"What did Yoonji say about the picture? Is she okay?"
"She's fine, Hoseok. We fixed everything."
There's clear disappointment in his eyes but he quickly shakes it off.
"Why did you take a picture with her? Come Jimin that's like a vital rule. You're never supposed to take pictures with anyone because when you end it with them things like this happen." Jungkook states taking a bite of his cookie.
"That's cannibalism Kookie!" Taehyung laughs snatching the cookie from his hands.
"Hey that's mine!"
"We were never a thing! It was a one night hookup."
"Yeah, but you did take her out for like a month before she gave it to you. She got attached duh. Women get attached when they have sex. When they sleep with a man they think with their heart not their dick like we do."
"I didn't know she was going to get attached, Jin! How was I supposed to know? I've hooked up with many girls before and none of them have gotten attached or had sex with me thinking with their heart or whatever you said."
"Well it happened and I have a feeling she won't let go that easy." Hoseok says looking in Jennie's direction. She's with a few of her friends laughing at something.
"I can't even—agh."
"Had you just finished sleeping with her after she took that picture?" Taehyung questions tilting his head and staring at his phone.
I grab his phone and see the picture is still on Instagram. "She didn't take it down!"
"Obviously not if it's still there." Jin replies.
"You never even answered my question."
"It doesn't even matter, but yeah it was the first night we hooked up." I mumble remembering the night. I don't like to think about it because it makes me feel like I'm mentally cheating on, Yoonji.
"How am I supposed to get her off me? I don't want her to be attached to me. I mean she's cool and we had a very good time, but I don't like her."
"Tell her straight up." Jungkook suggests.
"Or else she will keep trying and that might push Yoonji away." Taehyung adds.
I turn my head to look at Jennie one more time. When she turns her gaze towards me I quickly turn away.
On the other side of the lunch room Yoonji is talking to her brother. She catches me looking and smiles while waving enthusiastically. I return the smile and the wave.
"Yeah. I might not have another option."
She turns around almost too quickly a surprised look on her face. "Jimin. What are . . . what?"
"Can I speak to you?"
She turns to her cheerleaders, "I'll be right back ladies. Keep stretching when I come back we will start our cheers."
We start walking away while the cheerleaders start whispering and mumbling things. "This must be important if you're interrupting cheer practice."
"Jennie why did you post that picture?"
"What picture? I post almost everyday, Jimin. It's hard to keep tract."
"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Hmmm. No, I don't." She replies with a smile.
"The picture you posted Saturday of you and I."
"Ahhh, that one."
"Yes that one. Why did you post it?"
"Because I had no new pictures to post."
"Jennie, I know you did it to bother, Yoonji."
"Who's Yoonji?" She chuckles.
"She's my—" the word girlfriend won't come out because technically Yoonji isn't my girlfriend, yet.
"You know I'm into her."
Jennie looks away trying to avoid eye contact. She has a hurt expression on her face. "Whatever."
"Can you take the picture down? I messaged you about it."
"It's just a picture, Jimin."
"It doesn't matter. Just take it down, please."
"You know someone reported it. I wonder who it was. My best guess is your little friend." She grins purring her hand on my shoulder.
I step back and she comes forward. "Jimin, why do you deny our feelings? I know you liked me. I felt it when we were together." She leans in trying to kiss me. I turn my face not letting her do it.
"Jennie, listen I just . . ."
"You shouldn't even be with her! Why did you just dumped me like I meant nothing? What does she have that I don't?"
She looks on the verge of tears and it hits me pretty hard. The realization that I played with her feelings is falling over me like iced water. I've done this to other girls and not once did I even stop to think about their feelings. It didn't matter to me. All I wanted was to win a bet and to get laid.
"I'm sorry, Jennie. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have played with your feelings, but I thought we were both on the same page. I thought we both wanted the same thing, just a few hookups. I didn't think you'd—"
"Well I did fall for you."
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't good enough sometimes, Jimin. I just hope that one day you won't regret this. I actually like you for real. Just stay with her, I don't see what she has that I don't. You'll regret it." She wipes her tears and walks away.
"Are you okay?" Yoonji asks snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I was saying that we should put this picture over here." She points to the poster and I nod my head.
"Yeah totally."
"Are you even listening to me? I'm trying to finish our project." She frowns annoyed.
"Sorry, I know I'm a bit distracted."
"A bit? You haven't listened to a word I've said."
"I know." I mumble embarrassed.
"What's bothering you?"
"I just . . . I talked to, Jennie."
"Oh. You did?"
"Yeah. What she said really hit me hard."
"Oh." Yoonji quietly says with a face.
"No, no. Nothing like that. It's just I feel bad for her."
"What did you do to her?"
"I thought we were just hooking up, but she actually likes me and—"
When I see Yoonji's face I immediately stop talking. "You slept with her?" She whispers. My face turns a bright red.
"Yes but that was the past!"
She stays silent and I scoot closer to her. "Don't get mad over it. It's done and over."
"I only have eyes for you. Remember?"
She nods her head and I caress her cheek pulling her in for a kiss. "You're so dangerous." I mumble against her lips.
"You make me weak, you make me crazy, you make me believe in the impossible."
@official_wang sent you a message!
i see you left me on read
don't say i didn't warn you
read 10:36 p.m.
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