You Again?
Hey guys, sorry its been awhile, I have a nice long chapter with our favorite monochrome clown here. 745 words in counting. Please vote and comment! Love you my little killers!
Your POV
I ran out of the house, in search of something to do. Since everything costs money, and I was broke, I decided to just wonder around town. People gave me weird looks since I was wearing a striped choker necklace, short black skirt, white shirt, and mismatch black and white socks. While I was at the store one guy even had to nerve to say something about it.
"Hey kid. The Gothic circus left months ago, but I think I know-" I stabbed him in his stomach and watched him bleed to death. He sat there twitching for a few moments after his death and I laughed insanely at the face he made right before he died. It was a mix of pure terror, pain, and hate.
Wiping some of the blood of my face I stepped around his dead corpse and payed for the items I bought. After I put my groceries away at my house, I went for a walk. It was almost sunset and I was aimlessly wandering through a forest nearby. Suddenly I bumped into someone and started to apologize.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." I said sheepishly. I looked up to see a shockingly familiar face.
"L-LJ....?" I didn't know whether to scream, cry, or hug him tightly.
Jack's POV
Is that....? NO. Cant be. (y/n) (l/n). Damn its been a while. Jesus crust her chest is HUGE. Out of nowhere she punched me in the stomach, causing me to groan in pain.
"The hell was that for?!" I yelled, holding my stomach in pain.
"For leaving me with that slut and not even saying goodbye!" (y/n) said coldly while turning away. A strange feeling, I believe Slendy described as 'guilt' washed over me. I didn't want to leave, but I had to..Not only to protect her life but also her virginity.
"I don't say this often so listen up." I said, causing her to turn back around and look at me questioningly. "I'm sorry..." I muttered, barely above a whisper. (y/n) smiled and hugged me, her chest rubbing against me a bit.
"Its fine, I'm just glad your back...I missed by best friend." I smirked and did my best to regain my psychopathic killer composure and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Dont be too glad Im back, you never know what I might decide to do to you in your sleep~" I whispered seductively in her ear.
Your POV
I had no idea how to react. I just stood there, frozen and flustered. Im pretty sure I was blushing a lot, but I didnt even take notice to it. LJ's insane laughter filled the forest and I had the slightest suspicion he was laughing at me.
"By the way Gumdrop, whats with the outfit? Trying to *clears his throat suggestively* impress someone?" Jack inquired.
"Can your ego get any bigger...? Trust me. I just felt like wearing it for my birthday-"
"oh, how old are you now?" He interrupted me, which I hate, but I stayed calm.
"Today I am officially 22!" I exclaim excitedly.
"YES! Your legal to f- NOTHING" LJ said, turning away slightly to hide his blush. I was blushing insanely and tried to stay cool, but failed by fainting.
Jack's POV
I cant believe I said that, and she heard me! I picked her up and carried her to her house. After laying her on her bed I decided to have a little fun. hehe. I slowly slid my hand up her leg, causing her breath to hitch a bit in her sleep. Hmm, what other reactions can I get from her? I ask myself while moving my hand to her almost fully developed chest and squeezing it lightly. She moaned quietly and I continued to grope her chest.
Soon her eyes shot open, but I was to busy groping her chest to notice.
"U-uhm..what the hell do you think your doing?" She asked, causing me instantly release my grip on her chest. I had to think of something, and quick.
"Your heartbeat is fine. Just checking since you passed out suddenly." I said as calmly as possible. Thank god she seemed to believe that.
"o-oh...thank you" (y/n) said smiling a bit. Well, this is gonna be an awkward night.
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