Chapter 6
"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting." Palestar yells watching his clan gather.
"There is something I'd like to address to you all." Palestar paused thank thought of the best way to explain. "At the gathering Redstar siad one of his apprentices had received a prophecy and I'd also like to say if any of you think you've recieved prophecy or weird dreams meet me in my den. Clab dismissed."
He padded up to Redpaw and mews. "Redpaw could you also stick around considering you have more experience with prophecy and all that." He mews. "I would also like to talk about your training." Redpaw nodded following him into his den.
"Hey Palestar? Ugh I've been having the same weird dream every night. I don't know if it mean anything but i just wanted to make sure to tell you first." Softheart mews
The leader smiles at the tom. "Of course we'll come to my den for a little more privacy." He started padding up the slope Redpaw and Softheart following.
"Okay so walk us through your dream what hapoend? What did you see?"
Softheart sat down on front of Palestar and clears his throat. "Hm Okay most of wha ti remember is a darkness and then there was a blooming rose out of no where. And everything suddenly felt peaceful." He blinked calmly as he explained to his leader. "I think it might have something to do with flowers or something. I'm not sure." He mews as Bumbleleaf slowly pads into the den.
"Thats interesting." He mews and saw the medicine cat pad inside. "Ah Bumbleleaf. Glad you're here did you here what Softheart said?"
"Yes I did it's sure interesting." Bumbleleaf mews.
"Well tell me if this dream gets longer." He mews dismissing the tom.
Foxpaw pads into camp with a bunny in her grasp she lays it down and grabs a small fish. She begins to eat it slowly when all of a sudden the ghost of a silver tabby tom appeared. "Who are you?" She mewed
"As if you don't know." He hissed turning to the others. "I am Silverbreeze i just warn you. She killed me." He hissed pointing to Foxpaw and slowly disappearing.
"What?" Foxpaw looks around at her clan. "You don't actually believe it!"
"Of course. Take you prey and get your den." Duckstem hissed. Foxpaw hissed grabbing her prey and storming of to her den. She throws the fish toward Blitzpaw waking him up. "What?" He hissed at her. "I was having a good dream." He hissed.
"I'm sorry. But... I've jsut been accused of murder. I'm already 4 moons behind on becoming a warrior! And now this I'll never become a warrior I'll die an old apprentice!" She yells
Blitzpaws ears dropped and he nuzzled her face "Come on let's try focus on the positives. Do they have any literal proof you killed him?"
"They have solid evidence gis ghost told them." She mews sadly.
"Well they could've been mistaken or maybe straight up lying? I know you would never do that." Blitzpaw mews.
"I appreciate you trying to defend me but its not going to work Bumblestars going to exile me as soon as he finds out." Foxpaw sighs.
Blitzpaw thought for a moment. "We'll see about that..." He mews. Foxpaw lay in her nest as Blitzpaw lays in the nest beside her.
"I appreciate you trying to defend me but it comes down to Bumblestars decision." She mews.
"Your welcome. I think its unfair. You shouldn't trust a BurrowClan cat over your own clanmate." He rolls his eyes at how fat Duckstem had believed the ghosts accusations.
"Everyone belived it im so glad I have a friend like you." She sighs.
"What do you want to do tomorrow?"
"Maybe we can talk to Bumblestar about our warrior assessment?" She smiles.
"Clan meeting!" Redstar yells watching as his clan gathers. "Rust step forward." He mews the young apprentice steps forward. "You've even with us for a long time now. Not jsut as a prisoner but my a apprentice too. You've been through alot to prove your loyalty and I've never rbeen more proud. Rust do you promise to protect you clan even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes I do." He nods
"Then from this moment on you will be known as Dovespark your courage and loyalty. And the impact Doveflight has had on you." He smiked at Doveflight.
"Dovespark! Dovespark!"
"Quick! Doveflights kits are coming!" Cinnamontwist yells.
"Already it's barely been a moon!" Patchpaw yells running out of the Medicine den into the nursery where Doveflight lay. Novapaw anxiously look into the nursery no kit had been born yet. "Cinnamontwist go get some wet moss. Doveflight bite down on this stick. The first kit is coming." Novapaw heard Patchpaw yell. Novapaw anxiously looks around.
After what felt like moon to Novapaw Patchpaw padded out of the nursery and mews to Redstar. "There here. Five beautiful kits. Three toms and two she cats." She smiles. "Crestkit Oceankit Falconkit Starlingkit and Eclipsekit." When Patchpaw said Eclipsekit Novapaw saw Redstars smiled turn to worry.
"Eclipse? We must tell the other leaders at once." Redstar mews
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