"I don't know. She doesn't look like a chocolate girl." I say to Taehyung who frowns. "Every girl is a chocolate girl. Unless they're allergic to it of course."
"Exactly! What if she's allergic to it and like dies?"
He rolls his eyes, "Jimin, she's not going to eat it if she's allergic."
"I don't know." I reply unsure. He sighs putting the chocolate bar back in his book bag. "Fine, well give her this then. It's the only other candy I have. It's heart shaped so she's gonna be like aww and she's going to want to have your babies for sure."
"I'm a hundred percent sure that's not how it works, Taehyung. How do you even get girlfriends?"
"My amazing looks and personality."
"Sure whatever."
"Are you giving her the lollipop or not?" He questions. I grab the candy and shrug, "I don't know. What if she thinks this is too perverted?"
"What the hell? Why would she?"
"Well because it's a lollipop. What if she thinks I'm giving it to her because I want her to suck my dick or something?"
"Isn't that what you want?"
"Yeah but I don't want to be too straight forward."
"Jimin, you're overthinking this way too much. It sounds like you're legit crushing on, Yoonji. You're like 'what do I give her? Is this too perverted? Will she like it?' Like are you—"
"No! No. Eww. I'm not catching feelings for her okay? I just want my 120 dollars so I can buy me some new shoes. Duh."
A loud knocking on the gym door makes me drop the lollipop. It cracks and breaks making the heart uneven.
"Shit." I mumble picking it up.
"Guys hurry up. Class is starting." Our coach screams.
"I can't give her this now." I say annoyed as we walk out of the locker room. I shove the broken lollipop in my shorts pocket as we go down the hall towards the gym.
"Well you better give her something because looks like someone's interested in, Yoonji." Taehyung says.
"What?" I ask walking in after him. Immediately, I spot Yoonji's vibrant oversized shirt a few feet away.
She's not alone. In fact she's talking to a guy and she's smiling. Smiling. It's taken me days to even get her to look at me.
A heat starts spreading from my stomach to my face. The guy turns his face a little and I recognize his face.
"Why the fuck is she talking to Yugyeom?"
"Who knows, but you might have competition now."
"Shut up." I reply rolling my eyes and looking away.
As soon as I sit down next to Yoonji she looks at me confused. An open book is on her thighs and she's got sticky notes all over the page.
"Are you following me around?"
"I never see you in the library." She says closing the book.
"I come here all the time. You just never see me."
"Sure." She mumbles uninterested. A familiar feeling of anger starts spreading all over me. Why does she act like this towards me but not with, Yugyeom?
"So whats up with you and Yugyeom?"
"Yeah. I saw you talking to him during gym class today."
"So? You've never talked to him. Why's he talking to you now?"
"I don't know. He came up to me."
"Ah and you sacrificed yourself talking to him huh?"
She glares at me with a scowl, "Whats with the attitude, Park? Are you my daddy or something?"
"I could be if you'd stop playing hard to get."
"What?" She exclaims.
"My point is I don't think you should talk to him. He's a big flirt and he might hurt your feelings. Plus, he doesn't appreciate your style like I do."
"And you're not a flirt? I think I should worry about you not Yugyeom."
"You're hurting my feelings, Yoonji."
"Yeah! I actually have a heart okay?"
"Okay." She replies rolling her eyes.
I pull out the broken lollipop that I've been carrying around ever since gym class. "This is for you."
She takes the broken candy in her hands. "It's supposed to be a heart, but since you hurt my feelings it broke."
"You're so exaggerated." She replies with a small laugh.
"At least I made you laugh. Although, Yugyeom made you smile in five minutes."
"Would you drop it? What's your big deal with Yugyeom?"
"You know what's my deal." I whisper leaning closer to her face.
She looks down at my lips and then at my eyes. "I have to get going. I'm going to be late." She gets up from corner where we're sitting at and starts walking out the library.
Her skirt goes up a little giving me a glimpse of her upper thigh. Will she ever let me touch them?
"We have to stop him."
"We? You have to stop him." Jin corrects.
"Come on guys. You have to help me. Yugyeom was hardcore flirting with, Yoonji." I glare in Yugyeom's direction who happens to be hanging out by his car with a few of his friends.
"That's your problem. We're trying to get you to not win." Jungkook says with a chuckle.
"Seriously Jungkook? Come on this isn't about the bet anymore. I'm just so worried that he will get her before I do. This is like an obsession now."
"How are we supposed to help you?" Hoseok asks.
My eyes dart directly to Jungkook. "Oh no." He says before I can even speak.
"Come on! Aren't you bisexual? He's bisexual too!"
"Taehyung's bisexual as well! Why do I have to do it?"
"Hey, hey, I'm into Jisoo right now. So I can't. He's hot though." Taehyung replies looking at him.
"Jungkook, please. Just like flirt or something."
"No, no."
"But you're bisexual!" I repeat.
"What the fuck does my sexuality have to do with this?"
"Jungkook, admit it. Isn't he hot? Like I'm straight, but he's like a sex god. Look at him."
Jungkook turns to look at Yugyeom and shrugs, "Yeah he's hot, but I'm not flirting with him because first of all why would I help you? I'm trying not to lose my thirty bucks."
"Fine just talk to him. When he sees you he will be like damn forget Yoonji, I like guys."
"I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way." Hoseok says.
"Yeah." Jungkook agrees.
"Come onnnnn."
"Fine, but I'm not flirting I'm just talking to him alright? If he keeps talking to Yoonji then you have to solve that."
"Thank you so much! Now I have another problem."
"What now?" Jin asks.
"Jennie. She seems to still be into me. I need someone to get her off my back."
They rolls their eyes and continue smoking cigarettes. I turn to my only two options left.
"Jin, Hoseok, would one of you volunteer?"
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