Chapter 19
"What is it, Taehyung?"
Taehyung was wondering about how Bogum didn't even stop them. He didn't even care. Had he already managed to convince Jungkook?
"Taehyung?" Tae voiced.
"Yes Taehyung?"
"Why are you calling me Taehyung instead of Tae? I understand you don't call me baby anymore. But back to Taehyung?"
"Hey no it's not that deep... What's wrong Tae?" Jungkook asked again.
"You know the things I said in the beginning? Of me suddenly meeting you at the game and such?"
"Ah that.. I know it was made up."
"What? He told you!" Tae panicked.
"Who? Hobi hyung told me.. long back"
"How did he?"
"Well Bogum told him. Jimin was trying to hit on him so he distanced himself. He told me just in case I wanted to, you know?"
"You wanted to what?"
"Leave you.." Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair.
"You didn't want to?"
"I was disheartened for a second but then I thought about the intention. You just wanted an outlet"
"Yeah.." Tae looked down. "So you aren't angry?"
"Are you crazy? No.. and why now? There's no point"
"That's true but I didn't want it to spoil my future chances"
Jungkook smiled. "Don't worry too much"
Tae smiled and walked to Jimin's class. That was the reason Jimin hated Bogum. He went through the same.
"Why didn't you tell me Minie?"
"Tell you what?"
"That Bogum threatened you"
"You were happy with Jungkook and I didn't want to scare you... And when you got close to Bogum I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen"
"You lost Hobi hyung because of that"
"I found him again.. He forgave me the next week but I didn't feel confident to pursue him again so I settled to being friends"
"Oh Jimin" Tae hugged him. "I'm sorry"
"It's not your fault"
"It is.. you've always been there for me. And I wasn't there for you"
"It's alright Tae.. now go to your class"
"Oh yeah" Tae smiled and went to his class.
Taehyung walked to class with a smile on his face. He was feeling hopeful today. He sat on his usual seat.
"I knew you guys went downhill but I didn't know Jungkook was banging already" a girl laughed.
"Hm?" Tae asked her.
"I know that's Jungkook.. it's obvious but don't worry I won't say"
"What are you talking about?"
"You haven't seen?"
She pulled out her phone. "Here I took a screenshot. Isn't she like a great actress in the states? I wonder how Jungkook managed that"
"There's no face but we both know that's Jungkook"
"Yeah it's him.. What's about it? "
She looked at the phone and laughed at her mistake. "Ah sorry" she swiped the picture.
"Oh my god" Tae gasped and ran out of the classroom.
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