Legacy (Part II)
"I think we got off on the wrong foot," I said, holding out my hand. "I'm Gabriel."
"Enzo," he said, although he didn't shake my hand.
"People usually don't like to be around me," I said, walking with him to class.
"Why?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.
"Everyone's afraid of my father," I said with a casual shrug.
"Who is he, the grim reaper?" he joked.
"Worse, my dad is William Craig."
Enzo stood still and stared at me. "But my father is..." he whispered, before cutting himself off.
I knew what he was going to say but Dad had warned me not to reveal anything.
He stuck out his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Gabriel."
And there it was.
I'd successfully made first contact, but moving forward would require tact and cunning. I needed to get Enzo to trust me completely before I started asking questions.
"Is the empty seat next to you still taken?" he asked, flashing a perfect pearly white smile.
Enzo and I got along spectacularly well. It was honestly refreshing to have what seemed like a real friend, even though I would ultimately have to fulfill my agenda.
I didn't have to fake interest in the things he told me, nor did I have to pretend to laugh at his dark sense of humor.
We went from doing our class work together to collaborating on all homework assignments within the first two weeks.
At first, we studied in the school library. I didn't want him anywhere near my home and he clearly didn't want to flaunt his rebellion to his parents.
When Dad started to push for results, I admitted that a public space in school wasn't the best environment for asking the kind of questions that would further our cause. I was shocked when he suggested that Enzo and I use the downtown apartment to study and chill.
I told my new best friend that I'd stolen the spare key so we could sample some of the family product. I technically had access to everything available on the black market but I wasn't going to poison myself with anything beyond weed.
Getting stoned with Enzo was fun and he even loosened up enough to tell me things that no one else knew.
His first revelation was that the way he dressed was all an act. He did it to actively piss off his father because he truly hated the man.
When I tentatively asked why, he ignored me. Instead, he went to the bathroom and returned ten minutes later without any makeup and his hair combed neatly to one side.
I'd always found him nice to look at but now I couldn't help but gasp. He was breathtaking.
"And...?" he asked, looking self conscious. How long had he been hiding behind his self-imposed armor?
"You look very... different," I said, desperately trying to hide my reaction.
"Shall I tell you something else?" he asked, his eyes slightly red from the weed.
"Yes," I breathed.
He walked up to me and caressed my cheek before saying, "I've been wanting to kiss you, since the day I first saw your beautiful scar touched face."
I swallowed and closed my eyes, desperately hoping that I'd either wake up from this dream or feel his tongue in my mouth.
Apparently, I wasn't dreaming and the kiss seemed to last forever.
Fuck! Now what?
I quickly lost track of the mission, because I was too busy... fucking.
Enzo and I had slowly built up the courage to take things further and further, whilst I told Dad that I was winning his trust thanks to our time spent alone.
Enzo was now the only drug I needed and when I couldn't touch him, it only further fueled the unquenchable desire to have my way with him the moment I could.
His sweet musky smell would drive me wild, releasing a different kind of animal inside me; one that wanted to explore every possible form of pleasure.
Neither of us cared who ended up fucking who and we were continually chasing the next orgasm; something our young bodies provided in abundance.
I'd convinced myself that I'd eventually get back on track but I also didn't want to. I couldn't get out of my deal with Dad but neither could I lose Enzo.
Eventually, I'd have to make a choice but for now I just wanted to live in bliss, away from the hell that had been my youth.
"Have you ever thought about running away?" Enzo asked, after fucking away my sanity under the thick blankets.
"I can't," I said in all honesty. "I could never leave my sister behind, and my dad would never stop looking for us."
"My dad is a hypocrite," he admitted. "He claims to be on the side of justice but I know for a fact that he's not."
"I don't follow," I said, instinctively. I wanted him to tell me more but secretly hoped that it wouldn't be enough for Dad to make a move.
"Three years ago, my father was involved in a fatal hit and run. He used his influence to make it go away but in my eyes he'll always be a murderer."
Holy fuck! This was it, this was my holy grail. I needed this to buy my freedom but why did it feel like I was already free?
If I gave this information to Dad, there was no guarantee that he'd keep his word but Enzo would surely find out and never want to speak to me ever again.
It was a dilemma I couldn't solve in this moment in time and space, so I did what I'd been doing for the last two weeks. I climbed on top of Enzo, encouraging a round two.
I craved the existential escape that came with euphoria, I wanted him to fuck me forever so I didn't have to make an impossible choice.
I'd been procrastinating for three whole days. I had what I needed but every time I saw Enzo's face... I just couldn't.
We were going to meet up later on but I'd promised to help Isabella with a project first.
When I arrived at the apartment, I immediately realized there was something wrong. The door was open and I could hear yelling from inside.
The scene I walked into at first didn't seem real. Dad held Enzo by the front of his hoodie and was savagely beating his beautiful face.
"How dare you defile my son, you twisted piece of shit!" Dad screamed, as his fist hit again.
For a second, I was frozen to the ground until Enzo's eyes met mine. I didn't know how much more of this punishment he could take, so I reacted on instinct.
Grabbing the gun that Dad had left on the kitchen table, I screamed, "Get off him!"
My father clearly knew I'd show up at some point because he didn't seem surprised when he turned to face me.
"Put that down! We both know you don't have the balls to use it!" Dad growled menacingly.
He walked towards me, confident that I'd do nothing. He'd first deal with me and then continue to beat up Enzo.
I couldn't let that happen, I had to be free, I had to...
The bullet obliterated my father's right knee; our signature warning message.
As he lay on the floor, cackling madly in between pained screams, he breathed, "You're finally one of us, Gabriel. You've finally become me!"
"No, Dad," I said, coldly. "You hurt people for personal gain, I shot you for love."
My father's delirious laughter continued, as I grabbed an ice pack for Enzo's face. I carefully kissed his lips, and handed him my phone.
"Call your dad, I can give him enough to put my father away for a long, long time."
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