Chapter 3
Jungkook came into his apartment. He didn't expect Taehyung to have come back but when he saw the blonde asleep on the couch he smiled. He walked to Taehyung and carefully carried him to their room.
He put the comforter on Taehyung and decided to go to his own room.
They did share the apartment but not the same room. Though Jungkook hardly ever slept in his own room before, things had changed. Everytime they fight Tae would ask him to leave. And their fights had become so often that Jungkook was walking to his own room by instinct.
"Jungkook?" Tae tried to open his eyes.
"Mhmm I'm sorry did I wake you up?" Jungkook came back to Tae's side.
"Where are you going?" Tae whispered.
"My room" Jungkook answered confused.
Taehyung sat up. "I'm sorry for shouting back there. I thought you wouldn't come home because of that I got scared." Taehyung looked down at his hands.
"It's okay baby" Jungkook caressed his cheek.
Taehyung hugged Jungkook and he could smell the alcohol. Jungkook never drank. He must have been really upset. Taehyung sighed and nudged Jungkook to sleep next to him.
They cuddled to sleep. After so long.
The next day Taehyung woke up with a frown when he realised Jungkook had left for practice already. He checked the time it was almost 9 am.
He got ready and left to school. He looked for his friends when he spotted Bogum.
"Hyung good morning" he bowed.
"Ah Taehyung ah" Bogum hugged him. Taehyung didn't say anything about it though he never even allowed Jungkook to hug him in school.
"Taehyung ah I have one favour to ask you" Bogum began. "I am going to my Granny's place tomorrow. It's near Daegu. Can you come with me? I really don't want to go alone"
"Sure" Taehyung smiled.
"You can't back out now" Bogum winked and laughed. Taehyung just giggled before they parted ways.
Rest of the day went by quickly and it was lunch time.
As usual Taehyung sat with Jungkook at their usual table. Both of their friends used to join them. Friends meaning Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi. No Bogum.
"Hey" Taehyung sat down. The basketball team hadn't arrived yet so only Jimin, Namjoon and Jin were there.
"Taehyungie you are coming tomorrow right??" Jimin chirped.
"Where?" Tae asked curiously.
"He doesn't know yet" Jin shut Jimin up.
Jimin nodded and mouthed 'you'll know soon' to Taehyung.
Taehyung didn't think much of it. Whatever it was he couldn't go, he already promised Bogum.
In a few minutes Jungkook and Yoongi were there. Jungkook went on to hold Tae's hand but Tae slapped it away. 'Not here' he answered.
"So Jungkook... Tae here was asking about tomorrow" Jin began.
"I wasn't" Tae lifted his brows.
Jungkook smiled and began, "Tae we have decided to go to my dad's cabin tomorrow. It's a long weekend so we can chill there.. The place was re innovated recently and dad wants me to go take a look so I thought why not make a trip out of it?"
Taehyung listened through it all frowning.
"You guys should really go. I have plans" Tae apologised.
"Can't you cancel it?" Jungkook asked.
"Uh no! I already promised Bogum Hyung"
Jungkook looked away not able to control his anger. He didn't want to risk making faces or cursing as Tae would be upset.
"We're going after such a long time.. can't you reschedule?" Jimin asked Taehyung.
"No sorry.. you guys should go" Tae suggested again.
"Why are you not even considering it?" Namjoon asked.
"I promised-" Tae began but was interrupted by an excited Hobi.
"I've got beer and snacks for tomorrow! It's going to be bomb"
"Tae is not coming" Jimin said.
"Let me guess Bogum?" Hobi asked sarcastically. Jimin nodded.
Taehyung didn't like the way they were all acting so he excused himself.
He was by his locker when Jungkook approached him.
"Can you really not make it Tae? I really miss you and thought it will be a good time for us to go out. And I only invited them because you didn't want us to go alone. And now you're going with Bogum hyung I don't understand"
Taehyung sighed. "Why do you always have to compare?"
Jungkook didn't say anything.
"It's different. We're going to his grandmother's place as friends. Us going to the cabin alone is for other reasons"
"Why is that so wrong? I didn't have other intentions when I suggested it" Jungkook said honestly.
"Oh please I know.. and we see each other everyday at home how would that be any different"
"Guess you're right. Have fun" Jungkook faked a smile and Tae scoffed.
"Are you going to go to the cabin now that I cancelled?"
"I am. It's better than being all by myself" Jungkook answered and Tae just nodded.
Jungkook left.
'why must he make me feel so guilty? He always does that' Tae thought to himself.
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