"I can't believe I missed a day of school and you already fucked the new girl." Jin says in astonishment.
"I haven't done that yet. I mean I know I'm a good seducer, but I think the new girl actually has dignity. So it's going to take longer than a day."
"Then where did you take her after class?" Hoseok questions as they all lean in closer for details.
"The park and to walk around town."
"The park? To walk around? What the hell?"
"I need to win her somehow. She's really complicated and she's like super weird."
"What do you mean?" Taehyung asks.
"Like I touched her shoulder and she freaked out. If she freaks out when I touch her shoulder can you imagine if I try to grab her ass or something? She will probably punch me and she hits really hard."
"Awww. So what I'm understanding is that the newbie is too much for Park Jimin." Taehyung teases with a laugh.
"Is she too much handle?" Jungkook smirks.
"No! No girl is ever too much for Park Jimin. I will get in her pants okay? I just need more time."
"Talking about her..." Jin says with a grin. We watch as Yoonji gets off the passengers seat from a black car.
My friends and I are currently hanging outside of Hoseok's car in the parking lot. Yoonji happened to show up like she usually does when we're talking about her.
Her brothers is the one driving because I'm guessing that he's the one with the license. I still find it odd that a nineteen year old doesn't have her license yet.
Today she's wearing a fuzzy white sweater with ugly ass colorful dots and a denim skirt. Her socks today are also white with fruits as the patterns.
Is this girl ever matching?
"Every time I see her style I die a little. She has wonderful legs though." Taehyung's lips slowly curve into a sinful smile.
"That's something I'm looking forward to touching." I chuckle.
"If you manage to do it." Jungkook adds.
"You swear I'm going to loose."
"If you do loose you have to pay us each thirty bucks." He says in a cocky tone.
"Excuse me what? That was not the deal."
"No, but it's not fair we're betting money and you're just betting getting laid."
"Yeah, but she's like weird and she's hard to get and she's exasperating!"
"But she has boobs, a vagina, and amazing legs so we're the ones loosing in this."
"You're the one that started this whole bet."
"If you're not scared to loose then you have nothing to worry about. You won't have to pay us anything if you're so sure you can get in her panties."
At moments like these I wonder why the fuck am I friends with Jeon Jungkook. Not only is he getting me into serious shit, but he's also manipulative as hell!
"Fine. Get ready to give me your thirty bucks because I'm not losing."
"Ooh this just got intense." Hoseok says with a grin.
"Whatever. Let's get to class."
What should I tell Yoonji today? Should I flirt again? No, she'll probably beat the shit out of me.
Should I leave her cute notes in her locker? No, what if her brother sees them and then he's the one that beats the shit of of me?
Speaking of Yoonji—like I've invoked her— she walks in class. On her way to her seat she almost trips over a girls book bag who looks up to see her.
"Nice outfit." She mocks while her friends laugh at Yoonji.
Yoonji continues walking until she sits beside me. She puts her books on the table and rests her face on her hands.
"I like your style." I say quietly.
"Are you just making fun of me now?" She resentfully asks with a bright red face.
"No, no! I'm being serious. Don't listen to those girls. Your style is great."
She ignores my comment and turns her face away from mine.
"I can't believe this bullshit." I mumble annoyed staring at my pink slip. Getting detention for skipping lunch is stupid as hell.
Lunch is supposed to be the students "free" time so why are we forced to be in a cafeteria for forty five minutes?
I'm walking outside through the court yard when a familiar short haired doll-like girl catches my eye.
Yoonji is sitting literally in the middle of the courtyard in a criss crossed position. The warm wind is making her hair go all over the place.
"Why're you here?" I ask once I've sat down in front of her.
"Because I want to be."
"Aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"I have to go to the office."
"Wow your third day here and you're already getting in trouble. Nice."
She shrugs unconcerned.
"What did you do?"
She finally looks at me, her hair is being all wild and sticking to her glossy lips.
"My gym teacher got mad at me."
"Today after class she told me I wasn't allowed to change in the bathroom anymore. Apparently some shithead complained about me dressing in the bathroom that's in the locker room. The teacher told me that's not what the bathrooms there for and that I'm supposed to change where the rest of the girls do."
"Then why don't you?"
"Because I don't want to. I don't even know those girls to show them my boobs and shit."
"You're right. Your teacher is stupid for getting mad over that. So just because of that she sent you to the office?"
"Well I also got a bit snappy and she said I had an attitude so sent me to the office. I'm just over it and with this school."
"At least you have me." I say playfully nudging her. I quickly stop when I remember she's not a touchy person.
"You look like you need to say what you're feeling. Don't bottle it up or one day you'll explode when you least expect it."
"I've just had a shitty day."
"Tell me about it then."
"First of all, those girls in class today really pissed me off. I know they said that comment to mock me and my style. Then after that in gym class I got scolded for changing in the bathroom when no one even uses that shitty ass toilet. Well I say fuck them. I like my sense of style and I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't dress to impress no one but myself. I'm going to change wherever the fuck I want even if it's in a shitty ass stall that no one uses. Fuck them all."
I smile at Yoonji. She really is something else. The way she expresses herself so bluntly is amazing. Most people are afraid to say what they think but not her and it's pretty surprising.
"You're my kind of girl."
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