Chapter 11
Jimin got the door and frowned when he saw Bogum. "Tae's not home"
"Really?" Bogum smirked.
"Hey!" Tae popped from his room.
"Let's go?"
Tae nodded and got his jacket.
"You're going somewhere?" Jimin asked Tae.
"Out for lunch that's all" Tae hugged Jimin and they left.
Jimin shook his head. He hated Bo so much. But he never succeeded in convincing Tae not to hang out with the manipulative bastard.
"What do you want to eat ?" Bogum asked Tae.
"Red sauce pasta" Tae smiled.
Bogum pursed his lips. "That's Jungkook's favourite and you hate it"
"Well I like it now"
"See this is what. You remember what I said to you the day we met?"
Tae looked away and nodded.
"Your identity had become 'Jungkook's boyfriend' and not Taehyung. But now you've changed, you're Kim Taehyung. People think of you as 'YOU'."
Tae nodded "Yeah but they hate me".
"That's because Jungkook is playing victim card, come on. Don't forget how controlling he is. We've seen it in multiple occasions. If my partner had problem with my friends, I'd dump him too"
Bogum saw Tae thinking and continued, "You remember the day he punched me? Just because I became your friend? That was the day I knew he thought of you as his property. I even told you remember? I could have just walked away and continued to mind my own business. But it felt wrong. When I saw your friends do nothing, I knew I had to save you"
"Do you think I love him?"
"Jungkook? You think you do but you don't. He's put you in that position. You are right where he needs you to be"
"Where?" Tae asked.
"You will become the weak Tae again and he'll come like your prince. You'll be grateful that he forgave you but for what? You did nothing wrong! You were establishing boundaries"
"But those boundaries were harsh now that I think of it"
"It's already working" Bogum laughed.
"It's working. You're already repenting and idk for what? He doesn't deserve you. He realised that but he wants you begging him"
Tae would normally agree to anything Bo said. Bogum was a psychology major and Tae trusted him with these things. But today he wasn't able to.
"I'll talk to him" Tae started eating.
"He's going to tell you he needs time anyway" Bogum scoffed. "These are games trust me. I study about them"
"Hmm" Tae hummed and they ate the rest of the food in silence.
Tae decided to walk back home and decided to call Jungkook on the way. It rang for awhile before he heard the sleepy voice.
"Is everything okay?" He heard Jungkook on the other line.
"Yes I-"
'No baby' was the first thing Tae thought. "Jungkook I don't know why I called just wanted to talk.
"Tae.. it's 2 am and honestly I need time"
This always happened. Bogum's prediction would always turn out to be true and Tae had no reason not to trust him. Normally he'd jump to conclusions and start with the accusations but something told him not to.
He wanted to scream 'You're playing games with me' but instead he said, "Okay take care"
Neither of them cut the call and listened to each other's breathing. Soon, Jungkook cut the call and Tae sighed.
"What's going on with me" He yelled and people looked at him weirdly. He ran home, he wanted to sleep.
He practically ran into Jungkook's room and cried to himself. Jimin was not expecting that.
"Tae! Shit did he hurt you??"
"What happened? You're scaring me!"
"Is it the mind reading shit he does?"
"What?" Tae looked up.
"Bogum his mind-"
"Not again hyung.. we've spoken about this. Bogum is a good friend"
"Whatever tell me what happened then"
"I called Jungkook"
"What... Why?"
"I don't know"
"Tae you need to figure out what you want.. this is like games you know? That may not be your intention but-"
"He's the one playing games!" Tae whined.
"Who Jungkook?"
"Yes! He has me where he wants me to be! He's playing games with me'" Tae cried.
"What the fuck tae? You're back to square 1 again. You were doing so good"
Tae wiped his years and sat up.
"Playing games? What games? You were the one who wanted to break up, he agreed this time. And then you wanted him back and he did not want to. Seems like a very clear situation. No mind games nothing."
"But Bogum said"
"He says million things. People were jealous of what you and Jungkook had. It was wonderful, no wonder he wanted to intrude. But whenever I bring this topic you don't like it so I won't say anything" Jimin got up.
"Um would you think I was dating Bogum if you were a stranger?"
"I don't know... Sometimes you are all over each other but your talks are not couple types"
"So we act like a couple?"
"Tae I'm no one to speak on that... But I wouldn't like someone hugging and tickling Hobi hyung in front of me"
"Jungkook didn't like it too"
"It's natural but he must have spoken to you about it... Communication is the key"
'He tried didn't he?' Tae thought to himself.
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