Agni x Reader || Perfect
Hey! Quick note here, sorry if Agni isn't as he is in the anime, as I still have yet to watch it. I'm waiting until the summer to do so. I had to do some research on his personality so I could try to get it right. He most likely will be OOC (Out Of Character). However, I will give this my best shot! This was requested by saradldar, and I hope you all enjoy!
-you will be 27 years old (Agni is 31)
-you work as a Trancy maid (you will see why soon)
-your height is around 5'11 (Agni is 6'5)
-I'm going to make up what is going to be happening here for the most part
This will be written in 1st Person POV, but it is still your POV.
I am in the Trancy Manor, nervously awaiting for his arrival. Waiting for my master's arrival.
I know it sounds foolish to be afraid of someone like Alois, but I can't help it. I mean, come on! He ripped Hannah's eyeball right out of its socket! How cruel..yet horrifying.
I don't show Alois that he scares me, but I think he can still see it in my eyes. My EC eyes always give me away. They show my true emotions, as does everyone else's. But mine..they make it extremely difficult to hide my feelings. More so than anyone else, such as Hannah or the triplets or Claude.
Every time the Young Majesty enters the room, chills run down my spine and I look away in fear. I believe he did say once that it is 'disrespectful' to look someone of the upper class, such as himself, in the eyes. I think that is why Hannah got her eye torn out...
My name is YN LN, and I am a Trancy maid.
I'm not proud of it, but I had no other choice, really.
My parents were murdered when I was a child, probably around the age of six or seven. I was on the streets on London for plenty of years until I turned nineteen. Yep, I've been working for Alois for about eight years now. Going strong.
Even when I turned into an adult, nobody would let me take a job to feed myself and have a warm, comfy home to take refuge in.
That's when he came. Alois Trancy. He saw me and thought I had potential, which I did. I still do to him, which is probably the only real reason he keeps me around.
Alois treats us like trash. Well, me the most, as I usually end up protecting everyone else from the punishments and saying that I did it or just stepping in when he's about to smack one of the others.
Anyway, enough of that, back to the present.
Alois had called a meeting in the living room. None of us have any clue on what's going on, but I have a feeling Claude does. He's not here, as he is always with our master.
Ugh, I absolutely despise calling him that. 'Master.'
He doesn't even deserve to be a Lord, the way he treats everyone. To be fair though, I think he might have Bipolar Disorder. Just a suspicion. (EDIT: he apparently has BPD, aka Borderline Personality Disorder)
Hannah takes a stand next to me alongside the wall on the left, with the triplets along the opposite wall in front of us two.
Does this meeting have something to do with his ranting of the Phantomhive Manor and their business? Or, Ciel, if you will.
Ciel is only around a year younger than Alois. He is thirteen while my master is fourteen.
I am twenty seven years old, by the way.
Loud and clear footsteps approach the living room area and I feel myself grow even more nervous. I do not want to mess up in front of my master. Now knowing what he can do, even though I am stronger than him.
However, I could never be as strong as his demon butler, Claude.
If Alois commanded, I could be dead in an instant, not even able to put up a fight for my life.
The steps grow nearer and nearer, making me so anxious that it's getting harder to breathe.
I do have slight anxiety..only Hannah knows..
Hannah likes to tease me about having anxiety, even though it is not funny at all and I've told her to stop on countless occasions. This is really just bullying now, rather than some harmless game. I don't think she even cares.
The footsteps finally reach the room and enter, revealing the one and only, Alois Trancy. Of course with Claude trailing closely behind him.
Alois has a smirk on his face, giving me the creeps slightly.
That is never a good sign. It's either something mischievous or..yeah, I'm sure you get the picture.
I turn my attention to my master as he speaks, not looking him directly in the eye, just staring at the purple cloth on his shoulders that plays as his overcoat.
"Alright! You all may be wondering why I have called you all here today!" Alois exclaims cheerfully, clapping his hands together with a crazed smile.
Just get on with it..
We all wait patiently for him to continue.
He inhales and chimes, "So, I heard that Ciel Phantomhive has a few guests over at his Manor! And I have decided that we are gonna pay him a little visit! Crashing the party, if you will!"
I internally groaned.
He wants us to practically ambush the Phantomhive estate? He really is insane.
Sebastian, Ciel's demon butler, is stronger than Claude, Hannah, the triplets, Alois, and me combined, I bet!
I'm not too scared of him. I know, shocking right? I'm scared of Alois, yet I'm not scared of a demon. Well, I suppose that Alois is just like the devil himself, then.
Hold on...who's paying Lord Ciel Phantomhive a visit? It's gotta be someone important, surely.
I guess I will find that out later.
"And we shall be going now!" Alois shouts over the whispers of the triplets, even though they aren't even loud.
They shut up immediately and blankly stare at Alois, as does Hannah and I.
Now? As in, now, now? Why so sudden?!
And in the blink of an eye, I am sitting in front of Alois' carriage with Claude. Hannah and the triplets are riding inside the carriage with Alois.
What are we even going to do when we get there? Just barge in like we own the place?!
Just going to have to wait and see..
*TIMESKIP-At Ciel's Manor*
We arrive at the Phantomhive Manor in the matter of minutes. Uhh, actually, it only felt like minutes to me as I was so lost and so deep in my thoughts, practically drowning in them.
Claude and I get off of the front of the carriage and I open the door, Claude helping everyone out.
Hannah blushes lightly as her hand meets Claude's. I bet she has a crush on him.
I glance at Claude and see that his eyes softened when his gaze met Hannah's. He likes her too!
I'm not even gonna get into that stuff right now. It's not the time.
I shut the door of the carriage and trail behind Alois as he walks through the gates, right behind Hannah and Claude, but in front of the triplets.
They always do this. The other servants trap me in a sandwich type formation to keep me there with them, knowing I'd run away if I had the chance. This was ordered by Alois to do.
I'm basically Alois' slave, as well as his maid.
Alois hops up to the Phantomhive door and knocks repeatedly, obviously trying to be annoying. Or maybe that's just him..yeah, probably.
The door swings open, revealing a man with raven black hair and blood red eyes, like Claude, but with no glasses. His name is Sebastian Michaelis. How I know this? I've encountered him before.
I have met Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard, Sebastian, Tanaka, and Ciel before. Even Lady Elizabeth, Ciel's betrothed. Alois has taken Claude and I here on a 'field trip' before.
I honestly wish I was a Phantomhive maid instead of a Trancy one. I would be treated so much better, and be so much happier.
I am glad that I'm not living outside though, and have a roof over my head. Just wish it was under someone else's care.
"Hello Lord Trancy. Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor, and might I ask what brings you here this fine day?" Sebastian asks calmly, not showing any sign of nervousness or annoyance with the fourteen year old boy...yet.
"What? Can I not see my beloved friend, Ciel Phantomhive?~" Alois proclaims childishly, making me internally cringe.
'Friend?' I've never seen Lord Phantomhive express kind feelings towards Alois. They're definitely not friends. Try enemies on for size.
"Of course, come on in and have a seat in the living room, if you will. All of you," Sebastian states, opening the door wider and stepping aside, letting everyone pass.
We flood into the Manor, Sebastian and I making eye contact for a swift moment. He smirked at me, and I nodded slightly back in greeting.
Sebastian and I are actually pretty good friends. Alois had ordered me the first time him, Claude and I came around here to help Sebastian with the tea. I agreed with no complaint.
Long story short, Sebastian and I had a chat while making the tea for the two lords and got along instantly.
I also get along with the other servants plus Elizabeth, and I think even Ciel has grown a liking to me.
Alois leads us servants into the Phantomhive living room and he has a seat. Hannah and I stand to the left of Alois while the triplets are on his right, Claude in the middle behind him.
Sebastian stands in the entrance and says, "I shall go get the Young Lord and inform him of your presence."
He bows and leaves.
Alois starts yapping about random topics that I don't even care enough about to listen to. I just stay in my thoughts, sinking farther and farther into them, finding solitude in my mind.
A few minutes later, footsteps could be heard once again and I already know who it is.
Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis.
And as if to prove my thoughts correct, Ciel walks into the room with Sebastian trailing behind.
Ciel and I make eye contact and we both nod towards one another in silent greeting, almost exactly the same way as Sebastian and I had done.
Ciel clears his throat and Alois stops taking, jumping up from his seat and cheering, "Oh hello Ciel! How grand it is to see you!"
Alois has a smile on his face as Ciel just has a stoic look, clearly not amused.
"What is it this time, Trancy? I'm busy at the moment," Lord Ciel states irritably, glaring at Alois.
My master takes no notice in Ciel's glare and just runs up to his side, wrapping his right arm around Ciel's shoulders.
The look Ciel gives Alois makes me want to burst out into laughter, but I contain myself and keep my emotionless demeanor up.
I cannot show my emotions around certain people. And one of them is Alois.
To be honest though, he's not the only one. He's not the first, and he surely will not be the last either.
"Whaaaaat?~ Can I not come and say hello to my dear friend?~" Alois coos mischievously.
Ciel grunts, muttering, "Tsk, 'friends.'"
Called it. could I hear that?
Alois pouts and drops his arm, crossing them over his chest before his previous smile returns.
"Awww, no fun Ciel!" Alois cries, smirking at the younger man before him.
Before any of this conversation could continue, we hear running footsteps coming fast towards where we are and a man with purple hair and brownish-yellow looking eyes tackles Ciel to the floor in a surprise hug.
"OOF!" Ciel grunts as he hits the floor on his stomach, the full weight of the purple haired dude on his back, pressing his stomach onto the floor even harder.
I hear some more footsteps coming, yelling out a name that I figure is this purple haired guys name.
"Soma! Soma!" the voice calls.
Wow..cute voice..gah! What am I saying?! I haven't even seen the guy yet and I'm already thinking these things!
Another male runs in, nearly tripping over Soma and Ciel in the process. He has white hair and silver eyes that I could just lose myself in..gahh, shut up mind!
I tear my gaze from the new guy and instead stare at Ciel and Soma on the ground, Ciel still groaning in pain.
I sigh and step forward, not caring if I get another punishment from Alois, and carefully tug Soma off of Ciel, holding both of my hands out for each of them to take.
They do and I help them stand with ease. Ciel brushes himself off as Soma and the other new guy just stare at me, slightly in awe.
What..? Have they never seen someone act kindly before or something..?
"Thank you, Miss YN," Ciel tells me in his usual monotone voice, and I just bow my head in respect, giving a small bow before standing straight and going back to my place beside Hannah.
All the while Soma and the other guy watch my every move.
Soma snaps out of it first and says, "Ah, yes, thank you."
I bow my head in response, looking up a moment later, only to meet the gaze of the unusually attractive white haired man. I have never found someone so cute to look at before..
I swiftly look away and turn my attention back towards the conversation.
Soma says to Ciel, "Sorry about that, Ciel! Just got a little excited, you know?"
Ciel replies with a sigh, "Yes, yes, indeed."
"Okay then! Who are these people?" Soma practically demands, looking around at each of us in turn.
"These are the servants of the Trancy estate, and this is Lord Trancy," Ciel states, motioning to Alois as he said the last bit.
"Hello there! My name is Alois Trancy! And now all of my servants shall speak their names to you!" Alois exclaims, clapping his hands like an excited child would.
Everyone does so and then it's my turn.
"YN," is all I say, just like how everyone else did.
"Ah, well, my name is Prince Soma and this is Agni!" Soma introduced, smiling.
Agni's gaze left mine for a moment, nodding at us, before glancing at me once again.
I should feel uncomfortable, but really, I'm not. Just a bit flustered, is all.
"Now that all of the introductions are out of the way, what do you really want, Trancy?" Ciel deadpans, knowing Alois wants something from him.
"Hmmm?~ Oh, Ciel! I never thought you'd ask!~" Alois cheers, making Ciel and I roll our eyes, as well as Claude and Sebastian.
"Just get on with it!" Ciel demands, already getting impatient.
"Okay! Okay! Jeez. I want to play a game," Alois explains.
Ciel arches an eyebrow, "'A game?'"
"Yes, a game," Alois nods, "I want to see who's stronger! Sebastian...."
He's gonna put Claude up against Sebastian, surely-
"-against YN!" Alois finishes, making everyone but myself gasp.
My eyes just widen from shock, breath hitching.
Me?! Against Sebastian?! No way that's a fair fight!
"Why her against him? He's a demon and she's a human! You know fully well that YN can get killed in this fight. No offense," Ciel states, and I shrug it off, knowing it's true.
"Oh, because Ciel!~ She has soooo much more potential than you think she has! I just want to make a point and prove that we have the stronger servant," Alois explains, smirking at me.
He knows fully well about my abilities and what I can do, but putting me up against a demon? I don't know if I can win this fight.
*TIMESKIP-On The Battlefield, AKA Ciel's Front Lawn*
I cannot believe that Alois was being serious.
I am standing face to face with Sebastian, only a few feet apart from on another. My nerves start building up and I begin to shake slightly.
I take deep breaths, but it doesn't seem to work.
Nobody noticed these changes in my stature except one person..
I feel a hand gripping my shoulder softly from behind and I jump a bit, turning around to see Agni standing there with a concerned look on his face. I relax my muscles, and they stop shaking just from Agni's gentle touch.
"Hey, how are you holding up?" Agni asks me, even though it's practically pointless.
"Could be better," I reply in a monotone, barely showing any emotions.
"Sorry to hear that..but good luck with the fight," he says, squeezing my shoulder gently before giving me a small smile and walking away, standing next to Prince Soma.
Ciel, his servants, Alois, and his servants, are also standing by Soma and Agni.
I turn back around, facing Sebastian once more.
Sebastian mouths to me, 'You ready?'
I give him a stern nod, breathing deeply and mouth a reply, 'As I'll ever be.'
He nods back and we get into fighting position.
"3! 2! 1! GO!"
Sebastian immediately takes out throwing knives, aiming them at me quickly before throwing them.
My mind works fast with my body as I see them coming, barely having any time to react. I dodge each one perfectly, much to everyone's surprise.
I might have been practicing my combat skills over the nights a few times a week...but I had no idea that I could do something like this!
Sebastian tries again, but this time with forks.
Where did he even get those?
Again, I dodge each of them with perfection, and take this extra time to run at Sebastian.
I charge and take him by surprise, punching him square in the jaw, uppercutting him. He flies backward, startling me a bit.
No normal human can do that...can they?
I feel my eyes burning slightly, but I ignore it, focusing on the fight and only on the fight.
I can see Sebastian's eye widen when he looks at me, staring directly at my eyes.
What? What's so wrong with them?
He swiftly gets onto his feet and attacks me.
He punches me before I could even figure out what was happening, making my head jerk left. I stumble but regain my balance quickly, sharply turning to give Sebastian a roundhouse kick to the side.
He stumbles, and our fight continues for about an hour or so before I finally wear him down enough to the point he cannot fight any longer.
My eyes are on fire and I have no idea what's happening.
Everyone cheers for me and Sebastian shakes my hand, staring at my eyes, whispering to me, "You need to get inside."
"Why?" I whisper back.
"It's your eyes. I'll help you with them, just do not let anybody see them," he replies, and I nod.
I stare at the ground, covering them on the side with one hand where everyone else is, and run as fast as I can inside Ciel's Manor, leaving everyone but Sebastian and Claude confused.
Minutes later, I reach the nearest bathroom and rush in, shutting the door and locking it, immediately glancing at the mirror, gasping st what I see.
My eyes are no longer EC, but they are now a blood red with a pinkish tint to them. It's kind of cute, but scary at the same time. This has never happened to me before..
Am I a....demon?
There is a knocking at my door and I hesitate, remembering what Sebastian had told me about not letting anyone see them.
"It's me, Sebastian. Claude is here as well," I hear Sebastian's voice say from behind the door, and I waste no time to open it and pull them inside.
I shut the door and lock it again, then look at the two demons before me.
"What is happening to my eyes?" I demand, my voice wavering a bit from fear.
"Well..." Sebastian starts, trailing off.
"You're a demon," Claude bluntly says, ignoring Sebastian's glare.
"I...I'm a demon?!" I exclaim quietly, not sure if anyone is outside the door listening.
They nod.
"Yes. Since you are a female demon, your eyes are blood red with a slight pink tint to them. Now, normally female demons have the same color as the males, but you are one of the rare ones," Sebastian explains.
"Rare ones?"
"Indeed, you are stronger than any other demon, and have the same skill level as another demon with your eyes. Now, your eyes will go back to normal, but they will change to this color whenever you are angry or in a fight," Claude tells me, and I calm down.
"Okay. Will it burn each time that happens?"
They shake their heads, "No. It's only the first few times."
I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Alright," I state.
"It is already going away. It should be gone in about a minute," Sebastian says, and I nod.
A minute later we exit the bathroom, making our way into the living room where everyone sits.
But before I can enter, Claude grabs my arm, Sebastian standing right next to him.
"We are going to have to tell them about you being a demon. That is something you cannot hide," Claude states.
Sebastian nods.
"Okay," I reply, entering the living room with them trailing behind me.
Everyone's eyes immediately turn to us, or more so, me.
"Are you okay?!"
"What happened?!"
"Are you hurt?!"
The questions just keep being thrown my way before I can even respond to any of them.
Luckily, they all stop when Ciel clears his throat.
"Ahem, I don't think Miss YN here would like to be having many questions being thrown at her all at once. Ask one at a time," Ciel orders.
"Thank you," I say quietly, and he nods.
*TIMESKIP-After Explaining Everything*
The room is dead silent, all eyes on me.
The silence is broken by Alois' laughter, turning everyone's gaze to him.
"Hah! I knew I had the stronger servant!" Alois proclaims, making us roll our eyes and scoff.
"Shut up, Trancy," Ciel states, and Alois does so with another pout.
A few minutes of discussion later, Alois decided its time for us to leave.
We bid our goodbyes to everyone, and I sit in front of the carriage again with Claude driving. I glance over at Agni for a second and our eyes lock, I stare for a moment before shaking out of that trance and looking straight ahead.
*TIMESKIP-At The Trancy Manor, Two Months Later*
It has been two months ever since our visit to the Phantomhive estate, and ever since we got back, the beatings only grew worse and worse from Alois.
Alois has also cut me off from going outside for fear of someone taking me away, as I am his strongest servant, or me running away.
Even if letters come mailed to me, he takes them, reads them, scoffs, and throws it into the fire before I could have a chance of reading them.
Each time he did that my eyes would change to their demon color again, but I never did anything about it.
{AN: Anybody else getting Harry Potter vibes from this?}
Over the course of these two months I could never stop thinking about Agni.
His smile, his eyes, hair, personality, everything!
I guess I...miss him?
Why am I missing someone I just met?
I just finished getting another beating, so I am limping back to my room. I make it there and lay down, drifting off into a pained sleep..
As I awaken, I hear voices coming from downstairs.
Still half asleep, I stand up, regretting it instantly as a sharp, burning pain shoots up my legs and throughout my entire body.
I ignore it and stumble out of my room, making my way to the stairs.
I finally get there and I sit down at the top of them, having a clear view of the front door and what is happening.
What I see surprises me immensely.
It is Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel is arguing with Alois over something.
I decide to eavesdrop a little...
"You're abusing her!" comes Ciel's voice.
How does he know that?
"No I'm not!" Alois shouts back.
"Yes you are!"
"Where's your proof?!" Alois tells back.
As if sensing my presence, Sebastian darts his gaze up to my beaten form, nudging Ciel.
Ciel takes notice and looks up the stairs as well, eye widening at the sight of me.
He returns his burning gaze back to Alois, pointing up the stairs at me, shouting, "SHE IS THE PROOF!"
Alois sharply looks over at me, sending me one of the worst glares I have ever had on me in my life.
I stand and limp down the stairs, holding onto the railing as I do. I make it to the bottom and collapse on the second to last step, just sitting there.
"WHO SAYS THAT SHE HAS THOSE WOUNDS FROM ME?!" Alois exclaims, full of rage.
"Well, why don't we ask her ourselves then, shall we?" Ciel states, and Sebastian nods.
They look over at me. Alois' gaze telling me to lie, but Sebastian's and Ciel's telling me to say the truth.
"He d-does abuse m-me," I stutter quietly, finally ratting Alois out.
Alois glares at me for a moment before turning to Ciel's glare.
"I challenge you to a game of chess, Trancy. Whoever wins gains custody of YN," Ciel challenges.
Ooo, Ciel never loses a game of chess. It's like his specialty.
"You're on, Phantomhive," Alois sneers cockily.
Ciel smirks, already knowing he'll win.
*TIMESKIP-In Alois' Study*
Alright, long story short, Alois doesn't have a chess board. So, that meant Sebastian had to go get one from somewhere and set it in Alois' study.
I am sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with my legs crossed underneath me, focusing on my breathing rather than the pain.
It's been a few minutes already into the chess game. Ciel's winning.
Sebastian is standing behind Ciel, and Claude is behind Alois.
About a minute later, Ciel states, "Check mate."
Alois yells in frustration.
"AARRAAAAGHHHH!! FINE! JUST TAKE HER! SEE IF I CARE!" Alois shouts, causing me to flinch slightly.
Ciel stands and orders Sebastian to carry me to the carriage, as I am very weak at the moment. Sebastian bows and carefully picks me up, following Ciel to the carriage.
"Th-Thank you," I manage to muster out.
Ciel glances over his shoulder at me and nods, facing forward again.
"You're welcome. Nobody should be treated so horribly," Lord Ciel Phantomhive says.
And then...I blacked out.
*TIMESKIP-Ciel's Manor*
I wake up to an unfamiliar room. I start to freak a bit, sitting up straight away, much to my discomfort.
Pain shoots up through my body like electricity, and I hear someone's soothing voice to my left.
"Don't strain yourself. Lay back down," the voice coos, and a hand sets itself on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down.
The pain subsides and I feel a lot better. I glance to my left and see those striking gray eyes that I've been missing for the past two months.
"A-Agni..?" I question, my voice strained a bit from the pain.
He nods, "Yes, it's me. Are you alright?"
"Depends o-on what a-alright means," I half joke, making Agni chuckle.
"Heheh, sorry," Agni apologizes.
"It's not y-your fault...anyway, what are y-you doing here..?" I ask.
He smiles and replies, "Once Prince Soma had heard about you and your condition, he told me about it and we decided to come back to check on you. We were really worried.."
I blush lightly.
He was...worried? About me?
"A-Ah..I see. Well...thanks," I stutter.
"No p-problem," Agni replies.
Did he just...stutter? I didn't take him as the type of guy to stutter. Well it isn't a bad thing. It's actually really adorable.
A few minutes later of us talking, there is a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Agni and I call, blushing at our unison.
The door opens and reveals Lord Ciel.
Ciel walks in and shuts the door behind him, walking over and standing beside Agni.
"Hello you two. How are you both?" Ciel asks, sounding like he doesn't care when really, we know he does.
He's not cold hearted.
"We're alright..thank y-you," I reply, and he nods.
"Also...h-how did you know I-I was being treated h-horribly?" I ask, and he smirks playfully.
"I may have had Sebastian spy on you and Alois for a while. Sebastian had said that he had a feeling something bad was happening to you so I ordered him to check it out," Ciel explained.
"Ahh, makes sense," I state.
"Is that like, a demon thing? Sensing other demons in pain?" Agni inquires.
"Only if it's a demon they know and actually care about," a voice says from the shadows, startling everyone.
The voice chuckles and steps into the light, revealing Sebastian.
"Sebastian! You can't just sneak up on people like that!" Ciel exclaims, clutching his heart while taking deep breaths, trying to humor us.
It worked.
We all let out a few laughs, even Ciel himself.
"Sorry, my Lord," Sebastian states, smiling mischievously.
*TIMESKIP-A Day Later*
{AN: Sorry for all of the time skips! :P}
Yesterday, before everyone had let me rest, Ciel had offered me to work here, to which I agreed.
And guess what? Prince Soma and Agni are going to visit us every once and a while! Ciel was annoyed by that but agreed since they both care about me as well. (Soma as a friend, of course.)
I'm a little upset that Agni won't be around as often as I'd like, but at least I even get to see him at all! It's better than nothing.
I'm going to be starting work as soon as I'm feeling 100% again. Which may take a few weeks.
Soma and Agni are actually going to be staying here with us until then!
This should be fun!
*TIMESKIP-A Few Weeks Later*
For these past few weeks, Agni and I have been growing closer and closer to each other. He's even helped me with walking around more!
Agni's such a sweet guy. Really, he is.
*TIMESKIP-Three Months Later*
Prince Soma and Agni had left a few months ago, and I had missed them a lot.
Well, mostly Agni.
I think I've grown feelings for him....
Do him?
Yes.......I think I do.
A-Anyways, they are supposed to be visiting again tomorrow, and I cannot wait to see them again!
It's been amazing working as Ciel's maid! Way better than working for Alois! No more beatings! No more getting yelled at for doing something wrong, just a small scolding! It's really different now, and I love it.
Us servants are cleaning up the Manor for their arrival, and Lady Elizabeth should be here soon as well.
And even though Ciel acts as if it annoys him to no end, he actually really loves her.
It is kind of weird that they are cousins, but who am I to judge? This is what happens these days. It's the normal for Lords and Mistresses.
Suddenly, a few hours later, the front door bursts open, followed by a blur of pink running in.
"CIIIIEEEEELLLL!~" a voice squeals.
Yep, that's Lady Elizabeth.
She's very excitable, but is really kind and sweet at heart.
Very girly, as well.
Elizabeth sees me first and runs over, trapping me in a bone crushing hug.
"YNNNNNN!~ It is sooooo good to see youuu!~" Elizabeth squeals again.
I chuckle and choke out, "Y-You too, L-Lady Elizabeth."
She lets me go and I can breathe again.
She smiles and replies, "Oh please! You can call me Lizzy! You know that!"
I smile back and say respectfully, "Of course, Lady Elizabeth. If you wish for me to call you that, then I will."
"That would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, YN!" Lizzy exclaims, giving me another hug, softer this time.
I hug her back and state, "It's no big deal, Lizzy."
We break the hug and hear footsteps coming down the stairs. We turn and see that it is Ciel, coming to greet his soon to be wife.
"CIIIEEELLL!~" Lizzy screams, tackling Ciel in a hug.
"Ah! E-Elizabeth! I-I can't..breathe!" Ciel squeaks out.
I hold back a chuckle as I watch the scene unfold, getting back to work.
Apparently Lizzy lets Ciel go, since I hear him inhale a huge breath.
"Oops! Sorry, Ciel!" Lizzy says nicely.
"It's no problem, Lizzy," Ciel responds.
And then they head upstairs, probably to Ciel's study to chat.
After a few more hours of work, it is time for bed.
Lady Elizabeth will be spending the night with Ciel.
I put away the cleaning supplies, wash my hands, and head downstairs to the maids quarters to head to sleep.
I awake from my slumber and get up, putting on my clean maids outfit and taking the dirty one with me so that I can clean it and the other servants' dirty clothes.
I finish washing them up and hang them to dry outside.
I head back inside and do my daily chores, helping Mey-Rin here and there since she has a hard time seeing with her glasses.
If she can see better without them, then why does she wear them? I guess to look more innocent at first glance? Maybe.
A few hours later, there is a knock on the door.
Sebastian and I go to open it, Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard, Ciel, and Lizzy standing behind us by the stairs.
I open the door, Sebastian on my right, and we step out of the way to let our guests in.
Prince Soma and Agni enter.
Agni's gaze never leaves my figure.
Sebastian is still on my right as they walk in.
I shut the door behind them, but not before an arrow strikes through the closed door.
Everyone gasps, and it nearly stabbed me in the neck.
I hold my breath for a moment, trying to process what had just happened.
I'm quickly pulled out of my thoughts and I lock the door, yelling to Sebastian and the other servants, "GET THEM SOMEWHERE SAFE! NOW! I'LL HOLD THEM OFF!"
They salute me and rush to get a frightened Lizzy, Ciel, Soma, and Agni to safety.
Sebastian stays back to help me.
Everyone runs except for Agni and Bard.
Agni is staring at me, clearly not wanting me to go and fight. Bard staying behind, trying to get Agni to move.
I turn to Agni, urgency in my eyes as I yell again, "GO!"
This snaps him out of it and he reluctantly runs with Bard.
I face the door as there is banging on it. I hurl myself at the door to hold it closed, and Sebastian does the same.
There is the sound of breaking glass and I look at Sebastian.
"I've got this. Go fight," he tells me, knowing that I want to hold them off so they don't keep breaking through.
I nod, grabbing a throwing knife from his hand that he was giving me, and run into the living room to fight.
I am immediately greeted by a knife being thrown at my face from the right, towards where a window is.
{AN: Now, I don't really know if there is a window in Ciel's living room, but just bare with me.}
I drop to my knees and bend backwards, another knife just barely soaring above my nose.
Unfortunately, the knife had cut the bridge of my nose a bit, barely missing my glasses (if you have glasses).
I stand again and punch the first person I see.
Who are these people?!
I feel the blood drip down my nose and onto my lips, I can taste the metal from the blood and I ignore that too.
I take down everyone currently in the room, only to see many more coming.
I curse under my breath and run back to where Sebastian is.
He's just barely keeping the door shut, so I lunge at the door, slamming it shut again as it was about to open.
"Go fight, Sebastian. I got this," I state, and he nods, leaving the door to me and fighting every person he sees that is a threat.
Mey-Rin runs back to us, telling me that everyone is safe with Finny and Bard. Bard has his flamethrower and Finny has his fists since he is the weapon with his super strength. Ciel has his sword, Lizzy has a knife, Prince Soma and Agni both have knives as well.
Mey-Rin has her two guns, ready to help us.
"Right. When I open this door Mey-Rin, start shooting at them. I'm going to round the corner and come 'round from the back. Okay?" I explain hurriedly, and she nods, aiming her guns at the door behind me.
I mouth, '3...2...1...NOW!'
I swing open the door and duck as she starts firing her gun, running into the living room and jumping through the broken window and coming up behind the people at the door.
I start stabbing them in the head, them falling to the floor as I go.
Suddenly, one of the people turned around, making a few others turn as well, and they start fighting me.
I'm dodging each of their attacks with ease, my eyes turning the red pinkish color as always when fighting. I kill about five of them and don't notice the one behind me yet until it's too late..
They wrap their arm around me neck and used his free hand, the one with the knife, and stabs me on the left side of my stomach, making me gasp and yelp in pain. I quickly grab the mans arm around my neck and twist my body, making him loosen his grip and he tugs the knife out of my body, making me yelp again before stabbing him with my own knife, not giving him any time to react.
I look down at my stomach, seeing the bleeding wound but shrugging it off, deeming that unimportant right now.
If I'm going to die, then I'm going to die protecting the ones I care for most.
I hear a female scream, and it sounds like Lizzy!
I use my super speed to reach where she is.
Ah, yeah, Sebastian had shown me how to use my super speed. Very handy.
I make it to where Lizzy is, and she's alone! Alone as in not with the others!
Did they have to split apart?
Lizzy is being held against the wall with a knife to her neck.
She's yelling, "AHHH! HELP! HELP!"
I attack the man who's pinning her against the wall just as the door bursts open. I throw the man to the opposite side of the room, and he slams into the wall, breaking a few paintings and stuff.
I hear Lizzy crying so I look back and see Ciel comforting her, making sure to keep her safe this time. I look back to the attacker and see Soma and Agni in the corner of my eye by the door, watching me fight while keeping an eye out for others.
The attacker shakily stands and faces me.
Luckily, nobody's noticed my stab wound yet. Unfortunately, the one person that did, is my attacker.
And he's going to use that to his advantage.
He runs at me, and I dodged, but not before he used his fist to hit my stab wound, making me fall to the floor and yelp.
I take a deep breath quickly and stand up with a struggle.
My yelp caused everyone else to look at me.
Their eyes widen at the sight of my bloody wound.
They look horrified at the sight of my wound, speechless.
I continue the fight with the attacker.
I stand straight and punch the guy in the face, sending him into the wall again. I then use my super speed to run up and pin him to the wall, taking his knife away from him and throwing it behind me, careful not to hit Ciel and Lizzy.
I then swing my knife up to the guys neck and before he could do or say anything, I stab him in the head, getting blood on my hand afterwards.
I let his body drop and I wipe the blood on my outfit, knowing it's already ruined with my own blood and rips.
I turn around, well, limp around, and see Ciel holding Lizzy as she calms down, Soma and Agni staring at the wound on my stomach.
I ignore their stares and limp over to Ciel and Lizzy, kneeling in front of them painfully. They look up at me.
Ciel says gratefully, "Thank you, YN, for protecting her."
I nod, "N-Not a p-problem, my L-Lord..what h-happened?"
"Lizzy got dragged away without us knowing. Apparently he had covered her mouth a took her here. We only noticed she was gone when she screamed," Soma explained, and I nod.
"Wh-What h-ha-happened to y-you, Y-YN?" Lizzy stuttered through her calmer cries.
I look her dead in the eye, "I got hurt earlier, to put it simply. I will explain later, I promise. But for now, you all are staying with me. Where are Finny and Bard?"
"Fighting off the others in the hallway," Agni told me, looking very worried.
"Right. I'm going to go help them. You all stay i-in here and keep the d-door locked. Don't o-open it unless you need to or if o-one of us come knocking. Okay?" I tell them sternly, stuttering a bit from the pain.
They nod, looking reluctant to let me leave due to my wound, but they know that they cannot stop me once I've set my mind to it.
I leave the room and they shut it behind me, locking the door.
I see Bard struggling to fight off two guys, as he can't use his flamethrower for anything but hitting these guys. He doesn't want to burn the Manor down.
I run over painfully, using my super speed again, and stab one in the back of the head. He falls and Bard smacks the other with the flamethrower, knocking the guy out.
I stab the guys head after he falls to the floor, and we both go to help Finny.
Once we do that, I'm feeling a bit dizzy but I ignore it.
"Right. Ch-Change in plans..g-go protect the o-others. They're in that r-room. I'm going back d-downstairs to fight," I tell Finny and Bard, they nod.
"Wait! What happened to you, YN?!" Finny exclaims, pointing at my stab wound.
"I'll explain later. Just got hurt a while ago," I say, managing to not stutter.
Before they can say anything else, I run downstairs and help with the fight.
*TIMESKIP-End Of Battle*
I end up outside at the end of the fight, full of cuts and bruises. Covered in dirt from tumbling on the ground, wrestling with the enemies that put up a hard fight.
My vision is spiraling, blurry, making me stumble as I hear footsteps hurrying my way. I know who it is, so I'm not worried.
Soon enough, before they could make it to me, my dizziness overpowers me and I fall on my back, eyes closed as a huge migraine hits me hard. Unconsciousness is coming upon me.
Everyone is calling my name, but I can barely hear them. They sound so far away.
And then..I black out.
*TIMESKIP-A While Later*
I regain consciousness full of pain. I groan and shut my eyes again tightly before opening them back up.
(If you have glasses) I look to my left and see my glasses on the bedside table, cleaned up and fixed where parts of it was broken from the fight. My vision is kind of blurry but I can still see fine without them.
I then notice someone asleep in the chair next to the bed I'm staying in.
It's Agni!
I stare at him as he sleeps, not caring if what I'm doing is creepy or not. I've never seen him asleep before. And he'd think I'm weird if I did this while he was awake.
I don't know how long I've been staring at him for, but apparently for a while because he began to wake up.
I swiftly look away and stare at the ceiling, acting as if I was thinking and wasn't just staring at him.
He is really cute when he sleeps, to be fair...
Agni fully wakes up and stares at me, seemingly thinking. As soon as I look back over at him, the rest just happened so fast.
I feel something soft on my lips, then my brain processes, that it's Agni's lips against mine! I'm internally freaking out right now!
Wait! Respond! Respond!
I kiss him back and flutter my eyes shut.
The kiss is soft and caring, as if I'm a fragile bird or tea cup. Weird comparisons, I know, but that's really the best I can do right now.
It ends a minute later, and only now do I realize that Agni has his hand on my left cheek.
It is now that I realize....
...that we are perfect for each other.
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