Chapter 2
*Next Day*
"Taehyung ah your phone keeps ringing"
"It's Jungkook I know" Taehyung answered.
"Um why are you not answering??" Jimin asked puzzled.
"He needs to stop being so controlling Min.. I'm getting so frustrated I might just end up hat-" Taehyung stopped himself.
But Jimin knew what Taehyung was going to say.
'I might just end up hating him?'
Taehyung regretted even thinking like that but what made him think more was how easily it came out of his mouth.
Jimin on the other hand was shocked. Was this the same Taehyung who used to pine over Jungkook just a year ago?
"I should go. I promised Bogumie hyung for breakfast" Taehyung left without making eye contact.
Jimin decided to let it go.. it was not his place to interfere anyway.
Yoongi knocked on Jungkook's door for the tenth time and decided to use the spare key. It was weird to have Jungkook's key even though Tae used to live with him. But Tae was hardly ever there so Yoongi wasn't surprised to see Jungkook sulking on his bed.
"Trouble in paradise?" Yoongi sat next to him.
"He left to Jimin's place last night and isn't answering my calls."
"He always does that and you get all worked up. Then he comes back like nothing happened"
"Hyung don't put it that way.."
"Whatever jungkook... I love Tae I really do but this is not right." Yoongi shook his head.
"Get ready champ. The game is in 3 hours" Yoongi ruffled Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook nodded.
"Thanks for breakfast Hyung" Tae smiled.
"Don't mention it Tae.. are you going to the game?"
"What game?" Tae asked.
"Jungkook is playing tonight right?" Bogum thought for a second before asking.
Ahh shit
"Oh that game? Of course I'm going. You?"
"Yes can I come with you, I have no one to go with"
They walked to the field and saw the players warming up. "Banners!" A girl was screaming and Tae stopped by like always.
"Taehyung ah we have a special one for you" The girl smiled and showed him a huge banner made for Jungkook specifically. It had hearts all over it and was embellished but cute.
"No way. Give me the regular one" Tae answered grossed out.
"But um aren't you his boyfriend? It'll cheer him up and we'll win!" The girl tried to convince him.
"Cheer him up?! That's partial don't you think? We're here for the school" Bogum spoke.
Taehyung took another look at the Jungkook banner before buying the regular one.
"Now what do we do with this" the girl murmured to herself. Taehyung wanted to tell her that it was such an unnecessary thing to do but before he could-
"I'll take that"
It was Namjoon. Jungkook's best friend.
"Anything to cheer my buddy" He winked at the girl who smiled gratefully. "We all know how much Tae loves him so he'll hold it, right Tae?" Namjoon looked at Tae skeptically.
Taehyung wanted to protest but just nodded and took the banner.
Namjoon walked away but his smile disappeared.
"His friends are jerks" Bogum spoke.
"Mm what was that?" Taehyung asked.
"Nothing" Bogum shook his head and they walked to the front seats.
The game started and Jungkook was visibly distracted.
"What the heck is he doing" Taehyung whispered to himself.
"I know right! We're gonna lose because of him" Bogum added. Tae gasped when he realised Bogum actually heard him.
"don't you dare" the girl on Bogum's left threatened him for speaking of their captain like that.
But Jungkook was the captain after all, he picked up in a few minutes and they won. The crowd cheered!
Taehyung smiled and they decided to walk up to the team.
"Jungkook" Bogum called out. Jungkook looked their way and walked with a tight smile. Yoongi was watching.
"Tae and I decided to congratulate you!" Bogum feigned a laugh.
Jungkook didn't even know what to say to that. Taehyung was his boyfriend so why is Bogum talking for him?
"That's nice hyung but I'd rather MY BOYFRIEND speak to me himself"
"Wow okay" Bogum stepped back.
"What the fuck??" Tae yelled at Jungkook. "Why would you say that to him?? I actually thought -"
"Tae let's take this home. Everyone's watching-"
"Let them watch! I don't care.. Respect my friends Jungkook!" Tae walked off and Bogum jogged to him.
Jungkook sighed and walked back to his teammates. No one said a thing except Yoongi who cursed under his breath.
"Let's go get drinks?" Mingyu suggested.
"That's the shit bro!"
"Yeah guys I'll pass I need to-" Jungkook began.
"No way In hell. You're coming" Yoongi stated and Jungkook didn't protest further.
"Jungkook ah we were planning to kick Bogum out of school what do you say" Mingyu suggested.
Jungkook giggled half drunk.
"He's Tae's friend"
"I'm sure he does black magic. Taehyung changed as soon as they got close I swear" Mingyu rolled his eyes.
"He's still the same Taehyungie.. A little cranky that's all" Jungkook smiled reassuring himself.
"I really hope so"
"Here's the check" the waitress gave Jungkook.
Jungkook took the check and they all paid for their drinks.
Before Jungkook was leaving, the girl nudged his arm and he turned back.
"Um hi I'm Millie... Sorry I'm awkward" she put her locks behind her ear, "can I get your number?"
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