"Nice to see you again. Are you in a better mood?" I ask plopping next to Yoonji. We're currently in detention and we happen to be the only two here. Not even the teacher is here yet.
She turns to look at me with a frown plastered on her face. "Guess not." I say once I see her face.
"I find it stupid that I got detention for something like that."
"I got detention for skipping lunch. That's stupider."
"No my reason is stupider." She claims grabbing her hair harshly.
"Don't pull your hair too hard. What if your weave falls off?" I joke laughing.
"It's not a weave Park Jimin," she hisses bitterness in her voice. "Pull my hair and you'll see."
"Pull your hair huh? Is that your secret kink? You like hair pulling?"
"I will shove this pencil through your eye."
She rolls her eyes turning her face away from mine. "Okay, okay, sorry. I'll stop the jokes."
"You call those jokes? I thought jokes were supposed to make you laugh not make you want to throw yourself out the window?"
"You're different you know?"
"Well I'm myself so I hope I'm different."
"Hey do you want to be partners?"
Her eyes widen in surprisment as her perfect lips part. "What?"
"Our teacher for third period is making us do a partner project. She explained it before you moved here and told us we could think of who we'd want as partners."
"Your point is?"
"I want you."
"What?" She whispers almost breathless.
"Yeah I want you to be my partner."
"Oh. Well I don't want to be your partner."
"Are you sure about that? Who else are you going to partner up with huh?"
"Ugh. Fine. Let's be partners or whatever."
"You won't regret it doll."
"Drop it with the pet names." She mumbles looking away. I'm a hundred percent sure she's blushing.
I laugh at her cuteness and this only flusters her more. The detention teacher walks in and rolls his eyes when he sees me here once again.
"Park Jimin you again?"
"Hey Mr. Choi. Nice to see one more time."
"Who's the new lady you've drawn into trouble?"
"She's Min Yoonji my girlfriend."
Mr. Choi rolls his eyes, "Another one? Weren't you just with that other little lady the other day?"
"I have no idea who you're referring to Mr. Choi. My heart beats only for Yoonji. If you hear close enough you can heart my thumps whispering Yoonji, Yoonji, Yoonji."
"Drop the act Jimin. You two are to complete these packages before you leave." He throws two heavy packets to me.
I hand one to Yoonji who's face is red as a tomato. I'm guessing it's because of my comment. She simply takes the packet and starts doing it.
"Yoonji wait!"
She picks up her speed and ends up tripping down a step causing her to fall.
"Holy fuck. Let me help you." I try to help her up, but she doesn't let me. "Don't be so stubborn child."
"Child? I'm older than you!"
"You're right. Sorry noona." I say with a quiet growl. She wrinkles her nose in disgust. "You make me sick, Park Jimin. Literally sick."
"Come on let me help you." This time when I extend my hand she take it getting up. She winces as I look down at her bloody knees.
"Clumsy girl."
"It was your fault for chasing me and causing me to trip."
"Chasing you? I was trying to get your attention I wasn't chasing you."
She tries to walk, but I can tell she's in pain. "Let me help you."
"How are you going to help me exactly?"
Without thinking about it twice, I take her book bag carrying it myself and then pick her up in my arms. "What are you doing you freak?"
"I'm helping you that's what I'm doing."
"Put me down." She says freaking out. Her legs up closer look even more amazing. She's grabbing her skirt making sure not to show her panties.
It's not like anyone's going to see. It's after school hours so no ones around unless they have sports practice.
"I'm taking you to the nurse."
"Don't be fucking exaggerated. Let me down."
"Too late."
I go back indoor and head down the aisle where the nurses office is located. "I don't need to see a nurse. My brothers waiting for me."
"He can wait a few more minutes."
Luckily, the nurse is still in her office. I gently put Yoonji on the chair. "What happened to you dear?"
"I tripped." She mumbles quietly.
"Can you take off your socks for me?"
Yoonji slowly puts her dirty ripped socks down exposing her whole legs. They're pale. Extremely pale. Her skin is almost translucent.
They look so soft and perfect. It makes my mouth water at the sight. This bet might not be much of a sacrifice at all.
After the nurse disinfects her scrapes she puts bandaids over them. "Thank you." She whispers.
"You're welcome. Just make sure to keep on disinfecting your scratches so they don't get infected."
"Okay I will."
As soon as Yoonji gets up I grab her by the arm and help her walk. "I could carry you if you'd like." I whisper in her ear.
Her hair smells like flowers. It smells so, so, good. She clears her throat. "No. I can walk now."
"Alright. Let me at least hold your arm then."
"Don't you have practice Park Jimin?"
"Yeah. I'm going to run late."
"Then why don't you get going? I can walk by myself trust me."
"And let a beautiful vulnerable pretty lady walk by herself all the way to the parking lot? I think not."
"Yeah I bet you say that to other girls as well."
"Me? What? No. Never. My eyes are only for you doll."
Her arm tenses at the same time her breath hitches. This makes me smirk proudly. She can't resist my charm forever.
"Don't think I'm going to believe that. I know your type."
"What's my type exactly?"
"A popular flirty guy that can get any girl he wants. You think you can get to me simply because of your charm, but you won't."
"You can only resist it for so long." I reply bopping her nose lightly. She flinches surprised making me laugh.
"Yoonji! What happened to you?" Namjoon asks running towards us as soon as he sees us.
"I tripped and fell." She embarrassingly says.
He takes Yoonjis arm away from mine and gives me a cold look. "I took her to the nurse." I tell him, hoping this makes him hate me less.
If he doesn't like me it's possible that he tells Yoonji shit about me and I'm not losing 120 dollars.
"Let's go. Ma must be waiting." Namjoon says grabbing Yoonjis book bag from me and walking to their car.
She turns to look at me and I give her a smile and a wink. She quickly turns around timidly. My smile only gets wider.
I will get you in my bed one day, Yoonji.
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