone is shocked again, now all glaring at Whitney. Alois hands me my phone back and every steps away from him and his girlfriend.
"Whitney," Alois glowers, "what the hell was that about?"
Whitney smiles nervously, "Um, she—she threatened me before the recording!"
"No, she didn't," I state, and everybody looks to me. "YN was just leaning against that tree the entire time. You initiated the fight. She never tried to harm you."
All eyes are back on Whitney. All not happy.
"I'm breaking up with you, Whitney. I don't know why I ever loved you. YN was right. You really are a bitch."
We all leave Whitney there, seething in anger as she cries.
"You need to talk to YN," Ciel says to Alois, putting a hand on his shoulder before grabbing my own hand.
(AN: They are not cousins in this!)
I blush and everyone nods. Alois sighs, "I know. I really screwed up this time. Why didn't I just believe her?"
"You can still fix this," Sebastian says. "Just apologize and talk things out with the girl you truly love."
"Sebastian Michaelis, the guidance counselor," Claude teases stoically, and we all laugh.
Alois says, "I'm going to go to her." Then he runs off.
I yell after him, "She's at her house!"
He shouts back to me, "Okay! Thanks!" Then he's out of sight.
Your POV; Normal Time
A knock can be heard at my door, and I close up the ice cream tub and wipe my face clean of both the rouge ice cream and dried tears. My nose is bleeding again, so I grab another tissue before opening the front door.
As I see who it is, I'm about to slam the door shut when he sticks his foot in between the door and the wall. "Wait!"
I huff and open the door again, meeting his eyes. Alois.
"Please, let me talk to you. I made a mistake.."
I stare at him blankly for a moment before sighing and stepping aside. "Get your ass inside before I change my mind."
He enters immediately and I lock the door behind him. I sit down on the couch and he does the same, very close to me. I can feel my face heating up, but I ignore it as I finally manage to stop my nose from bleeding.
I toss the tissue into the trash can beside me and use some hand sanitizer as I say to Alois, "Talk."
"I'm sorry, YN. Lizzy showed us all the video of what actually happened. I don't know why I believed her. I trust you more than I trust her. I was just so surprised when I saw the situation, that I lashed out. You didn't deserve that. I broke up with her. I've actually been in love with you for a while now..not her. I'm so sorry."
My heart flutters at hearing his confession, and I meet his apologetic gaze. I see it now! The love in his eyes. How have I never noticed it before?
"It's..okay. I understand. I probably would've done the same. And I, uh...I love you, too."
Alois smiles and hugs me. I hug him back, grinning. When we pull back, his kisses my forehead, down to my nose and then to my lips. As an apology, I'm guessing, and in relief that I love him back.
I sigh lightly in content against his lips, and he smirks into it. The kiss ends sooner than I wanted it to, but it was still an amazing first kiss between us.
Thank you, Elizabeth.
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